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Not to be confused with Go-go Pogo.

Template:Minigame-infobox Pogo-a-Go-Go is a 1-vs.-3 minigame in Mario Party 7 and Mario Party: The Top 100. The name is partly derived from the term "A-Go-Go" (from the French À gogo, meaning "galore").


The camera zooms down onto a platform as the three team players are dropped into the stage by helicopter. The holes then open as the team players begin bouncing, and the minigame begins.


The solo player's objective is to eliminate the other players by moving the platform they are on, while the team players must survive for 30 seconds. The solo player can spin the platform clockwise or counterclockwise using the   and   buttons. The team players must navigate around holes of various sizes to avoid elimination, which is complicated by the solo player's spinning the platform. If a team player falls into a hole, they will be eliminated. The solo player wins if they eliminate all their opponents. The team players win if at least one of them survives for 30 seconds.


Mario Party 7

The ending of Pogo-a-Go-Go if the solo player wins in Mario Party 7

If the solo player wins, they celebrate as the other three are carried off by the helicopters. If the team players win, they celebrate their victory on the platform as the solo player perfoms their losing animation inside the control panel.


Mario Party 7

Solo (1 player)

  •     – Spin stage

Group (3 players)

  •   – Move

Mario Party: The Top 100

Solo (1 player)

  •  : Turn clockwise
  •  : Turn counterclockwise

Group (3 players)

  •  : Move

In-game text

Mario Party 7

  • Rules"One player spins the stage in an attempt to make the 3 players on pogo sticks fall through a hole."
  • Advice"The stage turns clockwise and counterclockwise. Look out!"

Mario Party: The Top 100

  • Description"It's a battle between the player spinning the stage and the 3 trying their best not to fall through!"
  • On-screen (Solo)"Get your rivals to fall through"
  • On-screen (Team)"Don't fall into the holes!"

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese グルグルホッピング
Guruguru hoppingu
Spinning Around Hopping (guruguru is an onomatopoeia for spinning/rotating/etc.)

Dutch Pogo-disco
Pogo Disco
German Hopp & Ex
Italian Caduta molleggiata
Sprung fall
Spanish Salto estratosférico
Stratospheric Jump

Template:MP7 Minigames Template:MPTT100 Minigames