60-Byō Challenge! Luigi o Sukue!!

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Logo of 60-Byō Challenge! Luigi o Sukue!!

60-Byō Challenge! Luigi o Sukue!! is a video series that was produced and published weekly by Nintendo from September 14, 2020 to August 29, 2022. It was originally created for the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary event and it is a successor to the Nintendo-themed series Otona no 60-Byō Kōza: Nippon Zenkoku no Tabi (大人の60秒講座 日本全国の旅, "60-Second Course for Adults: Journey across Japan"). The videos are quizzes that were intended to be shown inside JR East trains, and as such have no audio; they were also published on Nintendo's website and their Instagram and LINE profiles.

Each video begins with Mario reaching Luigi, who is trapped in a cage above lava, in an area with three ? Blocks resembling the lava levels in Super Mario 3D World. Bowser then appears behind Mario, and a question is shown on screen. To free Luigi, Mario has to hit the ? Block that corresponds to the correct answer. If Mario hits the correct ? Block, a key is released and it unlocks the cage, which shocks Bowser if Mario is correct on the first try. If Mario hits an incorrect ? Block, the block breaks and the cage lowers closer to the lava. If Mario hits the other incorrect ? Block, the cage falls into the lava and Luigi breaks out of it due to the heat. Additional information about the answer is shown at the end of the video.

The series was succeeded by a Splatoon-themed series titled Splatoon Nawabari Quiz on September 5, 2022, which ran until August 28, 2023.


The following is a list of questions from the videos ordered by date. Correct answers are marked in green.

Date Theme Question Answers Link
September 14, 2020 話のさわり
Sawari of a story
What does "sawari" mean in "to listen to the sawari of a story"?
  • A: 最初 (Beginning)
  • B: 要点 (Main point)
  • C: 全体 (Entirety)
September 21, 2020 アライグマ
Which one among the three is a "raccoon"?
September 28, 2020 鶴の一声
The statement of the crane
"The statement of the crane" means that things are decided by a few words from someone with authority, but which phrase is the opposite?
  • A: スズメの千声 (The thousand voices of sparrows)
  • B: カラスの千声 (The thousand voices of crows)
  • C: ヒナの千声 (The thousand voices of hatchlings)
October 5, 2020 博学〇才
Which kanji fits in the blank space of the four-character idiom?
  • A: 天
  • B: 奇
  • C: 多a
October 12, 2020 ポリネシア
Which is the meaning of the Pacific archipelago "Polynesia"?
  • A: 大きな島々 (Large islands)
  • B: 火山の島々 (Volcanic islands)
  • C: 多くの島々 (Many islands)
October 19, 2020 正方形の面積
Area of a square
If the length of the sides of a square is increased by 10%, by what percentage does the area increase?
  • A: 20%
  • B: 21%
  • C: 22%
October 26, 2020
「項」is "" in on'yomi, but in kun'yomi it represents a certain part of the body. Where is it?
  • A: くるぶし (Ankle)
  • B: つむじ (Hair whorl)
  • C: うなじ (Nape)
November 2, 2020 ドッジボール
The kanji for soccer is "shūkyū". How do you write dodgeball?
  • A: 送球 (Sōkyū, Handball)
  • B: 避球 (Hikyū)
  • C: 排球 (Haikyū, Volleyball)
November 9, 2020 地図記号①
Map symbols 1
What does the map symbol Y represent?
  • A: 警察署 (Police stations)
  • B: 消防署 (Fire stations)
  • C: 税務署 (Tax offices)
November 16, 2020 暗算
Mental arithmetic
Please calculate "19×21".
  • A: 389
  • B: 399
  • C: 409
November 23, 2020 あいあい傘
How do you write "aiai" in "aiaigasa" in kanji?
  • A: 相々
  • B: 相合
  • C: 合々
November 30, 2020 快刀乱〇
Which kanji fits in the blank space of the four-character idiom?
  • A: 舞
  • B: 麻b
  • C: 魔
December 7, 2020 鰐梨
Which fruit is written as "waninashi" in kanji?
  • A: A picture of avocados
  • B: A picture of a pineapple
  • C: A picture of mangos
December 14, 2020 影の長さ
Length of a shadow
When is the shadow of a pole on the ground the longest?
  • A: 春分・秋分 (Vernal equinox/Autumnal equinox)
  • B: 夏至 (Summer solstice)
  • C: 冬至 (Winter solstice)
December 21, 2020 割愛
"Katsuai" is written as「割愛」in kanji. Which is the correct meaning?
  • A: 惜しみながら手放す (To let go regrettably)
  • B: 不必要なので捨てる (To discard as unnecessary)
  • C: 物事の途中でやめる (To stop in the middle of something)
December 28, 2020 シンフォニー
Which is the kanji for symphony?
  • A: 協奏曲きょうそうきょく (Kyōsōkyoku, concerto)
  • B: 交響曲こうきょうきょく (Kōkyōkyoku)
  • C: 奏鳴曲そうめいきょく (Sōmeikyoku, sonata)
January 4, 2021 伯父
There are two kanji for "uncle", 伯父 and 叔父. To whom does「伯父」refer?
  • A: 親の兄 (A parent's brother)
  • B: 親の弟 (A parent's younger brother)
  • C: 親のいとこ (A parent's cousin)
January 11, 2021 人鳥
Which animal is written as "jinchō" in kanji?
  • A: オウム (Cockatoo)
  • B: ダチョウ (Ostrich)
  • C: ペンギン (Penguin)
January 18, 2021 月の光
Approximately how many seconds does it take for the moon's reflected sunlight to reach the earth?
  • A: 0.13秒 (0.13 seconds)
  • B: 1.3秒 (1.3 seconds)
  • C: 13秒 (13 seconds)
January 25, 2021 センチメートル
Meters (m) are written as「米」in kanji. So which is centimeters (cm)?
  • A: 糎
  • B: 粁 (Kilometers)
  • C: 粍 (Millimeters)
February 1, 2021 そっぽ
How do you write "away" in "to turn away" in kanji?
  • A: 外頬
  • B: 外方
  • C: 外法
February 8, 2021 原稿用紙
Genkō yōshi
The of genkō yōshi is named after a part of fishes. Where is it?
  • A: 目 (Eye)
  • B: 口 (Mouth)
  • C: 尾 (Tail)
February 15, 2021 西班牙
What country is expressed as「西班牙」in kanji?
February 22, 2021 漸く
How is "finally" read in "I finally saw the light"?
  • A: ようやく (Yōyaku)
  • B: しばらく (Shibaraku)
  • C: またたく (Matataku)
March 1, 2021 仰げば尊し
Aogeba Tōtoshi
The song "Aogeba Tōtoshi" was actually composed overseas. Which country?
March 8, 2021 いの一番
"Inoichiban" means "first of all". This word comes from a certain term, what is it?
  • A: 料理 (Cooking)
  • B: 銭湯 (Public bath)
  • C: 建築 (Architecture)
March 15, 2021 二字熟語
Two-character idiom

足 合 済
Which kanji goes in □?
  • A: 百c
  • B: 千
  • C: 万
March 22, 2021 孫の手
Which is the origin of the name of "backscratcher"?
  • A: 猫 (Cat)
  • B: 仙人 (Immortal person)d
  • C: くわ (Hoe)
March 29, 2021e 天然記念物
Natural monuments
Which is designated as a national natural monument?
April 5, 2021 和名
Japanese names
The Japanese names of cabbage, celery, and parsley are connected to a foreign country. Where?
April 12, 2021 税金
Which among the following "taxes" has actually been introduced in the United Kingdom?
April 19, 2021 ドル
Which kanji represents the American currency "dollar"?
April 26, 2021 オペラ座
Opera house
The Paris Opera house store sells an item made on the rooftop. What?
  • A: 蜂蜜 (Honey)
  • B: 香水 (Perfume)
  • C: イチゴ (Strawberries)
May 3, 2021 アリとキリギリス
The Ant and the Grasshopper
"The Ant and the Grasshopper" of Aesop's Fables originally had an ant and another animal. What was it?
  • A: カッコウ (Cuckoo)
  • B: セミ (Cicada)
  • C: カエル (Frog)
May 10, 2021 ことわざ①
Proverbs 1
What word can be used in the blank spaces for "sode furiau mo _ no en"?
  • A: 多少
  • B: 多小
  • C: 多生f
May 17, 2021 割り算
Which number is divisible by 9?
  • A: 737
  • B: 738
  • C: 739
May 24, 2021 アジサイ
Which metal component contained in the soil causes the hydrangea to change color?
  • A: アルミニウム (Aluminum)
  • B: カルシウム (Calcium)
  • C: マグネシウム (Magnesium)
May 31, 2021 花嫁
What color is said to bring happiness to a bride when she wears it at a wedding?
  • A: 黄色 (Yellow)
  • B: 桃色 (Pink)
  • C: 青色 (Blue)
June 7, 2021 計算問題①
Calculation problems 1
If a person climbs from the 1st to the 3rd floor in 30 seconds, how many seconds will it take to get to the 6th floor?
  • A: 60秒 (60 seconds)
  • B: 75秒 (75 seconds)
  • C: 90秒 (90 seconds)
June 14, 2021 トンチンカン
"Tonchinkan" means that something does not add up. Which occupation is related to the etymology?
  • A: 鍛冶屋 (Blacksmith)
  • B: 大工 (Carpenter)
  • C: 火消し (Firefighter)
June 21, 2021 酢と卵
Vinegar and eggs
Soaking eggs in vinegar causes a certain change to the eggshell. What will happen?
  • A: 割れる (Break)
  • B: 溶ける (Melt)
  • C: 変色する (Change color)
June 28, 2021 犬の呼び方
How to call dogs
In the early Meiji era, dogs that came from the West were called by a different name than now. What were they called?
  • A: カメ (Kame)
  • B: ジョン (Jon)
  • C: ウシ (Ushi)
July 5, 2021 北極と南極
North Pole and South Pole
Which is colder, the North Pole or the South Pole?
  • A: 北極 (North Pole)
  • B: 南極 (South Pole)
  • C: 同じ (Identical)
July 12, 2021 日本発祥のスポーツ
Sports that originate from Japan
Which among the following sports originated in Japan?
  • A: ソフトボール (Softball)
  • B: ソフトテニス (Soft tennis)
  • C: トライアスロン (Triathlon)
July 19, 2021 ボールの
Diameter of a ball
Which sport uses the ball with the largest diameter?
  • A: バスケットボール (Basketball)
  • B: サッカー (Soccer)
  • C: バレーボール (Volleyball)
July 26, 2021 熟語①
Idioms 1
Which idiom means "to do something no one else has achieved"?
  • A: 天衣無縫 (Ten'imuhō, Flawless)
  • B: 唯一無二 (Yuiitsumuni, One and only)
  • C: 破天荒 (Hatenkō, Unprecedented)
August 2, 2021 アカペラ
A cappella
"A cappella" refers to singing without accompaniment, but it originally had a different meaning. Which among the following is it?
  • A: 聖堂で (At church)
  • B: 大声で (Aloud)
  • C: 全員で (By everyone)
August 9, 2021 家鴨
What animal is written as「家鴨」in kanji?
  • A: カモノハシ (Platypus)
  • B: ガチョウ (Goose)
  • C: アヒル (Domestic duck)
August 16, 2021 むすんでひらいて
Musunde Hiraite
The children's song "Musunde Hiraite" was composed by a person who was not a musician. What kind of occupation did they have?
  • A: 医者 (Doctor)
  • B: 哲学者 (Philosopher)
  • C: 建築家 (Architect)
August 23, 2021 オランダ語
Which among the following words originates from Dutch?
  • A: ポン酢 (Ponzu)
  • B: 天ぷら (Tempura)
  • C: ズボン (Pants)
August 30, 2021 一目置く
"Ichimokuoku" means "to acknowledge and respect another". What does the term relate to?
September 6, 2021 光の三原色
Three primary colors of light
The three primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. What color will you get if you blend all of them equally?
  • A: 黒 (Black)
  • B: 白 (White)
  • C: 紫 (Purple)
September 13, 2021 company 英語"company"は、会社・仲間のことですが、語源はどんな意味でしょうか。
The English word "company" refers to a corporation/group, but what is the etymology?
  • A: 一緒にパンを食べる仲間 (Friends eating bread together)
  • B: 近所の付き合い (Neighborhood relationships)
  • C: 輪になる (Forming a circle)
September 20, 2021 楽器の名前
Name of an instrument
A certain instrument has been abbreviated from its original long name. Which among the following?
  • A: ウクレレ (Ukulele)
  • B: ピアノ (Piano)
  • C: オーボエ (Oboe)
September 27, 2021 線の線路
Straight railroad tracks
Which country has the longest straight railroad track?
  • A: アメリカ (America)
  • B: ロシア (Russia)
  • C: オーストラリア (Australia)
October 4, 2021 フレーズ①
Phrases 1
「朝飯前」は英語で"a piece of □"です。□にはどの単語が入るでしょうか。
"Asameshimae" means "a piece of □" in English. Which word goes in □?
  • A: cake
  • B: bread
  • C: egg
October 11, 2021 カルデラ
What is the etymology of the word "caldera", a depression created by volcanic activity?
  • A: 穴 (Hole)
  • B: 釜 (Kettle)
  • C: お皿 (Plate)
October 18, 2021 イチジク
"Figs" are in season in summer and fall. How would you write it in kanji?
  • A: 葡萄柚
  • B: 実芭蕉
  • C: 無花果
October 25, 2021 松ぼっくり
What happens when you put a pinecone in water?
  • A: 発芽する (Germinates)
  • B: かさを閉じる (The cone closes)
  • C: かさが膨らむ (The cone expands)
November 1, 2021 レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ
Leonardo da Vinci
What place is an invention devised by Leonardo da Vinci still in use today?
  • A: 銭湯 (Public bath)
  • B: 水力発電所 (Hydroelectric power plant)
  • C: 運河 (Canal)
November 8, 2021 デジタル
What is the etymology of the word "digital" used to express clocks and thermometers?
  • A: 指 (Finger)
  • B: 光線 (Ray of light)
  • C: 倍数 (Multiple)
November 15, 2021 チーター
Which among the following pictures is a cheetah?
  • A: A picture of a leopard
  • B: A picture of a jaguar
  • C: A picture of a cheetah
November 22, 2021 東海道
The starting point of the Tōkaidō was Nihonbashi in Edo. Where in Kyoto was the ending point?
November 29, 2021 クジラ
What thing does a whale spew out of its body?
  • A: 息 (Breath)
  • B: プランクトン (Plankton)
  • C: 海水 (Seawater)
December 6, 2021 英語の略語
English abbreviations
The "thx" used on SNS for example is an abbreviation of thanks. So what does "lol" mean?
  • A:(泣)(Cry)
  • B:(笑)(Laugh)
  • C:(汗)(Sweat)
December 13, 2021 郵便切手
Postage stamps
What country issued postage stamps for the first time in the world?
  • A: スペイン (Spain)
  • B: 中国 (China)
  • C: イギリス (United Kingdom)
December 20, 2021 ちょっかい
The phrase "chokkai o dasu" is derived from the behavior of a certain animal. Which animal is it?
  • A: サル (Monkey)
  • B: ネコ (Cat)
  • C: ニワトリ (Chicken)
December 27, 2021
"Tako" is kite in English. Kite has another meaning, what is it?
  • A: トンビ (Black kite)
  • B: イカ (Squid)
  • C: 三角 (Triangle)
January 3, 2022 ベーゴマ
"Beigoma" were not originally made of iron. What were they made of?
  • A: 栗 (Chestnuts)
  • B: 貝 (Seashells)
  • C: 石 (Stones)
January 10, 2022 バグパイプ
"Bagupaipu" (bagpipes) are a musical instrument played in Scotland and more. What does bagu mean?
  • A: 虫 (Bug)
  • B: 穴 (Hole)
  • C: 袋 (Bag)
January 17, 2022 冷たい
"Cold" is a word derived from a certain part of the body. Which among the following?
  • A: 歯 (Tooth)
  • B: 爪 (Nail)g
  • C: 目 (Eye)
January 24, 2022 地球と太陽
Earth and sun
When is the distance between the earth and the sun the closest?
  • A: 1月 (January)
  • B: 4月 (April)
  • C: 7月 (July)
January 31, 2022 発明
Which among the following was invented the earliest?
  • A: テレビ (Television)
  • B: 電話 (Telephone)
  • C: ファックス (Fax)
February 7, 2022 てんてこまい
Which among the following is related to the word "tentekomai"?
  • A: 太鼓 (Drum)
  • B: 算盤そろばん (Abacus)
  • C: 書道 (Japanese calligraphy)
February 14, 2022 市松模様
Checkered pattern
The "ichimatsu" in ichimatsu moyō (checkered pattern) is a person's name. What did the person do?
  • A: 大工 (Carpenter)
  • B: 歌舞伎役者 (Kabuki actor)
  • C: 浮世絵師 (Ukiyo-e artist)
February 21, 2022 スイーツの名前
Name of a sweet
Which French sweet has a name related to cats?
February 28, 2022 星団『すばる』
Star cluster "Pleiades"
The "Pleiades" is a star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. What is the origin of the name?
  • A: 輝く (To sparkle)
  • B: しゃべる (To talk)
  • C: まとまる (To be collected)h
March 7, 2022 ハリセンボン
How many spines does a porcupinefish have?
  • A: 約400 (Approximately 400)
  • B: 約700 (Approximately 700)
  • C: 約1000 (Approximately 1000)
March 14, 2022 紙幣の番号
Banknote numbers
What will change when the serial number of banknotes goes through a cycle?
  • A: 桁 (Digits)
  • B: 色 (Color)
  • C: 書体 (Typestyle)
March 21, 2022 きらきら星
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
The nursery rhyme "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" was originally a song of a different genre. Which among the following?
  • A: クラシック (Classical)
  • B: ジャズ (Jazz)
  • C: シャンソン (Chanson)
March 28, 2022 列車の音
Sound of a train
The "gatangoton" sound of trains is less frequent than before. Why?
  • A: レールを長くした (The rails were made longer)
  • B: 車両を軽くした (The cars were made lighter)
  • C: 速度を落とした (They slowed down)
April 4, 2022 食べ物の名前
Name of a food
Which among the following foods is named after a person?
April 11, 2022 地図記号②
Map symbols 2
Which map symbol represents a "lighthouse"?
  • A: ⛭
  • B: ⛯
  • C: ⛮
April 18, 2022
The kanji of「虹」(rainbow) is based on an animal. Which among the following?
  • A: ヘビ (Snake)
  • B: チョウ (Butterfly)
  • C: クジャク (Peafowl)
April 25, 2022 マスクメロン
The "musk" in muskmelon is derived from which among the following words?
  • A: 重さ (Weight)
  • B: 香り (Aroma)
  • C: 模様 (Pattern)
May 2, 2022 オオサンショウウオ
Japanese giant salamander
Who was the person who brought the Japanese giant salamander back to Europe from Japan?
May 9, 2022 伝来したスポーツ
Introduced sports
Which among the following sports was introduced to Japan as a result of Perry's arrival by ship?
  • A: サッカー (Soccer)
  • B: バスケットボール (Basketball)
  • C: ボクシング (Boxing)
May 16, 2022 視力検査
Vision tests
A mark other than C is also used in foreign vision tests. Which one?
  • A: E
  • B:
  • C: Y
May 23, 2022 ウミガメ
Sea turtle
Which among the following cannot be done by sea turtles?
  • A: 穴を掘る (Dig a hole)
  • B: 足をしまう (Put their feet away)
  • C: 瞬きをする (Blink)
May 30, 2022 果物
Which among the following fruits has the least amount of sugar? (per 100 g)
  • A: キウイ (Kiwi)
  • B: イチゴ (Strawberry)
  • C: アボカド (Avocado)
June 6, 2022 サッカー
Soccer referees use a card other than yellow and red. Which among the following?
  • A: ホワイト (White)
  • B: グリーン (Green)
  • C: ブルー (Blue)
June 13, 2022 柚子胡椒
Yuzu koshō
Yuzu koshō is not made with black pepper. It is made with yuzu and what?
June 20, 2022 ホッキョクグマ
Polar bear
What color is the skin of polar bears?
  • A: 茶色 (Brown)
  • B: 桃色 (Pink)
  • C: 黒色 (Black)
June 27, 2022 サルスベリ
Crape myrtle
Crape myrtles are characterized by their smooth barks. How would you write it in kanji?
  • A: 真夏生
  • B: 百日紅
  • C: 万年青
July 4, 2022 国道339号線
National Route 339
There is a place on National Route 339 passing through Aomori Prefecture where cars cannot drive. Is it because of what?
  • A: 防波堤 (A breakwater)
  • B: 神社 (A shrine)
  • C: 階段 (A staircase)
July 11, 2022 野球の審判
Baseball umpires
In Japanese professional baseball, which among the following tasks do umpires perform before a game?
  • A: ボールを砂でもむ (Sand the ball)
  • B: バットの重さを測る (Measure the weight of the bat)
  • C: ベンチを掃除する (Clean the bench)
July 18, 2022 真実の口
Mouth of Truth
The "Mouth of Truth" is in Rome. For what purpose is it considered to have been built?
  • A: ポスト (Mailbox)
  • B: マンホールの蓋 (Manhole cover)
  • C: 紋章 (Coat of arms)
July 25, 2022 しっぽく
A specialty of Nagasaki is shippoku cuisine. Which is the origin of "shippoku"?
  • A: 土鍋 (Donabe)
  • B: 大皿 (Big dish)
  • C: 円卓 (Round table)
August 1, 2022 たんすの数えかた
How to count chests of drawers
Which among the following is the unit for counting chests of drawers?
  • A: さお (Sao)
  • B: ちょう (Chō)
  • C: めん (Men)
August 8, 2022 取り舵
When a ship turns to the left, it is called "port". What is the origin?
August 15, 2022 夏の季語
Kigo of summer
Which among the following drinks is considered a kigo for summer in haiku?
  • A: 紅茶 (Black tea)
  • B: 生姜湯 (Ginger tea)
  • C: 甘酒 (Amazake)
August 22, 2022 ガードレール
The ends of guardrails have a name. Which among the following is it?
  • A: 袖ビーム (Sleeve beam)
  • B: 道ロール (Road roll)
  • C: Uターン (U-turn)
August 29, 2022 ロース
"Loin" refers to a part of beef for example. Which among the following is the etymology of the word?
  • A: 高価な (Expensive)
  • B: 焼く (Roast)j
  • C: 厚い (Thick)



a - The kanji forms the idiom「博学多才」containing the words「博学」(hakugaku, erudite) and「多才」(tasai, versatile).
b - The kanji forms the word「快刀乱麻」(kaitōranma) which means "to deal with a problem swiftly and skillfully".
c - The kanji forms the words「百足」(mukade, centipede),「百合」(yuri, lily), and「百済」(Kudara, Baekje) which are read without「百」(hyaku).
d - The Japanese name for backscratcher,「孫の手」(mago no te), derives from「麻姑の手」(Mako no te), meaning "Mako's hand", with Mako being a Chinese deity.
e - Starting with this video, the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary logo at the end is replaced by the series' logo due to the end of the event.
f - The word forms the proverb「袖振り合うも多生の縁」(sode furiau mo tashō no en) which roughly translates to "even a chance meeting is a bond by a past life".
g - The Japanese word for cold,「冷たい」(tsumetai), is a compound of the words「爪」(tsume, nail) and「痛い」(itai, painful).
h - The Japanese name for the Pleiades,「すばる」(Subaru), derives from「統ばる」which means "to unite".
i - The Japanese word for the nautical term port,「取舵」(torikaji), contains the word tori, the Japanese name for the Chinese zodiac sign Rooster (「酉」) located to the left when the direction is expressed using the Earthly Branches.
j - The Japanese word for loin,「ロース」(rōsu), is a clipping of the word「ロースト」(rōsuto, roast).

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 60秒チャレンジ! ルイージを救え!![?]
60-Byō Charenji! Ruīji o Sukue!!
60-Second Challenge! Save Luigi!!

External links[edit]