
Joined 15 years ago
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*Rise quality of nearly every image, while it's possible.
*Rise quality of nearly every image, while it's possible.
**I'm forced on Wii, most of them are in High Quality or ripped.
**I'm forced on Wii, most of them are in High Quality or ripped.
Interested? Send me a request on [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|my talk page]] and I'll do a screenshot/rip for you. Look at the table below to see if I can do it. Screenshots for Wii/GCN/N64 will be in QSXGA quality (it's higher than 1080p!), but don't expect the best results, because I take these with emulators.
Interested? Send me a request on [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|my talk page]] and I'll do a screenshot/rip for you. Screenshots for Wii/GCN/N64 will be in QSXGA quality (it's higher than 1080p!), but don't expect the best results, because I take these with emulators.
*[[/Screenshots|How to take screenshots from games]]
*[[/Screenshots|How to take screenshots from games]]
