List of Fortune Street quotes by Super Mario characters

Revision as of 07:38, December 26, 2023 by Mario jc (talk | contribs)
Main article: List of Fortune Street quotes

This is a list of quotes from the game Fortune Street as said by Super Mario characters.



  • "So this is where Yoshi comes from? What an adorable little island!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Oooooooh, this place looks spooky! I'm almost too scared to roll the dice!" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "Time to hit the old gridiron! Wait – that's baseball, right?" (Mario Stadium)
  • "What a lovely castle! There must be a handsome prince waiting for me inside!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Oooh, a galactic rendezvous? How romantic!" (Starship Mario)
  • "Harrumph! This is no place for a lady! This heat and humidity isn't good for my delicate skin!" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "I have to WALK? I thought we'd get to ride in karts! I'm glad I left my high heels at home!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "There's a flying train around here? How romantic! Imagine soaring through the night sky with that special someone..." (The Observatory)
  • "Oh my! If it isn't Princess Peach's castle! I assume that I'll be treated as royalty here?" (Peach's Castle)
  • "There's nothing like a big strong man to- Hey! That's just a statue! But I gave it my number..." (The Colossus)
  • "Tee hee! This looks like the kind of place where I could cause a lot of trouble!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Yoo hoo! Oh, hero-man! Won't you come and rescue me? I'm helpless when it comes to rolling the die!" (Alefgard)
  • "What a gorgeous beach! Time to break out my bikini and soak up the sun!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Those slimes are absolutely adorable! Can I take one home with me? I'll love it to pieces!" (Slimenia)
  • "I want to be rich, famous, and beautiful! Wait - I'm already just make me rich and famous!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "Hmph! This castle looks all dark and dingy and fireball-y. No fun at all!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Oooooooh, this place looks spooky! I'm almost scared to roll the die!" (The Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "I can't tell which way's which! Won't someone help a lady find her way?" (Good Egg Galaxy)


  • To male player: "Hello there! Everyone calls me Birdo, but you can call me anytime, (player's name)!"
  • "Tee hee! I'm going to collect kisses from everyone at this checkpoint! Kisses and gold!"
  • "Tra-la-la! I'm in a fabulous mood today! C'mon, die - let's see if you're happy too!"
  • "Oh! My Birdo sense is tingling! Time to put that plan of mine into effect!"
  • "Come on, die, Mama needs a brand-new bow!"
  • "What a thrilling competition! Why, I feel as giddy as a schoolgirl!"
  • "Well, it's about time! Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?"
  • "Oh my! This die is sooo heavy! I can barely lift it!"
  • "I have to roll again? Oh my! I wasn't mentally prepared for this!"
  • "I know it's my turn, but stop staring at me like that! Don't you know I'm shy?"
  • "Why is this game so difficult? I don't understand what's going on!"
  • "I love the way you roll around, little die. It's absolutely adorable! Don't ever change!"
  • "That little shop over there is as cute as a button! Maybe I should force a buyout..."
  • "Oh my! Is it my turn already? Sorry! My head is in the clouds!"
  • "Yoo hoo! Catch me if you can!"
  • When die can only roll 1: "My head is spinning! And I think eggs are about to come flying out of my mouth!"
  • "My poor little shoppy-woppy! I need to hurry up and help you grow big and strong!!"
  • "Hold on, little shoppy-woppy! Mama's gonna invest in you just as soon as she can!"
  • "Tee hee! Think you can catch me? Go ahead and try - I double-dog dare you!"
  • "Hello there, little suit! Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!"
  • "Oh my! Two suits already. You little guys must be SO happy that I found you!"
  • "Don't be shy, little suity-wooty! You're the last one I need to collect!"
  • "Hold on you beautiful bank! I'll be there in two shakes of a tail! Get all my gold ready for me!"
  • "Almost time for my big promotion! Just look at me - I'm positively shimmering with excitement!"
  • "Where oh where is my sweet bank? I just can't wait to get my paws on all of that delicious gold."
  • "I'm going to put a little pink bow on this shop so everyone knows it belongs to me!"
  • "You're all mine now, little shop! We're going to be best friends, just you wait and see!"
  • "This shop is the most beautiful shop in the whole, entire world! Don't you agree?"
  • "Grow big and strong, you beautiful little shop! My heart beats only for you!"
  • "You're just a diamond in the rough. Here's a little gold to help you shine!"
  • "Oh my! What a deliciously unexpected windfall!"
  • "I did it! I am an absolute master at manipulating the market!"
  • "Look at all of my beautiful little shops! They just got seven percent more dazzling!"
  • "Tee hee! It must be fate that I landed here! This district is going to be all mine one day!"
  • "Tee hee! This one is just the first of many. I plan to own ALL of the shops in this fabulous district!"
  • "That makes TWO shops in this district that are all mine! You were waiting for me, weren't you, shoppy-poo?"
  • "Oh my! Three shops in this district already! Anyone else out there think I'm utterly fabulous?"
  • "Why are you looking at me like that? I wanted this shop, and so I just had to have it!"
  • "Oh, my word! They're mine, all mine! Every shop in this adorable, fabulous little district is mine!"
  • "Would you look at that! Nearly all of the shops are gone! Whatever shall I do?"
  • "Oh dear! Where did all of the shops go? Hmm... I don't like this, not one bit!"
  • "Did someone buy up all of the shops while I wasn't looking?"
  • "No more shops? None at all? Well then, what in the world am I supposed to do now?"
  • "You're investing a lot in that shop, (player's name). Don't worry - I wouldn't dare steal it from you!"
  • "Sorry, shoppy-woppy-poo! I don't want to sell you, but I'm afraid I must!"
  • Agreeing to sell a shop: "If you insist! Now listen to Mama, my little shoppy-poo... Be good for your new owner!"
  • "Watch out for Birdo! Once I'm on top, I plan to stay there!"
  • "Isn't this a fine turn of events! I land right on a property I want, but I don't have enough money to buy it!"
  • "My head is spinninig! And I think eggs are about to come flying out of my mouth!"
  • "Yoo hoo! How do you like being in first place? Because I'm about to find out how nice it is!"
  • To player: "I wonder if you'll ever be able to catch up with me (player's name)! Are you even trying?"
  • "There's nothing I like better than a man who knows how to play the market!"
  • "Why would you drop by on today of all days? Isn't it obvious my shop is closed?"
  • "Ahhh! All rested up. Why, I'm positively glowing, aren't I? Even my skin feels younger!"
  • "How rude! Sneaking in while a lady catches up on her beauty rest... You're unbelievable!"
  • Swapping Shops: "Might I suggest a trade, dearie? I’ll make it worth your while! Tee hee!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "No, no, NO! I simply despise shops like this!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "What a big, bad shop you've got here (player's name)! Next time, try to be a little more gentle!"
  • After buying someone out: "Oh, don't go causing a big fuss just because I took over this shop of yours. It was just so pretty, I had to have it!"
  • After getting bought out: "My poor little shoppy-poo! I...I think I'm about to cry! Why would you do that to me, (player's name)?"
  • After landing on the Bank: "Right on the money! That's what I call perfect timing!"
  • After the player lands on the Bank: "Stop acting like a big shot just because you landed on the bank, (player's name)! It's unbecoming!"
  • After warping: "Oh dear! My head is spinning! How in the world did I end up here?"
  • After warping: "The power of love brought me here!"
  • After the player warps: "Look at you go, (player's name)! You must have a touch of the wanderlust...!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Tee hee! Happy shopping, everybody! Spend a little extra for me!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Not only am I gorgeous, I'm lucky to boot! Try not to seethe with jealousy, everyone!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Of all the days to close my shop, why did I pick today? I missed out on a paying customer!"
  • After the player lands on a Boon square: "You seem to have a monopoly on good luck, (player's name)! Won't you share?"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Thank you, everyone! Can't you all just feel the love right now?"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "This is just what I needed! Now I don't need to pick and choose, because I've got a bit of everything!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "That certainly was unexpected! You venture cards really know how to make a lady happy!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "A surprise gift for Birdo? Why, thank you!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "My little shoppy-woppies! Talk to me, darlings! Are ya all right?"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "No, no, NO! Give me back my precious money!"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself card: "Ooooh, I'll have to hang on to this!"
  • After the player gets a bad Venture Card: "Poor little (player's name)... Do you need Birdo to comfort you?"
  • After the player gets a bad Venture Card: "Try not to get too upset about that venture card, (player's name). You'll give yourself wrinkles."
  • After getting Heal Slime: "Tee hee! Suit me up, you precious little healslime!"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Lakitu! Don't go floating past any of my shops! The last thing I need is a day off!"
  • To herself: "Let's see...I'll do that, then this, and then... Oh Birdo, you're a genius! Tee hee!"
  • To player: "Are you looking at my bow? Isn't it precious? Maybe I'll let you wear it later!"
  • To player: "You're just my type, (player's name) - ambitious AND delicious! Tee hee!"
  • To player: "All that money is a big step forward for you, (player's name)! Spend it wisely!"
  • To player: "Oh, (player's name), you're such a softy! You could have charged me a lot more, but you didn't!"
  • To player: "Congratulations, (player's name)! I hope your luck starts to rub off on me!"
  • To player: "Tee hee! You should try a little harder to mask your feelings for me, (player's name)!"
  • To player: "Oh dear! Three shops in the same district! What have you got up your sleeve, (player's name)?"
  • To player: "Did you drive that stock price up just for me, (player's name)? I'll have to repay the favor someday!"
  • To player: "Don't get discouraged (player's name)... Just concentrate your thoughts on my beautiful face!"
  • To female player: "Tee hee! It's a battle of brains versus beauty, (player's name) - and I needn't tell you who's the beauty!"
  • To first place: "You're in first place and you STILL want more money? That's greedy, plain and simple!"
  • "A sudden increase in my accounts! Do I have you to thank for this, dear (player's name)?"
  • "I'm not just a pretty face! I've got a brain of business!"
  • "How could you betray me like that, (player's name)? I was counting on you!"
  • "You're quite the globe-trotter, (player's name)!"
  • To player: "Tee hee! Guess what, (player's name)? I'm going to beat Peach today! Maybe then everyone will call ME the heroine!"
    • Peach's response: "Tee hee! You're such a joker, Birdo! Everyone knows I'm always the heroine!"
  • To female player: "Fair warning, (player's name)! Angelo doesn't have eyes for anyone but me!"
    • Angelo's response: "I don't mean to force myself on you, (player's name), but if we could just spend some time together, perhaps Birdo will get the message..."
  • To player: "You shine so bright, (player's name)! Might I hitch may wagon to your star?"
    • Angelo's response if the player's character is male: "Come and spend that gold in one of my shops, (player's name), and you'll enjoy a much greater promotion. That of your image. It could do with some work."
    • Angelo's response if the player's character is female: "Honestly, (player's name), you burn my eyes with your brilliance."
  • To male player: "Eek! You're level of skill astounds me, (player's name)! I'm positively entranced!
    • Angelo's response: "Birdo's captivated by you, (player's name). This is perfect."
  • To player: "Incredible! You are SO very talented, (player's name)!"
    • Peach's response: "Hmph! I have more talent in my little finger. But you don't hear me bragging about it every five minutes!"
  • To female player: "Eek! Your level of skill astounds me, (player's name). You're an inspiration to us all!"
    • Angelo's response: "Well personally, I find the way you manage your assets absolutely enchanting, (player's name)."
  • Near bankrupt: "Break it to me gently... I'm done for, aren't I?"
  • Near bankrupt: "NOOO!! But I don't WANT to go bankrupt!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I'm ruined! RUINED!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Welcome back, (player's name)! You were sorely missed. No one else here has your charm and charisma!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Look at me, with (target amount of money)! Hold on, banky! I'm on my way!"
  • After player reaches net worth needed to win: "Since when did you earn (target amount of money), (Player's name)? I guess I haven't been paying attention!"
  • Approaching victory: "I’m about to win? Is it that time already? And here I was hoping to play with you all day long!"
  • After male player approaches victory: "Great work, (player's name)! I'd expect no less from a dreamboat like you!"
  • Going bankrupt: "I guess this is good-bye, then. Promise you won't forget me!"
  • Going bankrupt: "But... I just wanted to keep playing with you all! You'll miss me, won't you?"



  • "Bwah hah hah! Once I win, Princess Peach will be mine-castle and all!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Gah! Spooky ship! Is this where you've been hiding, you good-for-nothing Boo slackers!?" (Ghost Ship)
  • "Bwah hah hah! Lava everywhere! The only way this could get better is if someone fell in!" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Let me show you wimps how to roll a die. You gotta put your arm in it!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Bwah hah, hah! What a slime-brained design! Whaddya say I give this castle the old Bowser makeover?" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Bwah hah! You can't tell up from down around here, can you? This is gonna make me dizzy!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "After I beat this bunch of losers, I'm gonna clear every last Yoshi off that island! Bwah hah, hah!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "This place looks kinda familiar... Aw, now I'm never gonna get that stupid song out of my head!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Bwah hah, hah! Feast your eyes on my castle, people. Not an inch that isn't awesome!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "What's all this talk about a legendary hero? Is Mario already famous out here? Legendary hero, my spiny shell!" (Alefgard)
  • "Bwah hah, hah! I'm gonna smash the smithereens right out of this ugly ship! It looks a little too much like… Mario!" (Starship Mario)
  • "Gwah! You call this a vacation spot!? I'm gonna make a mess of it! Mario'd better get his F.L.U.D.D. ready!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Hey, this place is pretty snazzy! Maybe I'll make it my new castle! Gwah hah, hah!" (The Observatory)
  • "OK, where's my kart? Huh? What do you mean we're not racing!?" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Ugh, this tranquil little island is gonna be a snoozefest, I can tell. Major yawn coming on!" (Slimenia)
  • "Hey, this place is falling apart! don't think the street's gonna crumble under my weight, do you!?" (The Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "That giant statue thingy would look great in front of my castle. I gotta have it! Where are my minions when I need them!?" (The Colossus)
  • "Bwah hah hah! So this is the place to change my vocation, huh? Sure, why not! Sign me up as a Master Fool-Stomper!" (Alltrades Abbey)


  • "Bwah hah hah! Make way for the great Bowser! I'm gonna crush you all to smithereens!"
  • "Why aren't my minions here to back me up!? Guess I'm gonna have to win this one on my own!"
  • "It's about time! I've been ready to roll for a while now!"
  • "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Guess I'm gonna have to play rough!"
  • "Try not to faint at my awesomeness! Gwah hah hah!"
  • "Lord Bowser coming through! Bow down before me or get stomped, fools!"
  • "Scram, you wimps! I'm on my way to claim first place!"
  • "There’s only room for one person at the top - ME! Now get outta my way!"
  • "Why don't you just give up now? None of you stands a chance against me!"
  • "Gimme a good roll or else!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! Sure does feel good to be on top!"
  • "I'm goin' from the bottom straight to the top! Bwah hah hah! Watch and learn, ya wimps!"
  • "BWAH HAH HAH! I'm unstoppable now!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! Watching you wimps beg for mercy is gonna be fun!"
  • "Do any of you fools actually think you can beat me? Bwah hah hah!"
  • "Bow down before Bowser, king of the Koopas, and get out of my way!"
  • "Why don't you just give up now? None of you stands a chance against me!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! You'll never beat me, not in a billion years! Go on and try!"
  • "Let's see what you can do for me, die!"
  • "C'mon, stupid die! ROLL!"
  • "No more foolin' around. It's time to get serious!"
  • "Looks expensive up ahead... Hey, no sweat! This'll be a cinch!"
  • "Gwah hah hah! Don't worry - I'm not gonna be in last place for long!"
  • "I'm going from the bottom straight to the top! Bwah hah hah! Watch and learn, you wimps!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! I'm not worried. Those other suits'll be mine soon enough!"
  • "Two more suits to go! Next time I should make my minions collect 'em all for me!"
  • "Grr! Put the suits closer together! This is way too much work!"
  • "ARGH! All four suits, and no bank in sight!"
  • "I don't want any more stupid suits! I just want my paycheck!"
  • "Hey, check it out! I'm about to get my promotion! Hope you wimps aren't too jealous of my awesomeness!"
  • "Bah! I never liked that shop anyway!"
  • "Hey, what happened to all the shops? Oh well - they'll all be mine soon anyway!"
  • "Hey, I call that shop! No one else better buy it!!"
  • "No more shops left for sale!? Gwah hah hah! Time to start taking 'em, then!"
  • "Gwah hah hah! Looks like all the shops are sold out!"
  • "Gwah hah hah! Ruined your plans there, didn’t I? Too bad for you!"
  • "I think I'm gonna buy up this whole district! Then you'll ALL be sorry!"
  • "If I keep this up, I'm gonna dominate the district in no time!! No one better buy that last shop!"
  • "I'm now taking applications for minions! Stop by my shop here and sign up! Gwah hah hah!"
  • "Mine! All mine! This shop's gonna bring in the cash! CHA-CHING!!"
  • "Two shops down! I'm gonna make this the scariest district on the board!"
  • "LISTEN UP! That last shop is MINE! No one better lay their hands on it!"
  • "There’s no way I’m gonna let you dominate that district, (Player’s name)! I’ve got my eye on you!"
  • "I've got just the name for that new district of yours: Super (player's name) Land! What do you think?"
  • "Bwah hah hah! The more shops I buy, the more shops I want!"
  • "I'm gonna buy up everything in this district and line the streets with big, bad Bowser statues!"
  • "HAH! Pretty soon it'll be nothin' but Bowser shops as far as the eye can see!"
  • "RATS! I'll be back to buy you later. Don't let anyone else snatch you up, OK?"
  • "I've got just the name for that new district of yours: Super (player's name) Land! What do you think?"
  • "Bwah hah hah! I hereby declare this the independent district of Bowserland!"
  • "Argh! Where'd all my money go? Is there a hole in my wallet or something?"
  • "Last place, huh? Keep slacking off like this, and you're never gonna win! Bwah hah hah!"
  • "I'll...I'll stomp this dumb shop to bits! Take that! AND THAT!"
  • "Stupid shop! I could stomp you to smithereens if I wanted to! Consider yourself lucky this time!"
  • "GRAH! I'm gonna teach you a lesson one of these days!"
  • "Gwah hah! You think a little setback like this is gonna stop me? Think again!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! This shop's so tiny, I'm afraid I might crush it just by standing here!"
  • "These prices are all wrong! Huh!? Whaddya mean you raised 'em up temporarily!?"
  • "Huh!? Everything's half off? Must be a going-out-of-business sale! Gwah hah!"
  • "This is pathetic! Someone needs to raise the stakes around here!"
  • "There ya go! Here's 100G! You'd better return the favor or else!"
  • "Gwah hah hah! You that desperate for cash? Well, here's your merely 100G!"
  • "GRRRROAR! Think you're pretty hot stuff, huh? Well, enjoy first place while it lasts!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! If you think you can buy me out, go right ahead and try!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! I'm gonna make a fortune on this place!!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! A shop this awesome is fit for a-well, a ME!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! Sure does feel good to be on top!"
  • "Stocks! Stocks! Gotta get me some stocks!"
  • "The rich keep getting richer! Bwah hah hah! Smell ya later, wimps!"
  • "Whoa, I've gotta do something! I can't lose like this! GRRR!"
  • "How did I end up in last place?! This stinks! Someone put me in first place, RIGHT NOW!"
  • "ARGH! If I lose, I'll turn this whole place upside-down!"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "What am I, a charity? You'd better sweeten the deal!"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "Double that and we might have a deal! Bwah hah hah!"
  • Accepting a trade deal: "If it means that much to you, I guess I can't say no. Hey, I can be a nice guy if I want!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! I'm the great Bowser! Stocks rise and fall at my command!"
  • "Stock! I gotta buy up all the stinkin' stock I can BEFORE I invest!"
  • "I don't have time to invest! I just want my cash RIGHT NOW!! GRRAGH!"
  • "Stocks! Stocks! Gotta get me some stocks!"
  • "All right, I'm feeling pretty confident! Maybe it's time for me to pick up some stocks!"
  • "This stock isn't doing me any good just sittin' around in my portfolio! C'mon - I need a chance to invest!"
  • "C'mon - I'm trying to invest here! This is starting to make me MAD!"
  • "Hey, just 'cause you're the competition doesn't mean I can't earn a little money from your hard work!"
  • After getting Goodybag: "OOOHHH! Shiny jewels! You wanna be one of my honorary minions!?"
  • After getting Lakitu: "You better treat me right, Lakitu! If I lose, You're gonna pay!"
  • "Your name's (player's name), right? Well, I'm the big boss around here, so stay out of my way!!"
  • "Hey, (player's name)! Don't spend all of that bonus money in one place - unless it's at one of my shops! Bwah hah!
  • "Bwah hah hah! Hey, this is pretty nice. Why don't you go and earn me some more money, (player's name)?"
  • "BWAH HAH HAH! Good job, (player's name)! Keep raking in the money for me!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! Thanks to you, I just hit the jackpot (player's name)!"
  • "Bwah hah! Welcome to my shop, (player's name)! Leave your gold at the door!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! That's just pocket change, (player's name)! Try not to get too excited!
  • "There's no way I'm gonna let you dominate that district, (player's name)! I've got my eye on you!"
  • "I'd better stomp that shop before (player's name) make it any bigger... Kidding! Just talking to myself!"
  • "Grr! That was supposed to be MY property, (player's name)! I totally called dibs on it!"
  • "Gwah hah! At this rate, my shop's starting to look like my castle!"
  • "Bad things happen to people who land on there, (player's name) … Kidding! I'm just trying to psych out the competition!"
  • "Hey, (player's name)! No fair! If you're raking in that much gold, you GOTTA be cheating!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! Your shop's looking ripe for the picking, (player's name)! I might just steal it from you..."
  • "Hey, cut it out, (player's name)! You're not gonna get rich standing on the shoulders of a giant like me, you know!"
  • "HEY! What do you think you're doing, (player's name)? You just made me lose money!"
  • "BWAH HAH! I bet that's a lot of money to someone like you, (player's name)! Well, enjoy your riches while they last!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! You might have leveled up, but I'm still not impressed, (player's name)!"
  • "Enough of that, (player's name)! If I land on your shop, I'm smashing that thing to bits, you hear me!?"
  • "Hey, (player's name)! Don't forget-the bigger your shop gets, the harder it'll fall when I knock it down!"
  • After warping: "What? WHOA!! Stupid teleportal is givin' me motion sickness!"
  • After warping: "These card are awesome! I'm gonna try and collect 'em all! Bwah hah hah!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "All right! Lucky cut! Time to pony up, wimps!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Thank my lucky stars! I'll take some of that money off your hands, wimps! Bwah hah hah!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "You must think you're pretty lucky, (player's name)! Well, I'm super-ULTRA lucky, so there!"
  • After player lands on the bank: "As long as you're making a pit stop at the bank, why don't you pick up a few shares of stock for me?
  • After landing on a Take-a-Break Square: "Listen up! I'm closing up my shops for a while, so if you wanna buy something, come back later!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-Break Square: "I'm taking the day off! Even the great Bowser needs a vacation once in a while!"
    • Start of turn afterward: "Bwah hah hah! What a refreshing little nap!"
  • "Hey, who owns this shop!? It's closed! Nice work ethic, wimp!"
  • "SCRAM! My shop’s closed today. Grr."
  • "Thanks for stopping by on the ONE day my shop is closed! Next time I'm gonna charge you double, (player's name)!"
  • "How dare you trespass during my vacation!? Now I'm in a rotten mood!"
  • After player lands on his home: "Urgh! You got a lotta nerve calling me here, (player's name)!"
  • After landing on his home: "So, you wanna be my minions? Get in line!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Bwah hah hah! Watch out! I'm gonna use this money to cause all kinds of trouble!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Bwah hah! Bonuses falling from the sky!! It's like someone WANTS me to win!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "Sneaky thing you did there, (player's name)! I want to get my hands on some bonus gold too!"
  • "Listen up, stocks! You're all honorary minions, now! I expect you to serve me and serve me well!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-Break Square: "All right, now's my chance! Time to stomp all over (player's name)'s shops while he's/she's taking a day off!"
  • After player warps: "Go wherever you want, (player's name)! See if I care!"
  • "Hey, squid-brain! You gonna give me a suit or not?!"
  • After player warps: "Those things look pretty handy, (player's name)! Next time I kidnap a princess, I'll have to use one of 'em! Bwah hah!"
  • After player warps: "You've got a weird sense of direction, (player's name). Why would just up and move like that?"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself Card: "Eh, this card isn't any fun! I wanted to win something flashy!"
  • After player gets a Suit Yourself card: "Bwah hah hah! Excited about that card, huh, (player's name)? I could get a million of 'em if I really wanted!"
  • After player gets a Suit Yourself card: "Bet you think you're pretty special for nabbing one of 'em Suit Yourself card, don't ya, (player's name?)"
  • After player builds a tax office: "Opening up a tax office, (player's name)? Sounds like the sort of thing an evil overlord would do! I like your style!"
  • To player while in first place: "First place has been fun, (player's name)…but it's time to hand over the reins to a REAL winner! Bwah hah!"
  • "It's tough work clinging to first place, isn't it, (player's name)? Here, lemme help you lose!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! This shop's MINE! Go get yourself a shop somewhere else!" (after buying someone out)
  • "Bwah hah hah! Took you down a peg there, didn't I?" (after buying someone out)
  • "Bwah hah hah! You're toast, (player's name)! You don't stand a chance against me!"
  • "Oh, quit your moaning! You don’t deserve all these shops! I’m just spreading the wealth!" (after buying someone out even when losing)
  • "GRR! All right, fine! You can take over my checkpoint and all the responsibility that goes along with it, (player's name)!"
  • "Bwah hah hah! You've got guts, (player's name)! I've gotta respect that!"
  • After player buying his shop: "GAH!! I like taking things from other people, but I really DON'T like it when other people take MY things!"
  • After player buying his shop: "Huh!? I thought we were buddies, (player's name)! You mad at me or something?"
  • After player buying his shop: "WH-WH-WHAAAAT!? I didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to buy that one up at five times its value!"
  • "This bank is such a bore! It needs the Bowser touch!" (after landing on the bank)
  • After receiving a small amount of gold due to a Venture Card: "What good is a few measly coins gonna do me? I need at least (target amount of money)G!"
  • After getting money from other players due to a Venture Card: "Bwah hah hah! I must be a really popular guy! Why else would you all gimme your hard-earned coins!?"
  • After losing money due to a Venture Card: "Blech!! Whatever. My wallet's so fat, that's not even gonna make a dent!"
  • "Bwah hah! A little power-up for me and my shops, huh?"
  • "Grr! I'm gonna have to teach this die a lesson!"
  • After building a balloonport: "Hurry up and blow some hot air in my balloon! I wanna go for a ride!"
  • After building a Home: "Welcome to Casa Bowser! Drop on by anytime, neighbor, and pay the price!"
  • "Try not to let this information blow your face off - this little place is now a three-star shop!! BWAH HAH HAH!"
  • To player: "Hmph! Don't think for a second that I'm jealous of you for winning all that stock!"
  • To player: "Bwah hah! Nice pick, (player's name)!"
  • To player: "Bwah hah hah! I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you from reaching the goal, (player's name)!"
  • (If the player's character is female) "Hmm... Who should I kidnap today? Should I nab (Player name)? Or maybe that gold standard, Princess Peach?"
    • Peach's response: "Oh, Bowser! Why are you always trying to ruin my fun?"
  • To player: "It's (player's name), right? Nice to see ya. Now would be a good time for you to flee in terror! Bwah hah!"
  • To player when he picks card number 13: "That's some pretty rotten luck out there, (Player's name)! If I really wasn't such a nice guy, I'd rub it in! Bwah hah hah!"
  • "Grr! There's only one thing to stop you from winning, (player's name)! And that's good with a kidnapping!"
  • To player: "You're in luck! If you beat me, you automatically get to become one of my minions! That's the law around here!"
    • Mario's response: "Don't listen to him, (player's name)! I've beaten him a million times, and I'm no minion!"
  • Bowser to Player: "Hey, (player's name)! If you bring me all of your gold, I'll triple it for you! This is a once-in-a-lifetime deal!"
    • Mario's response: "Don't believe anything that sounds too good to be true, (player's name)! Bowser is just pulling your leg!"
  • To player: "Sorry, (player's name)! I'd really love to give you a helping hand, but I just can't lose to Mario! You understand, don't you?"
    • Mario's response: "Bowser! Don't try to sweet-talk (player's name)! Everyone knows you're just pretending to be nice so you can kidnap him/her later!"
  • Bowser to Player: "Watch out, (player's name)! The richer you get, the harder I'm gonna stomp you!"
    • Princess Peach's response: "Don't listen to Bowser! He'd stomp you even if you weren't rich!"
  • Bowser to Player: "Looks like (player's name) has some pretty good moves! He's got the skills I've been looking for in my next minion!"
    • Princess Peach's response: "Be careful (player's name)! If you become one of Bowser's minions, Mario will stomp you - and deservedly so!"
  • To player: "Congrats, (player's name)! Wow, it actually makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to see you level up!"
    • Mario's response: "Huh? What's the matter, Bowser? You're never this nice! Are you feeling all right?"
  • Bowser to Player: "You haven't defeated me yet, (player's name)! I'm not going down that easily!"
    • Mario's response: "You really hate losing, don't you, Bowser? Well, I don't plan on losing either, no matter how nice (player's name) is!"
  • To player: "Bwah hah hah! You're in for a world of hurt, (player's name)!"
    • Bowser Jr's response: "Yeah! What he said!"
  • To player: "Wish I could help you out, (player's name)! But I can't show any mercy, not even for you"
    • Bowser Jr's response: "Yeah, don't take pity on him/her, Dad! He/She knew what he/she was signing up for when he/she turned on this game!"
  • To player: "Hey, (player's name)! You should invest all your gold in the First Bank of Bowser! I guarantee an excellent rate of return! Bwah hah hah!"
    • Mario's response: "Don't listen to him, (player's name)! There's no such thing as the First Bank of Bowser! He wants to steal your gold!"
  • To player: "Hmph, a promotion, huh? Big deal! I could get a promotion anytime I want!"
    • Bowser Jr’s response: "Don’t get mad, Dad! This just means he’ll be much more fun to stomp!"
  • "Bwah hah! Nice work, (Player’s name)! You sure know how to play the market!"
    • Bowser Jr’s response: "Dad, this is no time for compliments! We need to be plotting her defeat!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Bankrupt me, toss me in boiling lava-do your worst! I'll be back on top before you know it!"
  • Near bankrupt: "ARGH! If I'm going down, I'm taking as many of you with me as I can!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Nooo! I can't lose! I'm the king of the Koopas!"
  • Before female player approaches to 0G in net worth: "I'm surprised you hit rock bottom so soon, (player's name)! You should stick around and give me more of your money!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "SLOWPOKE! How dare you keep the great Bowser waiting for so long! Hurry up and make your move!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "All right, bank, here I come! the rest of you twerps can just sit back and watch me win!"
  • Approaching victory: "Bwah hah hah! There's no stopping me now. Next stop: complete domination!"
  • "Bwah hah! Almost there! Hey, wait a sec-where'd my assets go!? GRRROAR!!"
  • After player approaches victory: "Hold up, (player's name)! No one's supposed to beat me but Mario! I mean - no one's supposed to beat me at all! GRRR!"
  • After player approaches victory: "ARGH! You leave me no choice, (player's name)! Maybe I'll just steal your gold and make a break for the bank!"
  • Going bankrupt: "NOOOO! Now there's nothing left for me to do... Nothing except wreak a little havoc around here!"
  • Going bankrupt: "WHAT!? Where's Mario? I bet this is all HIS fault!"
  • Stella is about to win* "STELLLLAAAAAAA!!!!!! No WAY a wimp like YOU can win!!"

Bowser Jr.


  • "Big mistake, people! You shouldn't have brought me here - now I'm gonna crush you AND this stupid ship!" (Starship Mario)
  • "I'm gonna storm that island down there and make you all my Yoshi minions! Hear that, potential minions?" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "All right! My throwing arm is all warmed up. I'm gonna pulverize that die – just watch me roll!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Boooring! This castle is way too plain! I'm gonna give it a once-over with my magic paintbrush!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "My awesome racing skills are gonna come in handy here. But first, I've gotta show off my die-rolling skills!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Hey, I've heard rumors about this place! Time to be on the lookout for giant lava monsters." (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "How am I suppose to tell which way's up and which way's down!? This place is a mess!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "I've been doing recon on Peach's Castle, and the defenses are pretty weak. I'll storm it in a snap!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "So where's that fancy choo-choo train I keep hearing about? Bet it's not any fancier than my newest mecha!" (The Observatory)
  • "Dad told me about this place – It's where he used to fight Mario! I'm gonna win this one for you, Dad!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "If you're gonna make a giant statue, you should at least model it after a rad-looking Koopa!" (The Colossus)
  • "You guys really think you can beat me on my home turf? Think again!! I know this castle like the back of my hand!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Hmph! This ship's pretty classy – you know, cool design and all that. Maybe I'll model my next mecha after it!" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "Hee hee! I'm gonna plaster graffiti all over this island. It'll be my big old masterpiece!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Legendary hero, shmegendary hero! My dad's way braver than any ol' hero!" (Alefgard)
  • "Change my job, huh? I could become an awesome evil overlord like my dad...but I think I can manage that on my own!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "I feel right at home in these ruins! C'mon - let's see what kind of booby traps this place has got!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Yuck! This island is shaped weird. Why didn't they make it look like a Koopa? That would've been awesome!" (Slimenia)


  • "Hee hee! Let me introduce myself. I'm Bowser Jr., and you'll all be losing to ME today!"
  • "All right, die! Let's show 'em how we roll!"
  • "Hee hee hee! I can't wait to find out what's gonna happen next! Fame? Fortune? Who knows!"
  • "You guys are lucky I'm playing this game fair and square! I coulda brought my newest mecha to beat you all!"
  • "What to do, what to do... Ah forget it! I'll just roll first and think about my evil plan later!"
  • "You guys know you're just wasting your time, right? 'Cause I'm totally gonna win, no matter what you do!"
  • "Hee hee hee! I may look young, but don't hold back - fight me with all you've got!"
  • "Hey, it's my turn! Stop hogging the die and let ME roll!"
  • "I'm gonna buy up all the good shops at five times the going rate and paint 'em all my color!"
  • To himself: "Hmmm... What kind of mischief should I cause next?"
  • "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? This game's getting pretty good... And by good, I mean VICIOUS!"
  • "Hee hee hee! Roll, die! Roll and roll till you can't roll no more!"
  • "Prepare to have your minds blown - it's MY turn now!"
  • "Come on, die - gimme a good number!"
  • "Fair warning-don't get on my bad side, or I'll graffiti your shop big-time!"
  • When die can only roll 1: "Ugh, what's going on? This stupid die is broken!"
  • "Share the wealth, guys! I deserve to be in first place for a while!"
  • "Watch your backs, people! If you get in my way, I'm gonna shove you right back out of it!"
  • "Heh heh. I'm gonna buy out that shop out there and cause everybody a world of hurt!"
  • To himself: "Heh heh. First place is so close, I can taste it! Now all I have to do is wait for the perfect time to strike..."
  • "Hee hee! I love a close race! It makes it that much more fun to knock people out of the way!!"
  • "Can't talk now! I gotta make it to first place!"
  • "First suit, check! Which, uh...means I still have a long way to go, huh?"
  • "Two suits down, two to go! I'm gonna grab the other ones so fast you won't even see me!"
  • "Hee hee! One more suit to go! Now if only I can make my way over to the bank..."
  • "Hee hee! Almost time to level up! That'll make me one step closer to being a king!"
  • "Soooo close! And as soon as I level up, I'm gonna be THAT MUCH closer to winning! King Koopa, here I come!"
  • "Ugh! Why is it the more suits I collect, the farther away the bank gets?"
  • "C'mon, die! Let's go on a little trip to the bank!"
  • "One of these days, ALL of the shops in this district will be under MY command!"
  • "Bow down before me, shop! I've got you under my control now, so serve your master well!"
  • "Hee hee! Didn't really think I was gonna let you corner the market, did ya?"
  • "Hee hee hee! My district of terror is complete!"
  • "Hee hee! Go ahead, everyone! Shop till you drop, and I'll reap the benefits!"
  • "Oh well, no biggie... I'm gonna squeeze 10 times that much money out of you later!"
  • "Hmph! I barely felt that!"
  • "Hmph! Maybe that money'll help you improve your game a little... But somehow I doubt it! Tee hee!"
  • "I need to keep this place safe and secure!"
  • "Hey, what's going on to that shop of yours, (player's name)? You cooking up an evil plot or something?!"
  • "Dibs on any shops left! Don't any of you dare touch 'em. They're mine, all mine!"
  • "Aw, man...almost all of the empty shops are gone! I gotta get a move on!"
  • "No more vacant shops? All right! Let's get down to business!"
  • "Grr... I don't even know why I'm shopping here. The last thing I want to do is give YOU more gold!"
  • "You're only charging me half of what you normally do? OK...but I'm not gonna do you any favors!"
  • "Hee hee! It's sure nice of you to come by when I'm having a special opposite sale! That's when you pay ME more!"
  • "Hey, you jacked your prices up! Afraid the great Bowser Jr. is gonna win this game, huh?"
  • "If I can't win, I'm taking you all down with me!"
  • "GRR! Don't write me off yet! I'm still in this race!"
  • "Hee hee hee! Don't worry-I'm gonna have a pretty ferocious comeback any minute now!!"
  • "Aw, I never get a chance to invest! If I didn't know better, I'd say someone out there WANTS me to lose!"
  • To himself: "What's the point of having stock if I can't invest? GRR! I need to land on one of my shops RIGHT NOW!"
  • "Not much point in investing if I don't have any stock... Gah! What a waste!"
  • Negotiation: "No way! Our shops exist on totally different levels - mine's profitable, and yours isn't! Tee hee!"
  • Negotiation: There's no way I'm gonna sell my shop! You obviously don't comprehend its true value!"
  • "Grr! Think you’re gonna leave me behind in the dust, (Player’s name)? Well, I’m gonna come out on top, so watch out!"
  • "Hee hee hee! Don't hold back, folks! Gimme as much gold as you want!"
  • "Wish I coulda gotten a flashier card... I'm still gonna make the most of it, though!"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself card: "Huh, a Suit Yourself card... I think I can find a use for that!"
  • After warping: "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! Ahem. That didn't scare me at all."
  • After warping: "Hee hee! This is SO much easier than traveling by mecha!"
  • After player warps: "Ha! That's it, (player's name), run and hide... But you'll never escape the clutches of Bowser Jr.!"
  • After player warps: "I bet you've got something up your sleeve, (player's name)! Why else would you move to that exact spot?"
  • After landing on the Bank: "Hmph. I don't like the look of this bank. Think I'll take it over someday!"
  • After player lands on the Bank: "Think you're safe hiding out at the bank, do ya, (player's name)? Well, think again!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Urgh... Only lazy people need to take a day off! Who do you think I am, some sorta slacker?"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "I don't need the stinking day off. UGH! Fine. I'll just use this time to build up my strength..."
  • After getting Healie: "You wanna be my minion too? Then fork over a suit!"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Lakitu! I think everyone needs a day off! But not me! Got it? Everyone but ME!"
  • "Grrr! Did you just sneak into my shop on my day off, (player's name)! CHEATER!"
  • "Hee hee! I needed a good rest! Now I've got tons of energy to formulate my evil plans!"
  • "Heh heh heh… I totally knew this place would be closed today! I just saved myself some serious gold!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Enjoy your day off, (player's name). Don't worry - I promise not to stomp your shops or anything! Heh heh heh..."
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Hee hee! I can feel the power surging through my body! I'm gonna crush you all!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Hey, there are some good cards in here after all! Gimme more of this one!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Hmph. That's nothing but chump change!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Youch! Which of you wise guys stuck that ridiculous in the deck?"
  • After Player gets card number 13: "You sure know how to pick these venture cards, don't you, (player's name)? Hee hee hee!"
  • After Player gets a good Venture Card: "Hey! That awesome card was supposed to be mine, (Player's name)! Put it back where ya found it!"
  • To player: "Quit your whining! From here on out, this shop is mine!"
  • "Tell ya what... If you spend gold at my shop, I'll make you my honorary minion!"
  • "Heh heh! Bet you're gonna think twice about investing here now!"
  • "Listen up, (player's name)! You'd better not try to get in my way!"
  • "If (player's name) thinks he/she can protect his/her shop with a measly investment, he's/she's got another thing coming!"
  • "Not bad, (player's name)… But next time, you should try to earn me even MORE gold!"
  • "Hee hee! Keep it up, (player's name), and I'll make you an honorary member of my royal guard!"
  • "Grr! What do you think you're doing, (player's name)!? My poor stock!"
  • "Heh heh! Watch as I make that itty bit of gold grow into a vast Koopa fortune!"
  • "Grr… Consider that a short term loan, (player's name)! You’re gonna pay me back whether you like it or not!"
  • "Hee hee! Now I'm playing with Koopa power!"
  • "Hee hee hee! Thanks for buying stock in my favorite district, (player's name)! You're practically my minion now!"
  • "Grr! You wanna shatter my dreams of dominating that district, (player's name)? I'm gonna shatter YOU!"
  • "Nooo! I was right where I wanted to be! Why’d you have to go and bring me here, (Player’s name)?"
  • "Tee hee hee! Check out my awesome castle, people! I dare ya try to topple it!"
  • "Hey, what's going on to that shop of yours, (player's name)? You cooking up an evil plot of something?"
  • After buying someone out: "Hee hee! This shop's mine now! I don't wanna hear any whining, so complain to someone who cares!"
  • After buying someone out: "This district was starting to look dangerous! Good thing I put a stop to that! Hee hee!"
  • After getting bought out: "Looks like someone is trying to mess up my brilliant plan for district domination. It's ON buddy!"
  • To player: "I am SO happy for you, (player's name). Cross my heart. Yay. Umm...can you tell I'm being totally sarcastic?"
  • To player: "Hmph... If you don't try harder, (player's name), it won't be as much fun when I thrash you to bits!"
  • "Gah! I was just about to grab that venture card, (player's name)! Put it back!"
  • To player: "Try not to spend any of that money until you get to my shop, (player's name)!"
  • To player: "Hee hee! Perfect! I can take out Mario and (player's name) in one fell swoop!"
    • Mario's response: "I'm not gonna let that happen, Bowser Jr.! Come on, (player's name), let's work together to beat that guy!"
  • To player: "You're just being a big show-off, (player's name)! I'm NOT impressed!"
    • Mario's response: "Don't be jealous, Bowser Jr.! Sure, (player's name) is doing great - but you're not doing bad yourself! Try to stay focused!"
  • To player: "Hee hee! Ready to throw in the towel yet, (player's name)?
    • Mario's response: "Don't pay any attention to him, (player's name)! If you and I work together, we can stomp all over Bowser Jr.!"
  • To player: "Hey, (player's name)! This is starting to turn into a snoozefest! How about you stir things up a little?"
    • Bowser's response: "Bwah hah! Why don't you just crush him and get over it, Son?"
  • To player: "Hee hee! You're about to learn the true meaning of Koopa power, (player's name)!
    • Bowser's response: "Why don't you just give up now and become one of our minions, (player's name)? Bwah hah!"
  • To player: "Don't go thinking you're special or anything just because you got a promotion, (player's name)!
    • Bowser's response: "Hey now, Son. Maybe (player's name) IS special! I mean... Well, at least he/she deserves to celebrate a little."
  • To player: "Whoa! that was a wild move, (player's name)! You've got guts! But I'm still gonna earn waaaay more gold than you!"
    • Bowser's response: "Bwah hah! That's the spirit, Son! No one wants you to lose to (player's name)-especially ME!"
  • "GRR! At this rate, I'm definitely gonna lose to (player's name)! Aw, why bother? I should just give up now!"
    • Bowser's response: "Don't talk that way, Son! You've got to cause trouble and mayhem up to the bitter end - it's the Koopa way!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Hey, (player's name), you're back! Hope you had a nice beauty rest! Now let's decide this thing once and for all!"
  • "Hmph… If ya wanna win, you’re gonna ‘ave to though ME first!"
  • "After Player reaches net worth needed to win: Don't move a muscle, (player's name)! I wanna cross the finish line first!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Hee hee hee! I've got (target amount of money), suckers! There's nothing you can do to stop me now!"
  • Approaching victory: "Hee hee hee! From now on out, it's just a straight dash to the end! Better not get in my way, people!"
  • As player approaches victory: "You're not gonna win that easily, (player's name)! I'll rain all over your little victory parade!"
  • "Uh-oh! I think I'm in trouble here! I wonder if Dad'll bail me out..."
  • "Urgh... I hope no one in the Koopa kingdom hears about this. They'd never take me seriously again!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Ugh... Just wait till next time! I'm gonna come back stronger than ever! *sniffle*…"
  • Going bankrupt: "You...y-y-ou haven't...seen...the l-l-last! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

Diddy Kong


  • "Ook ookitty! Ook ook! (Anyone up for a kart race later? I know the perfect course!)" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Ook ookity? Ookie! (How did they manage to build a statue that huge? It must've taken 'em a million years!)" (The Colossus)
  • "Ook oo ookity! (I'm going to guard my money like I guard second base – I won't let either of ‘em get stolen!)" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Ookity! Ook ook! (Nice castle! No enemies are gonna get through those walls, that's for sure!)" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Ookie ookity? Ookity ook? (How does this thing fiy? Seriously, how are we floating in the air right now?)" (Starship Mario)
  • "Oookity OOK ook ookie? (What kind of wacky place has a flying train AND a castle in the sky?)" (The Observatory)
  • "Ookity ookity. Ooo oo ook! (Man, this place is almost paradise. All it needs is a banana grove and it'd be perfect!)" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Ook! Ookity oook oo! (This place is wild! Not as wild as the jungle, but there sure is a lot more lava!)" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Ookity ook! (I'll explore that island later, but right now I need to focus on this game!)" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Ookie ook! (No problem! I'll use my quick moves to dash right through this stage!)" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Ookie? Ooookity! (How am I supposed to concentrate on the game? This place is giving me the creeps!)" (Ghost Ship)
  • "Oook! Ookity oo! Ookity... (Whoa! What a neat castle! I wonder what it looks like on the inside...)" (Peach's Castle)
  • "Ooook ookity ookie! (I don't think I'm ready for a career change yet!)" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "Ookity! Oook Ookie oo! (Let's play quickly so we can hightail it out of here! This place gives me the creeps!)" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Oookity! Oookity ooo! (Hey, I've heard of these ruins! There must be some incredible treasure hidden here!)" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Ookity ook'e ook! (I feel all turned around and upside down here!)" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Ooookity. Ookie? (What a weird little island. Why's it shaped like that?)" (Slimenia)
  • "Oookie? Ookity ook! (This place is famous for a legendary hero? Hey, that's what I want to be one day!)" (Alefgard)


  • To player: "Oookity! Ookie? (I'm Diddy Kong! Are you gonna play fair and square, (player's name)?)"
  • To player: "Ook ookity! Ookity? (I'm Diddy Kong! Are you ready to have some fun today, (player's name)?)"
  • "Ookie. Ookity ooo... (I've gotta keep my next move a secret. You know, corporate spies and all...)"
  • "Oooookity! Ookity! (Finally, my turn! It's about time!)"
  • "Ookie! (Here goes nothin'!)"
  • "Ookity. Ookity ook ook! (OK, the hard part is over. Now I just need to keep my lead!)"
  • "Oooook! Ookity! (I'm so close of winning I can taste it! And victory tastes kinda like...bananas!)"
  • "Ookity! Ookity ook... (I've got a square in my sights! Wonder if I got any chance of actually landing there...)"
  • "Oooook... Ooook? Ookity ooo! (Hmm... Is it my turn already? I must've been daydreaming!)"
  • "Ookity ookie! (When I beat on my chest, everyone in the jungle can hear me!)"
  • "Ooookity! Ookity oook ooo. Oook! (Finally! It's about time. Lemme roll!)"
  • "Ook! Ookity! (My turn! All right, let's do this!)"
  • "Ookity! Ookity! (C'mon die! Gimme a good number!)"
  • "Ooooookity! Ookity ooo ooo... (I wish I knew where I was gonna land! That would make this game a lot easier...)"
  • "Ooook ookity oo... (I think I need to figure out a business plan...)"
  • "Ookity! Ooookity ook? (Ookity! How come I never land on one of my own shops when I need to?)"
  • "Ookie... Ook...ookity! Oookie ook! (Hmm... I guess my closest shop is...that one! Hope I manage to land there!)"
  • "Ookie! Ookity ook! (Oh no! This race is getting a little too close for comfort!)"
  • "Ook! Ookity! Oook ook ooo! (Lemme give a shout-out to all of my jungle friends! Hi guys! You better root for me!)"
  • "Ookity! Ookity ook... (I've got a square in my sights! Wonder if I got any chance of actually landing there...)"
  • "Ook ookity ook! (Ready, set, roll!)"
  • "Ook! Ookity ook! (I've come so far! All I have to do now is close the gap!)"
  • "Ook! Ook ookity... (That was a snap! I hope getting the other suits is just as easy...)"
  • "Ookie! Ook ookity! (Got my second suit! I'm halfway there!)"
  • "Ooookity! Ook ook! (Suit number three! Just one more to go!)"
  • "Oookity ooookity! (Once I get that promotion, I'm gonna be all strong like Donkey Kong!)"
  • "Ookie! Ook ookity... (I'm due for a promotion soon! Wonder what I should spend my bonus on...)"
  • "Ooookity... Ook oook ook! (Aw, I wish I had a Barrel Jet... Then I could blast my way straight to the bank!)"
  • "Ookie ookity! Ook ook ooooo! (All right, bank! I've got you in my sights!)"
  • "Oookity ookkity! (This shop may look small now, but someday it'll be super tough!)"
  • "Oookity! Oook ookity! (This shop belongs to me now! Thanks in advance for your patronage!)"
  • "Oookity ook! (And another shop for me!)"
  • "Ook... Ookity... (Hmm... I see a shop that might be worth taking over...)"
  • "Ooook ookity! (This district is mine from here on out!)"
  • "Oookity! Ook ookity... (That makes two shops! I wonder if I'll ever dominate this whole district...)"
  • "Oookity oookie. (I won't be happy until I have at least one more shop in this district.)"
  • "Ook! Oookity! Ook ookity! (Yay! My third shop in this district! I should try to get all of 'em!)"
  • "Oookie Ook oookity. (Talk about good luck! I can't believe that shop was still up for grabs.)
  • "Oook! Oookity ook. Ook ookie ooo! (Whew! That was close. I almost let that district get dominated!)"
  • "Oookie! Ookity ook! (Woohoo! This district belongs to ME now!)"
  • "Ooook... Oookity. Oook ook! (Uh-oh... Not many shops left. Hope I can still buy something!)"
  • "Ook ookity? Oookie! (I wonder if I can still snag a shop? Come on, die, help me out!)"
  • "Ookity ook? Ooookity! (The shops are all sold out, huh? OK, no more Mr. Nice Kong!)"
  • "Oookity ook? Ook ook! (No more shops to buy? Time to rethink my strategy!)"
  • "Ook ookity! (My shop's been supercharged!)"
  • "Oookie oook ookity! (If I keep this up, I'll be rich in no time!)"
  • "Ook! Oook. Oookie...oook ook! (Neat! I just made money. I mean, it's just a bit of money...but still!)"
  • "Oookie. Oookity ooo! (I'll admit it, (player's name) - I'm a little jealous. Lucky you!)"
  • "Ook ookity! Ookity... (That's a pretty pricey shop up ahead! I wonder if I could sneak by it...)"
  • "Ookie! Oook ookity! (Thanks for the bonus, (player's name)! It's all about teamwork!)"
  • "Oookitty? Oookitty ook! (Why don't we trade shops? We'll both get something good out of it!)"
  • "Ookie ook ookity! (Here's hoping this trade works out well for both of us!)"
  • "Ook ookity! Ook ook... (Meh, that was nothing! You're never gonna get rich with these prices...)"
  • "Ook! Oookie. Ookity ook?(Ugh! Talk'bout bad timing. Why'd I have to stop here when prices are so high?)"
  • "Ooookity! Ook ookity... (Don't give up just because you're in last place! Maybe my donation will help...)"
  • "Ooookity... Ook! (I suppose it could have been worse... These prices aren't so bad!)"
  • "Ookity ook ook... (Too bad this shop isn't always so cheap...)"
  • "Oook! Ook ookity! (Boo! The last thing I wanted to do is give more gold to the person in first place!)"
  • "OOOKITY! Oookity ook ook! (OOOKITY! I wasn't supposed to land on this square!)"
  • "Oook ookity. Ook! (I hope I manage to stay on top. It's kinda fun up here in first place!)"
  • "Ookie! Ookity ook! (Oh no! This race is gettin' a little too close for comfort!)"
  • "Ookie ookity... (Oh, man, I hope no one in the jungle is watching this...)"
  • "Ooook ookity oo... (I think I need to figure out a business plan...)"
  • "Oooookity. Ookie ook. (I haven't lost yet. There's no way I'm giving up!)"
  • "Ooook oookity! (First place is so close I can almost touch it!)"
  • "Ookie... Ook ookity! (Hee hee... If ya can't beat 'em, invest in 'em!)"
  • After landing on the bank: "Ook... Ook ookity? Ookity ook. (Hmm... Where should I go next? I'd better think this out?)"
  • After player lands on the bank: "Oookity ook! (You should get bonus points for that perfect landing, (player's name)!)"
  • After player gets a promotion: "Ook ookie! Oook oookity! Ook ooo! (That's a lot of money, (player's name)! You want me to hold on to it for you? Hee hah!)"
  • After landing on Boon square: "Ook. Oookity ookie! (Hee hee. Come on, folks - time to go shopping at the expensive stores!)"
  • After landing on Boon square: "Ook. Ookie ookity! Oook ook ooo! (Hee hee. Good luck, everybody! Land on the priciest shops!)"
  • After player lands on Boon square: "Ookie ookie? (You wanna share some of that luck with me, (player's name)?)"
  • After player lands on Boon square: "Oookity ooo ookie! (Enjoy your time on that boon square, (player's name)!)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Ook! Oookity ookity. (Phew! I guess it's time to take a little breather.)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Oookity ook! Ooookie! (Talk about bad timing! I really could've use the extra income today!)"
  • "Ookity! Oook oook ooo! (Argh! I hate losing out on a big payday!)"
  • "Ook! Oookity ookie! Ook ook ooo! (OK! I'm all rested up and raring to go! Gotta make up for lost time!)"
  • "Ookity! Oookity ooook. Ook! (Whew! That was lucky Think of all the gold I just saved!)"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Oook ookity ooo. Oookity! (Rest up while you can, (player's name). Things are gonna get wild around here!)"
  • After warping: "Oookity! Ook ookie. (Wow, that was pretty cool! Wish we had one of those in the jungle.)"
  • After warping: "Ook ook. Ooookity ooo! (Hee hee. Guess thee are a few handy cards in that deck!)"
  • After player warps: "Ookity! Ooo ookity! (You move pretty fast (player's name)! Like jungle quicksand, you are!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Ookie ookity ook? Oook oookity! (Am I lucky, or what? I'm gonna have to make the most of this!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Oook ookity ook ooo. (It doesn't seem like a lot, but seven percent can make a big difference!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Ookie! Oookity ookie! (Awesome! I'm gonna take this money and triple it in no time!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Oookie! Oookity ook ook? (Sweet! But does this mean I have to keep on collecting suits?)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Ooookity! Ookie ooo. (Ugh! I should have picked a different card.)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Oookie! Oookity ook... (Oh no! I really picked a bad one, didn't I...)"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself card: "Ookie ookity ook! (This card will definitely come in handy!)"
  • After player gets a Suit Yourself card: "Ooo oookity. Ookie! (That little card gives you a lot of freedom, (player's name). Make sure you put it to good use!)"
  • After player gets a Good Venture card: "Ookity ookity ooo! (That's one of the best cards in the deck, (Player's name)!)"
  • After player gets a Good Venture card: "Ook! Ookie ookity! Oook ooo ook… (Oh, man! I was hoping to get that venture card, (Player’s name)! I guess you’re one of the lucky ones…)"
  • After player gets a Bad Venture card: "Ook! Ook ookie! Ookity. (Ouch! I bet that hurt, (Player’s name). Don’t worry-you’ll pick a better card next time.)"
  • After getting a Venture Card that takes money from other players: "Ook ookity! Ooookie! (Sorry, but those are the rules! Thanks, everyone!)"
  • After buying someone out: "Oookie ookity ook ook! (It cost me a ton of gold, but snatching up this shop was totally worth it!)"
  • After buying someone out: "Oookity ook. Ookie! (This district is getting way too powerful. Let me take one of those shops off your hands!)"
  • After buying someone out: "Ookity ook oookity! (I don't know if this is going to help me win this game, but at I'm stirring up trouble!)"
  • To player buying out his shop: "Hoot! Oookity ooo!? (That was so mean of you, (player's name)! Where'd you learn your manners!?)"
  • To player buying out his shop: "Oook oookity! Ook? Ook? (My Kong fortress is crumbling! Why, (Player’s name)? Why?)"
  • After building a Balloonport: "Ookity ook! (This Kong'll be flying high in no time with his new hot-air balloon!)"
  • After getting Goodybag: "Ookity! Ook ookity? (Hey there, Mr, Treasure! Why don't you swing by my shop?)"
  • After getting Healie: "Oookity oookie ook! (Maybe I should just follow that thing around until I get a suit!)"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Oookie ookity... Ook! (Maybe I should follow Lakitu... Prices seem to drop wherever he goes!)"
  • "Ook ookity... (Sorry, but it's not really in my best interest to accept that offer...)"
  • To player: "Oookie! Ooook oookitty. Ook! (Ouch! This is quite a shop you've got here, (player's name). It's really something!)"
  • To player: "Oooki, Oookitty ooo! (I'll admit it, (player's name)- I'm a little jealous. Lucky you!)"
  • To player: "Oookitty ooo? Oookie! (Defending your shop, huh? That's pretty clever (player's name)!)"
  • To player: "Ookie! Oook ookitty! (Thanks for the bonus, (player's name)! It's all about teamwork!)"
  • To player: "Ook oookie? Ookity ookie! (How's it going for you so far, (player's name)? Me, I'm doing A-OK!)"
  • To player: "Oookie... Ook ookity! (Forget about everyone else, (player's name)... This is between me and you!)"
  • To player buying shop: "Oookity! Ook ook? (OK, I'll sell! But you're not going to raise the prices too high, are you?)"
  • "Oookie ook? Ookity ooo... (Which way are you gonna go, (player's name)? Not that I care or anything...)"
  • "Oookity? Ookie ooo! (Where'd you go to business school, (player's name)? You know all the tricks!)"
  • "Oookie ooo. Ookity! (You're getting close to district domination, (player's name). I'll put a stop to that!)"
  • After player lands on his expensive shop: "Ookie ooo! Hoot ook ookity! (Sorry 'bout that, (player's name)! I promise all your gold will go to a good cause!)"
  • Diddy Kong to Donkey Kong: "Ook! Oookity ooo! (Don't go too easy on me today, Donkey Kong!)"
    • Donkey Kong's response: "Oook! Oook ooooooook! (Not to worry! I'll use everything in my power to beat you and (player's name)!)"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Ook! Ook ookity ooooookity! (Let's all sing (player's name) the Happy Promotion Song! Ahem... Ook ookity ooooookity!)"
    • Donkey Kong's response: "Ook ookity ooooookity! (Ook ookity ooooookity!)"
  • To player: "Oookity ook! (Let's win this game together, (player's name)!)"
    • Daisy's response: "Hmm... You aren't trying to monopolize (player's name), are you? He's/She's working with me today!"
  • To player: "Oook ook! Ookity ook? (Look at you go, (player's name)! How in the world do you do it?)"
    • Daisy's response: "Stop making such a fuss, Diddy Kong! You'll give (player's name) a big head!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ookity ook Ooookity? (I can't let it end like this! What am I gonna do now?)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ookie... Ookity oookity! (This isn't turning out the way I pictured it... I need to turn my game around!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ooo OOK oook!! (I am NOT going to give up!!)"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Ookie ookity! Ookity! (Long time no see! Let's get back to the action, (player's name)!)"
  • Approaching victory: Ook! Ookity ookie! "(OK! From here on out, it's just a mad dash to the finish line!)"
  • After player approaches victory: "Ookie... Ook ook ookity! (You're almost there, (player's name)... But I'm not gonna give up!)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Oookity... Ook ook ooo! (Time to head back to the jungle... Maybe I'll do better next time!)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Ook... Ooook ookity. (Urgh... I guess I'm not cut out for big business.)"

Donkey Kong


  • ”Ook ook…Ook! (Throwing pitches, rolling dice…Either way, I've gotta flex my biceps!)" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Oook? Ook! (So you think you're stronger than me, do ya, giant statue? C'mon- let's arm wrestle!)" (The Colossus)
  • ”Ooka? Ooka? Ook?” (Kart racing, huh? Wanna go for a spin? I'll show you what a Kong can do!)" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Oooka! Ook! (Check out that castle! I bet that king is all kinds of big and powerful)" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Hoo ook…ook! (This place is hotter than the jungle…but at least it's a dry heat!)" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Ooka ooka ook! (Better be careful not to destroy Princess Peach's castle!)" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Hoot!? Ooka hoo! (A castle way up high in the sky!? I bet they've got some magic bananas around here!)" (The Observatory)
  • "Ook ook… (I wonder what kind of fruit trees they have down there on Yoshi's Island…)" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Ooka. Ooka ook... (This looks like a peaceful little island. I wonder who's in charge here...)" (Slimenia)
  • "Hoo… Ook? (This place doesn't look like fun… Can I at least throw some barrels or something?)" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Oook! Ooka. (Cool castle, ya big boss turtle! I bet this place has all kinds of neat traps.)" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Ooo? Ook ook! (This is the place to find hotshot heroes, huh? Well, you're looking at one!)" (Alefgard)
  • "Ook ooka ook! (Gotta soak up all the sunshine and turn it into new Kong Power!)" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Oook! Ooo... (This spooky ship doesn't scare me! It's the floating in water that kinda freaks me out...)" (Ghost Ship)
  • "Mmm? Ookie ook... (Mmm? There's something weird about this place, but I just can't put my finger on it...)" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Mmm hoo? Ooka ook! (What kinda place is this? Those tunnels look like they go pretty deep!)" (The Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Hoot? Ook ook! (How 'bout making a big spaceship that looks like MY face? People would pay to see that!)" (Starship Mario)


  • "To player: "Ook! Ook! (There's no way you can beat me, (player's name)! I'm Donkey Kong!)"
  • "Ook ook! (Time to bring home the bananas!)"
  • "Ook ook. OOOOOOK! (This is a pretty fierce group. Everyone's in it to WIN!)"
  • "Ooooook! (Time to show these other fellows who's boss!)"
  • "Ooook ook? Ook! (Who cares what number I roll? I'm gonna win no matter what!)"
  • "Ookie! Ook! (Watch out everyone! King of the jungle comin' through!)"
  • "Hoot! Ooka ook... (I wish he had cool games like this in the jungle! All we ever do is swing on the trees...)"
  • "OOKA! (MY TURN!)"
  • "Ook! Ook! Ooka ook!? (Ha! First place all the way! How'd ya like 'em bananas!?)"
  • "Oooka! Ook! (Whew! I'm hanging on to first place by a thread!)"
  • "Ook ook! Hoot... (I'm on number one! Bet I bet I'm gonna have to fight to keep it up that way...)"
  • "Ooka ooo! Ook! (Hey, don't worry 'bout me! I'm not gonna be in last place forever, ya know!)"
  • "Ookie OOO...ook! Ooka! (I'm in last place NOW ...but that's gonna change! I feel a lucky roll comin on!)"
  • "Ooooo! Ooka? Ook ook! (No way! How did I end up in last place? Time to work my way out of this slump!)"
  • "Oooka hoot? Ook! (I've still got time to catch up, right? There's no way I'm gonna quit now!)"
  • "Ook? OOKA! (Which way to go? I know - THATAWAY!)"
  • "Ooka OOO ooka! (I bet if I throw the die REALLY hard, I'll get an awesome number!)"
  • "Oooo... Ooka! (That die is so tiny... I hope I don't crush it in my giant Kong paws!)"
  • "Ook! Ooook? (I want to invest! What're the chances this next roll will land me right on my shop?)"
  • "Hoo ooka ook! (Come on, die - help a Kong out!)"
  • "Ookie hoo! (Come on, die-gimme a rad roll!)"
  • "Hoot! Ooka ook... (I wish we had cool games like this in the jungle! All we ever do is swing on trees...)"
  • "Ook ook ooka! (Let's do this thing!)"
  • "Ooka! Ook ook! (I've got my eyes on a particular shop... Maybe I'll flex my monetary muscles and buy it out!)"
  • "Ook ook! Hoot... (I'm number one! But I bet I'm gonna have to fight to keep it that way...)"
  • "Oooka! Ook! (Whew! I'm hanging on to first place by a thread!)"
  • "Ooo! Ooooooooka. Ook ook! (Yeah! I got my first suit. Won't be long before I snag the rest of 'em!)"
  • "Ooook! Oook... ook! Ooo? (I've got half the suits! That means I've got...half to go! Right?)"
  • "Hoo! Ook ooka. Oookie! (Whoa! I've been all over this board looking for suits. One more and I'm home free!)"
  • "Ook! Ook ook... (I'm looking forward to my promotion! Think of all the bananas I'll be able to buy...)"
  • "Ook ook ook! (As soon as I get my promotion, I'm gonna be the strongest Kong in the world!)"
  • "Ook ooka. Oooka! (It's not much, but it's mine. This shop and I are going places!)"
  • "Ooka ooo. Oook oook ooo! (Meet my new best friend. This shop and I are gonna go far together!)"
  • "Ook! Oooka ook! (Ook! You're gonna be the first of many for me in this district, little shop!)"
  • "Ooka! Ooka ook! (I've got a taste for the district now! It's gonna be all mine!)"
  • "Ook ook! Ooka! (That makes two for me in this district! Ooka!)"
  • "HAROO! (MINE!)"
  • "Oook! Ook ook! (Third shop's a charm, (player's name)! You're gonna dominate this district pretty soon!)"
  • "Oka? Ook ookie… (Why’d you have to horn on my district, (Player’s name)!? There go my dreams of domination…)"
  • "Ooka oooook! (I'm gonna have to call this district the jungle, 'cause I'm the king of it!)"
  • "Haroo... Oook? Oooo! (Aw... Did you not want me to buy that shop? Too bad!)"
  • "Hoooo. Ook ook! (That looks like a pretty swank shop up ahead. Bet it could put up a real fight!)"
  • "Hoo? Ook ook! (Where'd all the shops go? I gotta get my paws on whatever I can!)"
  • "Ook ooka ookie! (I've gotta get my paws on one of those empty shops!)"
  • "Oook! Ookie ooo... (Aw, shucks! I was hoping to buy up a few more shops. Oh well...)"
  • "Ooka ooka? Ookie hoo! (Where'd all the vacant shops go? I shoulda paid more attention!)"
  • "Ookie... Ooka! (I really hate putting more money into your pocket... You're already in first place!)"
  • "Ooka hoo! Hoo ooka! (Still too small! I need to make that shop waaaaay bigger!)"
  • "Oooka ook! (You just made out like a bandit, (player's name)!)"
  • "Ooka! Ookie! Ook! (How come no one ever told me anything about stocks? They're fantastic! I'm rich!)"
  • "Ooka hoooo! Hoo ooo! (Check it out! That's the strongest shop in the world! OOOKA!)"
  • "Ook! Ooka hoot! (No time to invest right now! I need to concentrate on playing this game!)"
  • "Oooka hoo hoo! (I'm gonna have to hold off investing any money in this place until I buy some stock!)"
  • "Ook ook! Ooooooka! (I've got a new friend - actually, I've got a bunch of new friends! I love buying stock!)"
  • "Hoo ooka! Oooka OOK ooo! (What a cheap place! Someone better put a little TLC into this shop!)"
  • "Ook? Ookie ook? (That's it? You sure you don't want to charge me a little more?)"
  • "Ooka! Ook ook! (Clever move, (Player's name)! Get all your shopping done while prices are cut in half!)"
  • "Ooka hoot! (No one's gonna try to steal that shop now, (player's name)!)"
  • "Ook oooo! Oooook! (That's a pretty powerful shop you've got there, (player's name)! Big and strong, just like me!)"
  • "Ooo? Ooka OOK! (How come you're charging me 100G? I think these prices are ALL wrong!)"
  • "Mmm ook!? (What kind of a roll was that, die!?)"
  • "Ook? Oooo! (Why didn't I budget my money better? I coulda bought this shop if I had a little more gold!)"
  • Buying a shop out: "Ooka ooka ooka. Ooo! (I see the shop, I like the shop, I buy the shop. It's as easy as that!)"
  • Buying a shop out: "Ook OOK ooka! (There's no WAY I'm gonna let you dominate this district!)"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "Ooka... Oook! (Oh boy... Now it's on like Donkey Kong!)"
  • "Oook! Ooka ooka hoo! (Lakitu! Stay away from me, you little cloud rider!)"
  • "Ooka! Ooka! (Heya! You wanna trade shops with me?)"
  • "Ook ookie! Ook ooka! (I'm only accepting this deal 'cause I like you! Ook ooka!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Ooka! Ook haroo! (Shop power-up! I love these venture cards!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Haroo? Ooka ook.(I can spend all my bonus money on bananas, right? 'Cause that's what Kongs like to eat.)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Ook? Oooka ooo. Ookaroo!(Who needs the bank? I just earned a promotion all on my own. That's how strong I am!)"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself Card: "Mmmm ook. Ooka ooka! (I better put this Suit Yourself card somewhere safe. I don't want to drop it!)"
  • After player gets a promotion: "Ooka ook! (You're getting stronger with each roll of the die, (player's name)!)"
  • After player gets a good venture card: "Ooka ooka ooka! (That's a pretty sweet power-up you got there, (player's name)!)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Ooka! Ooka hoot. (I won't forget about you, friend! Be good to your new owner.)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Aroo!? Ooka. Ooka ooo? (Huh!? I got a bad card. Can I put it back and pick another one?)"
  • After landing on the bank: "Ooka! Ooka ook! (Right on the money! You've still got it, Donkey Kong!)"
  • After player lands on the bank: "Ook! Ookie ooka! "Right on the bank! You've got pretty good aim, (player's name)!)"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "OOK! Ooka ooooooooo! (Talk about a stroke of luck! C'mon everybody - make me rich!)"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Oooka! (Lucky me!)"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Oooka hoo! Ooka! (Nice (player's name)! I'm gonna try land there too!)"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Ook ooka? Haroo! "You got room for me on that square, (player's name)? I want some free money too!)"
  • After warping: "Ookie! Oooooo! Ooka ooo? (Wow! I just whooshed straight here! How'd that happen?)"
  • After warping: "Oooka hoo! Oooka ooo! (Look at me, jumping from square to square! It's like swinging from tree to tree!)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Haroo? Ooka... Ooka hoo. (A day off? Oh well... Guess I'll make the most of it and take a little snooze.)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Ook. Ookie ook! (Hope it's a good time to take a vacation. I'd hate to miss out on serious profits!)"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Ook ook. Ooka ooo! (Don't worry about taking a day off, (player's name). I'll keep an eye on things!)"
  • "OOOOO! Ook ooka. Oooka! (AHHHH! That was a pretty nice nap there. I feel totally energized!)"
  • "Mmm? Hooo ooka! Hoo. (Did I just doze off? Aw, I missed out on some serious cash! Stupid nap.)"
  • "Ook! Ooka! (It's closed! Oh well-just saved myself some money, I guess!)"
  • After player lands on his closed shop: "Ook! Ook! Oooook! (Hey! Stay away from my shop (player's name)! It's closed!)"
  • After player warps: Ook hoot! Ook? Ooka? (Whoa! How'd you get from here to there so quick, (player's name)? Some kinda magic?)"
  • After player warps: "Ooka ook! Ookaroo? (Those things always make my head spin! But it's a wild ride, huh, (player's name)?)"
  • After building a circus tent: "Ook! Ook! (Welcome to the DK circus! It's the show to end all shows!)"
  • After building a home: "Oooka? Ooooka ook ook! (Who's up for a party at my place? I'll bring the banana smoothies!)"
  • After building an estate agency: "Ooki! Ook OOK ooka! (My very own estate agency! It's like a friend who finds me MORE friends!)"
  • After building a balloonport: "Ooka! Ooka! Ooooooo...ooka! (It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Donkey a hot-air balloon!)"
  • After building a three-star shop: "Ooook ooka ooo! (Building a shop like this is gonna cost a pretty penny, but hey - I'm rich!)"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Oook! Ooka ooka hoo! (Lakitu! Stay away from me, you little cloud rider!)"
  • "Ook! Ooka ook! (Finally - a real challenge! Let's go, (player's name)!)"
  • "Oook! Ook ook! (Third shop's a charm, (player's name)! You're gonna dominate that district pretty soon!)"
  • "Ook! Ooka! (One good turn deserves another, (player's name)! I'll try to earn YOU some gold now!)"
  • "Ooo! Ooka hoo! (Cha-ching! Thanks for making a deposit in the bank of Kong, (player's name)!)"
  • "Ook ooka ook! (Stop messing with my stock, (player's name)!)"
  • "Arooo! Oooka ook! (Nice move, (player's name)! You're my role model!)"
  • "Ooka! Ooka! (You can leave the money on the cash register, (player's name)! Thanks a bunch!)"
  • "Ookie ooka ooo? (You're not gonna start crying or anything, are you, (player's name)?)"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Ook ooka! Ook ook! (Glad to see you came back (player's name)! Let's put this thing to bed!)"
  • To player: "Ook? Ooka ooka oo! (Think you can catch up with me, (player's name)? I dare you to try!)"
  • Donkey Kong to player: "Oook ook ook? (How did you get so big and strong, (player's name)?)"
    • Wario's response: "He/She got a promotion and grew more powerful... Maybe he's/she's eating that gold! Does eating gold make you stronger?"
  • To player: "Ooook! Ook oook ook ooook! (Keep it up, (player's name), and you might come in second place - right after me!)"
    • Diddy Kong's response: "Ook oooky... Oookity! (No way! I'm going to come in second place, (player's name)!)"
  • To player: "Oook... Ook! Ooooky ook. (Hmm... It looks like (player's name) is going to win! I should've tried harder.)"
    • Wario's response: "Hey, you! Knock off the banana talk, and do something to stop (player's name) from reaching the bank!"
  • To player buying out his shop: "Ooka ook? Ookie? (You got a problem with me, (player's name)? Is that it?)"
  • "Ook! Oookie ook! (There's no way I'm gonna lose! I'll keep fighting till the very end!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ooka! Ooka ook! (I can't lose this game! I'll never show my face in the jungle again!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ooo...Ooka! Ooo! (Oh boy I'm almost broke! This is embarrasing!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Ooka...ook...ooook (Must...not..quit!)"
  • "Ookie ook! Ook! (I was almost there! Guess it's back to the drawin' board...)"
  • After player approaches victory: "Oooka ooo! Ooka ook! (You've got brains AND brawn, (player's name)! I'm gonna make you an honorary Kong!)"
  • Approaching victory: "Ook ooka ook! (All I have to do is get to that bank, and the I win!!)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Ooooook... (Looks like it's back to the jungle for me...)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Ooka? Oook! (Who woulda thought Donkey Kong could ever be defeated? Not me!)"


  • "Greetings, fortune seekers! I am Lakitu, and I'll be your guide to rest and relaxation!"
  • "You've all been working way too hard! Why don't you close up shop for a while?"
  • "It's not healthy to obsess over money all the time. Someone needs to teach you people how to slow down and enjoy life!"
  • "I'm bringing down the hammer on nap time, everybody! Close your eyes and drift off to dreamland!"
  • "I know you don't think you need a day off, but you do. Trust me - you'll thank me later for this!"
  • "Is my turn over already? But I haven't finished forcing everyone to take a vacation!"
  • "Providing rest to the weary is such satisfying work! Farewell!"
  • "I'm not ready to leave! These people still need to enjoy their forced vacations!"
  • "Everyone enjoy their 40 winks? Then it appears my work here is done. Take it easy, folks!"
  • "A sea of calm has washed over the board, and so my work here is done. Catch you on the flip side!"



  • ”Eek! No one told me there would be gh-gh-ghosts here! I wish I'd brought my Poltergust 3000 with me.” (The Ghost Ship)
  • ”Hey! You know what would look good? A spaceship with MY face on it!” (Starship Mario)
  • "These ruins are right up my alley! I bet I'll reach the goal first!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Watch out everyone! Luigi is stepping up to the plate!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Leaping lasagna! This place is even bigger than Peach's Castle!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Uh-oh! I don't have the best balance in the world… Hope I don't fall off the board!" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Vroom, Vroom! Let's get this game started. Someone wave the checkered flag!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "This place is wackadoodle! It's turning my brain into spaghetti!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Ah, Peach's Castle! I have some awfully fond memories of this place. Time to create a new one!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Now, THIS is where the real action is! It's happening on Yoshi's Island!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "I'm gonna try to make a speed run through this stage!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "I don't trust Bowser OR his spooky castle… I bet he's got a princess or two locked up in here!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "I don't need a career chance... I'm pretty satisfied being a hero!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "Looks like my bro really cleaned this place up! I hope they gave him the key to the city!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "I wanna take a peek at this flying train I've heard so much about. If trains can fly, then so can Luigi! Wheee!" (The Observatory)
  • "Look at all those slimes down there! How can you tell which ones are friendly?" (Slimenia)
  • "I bet they'll tell epic stories about me and my bro one day. We're practically legends already!" (Alefgard)
  • "Hey there, giant statue guy! How's the weather up there?" (The Colossus)


  • To player: "Hey, (player's name)! I'm Luigi! Oh, you've heard of me? I'm so flattered I think I'm blushing!"
  • "It's me, Luigi! Time to collect some more gold coins!"
  • "Watch out! Green machine coming through!"
  • "Gimme a good roll! I've got my fingers crossed and everything."
  • "Here goes nothing!"
  • "My turn! Better watch out, or I'm gonna stomp you with my big, brown boots!"
  • "Oh yeah! It's Luigi's turn!"
  • "This game has got my mustache all mussed up! Where's my little comb?"
  • "I'm gonna win this game all on my own! I don't need any help at all."
  • "Wah-hah! I'm in it to win it!"
  • "Once I get revved up, there's no slowing me down! I'm gonna make a dash straight to victory!"
  • "Wah-hah! Look at me go! It's finally luigi's turn in the spotlight!"
  • "Yay for me, Luigi! I'm gonna have a good turn, I know it!"
  • "Boi-oing! I can jump even higher than Mario - all the way to first place!"
  • "I'm lean, mean, and green, and I'm gonna to give you a run for your money!"
  • "Stay out of my way, or I'll jump all over you!"
  • "Oh, I hate making decisions like this! I think I'll just close my eyes and pick a direction!"
  • "Eek! There's a big ol' shop up ahead, and it's look like a fortress! Hope I don't have to battle THAT boss!"
  • "Why don't I ever seem to land on a Luigi shop? I bet the Goombas are behind this!"
  • "I need to feed my shop a Super Mushroom to help it grow big and strong!"
  • "There's a shop out there with Luigi's name on it! Maybe it's time to force a buyout..."
  • "I'm not gonna give up first place without a fight!"
  • "Oh yeah! Think you can keep up with me? Go ahead and try!"
  • "I've gotta do something drastic if I want to take over first place!"
  • "It's not so bad being in second place. As a matter of fact, it feels just right! I wonder why that is..."
  • "Coins! Coins! I need to get me some coins, and quick!"
  • "I'm in last place? Well, that's not good?"
  • "Yay for me, Luigi! What? I'm in last place? Oh... That's too bad."
  • "If I keep playing like this, I'm never gonna be the best. Time to try a little harder!"
  • "I'm not fickle friend, little stock. I just don't need you anymore!"
  • "Three more suits to go, huh? That should be a snap for someone like Luigi!"
  • "Two more suits to go! I wonder if any of them are hidden in blocks. Boing, boing!"
  • "I only need one more suit... Why can't I just jump straight there? It's not cheating!"
  • "This is the perfect time for Luigi's trademark jump! I'll just leap my way straight back to the bank!"
  • "I'm just a hop, skip, and a jump away from my promotion!"
  • "I can almost hear the bank calling my name! Luigi, Luigi, Luigi!"
  • "No time to panic! I've got my suits. Now I just need to find that sneaky bank!"
  • "Yay for me, Luigi! I've got a new shop!"
  • "Look at my new shop! Isn't she a beaut?"
  • "Don't trip all over yourselves trying to get to my new shop. We're open 24/7!"
  • "Watch out, everyone! Luigi's gonna take over this district any minute now!"
  • "Two shops in one district! I'm turning into an honest-to-goodness real-estate mogul!"
  • "That makes two shops in this district! Not bad for a plumber, eh?"
  • "Three shops in one district? Somebody pinch me, 'cause I gotta be dreaming!"
  • "I've got a lot of shops in this district... I hope I can take care of 'em all!"
  • "One day I'm gonna dominate this district. Then everyone will see who's the real brains behind The Mario Bros.!"
  • "Would you look at that? You've got more shops all over the place, (player's name)! Makes me feel like I've been slacking off!"
  • "Huh? That was kinda mean, (player's name). I guess you're not as nice as I thought!"
  • "Think you're gonna dominate this district? Not on my watch!"
  • "Okeydokey! I’ve dominated this district! Hmm… This is kind of a surprise, even to me!"
  • "I'm here to protect this defenseless district from total domination!" (after buying someone out)
  • "Can't let you get away with district domination! But hey-at least you'll get a few coins out of the deal!"
  • "All this stock, just for me? You sure no one is gonna miss it?"
  • "I didn't do so good a job at saving my money... Hope this shop'll still be available next time I land here!"
  • "I take a quick time-out to trim my mustache, and someone buys up almost all the shops! What gives?"
  • "Ack! One shop left? All I did was take a minute to trim my sideburns... I need to stop doing that!"
  • "All the shops are gone? That was quick! Someone knows how to use their B-Dash!"
  • "Who bought up all the shops? Guess I was too busy grooming the 'stache to pay attention to the game..."
  • "Turns out earning money is as easy as stomping a Goomba! Who knew?"
  • "Enjoy that gold while you can! I'm gonna be in first place soon!"
  • "There goes all my money, right down the drain!"
  • "Ugh... These little expenses really add up!"
  • "No one likes being in last place. Lucky for us, this game's not over yet."
  • "Hey, are you pulling my leg? These prices look a little higher than usual..."
  • "Hmm... I guess a flat-rate sale doesn't necessarily mean I'll be saving any money."
  • "Can't invest right now... I've got a sneaking suspicion I should be saving my money for something else!"
  • "I don't have any stock? Man, I really dropped the ball on this one..."
  • "I've been tricked enough times to know I've gotta defend myself! No one's gonna take this shop from me!"
  • "Ow-wow-wow! Cheap enough, but it still smarts!"
  • "Closed up shop a little early today, eh? I guess we all have to take a break now and again!"
  • "It's about time all my hard work finally paid off!"
  • "Once I get revved up, there's no slowing me down! I'm gonna make a dash straight to victory!"
  • "Wah-hah! Look at me go! It's finally Luigi's turn in the spotlight!"
  • "You like my shop, (player's name)? I knew you wouldn't be able to resist stopping there!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "I feel like the luckiest plumber in the whole wide world!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Would you look at this! It's raining coins!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "It's about time I caught a break! It's not easy being Luigi..."
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "It's no fun losing hard-earned coins... Time to start rebuilding my nest egg!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "YEE-OWCH! What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment?"
  • After building a Balloonport: "I'm gonna soar through the air with the greatest of ease! With a hot-air balloon, I'll be the bee's knees!"
  • After warping: "Did that really just happen? How'd I get from there to here in the blink of an eye?"
  • After player warps: "You sure know how to travel in style, (player's name)! Fast and easy - that's the way to go!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "What game should I play on my day off - basketball, tennis, or golf? Decisions, decisions!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "It seems silly to take a day off during such an important competition...but I might as well enjoy myself!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "You've been working so hard lately, (player's name). Promise me you'll take it easy on your day off!"
  • "Ahhh! What a nice little vacation. I spent the whole time eating nutritious mushrooms and building up my strength!"
  • After taking a day off: "Why did I have to go and take a day off? I'm a plumber! I'm on call 24 hours a day!"
  • "Wah-hah-hah! Look how big my shop got! That's kinda surprising, even for me!"
  • "It's about time all my hard work finally paid off!"
  • "That's right, everybody! Luigi's pidding little shop is now a financial powerhouse!"
  • "Hey! Why does (player's name) get so many gold coins? I want some too!"
  • "You better watch out, (player's name). I'm gonna burn up all your stock certificates with a fireball!"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself card: "Finally! Something I can actually use!"
  • After player approaches victory: "I have to find a way to stop (player's name) from winning! Who'da thought he'd/she'd get this far?"
  • To player: "Did Mario teach you to play this game, (player's name)? 'Cause you've definitely got some sweet moves, just like him!"
  • "Why can I only move ahead one square? Guess the ground up ahead is slippery or something!" (after an event meaning players can only move one space)
  • After player builds a tax office: "Built yourself a tax office, (player's name)? That was a calculated move! Ha ha ha ha!"
  • After building an estate agency: "I bet Princess Daisy'd be really impressed if I owned a few more shops! Help me out, estate agency!"
  • After landing on the bank: "Ahh! I like landing on the bank. They never charge me any money to stop here!"
  • After the player lands on the bank: "You look stately standing in front of that bank, (player's name)! They should build a statue of you right there!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "This is even better than finding a hidden cache of coins - no scary pipes to fall down!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "So THIS is what it's like to be a bigwig! Now I finally know how Mario feels all the time."
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "If you earn a lot of gold coins standing there, (player's name), I'd be happy to take some of 'em off your hands!!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Open up your umbrella, (player's name)! It's about to start raining gold coins!!"
  • After getting Healie: "Hey, Healie! Make sure you leave me a suit too! That'd be swell!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Mario told me that being a grown-up means you can't let things like that bother you, (player's name). No fun, right?"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Eek! There must be a Boo haunting those venture cards (player's name)! Why else would you pick such a terrible one!?"
  • "Hey, can I get some more venture cards? That last one sure made my life a lot easier!"
  • After getting a small amount of money from other players: "Well...thanks, I guess. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but that really isn't a lot of gold..."
  • "Ha ha! Thanks for spreading the love (player's name). More money for Luigi!"
  • "Smart move, (player's name)! You've got to be vigilant, or else some evil person might swoop in and try to take over your shop!"
  • "That's a lot of money, (player's name)! It's kinda like feeding your wallet a 1-Up Mushroom!"
  • "You got any hobbies, (player's name)? I'm into lots of things: golf, tennis, basketball, beating you at this game..."
  • "Pretty sneaky, (player's name)... You aren't gonna do anything underhanded with those stocks, are you?"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! Look all of this extra money! Thanks a bunch, (player's name). You're a real pal."
  • "Your shop's small now, (player's name), but I bet it's gonna be pretty intimidating by the time this game is over!"
  • "Take good care of my shop, you hear?"
  • Accepting a trade deal: "It's a deal! Let's all jump for joy!"
  • "Interesting move, (player's name), You really used that venture card to your advantage!"
  • "Oh! Bad timing, (player's name). My shop is closed today."
  • To player buying his shop: "You're lucky I'm such an easygoing guy, (player's name)... 'cause that wasn't nice of you!"
  • To player: "Don't fret, (player's name)! Maybe you'll find a bunch of hidden coins on your way to the bank!"
  • Mario to Luigi: "Hey Luigi! Stick with me, Bro, and we'll win this one together!"
    • Luigi's response: "You got it, Mario! We'll show (player's name) some real Mario Bros. teamwork!"
  • To player: "Try not to show me up, (player's name)! I'm the star today!"
    • Yoshi's response: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I want to be the star too!)"
  • To player: "Whoa! Did you strike it rich, (player's name)? You've gotta show me your secret!"
    • Yoshi's response: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Me too! Show me your secret!)"
  • To player: "Hey, I've got a bright idea, (player's name)! I'll give you a Super Mushroom! That'll give you the strength to keep on going!"
    • Yoshi's response: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Sorry! I already ate her/his Super Mushroom!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Oh no! Does this spell the end for Luigi?"
  • Near bankrupt: "I've gotten used to coming in second place, but this is ridiculous!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Maybe I'm not as good as this game as I thought..."
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Hey! It looks like I'm the big hero today. Ya hear that, Mario?"
  • Approaching victory: "Wah-hah! I'd better jump on over to the bank! Jump, I say! Jump!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Hey! There you are, (player's name)! Did you bring back any 1-Up Mushrooms for us?"
  • Going bankrupt: "Bankrupt!? I'm gonna get laughed right out of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • Going bankrupt: "I'm done for! Whoever thought a hero would need rescuing!?"



  • "It's a race to the finish line! Start your engines!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Brr! This ship gives me the creeps! Best to win fast so I don't have to hang out here too long!" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "I wonder if there are coins in these ruins... I'm gonna grab as many as I can!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Uh-oh! Lava's never fun! It always brings back bad memories for me..." (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Looks like a lot of folks came out to see today's game. I'd like to knock this one out of the park!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Wow! What a fancy palace! But I still think Peach's Castle is the best…" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Whoa, this place is gonna make my head spin! But, hey… what a view!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Ah, it's all my little Yoshi friends! How have you been, guys?" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Dooo-doo-doo-doo-doo-dooooo! Hey, I love this tune!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Oh no! Nothing good ever comes out of this creepy castle. I hope I can escape safe and sound!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Slimes everywhere! That's O.K., I suppose… as long as they aren't bad slimes!" (Slimenia)
  • "I guess Erdrick is the big cheese around these parts! I tip my hat to you, legendary hero!" (Alefgard)
  • "Ha ha! I guess this is the place where I can change my profession… Thanks, but I'm happy being a hero!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "Oh boy, another galactic adventure! Here we go, sailing through space!" (Starship Mario)
  • "What a magical place! I feel like I'm on top of the world!" (The Observatory)
  • "Look at this picturesque little town! I remember the time I cleaned it top to bottom!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Ha ha! I'm gonna do well here. Peach's Castle is like a second home to me!" (Peach's Castle)
  • "Wah ha! That colossal statue scared me for a second! Stay right where you are, big guy..." (The Colossus)


  • To player: "It's me, Mario! Best of luck, (player's name)!"
  • "All right, my turn!"
  • "How's everyone doing? I'm feeling great! Let's roll!"
  • "Come on now, little die! Give me a good roll!"
  • "Here we go! Just remember, little die: Mario's your best friend!"
  • "Rolling the die is just one of my many special talents!"
  • "Here we go! Let's see what happens next!"
  • "Hey, I'm a big superstar! I should be able to roll a pretty good number!"
  • "Let me show you what I can do! Watch and learn!"
  • "Doooo--doo-doo doo-doo-doo! That sure is a catchy tune I've got stuck in my head! Oh, sorry, is it my turn already?"
  • "I need to make my favorite shop bigger and better - fast!"
  • "Hey, I think I'm gonna win! Bravo, Mario!"
  • "This is a nice feeling! Let's keep it going!"
  • "Ha ha! Little did ya all know, I've been holdin' back! Time to show ya what I've got!"
  • "It's me, Mario! Follow me to fortune!"
  • "Hey hey! Look who's up next! It's me, Mario!"
  • "I'm always ready to go! C'mon little die, roll me a good one!"
  • "This die and I are good friends! Come on, die, roll a good number for me!"
  • "Hey, everybody! Catch me if you can!"
  • "Mario's coming to take first place faster than a fireball! Watch out ahead!"
  • "Here we go! I'm taking first place, and you can't stop me!"
  • "Uh-oh, looks like one of my rivals is closing in! Time for a Super Jump - or a really good roll of the die!"
  • "Okeydokey! One suit down, three more to go!"
  • "Two suits left, right?"
  • "Wahoo! One more suit, and it's 1-Up time! I mean, level-up time!"
  • "I'd better see some fireworks when I level up! Woo-hoo!"
  • "Ha ha! The bank's so close! I hope I get there in one roll!"
  • "Level-up, here I come! I wish I could jump on over to the bank right this very second!"
  • "Time to make a dash to the bank!"
  • "They don't call me jump man for nothing!"
  • To Yoshi: "I'll help you find your cookies, Yoshi - just give me a second to brush these cookie crumbs out of my mustache!"
  • "Not to look a gift Yoshi in the mouth, but I was hoping for more coins..."
  • "That's a nice shop! So nice, in fact, that I want it all to myself!"
  • "Hey, everybody! You've got an open invitation to stop by my shop anytime you want!"
  • "Wahoo! That makes three shops for me! I'm on my way to total district domination!"
  • "Hey, that's pretty nice! I think I want to buy more shops around here!"
  • "Mario's shop is open for business! Come one, come all!"
  • "What a beautiful shop! Not too shabby for a plumber, huh?"
  • "Uh-oh, that's a pretty big shop up ahead! I wish I could just jump right over it!"
  • "Oh no! Almost all of the shops are gone! I'd better make a dash for it!"
  • "Oh boy! I should have bought more shops while I had the chance!"
  • "Mamma mia! All of the shops are sold out!"
  • "No more shops left to buy? Then it's time to get down to business!"
  • "Whoa! Look at all the shops I've got here!"
  • "Two down, a few more to go! I'm not finished buying up the district yet!"
  • "At the rate I'm going, this whole district's gonna be mine in no time!"
  • "Oh boy! If I keep buying up all of these properties, they're gonna have to change the name to Mario Street!"
  • "Hey! I thought I told everyone that shop was hands off! Why'd you have to go and buy, it (player's name)?"
  • "Think you're gonna dominate this district? Not on my watch!"
  • "Waa-hoo! Total district domination! Welcome, my friends, to the newly renovated Mario Square! Come one, come all!"
  • "That shop of yours looks like a fortress, (player's name)! Why don't you just build a moat around it? Ha ha!"
  • "I wouldn't normally shop here, but it looks like you need the gold more than I do!"
  • "Oh, not to worry! I think I can afford to shop here!"
  • "Oopsy-daisy! I wasn't planning on stopping here. At least I'm not going to have to shell out too many gold coins!"
  • "Whew! I sure am lucky this shop isn't too expensive!"
  • "Bravo, Mario! Nice timin' shoppin' 'ere when there's a half-off sale! I'm gettin' twice fer half the price!"
  • "Hey, isn't this shop a little pricier than usual? I thought I'd be saving money with a flat rate!"
  • "Lucky Mario! Ya sure ya only want to charge me a hundred gold coins to shop here? That's a great deal!"
  • "Look out! Mario wants in on the action!"
  • "Mamma mia! Sure, I'm in last place-but I can't let that bring me down!"
  • "Uh-oh! Looks like the time, she's-a-running out! I've got to figure out a way to win!"
  • "I've faced my fair share of challenges! I'm not going to let this little setback bring me down!"
  • "Ha ha! There's plenty of time to think about investing later!"
  • "What kind of luck is this? I need to land on one of my OWN shops!"
  • "Whoa! It's raining coins! Thanks for turning on the sprinklers, (player's name)!"
  • "I'm flattered that you want to own stock in my favorite district, (player's name)! I hope it pays off for you!"
  • "Ouch! My stock just took a beating! What gives, (player's name)?"
  • "Take my gold coins, (player's name)! They belong to you, now!"
  • "Hey, it's not big deal! Mario always has enough gold to share!"
  • "Thanks for dropping by, (player's name)! Take your time and look around. It's not every day you can shop for free."
  • "You know what they say: even luck is a skill!"
  • After warping: "What a ride! That was almost as fast as traveling via pipe!"
  • After warping: "Hey, I think I just warped! That sure was a fast trip!"
  • After player warps: "Ever get a stomachache when you warp, (player's name)? That happens to me sometimes!"
  • After player warps: "Smooth move, (player's name)! Wish I could zoom around like that too!"
  • "I'm so close to winning, I can practically taste it! Unless that's just some of yesterday's lunch stuck in my mustache..."
  • "This is a nice feeling! Let's keep it going!"
  • To player: "Hi, (player's name)! How's everything going for you so far?"
  • To player: "There's a lot of gold at risk here, (player's name)! You'd better play your hand wisely!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Heroes never take the day off! What am I supposed to do with myself - go to the beach?"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "A day off? As long as I'm being forced to take a vacation, I might as well enjoy myself! Wahoo! Mario party!"
    • Start of turn afterward: "Wahoo! I'm all recharged and ready to roll! Someone give me the die!"
  • "Thanks for stopping by, but my shop's closed right now! Sorry!"
  • "Oh no! Why would you stop by on my day off, (player's name)?"
  • "Huh? I came all this way and the shop is closed! Oh least I saved some money!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Taking a vacation, (player's name)? That sounds pretty nice right about now!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "All right! I'm getting a lucky cut of the action. Make sure you land on a shop, everybody!"
  • After landing on a Boon/Boom Square: "Hey there, lucky star! I heard you calling my name!"
  • After player lands on a Boon Square: "Ha ha! That's kinda like a bonus stage, huh, (player's name)? Collect a bunch of gold while you can!"
  • After player lands on a Boon Square: "Looks like you've got luck on you're side, (player's name)!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Wahoo! It's raining coins from the sky! I'm gonna catch 'em all!"
  • After player gets money from other players due to a Venture Card: "Ha ha! Thanks for giving me a special prize, everyone!"
  • After getting money from other players due to a Venture Card: "Thank you, thank you, everybody! Your generosity speaks volumes!!"
  • "Investing in your shop, eh? That's a good way to protect it, (player's name)! But I wouldn't dare steal it from you..."
  • "Wowee! Are you trying to build your own (player's name) Castle (player's name)?"
  • "Hey, it's kinda like a power-up for my shop!"
  • "Oh, no! I have to sell my shop. Good-bye, dear shop of mine!"
  • "Huh!? Where'd all my coins go? I guess I can't afford to buy you right now, little property...but I'll be back!"
  • "I hope I don't regret this, I just don't have the money right now! Mario's got to be fiscally responsible!"
  • "Thank you for your patronage! You're very generous, (player's name)... Just like me!"
  • "Mamma mia! You already have enough money! Let someone else take over first place, why don't you?"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "Whuuh-uh-oh! There go all my coins! Come back, little coins!"
  • After building a tax office: "Watch out for the tax man, everyone!"
  • After buying out a property: "This shop is rightfully mine! Go buy yourself a shop in a different district!"
  • After buying someone out: "I hate to buy this shop out from under you, but it's just too dangerous to leave it in your hands!"
  • After buying someone out: "Sorry, friend! A hero’s gotta do what a hero’s gotta do!"
  • After getting bought out: "It takes a lot to get me mad, (player's name)…but you're really pressing my buttons!"
  • After buying his shop: "Mamma mia! What are you doing, (player's name)!? I had dreams of dominating that district!"
  • After buying his shop: "Oh no! There go my big plans to build myself a castle. Why did you have to crush my dreams like that, (player's name)?"
  • To player buying shop: " I think this is the only that shop’s going to make me any money!"
  • After player buying his checkpoint: "Hey! What do you think you're doing with my checkpoint, (player's name)!?"
  • After player buying his estate agency: "Greed is not a good look for you, (player's name)!"
  • After player buying his balloonport: " Hey! That's MY balloon! Who said you could take it for a ride, (player's name)?"
  • After player buying his circus tent: "I can't believe you took over my circus, (player's name)! Didn't you like my fireball show?"
  • "I gotta remember to buy some stock next time I get a chance!"
  • "Hey, this is a pretty nice place! It's good for me that you're not charging more to shop here!"
  • "Ha! It's like I just fed my shop a Super Mushroom! Consider yourself recharged, little shop!"
  • After landing on Bank: "Wahoo! Right on the dot! Now, that's what I call precision!"
  • After player lands on the Bank: "Maybe after I win this game, you and I can open a bank together! How does that sound, (player's name)?"
  • "You deserve all that gold, (player's name)! You're a brave adventurer, just like me!"
  • "Wowee! Are you trying to build your own (player's name) castle, (player's name)?"
  • "You're my hero, (player's name)! Thanks for all the gold!"
  • "You're my heroine, (player's name)! Thanks for all the gold!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Wahoo! It's raining gold coins from the sky! I'm gonna catch 'em all!"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Wahoo! I'm the luckiest plumber in the whole wide world!"
  • After getting a bad Venture card: "Mamma mia! I feel so...depreciated."
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "You wanna share that bonus money with me, (player's name)? We could throw a party together!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "You must have a lucky star shining down on you, (player's name)!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "That's a pretty nice venture card, (player's name)! Your fairy stockmother must be looking out for you!"
  • After player gets a Suit Yourself Card: "I'll trade you that venture card for a Fire Flower! What do you say, (player's name)?"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Don't fret too much about those venture cards, (player's name). It's just the luck of the draw!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Did you eat a Mini Mushroom or something, (player's name)? You've got some magically shrinking shops!"
  • After getting Gumdrops: "Wow! That thing looks like a boo full of coins!"
  • After getting Healie: "Hey little guy, you look like a floating Goomba! Don't forget to give Mario a nice suit!"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Stay out of my way, Lakitu! I know what you're capable of, and I don't like it! Not one bit!!"
  • Rejecting a deal: "Oh boy... Sorry, but that trade doesn't really do anything for me. Maybe another time!"
  • To player: "You're off to a great start, (player's name)!"
  • "I'm flattered that you want to own stock in my favorite district, (player's name)! I hope it pays off you!"
  • "Hey! That just means more coins for me! Keep it up, (player's name)!"
  • Mario to Player: "You know what would help us win this game, (player's name)? That's right, a Super Mushroom! I wish we had one!"
    • Toad's response: "Don't look at me! I'm not a Super Mushroom!"
  • To Luigi: "Hey Luigi! Stick with me, Bro, and we'll win this one together!"
    • Luigi's response: "You got it, Mario! We'll show (player's name) some real Mario Bros. teamwork!"
  • Mario to Player: "I can't believe you got a promotion already! From now on, I'm calling you Super (player's name)!"
    • Bowser Jr.'s response: "You may have earned a few gold coins, but you're still plain old (player's name) to me!"
  • To player: "Nice job, (player's name)! You're a real hero - just like Mario!"
    • Luigi's response: "I wish Mario would call me a hero sometime..."
  • To Luigi: "Wow, (player's name), you've got a brain for business! Luigi could learn a thing of two from you!"
    • Luigi's response: "Mario thinks you're the bee's knees, (player's name)! I just wish he thought that highly of his own brother…"
  • To player: "Psst! Hey, (player's name)! Princess Peach is watching, so I'm afraid I just can't lose to you today!"
    • Peach's response: "Mario, I heard that! But don't you worry - I'm the one who's going to win!"
  • To player: "Keep going, (player's name)! It's way too early to give up!"
    • Peach's response: "Hey, Mario-what gives? You seem like you're more concerned about (player's name) than you are about me!"
  • To player: "Look at you go, (player's name)! You've inspired me to go out and collect a ton of gold coins!"
    • Yoshi's response: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (It's great to see you in action, (player's name)! I'm learning a lot from you!)"
  • To player: "You're good at gathering coins, (player's name)! We should hit the Mushroom Kingdom sometime to really rake in the gold!"
    • Bowser's response: "Hah! Maybe (player's name) doesn't need to bang her head against a block to find gold-she EARNS it, like an entrepreneur!"
  • To player: "Way to go, (player's name)! You're my hero!"
    • Bowser Jr.: "Grr! As if one hero wasn't bad enough... Now I've got the TWO of you to deal with! ARGH! I'm gonna stomp you both!"
  • To player: "Nice work, (player's name)! But Luigi and I aren't going to give up quite yet!"
    • Luigi's response: "Right you are! The Mario Bros. are just getting warmed up!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Welcome back, (player's name)! I was getting kinda tired of waiting!"
  • To player: "Hey! Now I've got a chance to catch up with you, (player's name)!"
  • Once player is near bankrupt: "Oh, don't get all down in the dumps just 'cause you're broke, (player's name)! Turn that frown upside down!"
  • Near bankrupt: "C'mon Mario, don't give up! Hey, that was a nice little pep talk I just gave myself!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I'm in trouble, now that's for sure!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I’ve got to keep going, or it’s game over for me!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Ha ha! I'm so close to winning, I can practically taste it! Unless that's just some of yesterday's lunch stuck in my mustache..."
  • Approaching victory: "I did it! Now I just need to super jump my way over to the bank to collect my prize!"
  • "Oh no! Well, ya know what they say...if at first ya don't succeed, retry, retry again! Ha ha!"
  • After male player approaches victory: "You proved yourself to be a real hero today, (player's name)! Bravo!"
  • After female player approaches victory: "What an inspirational heroine you turned out to be, (player's name)! Brava!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Mamma mia! Game over already!? I was just getting warmed up!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Oh no! Tell me the truth... It's game over for Mario, isn't it?"

Princess Daisy


  • "Hey, all you spooky ghosts out there! Don't you DARE try to scare me! Ya hear me?" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "Wow! Check out Yoshi's Island. I totally want to take one of those little guys home with me!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Hey-who wants to be on my pit crew? Tee hee! Just kidding!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Oh my gosh! Look at all those cute little blobs! Can I take one home with me?" (Slimenia)
  • "All right! I'm gonna roll this die right out of the park!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Yeah, sure. Big castle. Woooo. I'm totally impressed. Could use a few more flowers though…" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Hmph! If I'd known we were coming to such a lava-y place, I wouldn't have worn my nicest gown!" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "What's a girl gotta do around here to get her bearings? I'm all turned around and upside down!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "After I win, I'm headed over to Peach's Castle for a celebratory tea party. Who wants to join me?" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Whoa! I've heard a lot of wild stories about this place. This is going to be a blast!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "I bet Bowser seriously thinks this goofy castle is totally intimidating. As if!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "This place is falling apart! You want me to call my contractor? He'll fix everything up in a snap!" (Robbin Hood Ruins)
  • "I hear they kidnap princesses around here… I guess Bowser's not the only guy who's into abducting royalty!" (Alefgard)
  • "I've always wanted to travel through space! This is gonna be the best game ever!" (Starship Mario)
  • "Sweet! Check out this gorgeous resort! I can't wait to take a dip in the ocean." (Delfino Plaza)
  • "I totally want to scale up the side of that statue. What a challenge!" (The Colossus)
  • "I wanna see this flying train everyone keeps talking about. I must ride it. I simply must!" (The Observatory)
  • "I'm supposed to pick out a new trade here, huh? Let's see... Maybe I should be a professional athlete! Yeah!" (Alltrades Abbey)


  • To player: "So you're the famous (player's name)! I'm Daisy, princess of Sarasaland. The pleasure is mine!"
  • "Fair warning, folks: try all you want, but I'm still gonna win. Princess Daisy always comes out on top!"
  • "You may wonder why I want to win so badly. Well, it's 'cause I just HATE losing!"
  • "Winning feels SO awesome. From now on, I'm gonna win all the games I play!"
  • "Oh boy! It sure was a snap getting into first place. I bet winning this game is gonna be a piece of cake!"
  • "Hold on tight to your socks, people, 'cause I'm about to knock 'em off!"
  • "Let's speed this game up! I'm seriously getting wrinkles waiting for you all to roll the die."
  • "I'm gonna throw this die as hard as I can! I bet I'll get a sweet number out of it! OOF!"
  • "Winning is a matter of timing and luck. I don't have either, but I've never let that stop me before!"
  • "Eek! Is it my turn already? Sorry, I was in another world!"
  • "Don't underestimate me, people! Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I won't fight dirty!"
  • "If you give me a good number, little die, I'll promote you to court jester! I'm a princess - I can do that!"
  • "All right - this game is about to get seriously interesting! Check it out!"
  • "Who ever said princesses have to play fair? I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to win this game!"
  • "Do ya really think ya can win against me, (Player’s name)? That’s awfully presumptuous of ya!"
  • "I want to be in first place! I want it, I want it, I WANT IT!"
  • "Hey! You all paying? attention? ‘Cause I’m totally in first place here!"
  • "No no no! Why's everything going to dogs? I'm doing my best here!"
  • "Whoa! This game is brutal! If I'd known it was gonna be this tough. I woulda stayed home at my castle today!"
  • "Something's not right... It doesn't make any sense for me to be in last place! Let's try to turn this around!"
  • "Check it out, people! I'm about to show you how a REAL winner rolls!"
  • "Here goes nothing! C'mon, die - gimme an awesome roll!"
  • "Who in the world put such an expensive shop directly in my path? N-not that I'm scared of it or anything!"
  • "These suits are awfully cute. Maybe I'll sneak a few of 'em home with me! They'd look nice on my castle walls!"
  • "Hmm. I've got one suit, so that means I've got three more to go. Should be a breeze!"
  • "I'm getting tired. Subjects of Sarasaland- bring me the rest of the suits!"
  • "Time to put the finishing touches on my celebration, people. I'm about to get my promotion!"
  • "I can't believe the bank won't send someone to come and pick me up. What terrible service!"
  • "This shop is going to grow like a wildflower! I picked it, after all, so it's GOT to be good!"
  • "Make sure you all stop by my new shop and introduce yourselves! It's the polite thing to do!"
  • "I'm off to a pretty good start in this district, wouldn't you say? I sure would!"
  • "Hmm... I've only got two shops in this district, but I definitely want more! More, more, MORE!"
  • "Sweet! Another shop in one of my favorite districts. Things are shaping up pretty well!"
  • "Looks like I'm destined to own a lot of property here. Who am I to say no to fate?"
  • "Anyone mind if I buy up ALL of the shops in this district? I'd hate to break up the set."
  • "Stay out of my way, folks. I'm gonna grab ALL the shops in this district! They're gonna all mine!"
  • "I’m starting to get a bit suspicious, (Player’s name)… Are you trying to dominate that district? You are!"
  • "Anyone have a problem with my buying a shop in this district? Too bad! I don’t care! Tee hee hee!"
  • "But...but that shop was supposed to be for me! Why would you go and buy it!?"
  • "Woo! Did everyone see what I did there? Yep, I dominated this whole district! Yippee!
  • "I've got a favor to ask, guys - leave all those empty shops for me, OK? I totally want to buy them!"
  • "It's only proper that the fairest princess of 'em all gets dibs on that last shop. Right? Who's with me?"
  • "Whoa! Who bought up all the shops? Here I was thinking I'd buy a few more!"
  • "Augh! No more shops left to buy? Guess I'll just have to take some of 'em! Ha ha ha!"
  • "Tee hee hee! I bet no one was expecting THAT!"
  • "Look at my little shop, all grown up now! I'm just bursting with pride!"
  • "What a waste! If only I had purchased some stock earlier... Oh, well. Lesson learned!"
  • "Oh well! Maybe I'll invest next time. I just really couldn't be bothered with it right now."
  • "Whoops! I totally forgot to invest. I need to get going on that one of these days..."
  • "I'd better hurry up and do some investing! I'd hate to have a shop bought out from under me."
  • "Do I really have to go all the way to the bank to purchase stock? How inconvenient!"
  • "Hmm.. I need some stock! Who wants the honor of buying me some? I’m waiting!"
  • After landing on the bank: "Banks rule! Where else can you safely store your money? I mean, other than an actual safe..."
  • "How kind of you! But I'd much rather prefer a bouquet of flowers to a bushel of cash!"
  • "I think something's wrong with this die. It feels heavier than usual!"
  • "It's a princess's prerogative whether to change her mind AND her direction!"
  • "I give this shop the Daisy stamp of approval! Now I bet you'll make a lot more money on it!"
  • "What a precious little shop! I just want to take it home and cuddle it!"
  • "Whoops! I totally didn't mean to add to your coffers. You're rich enough already!"
  • "Umm... How many coins is that again? Sorry, but I'm not used to making such small purchases!"
  • "Hold up! Why's it only more expensive for me? Are you anti-princess or something?"
  • "Aw! I totally thought I had enough money to buy this place. I must have a hole in my pocket or something..."
  • "It’s so sweet of you to invite me. I just love looking around other people’s shops."
  • "Eek! What do you think you're doing, (player's name)! Is there no limit to your greed?"
  • "Let the stock prices fall as they may! It won't hurt me!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "So we're playing rough now, huh? Fine! Prepare to face the wrath of Daisy!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "Your prices are absolutely ridiculous! Why don't you just take my crown while you're at it?"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Shop away, folks! The more money you spend, the more money I get! Everybody's a winner!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Lucky Daisy! I totally rule! Shop away to your hearts' content, everyone!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "I must refrain from shopping for a while. I don't want (player's name) to get any more money than he/she already has!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "You land on that square and you get free money? Sounds like the perfect job for a princess like me!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Hmph! Stupid die! Today is the absolutely WORST day for me to take a vacation!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "It's about time (player's name) took the day off! I finally have a chance to visit one of his/her shops free of charge!"
  • After warping: "That's the coolest magic trick in the world! One second, I'm there; next second, I'm here! Ta-da!"
  • After player warps: "You're always running hither and thither across this board, (player's name)! You can't sit still, can you?"
  • After player lands on the bank: "Just taking a little breather, (player's name)? I bet the bank is nice and air-conditioned!"
  • "Ahhh! All rested up, and I didn't even lose any money by taking a day off. I gotta do that more often!"
  • "Hey, (Player’s name)! Why don’t you try coming to my shop when it’s actually OPEN?"
  • "Hey, buddy! Didn't you read the "Closed" sign on the door of my shop? I hate missing out on a big payday!"
  • "Just add a little money and a little love, and BOOM! Look at that big, beautiful shop!"
  • "I could just sit and stare at you forever, my precious shop. You're absolutely beautiful!"
  • "Sweet! With a little love and a love of my money, my shop grew big and strong!"
  • "Stop dragging your feet, (Player's name)! This game is no fun when you're trailing so far behind!"
  • After buying someone out: "Sorry! I just couldn't help myself! It was worth it just to see the look on your face!"
  • After buying someone out: "Someone-I'm not saying who-was getting a bit aggressive around hare. I had to restore the order to the district!"
  • After buying someone out: "Hmph! Fine! Take my shop and leave me with a broken heart. I don't mind, not one bit!"
  • To player buying out her shop: "Such wanton cruelty, (Player’s name)! How can you justify your selfish actions!?"
  • To player buying out her shop: "Hmph! And I was in such a wonderful mood before you walked into my life, (player's name)!"
  • After getting Goodybag: "Oh my! What a beautiful little... Um... Uh... What IS that thing anyway?"
  • After getting Healie: "Look at that cute little squishy thing! Will it sting me if I try to pet it?
  • After getting Lakitu: "Ugh! Who invited a party crasher in here? Oh, that's right, I did! Sorry, everyone!"
  • After getting a good Venture card: "I don't need all of this wonderful stock to win, but it sure will speed things up! Victory is imminent!"
  • After getting a good Venture card: "If all of the venture cards were sweet as that, this game would be a LOT easier! Hee hee!"
  • After getting a good Venture card: "Is this my special reward for being such an awesome princess? Makes sense to me!"
  • After player gets a good Venture card: "I'm not jealous of YOU, (player's name)… I'm just jealous of the venture card you picked! Wowzers!"
  • After player gets a good Venture card: "Why is it (player's name) always gets the good cards? It's patiently unfair!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture card: "That's not worth getting upset over (player's name). Just ask your daddy to front you some cash!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture card: "It's terrible to see bad things happening to good people like you, (player's name). Tee hee!"
  • After getting a bad Venture card: "Eek! I've been tricked! Who slipped this terrible card in here!?"
  • After getting a bad Venture card: "Isn't that typical? Charging me a big fee just ‘cause I'm a rich princess. Hmph!"
  • "Woo! It never hurts to have a little extra cash in your pocket!"
  • After Player gets a Suit Yourself Card: "Huh? What has (player's name) ever done to deserve a Suit Yourself card? I demand an answer!"
  • "Why, you just earned me a little bit of money, (player's name)! How charitable of you!"
  • "You can put all the defensive capital in the world into that shop, (player's name). If I want it, I'll buy it!"
  • "I'm finding that shop of yours less and less enticing as this game progresses, (player's name)…"
  • "I see I'm up against a real financial genius! Maybe you and I can trade stock tips, (player's name)…"
  • Accepting a trade deal: "How can I say no to such an offer? You got yourself a deal, sweetie!"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "I hate to say no, but... no. Absolutely not! No way!"
  • To player: "But... but you can't buy stock in that district, (player's name)! That's MY district!"
  • To player: "Huh. That's certainly an... interesting move, (player's name). Are you sure you know how to play this game?"
  • To player: "Yippee! You're my little good-luck charm, (player's name)! With you on my side, I can't lose!"
  • To player: "I'm so glad you earned that salary, (player's name). Now you have enough money to spend at my shops!"
  • To player: "Yippee! You're a tried-and-true friend, (player's name). I shan't forget your generosity."
  • To player: "I just want you to know that I'm not even the slightest bit jealous of you, (player's name). I'm not!"
  • To player: "I see you're quite a worthy adversary, (player's name). Too bad I'm still going to defeat you!"
  • To player: "If you win, (player's name), maybe I'll invite you on an all-expenses-paid vacation to Sarasaland!"
    • Luigi's response: "Wow, what a prize, (player's name)! I wish I was in your shoes!"
  • To player: "Yay! You got your salary, (player's name)! I guess that means you'll drop by my shop soon, right?"
    • Luigi's response: "Wow, Princess Daisy! You're good..."
  • To Peach: "Tee hee! Today we celebrate an important day: (player's name)'s promotionversary!"
    • Peach's response: "Really? A promotionversary? Is that an official holiday in Sarasaland?"
  • To player: "Wow, (player's name)! You're doing great! I'm totally inspired to make more money now!"
    • Peach's response: "Oh, really, Princess Daisy? Then I suppose I'll just have to earn more than the two of you combined!"
  • To Peach: "What? I can't believe that (player's name) has enough gold to cinch a win! I'm not ready to stop playing yet!"
    • Peach's response: "You and I both, Princess Daisy. This game is too much fun to stop now! We simply cannot let this happen!"
  • To player: "Nice move, (player's name)! This must be a special day for you - receiving your first promotion and all!"
    • Diddy Kong's response: "Ook? Ookity? Oook? (What are you going to spend it on? Investments? Forced buyouts?)"
  • To player: "Hmph! I'm so disappointed to see you in last place, (player's name)! It's no fun at all!"
    • Luigi's response: "Hey, (player's name). Stop making Princess Daisy sad, won't you?"
  • To player: "Hold on, (player's name)! Don't you think it's a little early for winning? Let's play awhile longer!"
    • Diddy Kong's response: "Ookity! Ook ook! (Yeah, what she said! I wanna keep playing!)"
  • To Peach: "Well, this isn't very exciting! How can we have any fun when (player's name) is in last place?"
    • Peach's response: "I know! It's boring for me too. Come on, (player's name)! What are you waiting for? Make your big move!"
  • To player when he or she makes at least 1000G due to stocks: "I can't believe my eyes! How in the world are you making so much money? It's just not fair! Not at all!"
    • Luigi's response: "Now, now, Princess Daisy. (player's name) is just doing what he's/she's good at. We can't get mad at him/her for that!"
  • To player: "Keep it together, (player's name)! If you quit, this will all have been a big waste of time! Where's the fun in that?"
    • Diddy Kong's response: "Oookity ook! Ooook! (She's right, (Player's name)! You can't give up now!)"
  • Once Player is close to bankrupt: "It pains me to see you in such financial straits, (player's name)… But I'm afraid I can't help you!"
  • To player buying her shop: "Well, I never! That was MY shop, (player's name)! How could you betray me like that!?"
  • After player lands on her expensive shop: "Today is the first annual (player's name)-Bought-a-Ton-of-Stuff-at-My-Shoppiversary! Let's all celebrate! Tee hee!"
  • "Yippee! Thanks for the exorbitant payday, (player's name)! Are you trying to get on my good side? 'Cause it's working!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Well, well, well! I was just getting ready to leave. It's rude to keep a princess waiting, (player's name)! Tee hee!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I don't want to go bankrupt! Can my daddy put a little extra gold in my bank account?"
  • Near bankrupt: "Hey, I've got an idea! Let's start over! C'mon-who's with me?"
  • Near bankrupt: "Augh! Stop picking on me, stupid game! Cut me a little slack, would ya?"
  • (If any other player reaches target net worth like Jessica) "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!"
  • "Woo! No one's gonna stop me from here-Hey! What do you mean I don't have enough money now? Drat!"
  • "I’m terribly sorry, (Player’s name), but I don’t think ya’ll be winning today. It’s simply not in the cards!"
  • "Yippee! I've got (target amount of money), and it's time to go claim victory!"
  • "Hey, (Player's name)! Ya don't really want to win this early, do ya? where's the challenge in that?"
  • "Don't act all surprised that I'm about to win the game, folks. I am Princess Daisy, after all!"
  • After player approaches victory: "Oh, but you can't win yet, (player's name) - I'm having too much fun! I order you to continue playing this game!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Augh! Brutal, absolutely brutal. This is no way to treat a princess as sweet and lovely as me!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Augh! We live in a world where bad things happen to awesome people!"

Princess Peach


  • "Welcome to the grandest castle in the Mushroom Kingdom. There's no way I can lose here!" (Peach's Castle)
  • "This ship is simply littered with ghosts! Perhaps I can befriend them, the poor little things..." (Ghost Ship)
  • "It's absolutely sweltering in here! Won't someone please turn on the air conditioner?" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Everyone knows Princess Peach is an ace pitcher. Watch as I throw this die with astounding precision!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Well, it's certainly no Peach Castle, but it's not without its charms…" (Castle Trodain)
  • "What a delightful little island! It's no wonder Yoshi loves it so!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "I bet my floating parasol would come in handy here. Jump, jump! Tee hee!" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Oh dear! Why are we playing in Bowser's Castle? There are all sorts of tricks and traps here!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "I don't believe for a second in this legendary hero. If he DID exist, he'd be rescuing me right now!" (Alefgard)
  • "That statue is certainly imposing. Maybe they should soften it up with a little lip gloss..." (The Colossus)
  • "This place looks like an adventure waiting to happen!" (The Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Ahhh! What a lovely little island. Peaceful and serene, just like the Mushroom Kingdom!" (Slimenia)
  • "What an oddly shaped planet! I hope I don't get all turned around." (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Yuck! The last time I was here, I got kidnapped AND the town got trashed! Let's all play nice this time, OK?" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "I can't wait to see this flying train! All aboooard!" (The Observatory)
  • "Finally, my chance to see the galaxy! You know, since I was all busy being kidnapped last time I was here..." (Starship Mario)
  • "I'm going to double-dash my way to victory! Good luck keeping up with me! Tee hee!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Is this where people switch vocations? How quaint! I'd change my job if I had one!" (Alltrades Abbey)


  • To male player: "I'm Peach, princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. No need to bow, (player's name)!"
  • To female player: "I'm Peach, princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. No need to curtsy, (player's name)!"
  • "Dream on! I'm never giving up first place!"
  • "I need a little more breathing room between myself and second place! Time to earn some serious gold!"
  • "Yeah! It's my turn!"
  • "Like a game of cat-and-mouse...but with shops! How fun!"
  • "Hmm... Interesting move. Perhaps I should follow your example..."
  • "It's just one exciting adventure after another with this game!"
  • "No one told me there would be THIS much walking. I should've worn my pink sneakers!"
  • "Why must I always walk? Can't I just float across the board with my parasol?"
  • "How odd! This die doesn't seem to be following my orders. What good is a die if it won't follow orders!?"
  • "I refuse to let a bad roll of the die bring me down. No matter the number, I won't let myself get discouraged!"
  • "Be a good die, and maybe I'll make you a knight!"
  • "Someone get this die a Super Mushroom! I want to roll a powerful number!"
  • "This game is shaping up to be a real challenge! I may need to turn to Toadsworth for financial advice..."
  • "I've got a good feeling about this!"
  • "This die is gigantic! It's bigger than my head!"
  • "High pressure! Just take a deep breath and roll, Peach..."
  • "Business is going to be booming! I can FEEL it!"
  • "Did you know you can buy just about any shop if you simply pay five times its worth? That's useful information!"
  • "I see an expensive shop up ahead! If only I had my parasol...then I could float right past it!"
  • "Oooh! I spot a switch square in the distance. If I step on it, maybe a bunch of coins will appear!"
  • "One more bad roll and it's straight to the dungeon with you, little die!"
  • "How did I end up in last place? Why, this isn't like me at all!"
  • "This is no time to play it safe. I need to make a bold move - and quick! Roll, Peach, roll!"
  • "An ordinary girl might give up at a time like this. But I'm a princess, and princesses never surrender!"
  • "This is no time to play it safe. I need to make a bold move-and quick! Roll, Peach, roll!"
  • "Do you expect ME to pay at your checkpoint, (player's name)? Princesses never carry cash!"
  • "A checkpoint is just what I need to make some quick cash!"
  • "This checkpoint is official property of the Mushroom Kingdom. Do NOT graffiti the walls!"
  • "I'll never be able to collect my bonus with just one suit. No, I must go out and gather the rest!"
  • "Tee hee! Hearts and diamonds are the suits that suit me best!"
  • "I thought gathering these suits would be a challenge, but they're practically jumping into my arms!"
  • "Whew! I've already collected three suits. I don't suppose the last one wants to meet at the bank, huh?"
  • "I've gathered all of the necessary suits. Can I send Toadsworth to the bank for me?"
  • "Hmmm... What to do with the money I'll receive with my next promotion? Maybe I should donate it to charity!"
  • "Hmm? You give out suits? What a friendly little fellow you are!" (After drawing Heal Slime card)
  • "I won't be satisfied until this entire district belongs to me!"
  • "This district is perfect for me. I need to buy more shops here!"
  • "This district and I are obviously kindred spirits. I simply must have more shops here!"
  • "I've come this far... I might as well buy up the entire district!"
  • "Three shops in one district? Why, I've surprised even myself!"
  • "How distressing! You KNEW that was my favorite district, (Player’s name)!"
  • "Yippee! Consider this district dominated!"
  • "No one is ever going to kidnap this shop! I'll make certain of that!"
  • "Oooh! I get to play shopkeeper now. Welcome, valued customers! Take a look around!"
  • "Might I offer a suggestion, (player's name)? Roll that die as hard as you can!"
  • "This shop is absolutely precious, (player's name). I wish I could buy it up right now!"
  • "Am I supposed to be intimidated by these prices? They're laughable! Tee hee!"
  • "Where did this money come from? I must have you to thank, (player's name)!"
  • "Is that all I earned? Just a few gold coins? How...disappointing."
  • "I bet Mario would love this shop! Oh, I hope he visits soon!"
  • "I've purchased two shops in this district. That means I'm entitled to the others, right?"
  • "I like to stick up for the underdog. That's why I'm doing my shopping here today!"
  • "Ha! This shop is so cheap it's barely worth the effort to get out my coin purse."
  • "Hurry up and shop, everyone! It's my lucky day!" (after landing on a Boon square)
  • "Why, this shop belongs to the person in first place! I shouldn't have stopped here!"
  • "Who knew playing the stock market could be so much fun? Yippee!"
  • "I'll bake a delicious cake for the first person who drives up the price of this stock!"
  • "I have stock. Now all I have to do is land on a shop I actually OWN!"
  • "A little investment never hurt anyone...I think!"
  • "Would you look at that... I wasn't expecting such fast results!"
  • "Perhaps I'll invest once I get myself some stock... I'd better put that on my to-do list!"
  • "I'm having too much fun buying shops to even THINK about investing in them!"
  • "You must think everyone is drooling over that shop of yours, (player's name). We're not!"
  • "I'm suddenly inspired to earn more money. You're quite a muse, (player's name)!"
  • "You're quite adept at insider trading, (player's name). Should I be concerned?"
  • "Finally, a store fit for a princess! I'll certainly shop there, (player's name)!"
  • "A magnificent shop, fit for a princess! Tee hee!"
  • "Only 100G today? Whew!"
  • "Where did this money come from? I must have you to thank, (player's name)!"
  • "Your actions have consequences, (player's name)! I lost money on that transaction!"
  • "You're willing to pay extra just to shop at my store, (player's name)? How flattering!"
  • "Oh, silly (player's name)! Stop trying to catch up to me. I'll never give up first place!"
  • "What just happened? Last time I looked, the prices here were much more reasonable!"
  • "Don't lose heart, (player’s name)! If you give up now, this game is good as lost!"
  • "Are you comfortable in first place, (player's name)? Perhaps it's a rank better suited to loyalty..."
  • After landing on a Boon square: "All I have to do is wait here patiently, and the gold will come to me!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "You're rich enough already, (player's name)! Perhaps I'll rein in my spending for now..."
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "I wish I had your Midas touch, (player's name)! For a princess, I have such bad luck..."
  • Accepting a trade: "You've got a deal!"
  • "Tee hee! You big joker! Everyone knows my shop is worth MUCH than that!
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "I suppose I can use this time off to work on my customer-service skills..."
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Hmph! Why can't I schedule my OWN days off?"
  • "You're not playing fair, (player's name). Why would you visit my shop on my day off? meanie!"
  • "My beauty sleep did wonders! I feel so refreshed!"
  • "Tsk-tsk! You should know better than to visit someone's shop on their day off. For shame!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-Break square: "Sweet dreams, (player's name)… Tee hee! Now's my chance to trounce him/her!"
  • "Thank goodness I'm here on free invitation. Sometimes I just prefer to window-shop!"
  • After warping: "Who do I talk to about getting one of those installed in my castle? It sure beats walking up all those stairs!"
  • After player warps: "Look at how you zip around, (player's name)! That's the only way to travel!"
  • After player warps: "You certainly know your way around this board, (player's name)!"
  • After landing on the bank: "YAWN! Standing in line at the bank is so boring!"
  • After player lands on bank: "I bet you have a nest egg stashed away at the bank, (player's name). You're so clever!"
  • After building a circus tent: "My circus is the only place where you can see a Toad shot out of a cannon! It'll be a magnificent show!"
  • After building a balloonport: "A hot-air balloon can carry me a lot farther than a parasol!"
  • After having a balloonport bought out: "Nooo! My balloon! You're such a party pooper, (player's name) - just like Toadsworth!"
  • After having her Tax Office bought out: "Hmph! Do what you will with my tax office, (player's name). I'm done with it anyway!"
  • After having her Home bought out: "You've stolen my vacation home, (player's name)! No more cake for you! Ever!"
  • After having her estate agency bought out: "Go ahead, (Player's name). I'll get my shops the old-fashioned way-with a forced buyout!"
  • After building an estate agency: "I wonder if this estate agency can help me buy my next castle..."
  • After player builds a balloonport: "I bet you can fly higher with a balloon than Mario ever could with a cape, (player's name)!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "That was MUCH more efficient than paying to invest!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "I certainly have a knack for choosing the best cards!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "Whew! That venture card just saved me a trip to the bank!"
  • After player gets a good venture card: "A seven-percent rise in shop value? That mushroom is very unusual, (player's name)!"
  • After player gets a good venture card: "What a lucky break, (player's name)! You certainly deserve it."
  • After getting a bad venture card: "What's happening? Did someone sprinkle shrinking powder on my shop?"
  • "The selection of available shops has certainly dwindled!"
  • "Perhaps I should have purchased more shops when I had the chance. There's barely anything left now!"
  • "My chance at more shops has suddenly gone up in smoke! Unless I force a buyout, of course..."
  • "All sold out? Someone should have saved a shop for me!"
  • "This little shopping spree of mine has gotten out of control!"
  • "Ooh! Changing directions, (player's name)? That's a tough call. Follow your heart!"
  • "This die isn't working properly! Someone fetch me a new one!" (after an event meaning players can only move one space)
  • "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but can't someone just give me FOUR of these Suit Yourself cards?"
  • "Is that it? Hmph. I thought I'd be getting more!"
  • "Did everyone see what just happened? That sweet gal/fella (player's name) made me rich!"
  • "Well, isn't that peachy? Thanks a bundle, (player's name)! Tee hee!"
  • "But I don't want to pay! Can't I put this card back and draw another?"
  • After player gets a promotion: "You deserve a little fanfare with that promotion, (player's name)! Da-da-da-dum dee-dee-dum!"
  • After buying someone out: "Whew! It cost me dearly, but I really, really wanted that shop!"
  • After buying someone out: "It's not right, keeping the whole district to yourself! You need to learn how to share!"
  • After buying someone out: "I'd never forgive myself it I let you dominate this district without a fight!"
  • To player buying her shop: "I'm sure you didn't mean to steal MY shop, (player's name). You can give it back anytime!"
  • To player buying her shop: "Apparently you've been taking cruelty lessons from Bowser, (player's name). Hmph!"
  • To player: "Three shops in one district, (player's name)? Your loyalty is unwavering!"
  • To player: "I wish you the best of luck, (player's name)! Take heart-you won't be in last place forever!"
  • To player: "Why did you buy stock on my district, (player's name)? Do you plan to sabotage me?"
  • "I appreciate the invite, (player's name), but it comes in the most inopportune time!"
  • Peach to Player: Don't think I'll go easy on you, (player's name)! I plan on winning today!"
    • Daisy's response: "No way! I'm going to win this time! I mean, that goes without saying, right?"
  • To Bowser: "Who invited Bowser? He's only going to cause trouble!"
    • Bowser's response: "Bwah hah hah! Your wish is my command, Princess Peach! If it's trouble you want, it's trouble you got!"
  • Mario to Player: Congrats, (player's name)! You're a real hero, what with that promotion and all!"
    • Peach's response: "Oh, so you're a hero now? Perhaps I'll call on you next time I get kidnapped!"
  • To Mario: "Hmph! Why does (player's name) have all the luck? Mario! I order you to go out and gather me some gold coins!"
    • Mario's response: "Sure thing, Princess Peach! But,"
  • (If the player's character is male) "I can't believe (player's name) is going to win! Bowser, I order you to stop him! Cause mayhem if you must!"
    • Bowser's response: "Wow! You're a little scary when you get mad, Princess Peach...but I like it! Consider it done! Gwah hah hah!"
  • (If the player's character is female) "Bowser! Something must be done to stop (player's name) from winning! I order you to kidnap her!"
    • Bowser's response: "Done and done, Princess Peach. I was already planning on it! Hey, (player's name)! Wait up! I've gotta kidnap you!"
  • To Toad: "Toad, prepare a celebration - (player's name) received a promotion!"
    • Toad's response: "Oh my! We'll need a pyrotechnic display! But where am I going to get fireworks at THIS hour?"
  • To player: "Congratulations, (player's name)! I know the perfect place for you to spend your salary - at my shop!"
    • Birdo's response: "You don't beat around the bush, do you, Peach? Hmph! A little pushy for my taste!"
  • To female player: Are you letting me win, (player's name)? That's sweet, but this game would be fun if you gave me a challenge!
    • Birdo's response: "Oh, puh-lease! Don't listen to her, (player's name)! I know you're doing your best!"
  • To player: "Don't worry, (player's name). It's not your fault when you're in last place. I blame Bowser!"
    • Bowser's response: "Sure, sure. Why, it's MY fault when you've got bad business, Princess Peach! Bwah hah!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Welcome back, (player's name)! I've been so bored without you to keep me company."
  • Near bankrupt: "I simply can't go bankrupt! I'd never be able to live it down!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Pull it together, Princess. Times like these call for bravery and courage... Mario, save me!!"
  • Near bankrupt: "A princess going bankrupt? Why, that's unheard of!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Yay! Sorry to leave you all in the dust, but I have (target amount of money). Time to go win this game!"
  • Approaching victory: "Another victory for Peach! This game has gone exactly according to plan!"
  • After player approaches victory: "Headed for the finish line, (player's name)? Not without me, you aren't!"
  • Going bankrupt: "There must be a mistake! Princesses can't go bankrupt! It's a royal decree or something!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Bankrupt!? I'll never be able to show my face in the Mushroom Kingdom again!"



  • "Oh! I should have brought a thank-you gift for letting us play on Yoshi's Island! How rude of me!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Whew! This place looks friendly enough. I actually think it's smiling at me!" (Slimenia)
  • "B-baseball!? This game can get pretty rough. Maybe I'll just, uh, be an umpire..." (Mario Stadium)
  • "I've heard stories about the legendary Robbin' Hood... Does he still wander through these fantastical ruins?" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Home sweet home. This is my favorite castle in the world! Don't you think it's peachy keen? Ha ha ha!" (Peach's Castle)
  • "Who built this amazing castle? Whoever she is, I need to hire her as my new constructor!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Eep! This place gives me the heebie-jeebies! Let's get out of here as quick as we can!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Wah-hah! If I look down, I'm going to start crying! Who thought this would be a fun place to play?" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Huh? HUH!? This place is kinda topsy-turvy. Hope I don't get lost!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid I can't change jobs. I'm already very busy attending to Princess Peach!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "This place fills me with such conflicting emotions! But how can I resist that catchy music?" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Whoa! Alefgard! I want to meet the legendary dragon warrior Erdrick! But I forgot my camera! Wah-hah!" (Alefgard)
  • "This ship looks just like Mario! Not sure they got the nose quite right, though…" (Starship Mario)
  • "All the islanders seem happy and full of energy! The Shine Sprites have been doing their job." (Delfino Plaza)
  • "I'm going to build a giant likeness of Princess Peach once I return to the Mushroom Kingdom!" (The Colossus)
  • "I'm...I'm not afraid of gh-ghosts! I just prefer non-haunted ships." (Ghost Ship)
  • "Remember, everybody: safety first! Make sure you buckle up!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Princess Peach's castle is pretty amazing, but THIS one... I mean, it can fly!!" (The Observatory)


  • To player: "Nice to see you (player's name)! If there's anything you need, just let me know!"
  • "All right, little die! We can do this! Roll me your very best number!"
  • "What number is it going to be!? I can barely stand the drama!"
  • "OHMIGOSH OHMIGOSH! It's my turn! I get to roll the die!"
  • "I've got a good feeling about this game… It's Toad's time to shine!"
  • "It's Toad's turn!"
  • "OK, I'm thinking of a number between one and ten. Hope I roll it!"
  • "Hmm... I never seem to land on any of my own shops. I bet Bowser cursed that die!"
  • "For the glory of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Wah-hah! The shop of my dreams is right over there! I need to formulate a plan..."
  • "Oh! Is it my turn already? Sorry, I was kind of busy twiddling my thumbs over here…"
  • "Everyone's having fun, right? Games are so much better when all of the participants are enjoying themselves."
  • "Each roll of the die offers a new and exciting adventure!"
  • "Shops are an important source of income. I think I'll buy this one!"
  • "Welcome to the district that will one day be dominated by ME!"
  • "I've only got one suit so far, but I'm not in a rush. You've got to take time to smell the Fire Flowers!"
  • "How's everybody doing? I've got two suits, you know. That's a lot!"
  • "One suit to go! Happy hunting to the rest of you!"
  • "I've got all four suits! If only the bank was nearby..."
  • "I need to power myself up with a promotion! That way, I'll be able to better defend Princess Peach!"
  • "I can't wait for my promotion! With power and money, I can protect Princess Peach almost as well as Mario does!"
  • "Oooh! It's almost promotion time! What should I buy first?"
  • "I solemnly swear to turn this into a wonderful shop that will be loved and respected by all!"
  • "I'd like this to be a friendly, neighborhood-watch kind of district. So if you see any troublemakers, give me a call!"
  • "That's a scary-looking shop up ahead... What if I land there and no one comes to rescue me?"
  • "I wonder which district has the most potential? Hmm..."
  • "Hooray! I have two shops in this district now. Not bad for a Toad!"
  • "Yippee! That's my second shop in this district. Maybe one day I'll have THREE shops here! Dare I dream?"
  • "Can you believe it? I just purchased my second shop in this district! That's cause for celebration!"
  • "That makes three for me! This place is starting to look like the Mushroom District!"
  • "I suppose I should be satisfied with three shops in a district...but I want more! More! MORE!"
  • "WAH-HAH! I've dominated the entire district! I have so many people to thank..."
  • "You sure taught that district who's boss, (player's name)!"
  • "I'd be a fool to let this opportunity pass me by. I should invest in my shop while I can!"
  • "Look at how much my shop has grown! I-I couldn’t have done it without you all. Thank you! Thank you!"
  • "Look at what you've done to that shop! What's your secret to success, (player's name)? I need to know!"
  • "What should I do!? What should I do!? I don't need this shop! Someone take it!"
  • "Ah! Pure bliss! I hope one day you all experience the happiness I'm feeling right now!"
  • "I probably should have invested in my shop...but I'm going to wait until I have some stock!"
  • "I shouldn't be shopping here. The person in first place doesn't need my money!"
  • "Why, I don't mind shopping here at all. Your prices are so very reasonable! Mind if I drop by again sometime?"
  • "OH NO! OH NO! I don't have enough money! This is definitely cause for alarm!"
  • "I'm only shopping here because the owner is in last place. When times are tough, we've gotta help each other out!"
  • "I must admit I'm disappointed. You knew very well that I wanted that district to myself, (player's name)!"
  • "Oh no! No no NO! There are hardly any shops left!"
  • "OH NO! OH NO! I've got to buy a shop, and QUICK!"
  • "Oh dear! I think I spent too much gold shopping here. Toadsworth will never let me live this down!"
  • "Slow and steady wins the race! That's the Toad motto!"
  • "A flat-rate sale? That means I can shop till I drop!"
  • "I simply must to improve my game! If I lose today, Toadsworth will never let me hear the end of it."
  • "You can be honest with me... I'm gonna to lose aren't I?"
  • "I don't want to seem pessimistic, but...I'm totally going to lose, aren't I?"
  • "What do you recommend for a first-time stock buyer? I know nothing about the market!"
  • "I've got a decent nest egg built up here. Maybe it's time for me to buy some stock!"
  • Agreeing to sell a shop: "Thank you! Take good care of that shop, won't you? We’ve been through a lot together!"
  • To himself: "C'mon, die... Give me the number I want!"
  • To player: No matter what happens, just remember: we're ALL winners!"
  • To player: "There! I did it! Next time you land on my shop, (player's name), you'll have to pay dearly!"
  • To player: "You mustn't blame yourself... It was my own fault for shopping here!"
  • To player: "Thanks for lining my pockets with gold, (player's name). I owe you one!"
  • To player: "Don't you realize your actions affect other players, (player's name)? You must try to be considerate!"
  • To player: "You're just a few gold coins away from first place, (player's name)!"
  • To player: "Don't let that bring you down (player's name). You still have time for a comeback!"
  • To player: "This game can get confusing, (player's name). But don't worry-I'm here to help!"
  • To player: "There's just no stopping you, (player's name)!"
  • "This is a nice shop and all, but might I make a suggestion? Add a mushroom-cap roof!"
  • "What is this strange feeling I'm feeling inside? Oh! I think it's... excitement!"
  • "After obtaining an upgrade card: "What are the chances I would pick such an amazing venture card? Fate is smiling down on me today!"
  • "I'm so proud of my little shop. Look how much it's grown!"
  • "The shops are all sold out! What in the WORLD am I supposed to do now!?"
  • "All the shops are gone... That's so sad!"
  • "Oops! Was I not supposed to buy that shop? Please don't be mad at me!"
  • "If you buy 10 or more stocks in one turn the stock price goes up! How brilliant!"
  • "I'm intimidated by the thought of purchasing stock. It seems like such a grown-up thing to do!"
  • "What good is it to have all of this stock if I can't invest in my shop?"
  • "Wah-hah! What's wrong with this silly die? It feels funny in my hands!"
  • "Prices sure are cheap today! I know a Goomba or two who'd love to shop here!"
  • "This shop is lovely! I would expect nothing less from the person in first place!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Perhaps I'll use my vacation time to do a little spring cleaning! Now where did I put that dustpan..."
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "If you need anything, I'd be happy to come in and work on my day off!"
  • "I wish you hadn't stopped by my shop while it was closed! I don't want to be known for poor customer service!"
  • After warping: "That's the only way to travel!"
  • After warping: "Wah-hah! My head is spinning! Remind me to walk next time."
  • After Player warps: "Wah-hah! I had a sneaking suspicion that's where you'd want to go, (player's name)!"
  • After Player warps: "Excellent warping abilities, (player's name)! You never cease to amaze me."
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "I want to put this money to good use. Maybe I should build a playground in my favorite district!"
  • After Player gets a good Venture Card: "That was a stroke of luck, (Player’s name). I’d like to own plenty of stocks myself."
  • After Player gets a good Venture Card: "That's one of the best venture cards in the lot, (player's name)! How did you manage to find it?"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "What an unexpected treat! A promotion, right out of the blue!"
  • To player after they obtain a promotion: "Fair pay for a job well done, (player's name). You deserve each and every one of those gold coins!!"
  • To player: "That's a wise move, (player's name). No one will dare touch that shop of yours!"
  • To player after Moneymaking Venture: "I worked hard to earn that money, (player's name), so don't squander it!"
  • "You're snapping up shops left and right, (player's name)! Maybe it's time for you to take a breather and let the rest of us buy some property..."
  • "I wish I was as skilled in the stock market as you are, (player's name). You have a unique talent for making money!"
  • "I hope no one minds if I go ahead and win this one. I've been working awfully hard towards victory!"
  • After landing on the Bank: "I landed right on the bank! What are the odds?"
  • After player lands on the Bank: "Oooh! You landed right on the bank, (player's name)! That means you'll have good luck!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Thank you, die! This is exactly where I wanted to land."
  • After landing on a Boon square: "I wish I could share my luck and good fortune with the rest of you!"
  • After the player lands on a Boon square: "I hope landing there puts a big smile on your face, (player's name)!"
  • After buying another's shop: "I'm sorry, but I just had to have that shop! I'm sure you understand."
  • After getting bought out: "I hope that shop is worth our friendship, (player's name)!"
  • To player buying his shop: "Why would ya do that to me, (player's name)? Did I do somethin' to make ya angry?"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "I wouldn't wish this venture card on my worst enemy!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "I kn-know I sh-shouldn’t c-cry over something like this, but I’m f-finding it difficult to c-control my emotions right now!"
  • After Player gets a bad Venture Card: "What a cruel card venture card, (player's name)! But you mustn't let it discourage you. You can bounce back!"
  • To player after losing money due to a venture card: "Don't feel too bad, (player's name). I'm sure you'll pick an excellent venture card next time!"
  • After getting a Venture Card that allows him to move in any direction: "I'm not sure if it's in my best interest to change directions right now... Oh! What to do?"
  • After getting Goodybag: "Oh! Please come visit my shop, little Gumdrops. I'll leave some milk and cookies for you by the door!"
  • After getting Healie: "Boy, oh boy! Could you give me a suit too, Healie?"
  • After getting Lakitu: "Please don't close my shops, Lakitu! I need to earn some money!"
  • "I'm almost in first place? Someone pinch me! This must be a delicious dream!"
  • "Reaching first place would be quite an achievement! Perhaps this next roll of the die will set the wheels in motion..."
  • "Being in first is surprisingly difficult. I wish I could keep my calm, but I'm sweating Bullet Bills!"
  • "Being in first place makes me nervous. Someone is always trying to take me down!"
  • "Last place by a smidgen! I would sigh, but sighing only makes me sadder."
  • "It's lonely in last place."
  • "What a relief! I'm glad I didn't have to turn away customers during my little rest..."
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "I need someone to save me from this overpriced shop! Where's Mario when you need him?"
  • After landing on a Vacant Lot: "I don't care what Bowser says. The last thing my circus needs is a Koopa Clown Car!"
  • Toad to player: "Congratulations, (player's name)! Receiving that promotion must do wonders for your self confidence!"
    • Mario's response: "Ha ha! Yep, I bet you feel pretty fantastic right about now, (player's name)! And so you should!"
  • To player: "Hey, (player's name), you should take it easy on Princess Peach today... I bet she'd really like to win!"
    • Peach's response: "Don't hold back on my account, (player's name)! I love a good challenge!"
  • To player: "Congratulations, (player's name)! We should throw you a party to celebrate!"
    • Jessica's response: "Ooh, that's a nice idea! Maybe I should make some tea to bring along..."
  • To player: "I'm impressed with your business acumen, (player's name)! I wish I was more like you...
    • Mario's response: "You can be, Toad! Just keep up the hard work!"
  • To player: "Don't give up, (player's name)! We're all rooting for you! Even Jessica!"
    • Jessica's response: "I am? Fair enough. Try a little harder, OK, (player's name)?"
  • To Mario: "Oh no! It looks like (player's name) is going to win! How in the world did we let this happen?"
    • Mario's response: "You're unbelievable, (player's name)! None of us even saw this coming!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Welcome back, (player's name)! I missed you SO much!"
  • Near bankrupt: "If I lose, I'll never be able to show my face in the Mushroom Kingdom again! That's a fate of worse than death!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Don't worry about me, everyone. I'm p-perfectly fine. We can't all win right?"
  • Near bankrupt: "Wh-who cares if I'm about to l-lose? I'm n-not...c-crying!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Wah-hah! Would anyone mind if I just go ahead and win this game?"
  • After player reaches net worth needed to win: "It takes a real financial genius to earn so much money, (Player's name). Ya're absolutely incredible!"
  • Approaching victory: "I hope no one reminds if I go ahead and win this one. I've been working awfully hard toward victory!."
  • After player approaches victory: "You're not out of the woods yet, (player's name)! Don't let down your guard till you reach the bank!"
  • When both Toad and the player have the required net worth to win: "Let's see who can get to the goal first, (player's name)!"
  • "But...I was so close to winning! Why can't I win just this once?"
  • "Don't let that bring down, (Player's name). Ya still have time for a comeback!"
  • Going bankrupt: "I don't think I'm e-emotionally c-capable of handling such a d-d-defeat!"
  • Going bankrupt: "My dreams of fame and fortune have just flown out the window like a Koopa Paratroopa!"



  • "Argh! That stupid sun is blinding me! Think you can outshine the great Waluigi, do ya, sun?!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Nice castle! I can't wait for the day when I take it over! Whee hee hee!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Whee hee hee! How does this hulking piece of junk even manage to fly? It needs to be more aerodynamic!" (Starship Mario)
  • "This place is falling apart! Hey, you rotten ship! Don't even THINK about sinking while I'm on board!" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "No one can touch me on the baseball diamond. But today I'll just be throwing die instead of fastballs!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Yeeowch! It's hot as a furnace in here! What are you people thinking playing in a place like this!?" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "If we were really racing karts, you'd all be eating my dust by now! Whee hee, hee!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Whose bright idea was it to play on this topsy-turvy thingamajig? Get me outta here!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "Is that supposed to be some kind of castle!? Whee hee! I didn't know they could build ‘em so puny and pathetic." (Peach's Castle)
  • "One Yoshi is bad enough, but now there are a bunch of 'em! Hmm… I bet they're up to something!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "If it's a legendary hero you want, look no further! I'm standing right here! Whee hee hee!" (Alefgard)
  • "Mario and Luigi are always yapping about how amazing this place is… Meh! I'm not impressed." (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "A career change, you say?" Maybe I'll become a superstar... Oh, wait! I already AM a superstar!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "This castle is big, bulky, and has no sense of style whatsoever – just what I'd expect from Bowser!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Yuck! I think I just stepped on a slime. This place is infested with them." (Slimenia)
  • "Drat! That big dumb statue is stealing all my thunder! Go sit down, ya big galoot!" (The Colossus)
  • "I wanna get my hands on that flying train I've heard so much about! That's the only way to travel!" (The Observatory)
  • "Underground ruins, hmm? Whee hee hee! The perfect place for a shady character like myself!" (The Robbin' Hood Ruins)


  • To player: "Who's tough enough to take down Waluigi? I'll give you a run for your money!"
  • "Got some extra money? Just because you don't need anything doesn't mean you can't shop! Nyah hah!"
  • After riding Magmalice: "Thanks for the ride, Magmalice! What are you waiting for, a tip or something?"
  • "Think you can beat me? Think again!"
  • When Waluigi buys a shop in a district the player/AI has 3 in: "You wanted to dominate this district, right? Well, sorry, sucker! Not if I have anything to say about it!"
  • "Beating you guys is gonna be easy. I bet I'm not even gonna break a sweat!"
  • "Roll me a bad number, and I'll fill in your pips with cement!"
  • "Whee hee hee! Watch the master at work!"
  • "Whee hee hee! Things are going exactly according to plan!"
  • "Who dares challenge the great Waluigi?"
  • "Hah! You think cheap tricks like that are gonna help you win? Doubtful!"
  • "You don't mind if I shake you up, do ya, die?"
  • "Someone better take notes, 'cause I'm about to make history!"
  • "Listen up, die: you'd better give me the number I want, or else!"
  • "It's about time you handed over the die!"
  • "Victory will be mine! Didja hear me? Then lemme say it again: VICTORY WILL BE MINE!"
  • "Hush up, losers! I'm in the spotlight now!"
  • "I'm gonna be a billionaire by the end of this game - just you wait!"
  • "Why didn't anyone tell me it was my turn!?"
  • "Knock me down all you want losers! No one's gonna stop me from winning this game!"
  • "If I lose this game, things are gonna get real ugly real quick!"
  • "Whee hee hee! No shop is safe from the likes of Waluigi!"
  • "First place is for winners! Time to hand over the reins, loser! Whee hee hee!"
  • "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. But either way, you're gonna hand over first place!"
  • "No one's gonna steal first place from me! It's mine, all mine!"
  • When in last place: "I love being in last place! It just means I've got nothing to lose! Whee hee hee!"
  • When in last place: "You're all conspiring to keep me in last place! I'm going to file a grievance with... Well, with someone!"
  • "Knock it off, (player's name)! That stock is meant for ME and ME alone!"
  • "Whee hee! There's no stopping me now! Catch me if you can, suckers!"
  • "Hmm... Maybe it's time for me to start investing. Then you'll ALL be sorry!"
  • "GRR! I need to land on one of my shops. This stock is going to waste!"
  • "I need to buy stock, but which one should I pick? They all look good!"
  • "I don't need of all this wonderful cash. I need to buy stock and fast!"
  • "Next time, I'm gonna pay someone to gather these stupid suits FOR me!"
  • After collecting two suits: "I still need two suits!? ARGH! No one told me there'd be this much walking!"
  • After collecting three suits: "Can't I just get my big payday with only three suits? I don't even know where that last one is!"
  • When close to the bank: "Oooh! I'm just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the bank!"
  • When close to the bank: "ARGH! Someone better move that bank a little closer to me!"
  • After buying a shop in a district: "This is the luckiest shop in the district 'cause its got ME for an owner! Nyah hah hah!"
  • After buying a shop in a district: "See all these shops around here? They're all gonna be mine one day, so stop drooling over them!"
  • After buying a shop: "What? Are you all waiting for a grand-opening party or something? Get shopping!"
  • After buying a shop: "If you want my autograph, you'd better start lining up right here! It's free with purchase!"
  • After buying a shop: "Why waste your valuable time at those OTHER shops? Buy your goods here at Waluigi's place!"
  • "Whee hee hee! Outta my way, you rubes! I'm headed for total domination!"
  • "Anyone mind if I go ahead and dominate this district? Speak now or keep quiet for the rest of the game!"
  • "Think ya're gonna dominate district, (player's name)? Dream on!"
  • After buying out a shop in a dominated district: "There’s no way I’m gonna let you dominate this district, (Player’s name)! Huh? You already have?!"
  • After getting a dominated district: "Whee hee hee! Domination! Total domination! Welcome to the wonderful world of Waluigi, folks!"
  • After a stock increase in a district he has stock in: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm making TOO much money! It's absolutely absurd!"
  • "Whee hee hee! High cultre AND high prices-that's what ya get when ya shop at Waluigi's!"
  • After declining the offer to spruce things up: "I'm in no rush to invest. There'll be time enough later!"
  • After declining the offer to spruce things up: "What's the point in investing when I don't own any stock?"
  • To Wario: "Nyah hah hah! I'd give you a thrashing, (player's name) but you're not worth the time! Isn't that right, Wario?
    • From Wario: "Huh? Who's this (player's name) person? Never heard of anyone by that name!"
  • To male player: "Think you can beat me, (player's name)? You're a funny guy! Hee hee, heh heh!"
  • After the player buys shop: "I never would've noticed that shop of yours, (player's name)...but it's on my radar now!"
  • After buying stock: "This stock's my ticket to getting rich quick. All I need now is for SOMEONE to INVEST in that DISTRICT!"
  • When the player is in First Place: "Enjoy your success while you can, (player's name)! It's not gonna last long!"
  • After the player makes the stock price increase in a district that Waluigi has stock in: "Why are being so nice, (player's name)? Stop luring me into a false sense of security!"
  • After not being able to buy out a shop: "Drat! I thought I had enough money to buy this place, but it looks like someone's been picking my pockets!"
  • After the player makes the stock price go down in a district Waluigi has stock in: "How dare you drive down that stock price, (player's name)! I'm gonna sue you for fraud...or something!!"
  • After investing in a shop: "Grow, you gorgeous little shop! Grow until you reach the clouds!"
  • After landing Waluigi's shop with a 30% price increase: "Whee hee hee! High culture AND high prices-that's what you get when you shop at Waluigi's!"
  • "Hee hee! Keep it coming! I don't mind getting rich a little at a time!"
  • "Thanks for the cash, suckers! Anyone need a receipt?"
  • Accepting a trade deal: "Hee hee hee! That's a pretty juicy deal! I've to say I never expected it from you!"
  • Declining a 1G sale deal: "No way! I can tell by the look that you want it too much!"
  • After the player buys the last shop in a district Waluigi had 3 in: "Hey! I'm the only allowed to buy shops in that district! Gimme that shop right NOW!"
  • When there is two or less empty shops left: "Mine! Mine! Any shop left is mine!"
  • When there is two or less empty shops left: "You guys can go ahead and fight over the last of the shops. I'm just gonna steal 'em all from you later anyway!"
  • When there is no shops left: "All the shops are gone, eh? Time for me to start terrifying you all with forced buyouts!"
  • When there is no shops left: "No more shops for sale? Good! Time for me to start stealing 'em! It's more fun that way!"
  • After landing on a shop from the player/AI in first place: "Drat! This shop belongs to the person in first place, doesn't it? Give me back my gold!"
  • After landing on a shop from the player/AI in last place: "Eww! This shop belongs to the person in last place! Hope I don't catch any bad luck!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "Nyahhh! I hate this game! You're all cheating! I want to go home!"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "What is this, some kind of shakedown? You're messing with the wrong guy!"
  • "A free invitation, eh? Hoping a little ol' Waluigi charm is gonna rub off on ya?"
  • "What kind of sale is this where you charge people MORE than usual? What a terrible business plan!"
  • "What do you expect me to do with this chump change, buy a stick of gum?"
  • After getting a good venture card: "Whee hee hee! Free stock! Better put this to good use!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "FINALLY! A reason to celebrate! All my shops just expanded! Wheeee!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "I'm gonna use this bonus money to steal every single shop on this board! Nyah hah hah!"
  • After getting a good venture card: "Anyone need an interest-loan? Well, don't look at me! This money is all MINE!"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself card: "I was gonna bribe someone for this exact venture card! Nyah hah hah! Lucky Waluigi!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "Your shops are ripe stealing now (player's name)! Whee hee hee!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "I think (player's name) is stacking that deck. He/She's getting ALL the good cards!"
  • After player gets a good Venture Card: "Since when does standing around daydreaming earn you a bonus? No fair, (player's name)!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "There's no WAY I'm gonna pay-HEY! You can't just take my money away from me like that!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Whoa! Hold on just a minute! My hand slipped! You gotta let me pick a different card!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Kiss your money good-bye, (player's name)! Whee hee hee!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Whee hee hee! All of (player's name)'s just got cheaper! Which ones shall I steal...?"
  • After landing on the bank: "How come no one's lined up outside the bank to get my autograph? Don't they know who I am!?"
  • After building a balloonport: "All the better to look down on you, suckers! Nyah hah hah!"
  • After building an estate agency: "My time is too precious to waste it traipsing around this board buying up shops one by one!"
  • After player builds a balloonport: "You're just going to use that hot-air balloon to look down on us, (player's name)!"
  • After player builds an estate agency: "Buying shops is the easiest thing in the world, (player's name)! But YOU need an estate agency... Sheesh!"
  • After landing on a Boom square: "Lemme get this straight. All I have to do is stand on this square and watch the money roll in? Nice!"
  • After player lands on Boom square: "Heh heh! You're not going to get far in this world on luck alone, (player's name)!"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Stop, shop, and roll, everybody! Especially the first two! And at expensive places!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Enjoy that lucky feeling while you can (player's name). It's not gonna last very long!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Drat! I thought this was one of those boon squares. Now I'm gonna LOSE money!"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Heh heh! I'll just sit back and relax while you all work your fingers to the bone!"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Heh heh heh! Poor (player's name) is all tuckered out. Have a nice nap!"
  • After no one lands on Waluigi's shop(s) when they are closed: "I'm surprised none of you rubes visited my shops while they were closed!"
  • After someone lands on Waluigi's shop(s) when they are closed: "Thank you SO much for visiting my shop on my day off! That was sarcasm, in case you didn't know..."
  • After landing on someone else’s closed shop: "Looks like I got here in the nick of time! This store is a lot nicer closed than it's open!"
  • After warping: "Which way shall I go to wreck the most havoc? Heh heh heh..."
  • After warping: "Check out my super-duper Waluigi jump! And for the record, it's WAY higher than Luigi's!"
  • After the player warps: "Ack! He/she cheated. He/she just flew across the board!"
  • "What's wrong with this thing!? You'd better do what I tell you to, die!" (after an event meaning players can only move one space)
  • After landing on a cheap shop: "Are you kidding me? How do you manage to stay in business with such a cheap shop!?"
  • After landing on a cheap shop: "Aren't you embarrassed to have such a puny shop? I certainly would be!"
  • After buying someone out: "Aw, did I make you mad? Doesn't feel very nice to have your precious shop snatched away from you, does it? Nyah hah!"
  • After buying someone out: "Your shops will never be safe as long as Waluigi is on the loose!"
  • After buying someone out: "Don't mind me. I'm just stealing your shop! Whee hee hee! Nyah hah hah!"
  • To player buying his shop: "How dare you! You just crossed the wrong guy, (player's name)!"
  • To player buying his shop: "You've ruined my plans for world domination, (player's name)! I won't let you get away with that!"
  • "Now you've done it! Now I'm mad! Prepare to feel my wrath, (player's name)!"
  • To player buying his Department Store: "Blast it all, (player's name)! How could you buy that shop out of me? It was my golden goose!"
  • To player buying his balloonport: "Careful with that hot-air balloon, (player's name)! Those things are so easy to sabotage..."
  • To player buying his home: "Wait, (player's name)! I just finished painting the kitchen purple!"
  • That tax office won't do you any good to you, (player's name)! It is the home to ME!"
  • When Waluigi lands on an expensive shop: "You want me to pay? Fine, I'll pay! Take your money, and run you weasel!"
  • When Waluigi lands on an expensive shop: "You've got some nerve building an expensive shop right here where I was exactly going to land! Nyah!"
  • After getting Goodybag: "You'd better hightail it over to my shop, you goofy-looking monster, before I drag you there myself!"
  • After getting Healie: "Stop trying to show off, you little squish! I'm the head honcho around here!"
  • After getting Lakitu: "ARGH! Lakitu you little weasel! Get down off your high horse-er, I mean your high cloud!"
  • After landing his home: "Get your lazy behinds over here, everyone! It's time to sing the praises to the great Waluigi!"
  • After the player lands on (one of) Waluigi's expensive shop(s): "You are TOO generous, (player's name)! Whee hee hee!"
  • After the player lands on (one of) Waluigi's expensive shop(s): "Forget all those bad things I said about you, (player's name)! You're a stand-up fella!"
  • After landing on a cheap shop from the player: "Huh? Is this really your shop, (player's name)? This shabby little hole-in-the-wall?"
  • After getting a move any direction Venture Card: "Where to go, where to go... Ah, why worry? No matter which direction I pick, I'm gonna win!"
  • After Player gets a Suit Yourself card: "I don't care how many of those cards you've got up your sleeve, (player's name). I can't be beat!"
  • To player: "It doesn't matter how much money you've got, (player's name)! It's all gonna end up in my pockets anyway!"
  • To player after they land at Waluigi's most expensive shop: "I'm gonna call you a golden goose, (player's name), because you've just laid me a golden egg!"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "Forget it, bub! Who needs a rundown shop like that?"
  • To player: "You wanna steal first place from me, (player's name)? It ain't ever gonna happen!"
  • "Luigi, (player's name)… Is there anyone they DON'T let into this thing?"
    • Luigi's response: "Ha ha! You're one to talk, Waluigi! How did YOU get on the guest list?"
  • To player: "Hey, are you manipulating stock for profit!? That's cheap! Cheap, I tell ya!"
    • Luigi's response: "It's called good strategy, Waluigi. You can learn a few things from that one!"
  • To player: "Hope you're comfortable in last place, (player's name), 'cause that's where you belong!"
    • Luigi's response: "Knock it off, Waluigi! I'm pretty sure you're the one who belongs in last place!"
  • To player: "Bet you think you're pretty tough now that you got a promotion, huh, (player's name)?"
    • Wario's response: "Swing by my shop, (player's name), and we'll see just how tough you are!"
  • To Wario: "No way, no way! Cheating baddie, go away! I can't let (player's name) win today!"
    • Wario's response: "Waluigi, if you're just gonna stand there making up rhymes and blocking the way, no one is gonna win! So get a move on!"
  • To player: "Do you really think you can beat the great Waluigi? Save yourself the effort and give up now, (player's name)!"
    • Bianca's response: "Rubbish! You never know what folk might be capable of when they put their minds to it. Right, (player's name)?"
  • To player: "Look at all that beautiful money, (player's name)! Bring it to my shop and we'll celebrate!"
    • Bianca's response: "I'd be wary of visitin' any of his shops if I was you, (player's name)."
  • To player: "I bet you think you're some kind of hot shot, (player's name). Well, news flash - you're NOT!"
    • Bianca's response: "That isn't half-impressive, (player's name)! I wouldn't mind giving it a go!"
  • "Look alive, Luigi-(player's name) is about to win!"
    • Luigi's response: So why don't you try to do something about it, Waluigi?
  • "First place!? What kind of scam are you pulling, (player's name)? Teach me how you do it!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Bankrupt!? That's not a dignified way for me to go out. I should just quit this game right now!"
  • Near bankrupt: "You don't all want me to go bankrupt, do you? If everyone gives me a couple hundred bucks, I'll be fine!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I'm not going to roll over and go bankrupt! That's NOT the way this game is gonna end!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Look at (player's name), crawling back on his/her hands and knees. I knew you couldn't stay away!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Whee hee hee! Out of the way, losers! It's time for me to make a dash to the finish line!"
  • After player approaches victory: "I won't be defeated by the likes of you, (player's name)! I'll drag us BOTH down if I have to!"
  • Approaching victory: "Whee hee! There's no stopping me now! Catch me if you can, suckers!"
  • "I've gotta keep a clear head! Now's not the time to get distracted!"
  • "Aw, poor (player's name)! This game isn't going to end until YOU go bankrupt!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Drat! If any of you breathes a word of my bankruptcy to my credit card company, I'll get you good!"
  • Going bankrupt: "I gotta say this is kind of a relief. I was sick of playing with you losers, anyway!"



  • "It's graffiti time, kids! I'll plaster my name all over this island!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "This place is nothing but a measly pile of rocks! You want a castle, Peach? I'll build you a castle!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • “I'm gonna snatch up every last Yoshi on that island and sell 'em to a collector! I'll be rich!” (Yoshi's Island)
  • "The big treasure in this place is a wand, huh? Guess a silly stick is better than a Black Jewel!" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Mario's got his own starship? Not for long! All I have to do is flip that M upside down, and it'll be all mine!" (Starship Mario)
  • "Nyah hah, hah, listen to my fans cheering me on! They want Wario to win this one, so let's give ‘em what they want!!" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Phew! It's like a giant steam bath in here! I better not sweat off any weight… I need the calories to win!" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Nyah hah hah! A race, huh? Eat my exhaust!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "This planet would fetch a pretty penny on the open market. I'm gonna take it with me when I leave!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
  • "I'm on Mario's turf now, so I guess I'm gonna have to show off my super moves! Prepare to be amazed, suckers." (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Nyah! Is that treasure I smell? All I gotta do is win this game… Then I'm gonna find me some gold in these ruins!" (Robbin Hood Ruins)
  • "Whaaaaaa? This silly-looking castle doesn't seem very scary. Bowser needs to hire a new decorator!" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Nyah! I bet there isn't a single treasure on that whole stinkin' island! Nothing but those quivering little blobs!" (Slimenia)
  • "Huh? Who cares about some legendary hero? The only legend you need to know about is the legend of WARIO!" (Alefgard)
  • "I'm supposed to change jobs here or something? Don't go telling me what to do! Wario makes the rules around here!" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "A flying train AND a flying castle? Hmmm… I think I'm gonna turn this place into an amusement park and rake in the cash!" (The Observatory)
  • "Ugh! That's one ugly statue. They shoulda asked ME to pose for it!" (The Colossus)
  • "This place sends shivers down my spine - in a good way! I like it!" (The Ghost Ship)


  • To player: "Don't worry, (player's name)! You're not seeing things. It's me, Wario! And I'm here to bankrupt you! Nyah hah!"
  • "Whoa! What just happened? Are my clothes on fire!? YEEOUCH!"
  • "You know who look good in first place? ME! Hand it over!"
  • "I was born to be in first place! Fork it over!"
  • "Almost time to wrap this game up. I'm going home a winner!"
  • "Make way for the great Wario, peons!"
  • "I'm in the lead! Any of you guys try to pass me, I'll tie your shoelaces together! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Somebody better stop (player's name) before it's too late! I'm busy workin' on a Wario Waft to send him/her way..."
  • "Feast your eyes on this, ya bunch of turkeys! Wario's up!"
  • "HURRRAAAGH! Gimme a good number!"
  • "ARGH! I gotta open up a suit shop right next to the bank. I could make millions!"
  • "Finally, it's my turn! I've been waiting so long that I shaved my mustache and grew another one in its place!"
  • "Ugh! Is the game OVER already? Wait, what? It's my turn!? Why didn't anyone tell me!?"
  • "Only one die, huh? Guess you wimps are too weak to handle TWO whole dice!"
  • "Watch out folks. I just scarfed down a bunch of garlic, and I'm not afraid to use these noxious fumes to my advantage!"
  • "Nyah hah hah! Check it out, losers. Wario's taking center stage!"
  • "Pick up the pace, slowpokes! All of this standing around and waiting is boring me to pieces!"
  • "Geh heh heh! Get ready to see a genius at work!"
  • "You're kinda lazy, die, lettin' everyone throw you around. Why don't you get a real job!?"
  • "I hope I don't crush this die in my superstrong hands! Gimme a good roll, guy!"
  • "Hey, losers! This ain't a loaded die or anything. Is it? It better not be!!"
  • "Heh heh heh! You think I'm greedy? Yeah, well...I think gold is greedy for ME!"
  • "Listen up, losers! How 'bout you all tell me how great I am? Hah hah hah!"
  • "All I need is three more suits? Eh, this should be a piece of cake!"
  • "One, two, three... Hey, I've only got one more suit to go!"
  • "Heh heh! Almost time to collect my salary!"
  • "I want my money! Where's that stupid bank?"
  • "Heh heh. I'm proud to announce the first (board's name) branch of WarioWare, Inc.!"
  • "Ah, what a beautiful shop! One day you're gonna grow up big and strong, just like me."
  • "You wanna get a sneak peek at the district of the future? Check it out! This place is gonna be all Wario, all the time!"
  • "Not a bad-looking shop, huh? It takes after me!"
  • "I'm a pretty powerful guy. It's about time my shops caught up with me! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "YIKES! I gotta avoid that pricey shop up ahead. Or maybe it'll go bankrupt before I get there!"
  • "What's the deal with this cheap shop? You playing some kind of joke on me?"
  • "Look at the sad sack in last place! Glad I could help you out with this little charitable donation! Heh heh!"
  • "GAH! When did I end up in last place?! Someone's supposed to keep me informed of these things!"
  • "Me!? Wario!? In LAST PLACE!? Do ya know how ridiculous that sounds?"
  • "Hmph! Gloat while ya can, wimps! I'm about to make a BIG comeback!"
  • "By landing here I officially put a claim on this shop! Don't any of you dare lay a finger on it!"
  • "Am I in last place? Man, that's not good at all!"
  • "This shop belongs to the wimp in first place? Then I'm gonna cover it in graffiti! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Nyah hah. I'm so intimidating, even the SHOPS close down when I stop by!"
  • "Nyah hah hah! You fell right into my trap, (player's name). Hope it didn't hurt too bad!"
  • "Two shops for me in this district! Now you LOSERS have twice as many chances to gimme your money!"
  • "I'm not greedy for shops in this district. I've just got really good taste! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Better not buy any shops in this district, people. I'm gonna make sure this whole place REEKS of garlic! Nyah hah!"
  • "My day of district domination's drawin' near! Let's get the party started!"
  • "Bet ya never thought I'd get three shops in this district. Well, just wait! I'm gonna dominate this place!"
  • "Just a warning, (Player’s name): keep collecting shops in that district, and you’re gonna collect a few enemies!"
  • "Hey, (player's name)! That's MY district! You're not supposed to buy a shop there without my permission!"
  • "Ah! Nothin' feels better than stomping on someone else's dreams of domination. Good times!"
  • "KA-POW! This district's MINE! Ahh...I'm so very impressed with myself right now."
  • "This place smells like a combination of garlic and fear - delicious! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Meh heh heh! This district smells like success! I'm gonna get myself a piece of the action!!"
  • "ARGH! Why'd ya have to buy stock there, (Player's name)? All my insider trading will earn ya money now!"
  • "Ahhhh! Money: the best thing in the entire universe! Even better than garlic!"
  • "Get a whiff, losers! That's the smell of SUCCESS!"
  • "Watch and learn, kiddos! Now, THAT'S how you earn money! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Tell ya what: first person to move the bank closer to me gets 1000G. Sound good?"
  • After getting Gumdrops: "Check it out! I summoned a magical bag of treasure! Ya can all thank me later-with CASH!"
  • After getting Healie: "Get away from me, you wriggly little weirdo! Uh...wait a sec. Can I get one of those Suit Yourself cards before you go?"
  • "Thanks for turning my frown upside down, (player's name)! Cheer me up some more!!"
  • "You're almost good as that goose who lays golden eggs, (player's name)! Nyah hah hah!"
  • "HEY! Do whatever you want, (player's name), but leave my finances out of it!"
  • "Not bad, (player's name)! Maybe I should make you my financial advisor!"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Too bad, (player's name). I wouldn't wish that card on my worst enemy...who's currently YA!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: Hey! Where ya're goin' with all my money? GET BACK HERE!"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "WAHHH! The only thing that could comfort me now is a big ol' bulb of garlic..."
  • "Why bother investing? I don't even have stock in this place!"
  • "Invest? Pshaw! Investing is for losers!"
  • "Let me invest! Who am I talking to, you ask? What's it matter!? JUST LET ME INVEST!"
  • "Aww... I never get to invest! My stock's gonna go bad before I can use it!"
  • "Maybe it's time for me to try my hand at the stock market."
  • "I think I'll be nice and let you trade shops with me! Am I a gentleman or what!?"
  • "A half-price discount? Not bad! But if ya want to make me really happy, gimme a FULL-price discount!"
  • "These prices are ridiculous! You're robbing me blind!"
  • "Here’s your stupid 100G! Consider it a loan, ‘cause I’m gonna take it back from ya-with interest!"
  • "ARGH! This is all your fault, you good-for-nothing die!"
  • "Blast it all! You won't get away with this!"
  • "I've been robbed!! Someone call the cops! I'm gonna get this clown thrown in jail!"
  • "Hey, (Player's name)! How's that brilliant strategy of yours working out? Nyah hah hah!"
  • "Nyah hah hah! Like a moth to fortune! Gimme my cut!" (landing on a Boon square)
  • "If I put stars on all these squares, I could just sit around all day and still make money! Am I brilliant or what?" (landing on a Boon square)
  • "Why should (player's name) get a cut of the action? He's just sitting there doing nothing!" (after player lands on a Boon square)
  • "Just a warning, (player's name): keep collecting shops in that district, and you're gonna collect a few enemies!"
  • "Ah! Nothing feels better than stomping on someone else's dreams of domination. Good times!"
  • "Looks like there's hardly any shops to buy... Hey! Anything left is mine, got it!?"
  • "Any shops left? Sit tight, guys. Uncle Wario's comin' to buy ya up!"
  • "No more shops to buy. Guess that means I gotta start stealing 'em!"
  • "All the shops are gone! Which one of ya suckers wants to sell me a shop for 1G? I'll even pay cash!"
  • "Aw, quit your whining! You can't be mad just 'cause I didn't want to see you dominate this district!" (after buying someone out)
  • "This shop's so scrawny I almost stepped on it! How does a place like this even stay in business?"
  • "Hmm... I have a sudden urge to take over all of (player's name)'s shops!"
  • "Hey, (player's name)! You gonna share any of that good fortune with your best friend Wario?"
  • "Sneaky (player's name)! That's a clever way to pad your bank account. You must've learned that move from ME!"
  • "Banks aren't so bad. They're chock-full of money! Hmm... Maybe I should buy the bank!" (after landing on bank)
  • "Don't get too comfy, (player's name)! You have to leave that bank sooner or later. When you do, I'll be waiting!" (after player lands on bank)
  • "Blechhh! Your shop looks kinda gaudy now, (player's name). Is that a velvet painting I see on the wall?"
  • "That's a lot of money, (player's name). How 'bout you buy me dinner?"
  • "OK, I guess I could use a day off. Time to catch up on my beauty rest! Nyah hah hah! (after landing on a Take-a-break square)
  • "I hate to take a day off... But hey-it's better than working!" (after landing on a Take-a-break square)"
  • "Hey! Don't visit my shop while I'm on break. I'm gonna charge you double next time!"
  • "Heh heh heh! Break time's over! I'm all refreshed and rarin' to go!"
  • After getting a Suit Yourself Card: "How's this scrap of paper gonna do me any good? I want cold hard CASH!"
  • After buying someone out: "What? I paid for this shop fair and square. Nothing underhanded about it! Nyah hah hah!"
  • After buying someone out: "Check it out - stealth buyout! I'm the sneakiest guy on the planet!"
  • After building a tax office: "Nyah hah hah! Time to collect my tribute, peons!"
  • After building a home: "C'mon over sometime for my special five-course garlic dinner! I'll even make garlic ice cream for dessert!"
  • After landing on his home: "Gather 'round, losers! Make sure you bring your own food and drinks. I hate sharing!"
  • After building an estate agency: "Be a good little estate agency and buy me a bunch of shops! Go on - get to work!"
  • After warping: "Heh heh! If I could set up a 100G toll on these, I'd be rich!"
  • After player warps: "That's a lazy way to travel, (player's name)! Ya gotta exercise if you want a body as flawless as mine!"
  • After player warps: "That contraption gives me an oogie feeling. I'd rather walk, even if it means getting exercise!"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "So I do all the work and (player's name) gets a cut of the profits? Who thought up THAT rule!?"
  • "Have a nice nap time, (player's name)! Try not to lose count of all those sheep!" (if the player lands on a Take-a-break square)
  • "Want a tax break, (player's name)? Donate some of that to my new charity: ME!" (after the player gets a promotion)
  • "Consider this a loan, (player's name). You're gonna have to pay me back...with interest!" (after Player gets a money getting Venture Card)
  • "Huh? Ya...ya wanna just GIVE me a bunch of stock? What's the catch? " (after getting a good Venture Card)
  • "Nyah hah hah! I knew that was gonna be a good card. I could smell it a mile away!" (after getting a good Venture Card)
  • "Jealous everyone? Ya should be! Wario's gettin' the special treatment over here!" (after getting a good Venture Card)
  • "What!? I specifically remember telling you to leave that card for ME, (player's name)!"
  • "If I could start with 3-star shop, then I'll make tons of money! Brilliant!"
  • "Can't keep ahold of those gold coins, eh, (player's name)? They're slippery little things! Nyah hah!" (after a player loses money to an event)
  • "Why bother an estate agency, (player's name)? The shops around here are gonna mine! All mine!"
  • "Huh? I can't seem to move very far. Maybe it's 'cause I ate that sandwich I found lying on the ground..." (after an event meaning players can only move one space)"
  • To player: "Scared to be facing off against the great Wario (player's name)? Yeah, I bet you're quaking in your boots!"
  • After player builds a tax office: "I don't like the looks of that tax office, (player's name)… I'm gonna have to steal it out from under you!"
  • "Hey! Who said that you could steal my checkpoint, (player's name)?"
  • To player buying out his shop: "ACK! You're a sneakly little schemer, (player's name)! I'm gonna take that shop right back, so watch out!"
  • To player buying out his shop: "Stay away from my other shops, (player's name)! I reserve the right to refuse you service!"
  • To player buying out his shop: "Blast it! One of these days I’m gonna beat ya at yer own game, (Player’s name)!"
  • After player lands on their home: "Thanks for the invite, (player's name)! When does the all-you-can-eat buffet open? I'm starving!"
  • "I'm doing a big favor by stopping at your shop, (player's name). And this is the thanks I get!?"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "You wanna trade? Yeah, right! As if!"
  • "Hmph! Good luck with that hot-air balloon, (player's name)! It's not always that easy to steer!"
  • To player: "Ya know why ya're in last place, (Player's name)? 'Cause ya aven't eaten any garlic today!"
  • To Mario: "Huh? I aven't aten any garlic, either, ya know! That's a weird obsession ya've got there Wario..."
  • To player: "Psst! Ya wanna win (Player's name)? Gimme ze rest of yar money, and I'll invest it fer ya! Trust me!"
    • To Waluigi: "Hang on! Don't listen to Wario! Ya'd be better off givin' yar money to ME!"
  • To player: "There’s no way I'm gonna let (player's name) win! I'll drag him/her to his/her knees whatever it takes!"
    • Mario: "Ya've got a lot o spunk, Wario! No playin' dirty, OK?"
  • To player: "Excellent work, (player's name)! Now just let me hang on to that money for you, and we'll both come out on top!"
    • Waluigi's response: "Don't listen to him, (player's name)! Give ME your gold! I promise to keep a close eye on it!"
  • To player: "Move over, losers! It's me, Wario!"
    • Mario's response: "What? Oh no! That's my line! It's ME, Mario!"
  • Wario to Player: "Hey hey! Ya finally got that promotion! Thanks to my great advice, no doubt!"
    • Mario's response: "Since when have YOU been giving (player's name) advice, Wario!?"
  • "Bwah hah hah! This is gonna be a breeze. I could beat you in my sleep, Donkey Kong! And you too, (player's name)!
    • Donkey Kong's response: "Oook ook oooook! (I'm not gonna lose to a meanie like him!)"
  • To player: "Hey, (player's name)! Give me your money, and I promise I'll triple it for you! I'm practically a certified financial advisor!"
    • Donkey Kong's response: "Ook! Ooook oooooook! (Don't listen to Wario, (player's name)! He's a bad man!)"
  • "Psst, (player's name)! You wanna win? Then give me all your money so we can both be rich together! Trust me!"
    • Waluigi's repsonse: "Hang on, (player's name)! Don't listen to Wario! You better give all your money to ME!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Aha! If it isn't (player's name), come back to play! Good morning, sunshine! Hope you're ready to roll!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Hey! How 'bout all of you make donation to the bank of Wario? I could use the extra assets!"
  • Near bankrupt: "Time to change the rules! From now on whoever goes bankrupt first wins!"
  • Near bankrupt: "I'm not scared of going bankrupt. I'll rise from the financial grave like the living debt-I mean, dead! Nyah hah!"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Nyah hah! Further proof I'm a genius! Look how fast I scraped together (target amount of money)!"
  • After player reaching net worth needed to win: "Slow down there, (player's name)! I wanna collect a few more gold coins before this game ends!"
  • After player reaching net worth needed to win: "ACK! What are you doing, (player's name)!? You think you're going to get in my way of my glorious victory!?"
  • "Waaaait! Wait, wait, wait! You really want the game to end? C'mon-let's keep playing until I win!"
  • Approaching victory: "Who's got two thumbs and is gonna go home rich? THIS GUY!"
  • After player approaches victory: "Better watch out for Bob-ombs, (player's name)! I'd hate for anything to happen to you on your way to the bank!"
  • "Where do ya think yau're goin' with me money? Get back 'ere! I need to win!"
  • "Nyah hah hah! As long as my mustache is crooked, I'll never let ya win, (player's name)!"
  • Going bankrupt: "Later losers! I'm gonna go find another way to strike it rich!"
  • Going bankrupt: "There's no WAY I'm gonna let myself go bankrupt. I quit this game! Hah! Who's bankrupt now?"



  • "Yoshi? Yoshi? Yoshi... (Huh? How am I standing on top of Mario's head? This is just weird...) (Starship Mario)
  • ”Yoshi! Yoshi! (Peach's Castle is almost as pretty as Peach herself!)” (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Yoshi's Island is the best place in the world! All of my friends live here!)" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Watch out for my fastball, everyone! It'll knock your socks off!)" (Mario Stadium)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi!? (Yummy! A castle! Do you think it's full of delicious food!?)" (Castle Trodain)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi… (Whew! This place is hot! I sure could use a nice, cool lemonade…)" (Mount Magmageddon)
  • "Yoshi… Yoshi! (I'm kind of hungry… Maybe I'll find some tasty pieces of fruit in those green pipes!)" (Super Mario Bros.)
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (This is my big chance to stir up trouble in Bowser's Castle)" (Bowser's Castle)
  • "Yoshi Yoshi? (Even if I win, how am I ever going to get out of this place?)" (Robbin Hood Ruins)
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (Those slimes look like yummy pieces of candy. I'll try not to eat any!)" (Slimenia)
  • "Yoshi… Yoshi! Yoshi! (I wouldn't mind a new job… as long as it involves eating! Yum!)" (Alltrades Abbey)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I like this town! There are tropical treats on every corner!)" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi. (Can someone get that big guy a chair? He must be tired of all that standing.)" (The Colossus)
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (How did I get so high up in the sky? What a feeling!)" (The Observatory)
  • "Yoshi Yoshi... Yoshi! (Poor skinny ghosts... I bet they don't get enough to eat!)" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I'm ready to burn some rubber! Vroom vroom vroom!)" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (Erdrick may be the big hero in these parts, but Mario is the bestest hero in the galaxy!)" (Alefgard)
  • "Yoshi! (I'm going to get a case of the dizzies around here.)" (Good Egg Galaxy)


  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshiiiii! (It's me, Yoshi! We're going to have so much fun today!)"
  • "Yoooshi Yoshi! (I sure am having fun playing today!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! Yoshi! (Does anyone have any cookies? I need cookies! Nom nom nom!)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (Stay calm, everyone. I'm about to roll!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (This is the bestest game ever!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I'm almost too hungry to roll! I need a cookie!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (For a second, I thought this die was a big Yoshi Egg!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (Maybe THIS roll will help me win!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (This is gonna be a good roll! I can feel it!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Anyone need a ride? I'm headed that-a-way!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (My turn! My turn!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yooooooshi! (Here goes nothing! Yooooooshi!)"
  • When die can only roll 1: "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Can I get a new die? I think this one is broken!)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I want my shops to thrive. Time to get on top of that!)"
  • "Yoshi... Yoshi! (Maybe I should expand my shop... I want it to be bigger than Dinosaur Land!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi...Yoshi! (First place? i'm pretty good at this game...but I want to get even better!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi. Yoshiii! (Yippee! First place is fantastic. Hope I stay here!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Gulp! I think I'm in trouble!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? Yoshi... (Ugh! Last place? I just lost my appetite...)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? Yoshi! (Gulp! I'm in last place? Time to put my nose to the grindstone...)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi. Yoshi! (Ahh! First place feels nice. Now all I have to do is stay here!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (I'm in first place? Well, I want to be even MORE in first place!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoooshi! (Let's see what you've got, die!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (If only my friends on Yoshi's Island could see me now!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Do I really only have one suit? I think I need a few more!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Two suits for Yoshi! Not enough for a promotion, though, huh?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Just one more suit to go! I'll make fast work of this!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshiii. (So close to the bank, but sooooo far away.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I'm going to buy lots of snacks with my promotion money! And I'll even share!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (It's almost time for my big promotion! I'll need some cookies to celebrate!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! Yoshiiii! (I've got all four suits, so it's off to the bank with me! Go, go, go!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (I'm almost in first place, right? Yay for Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi... Yoshi? (I bet first place feels really nice... Think I can give it a try?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Raise your hand if you want to buy a nice shop! It's pre-owned and gently used!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi! (This shop is pretty small now, but there's always room for improvement!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Did everyone just see that? I bought a shop!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (What do you think of my new shop? Not too shabby!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Another shop! Is this talent or just pure luck?)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I need more than two shops in this district. I want them all!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (These two shops will be the best of friends! What a happy little district!)"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi, Yoshi? (My cookies are missing! Do you know where they went, (player's name)?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I need to try harder! No rest for the Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi... Yoshi! (There's a cute little shop I want all for myself... Maybe I should force a buyout!)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi? Yoshi? (This looks like a nice card. Is it yummy? Can I eat it?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi. Yoshi... ? (Oh boy! Look at that expensive shop up ahead. Wonder if I can just eat it... ?)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi? (Not much left in the way of shops, huh?)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I'd better get on the shop-buying bandwagon. Pickings are slim!)"
  • "Yoshi... Yoshi. (There aren't many shops left to buy... That makes me sad.)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (No more shops? Poor Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Feast your eyes on that shop! Pretty tasty, huh?)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi? (This is a tasty little shop. Can I nibble on it awhile?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi? (Happy day! Happy day! Hey, aren't you all happy for me?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Sorry, but I just had to buy this stock! Hope I'm not treading on anyone's toes!)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! Yoshi... (No stock? No invest! Seems like a simple rule...)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi! Yooooshiii! (Gimme gimme gimme! I want a suit, please!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! Yoshi! (Stay away from my shops, Lakitu! The last thing I need is a day off!)"
  • Rejecting a trade deal: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I can't trade this shop to just anyone. It means too much to me!)"
  • After achieving total domination: "Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi! (I did it! I did it! Happy day for Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I bet you're really rich now, (player's name)! I want to be rich too!)"
  • To player: "Yoshi Yoshi! Yoshi! (Thanks a bunch, (player's name)! I owe you one!)"
  • To player: "Yoshiii! Yoshi Yoshi! (So much gold, (player's name)! I'm absolutely green with envy!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (What a treat! You're so generous, (player's name)!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (You're one to watch (player's name)!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi. (That's the saddest thing I've ever seen, (player's name).)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (The person in first place doesn't need my business, but I've got to do my shopping somewhere!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (I don't mind paying a little more if it means better customer service!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! ...Yoshi (Ouch! My wallet is on fire! …In a good way of course.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshiiiiii! (Yay for Yoshi! Free shopping trip!)"
  • After landing on a pricy shop: "Yoshi Yoshi! (I don’t mind paying a little more if it means better customer service!)"
  • After landing on a discounted shop: "Yoshi? Yoshi? (Why did I get a discount? Am I the millionth shopper?)"
  • After landing on the bank: "Yoshi! Yoshi? (What a nice bank! Is this where they make all the gold?)"
  • After Player lands on the bank: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Right on the dot, (player's name)! You should get a prize for landing there!)"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Yoshi Yoshi! (I wish I could share my lucky luck with you all!)"
  • After landing on a Boon square: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Oh boy! I hope everyone spends big!)"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Yoshi! Yoshi! Good job, (player's name)! When you're lucky, you're REALLY lucky!)"
  • After player lands on a Boon square: "Yoshi Yoshi! (I'm glad you get a chance to earn extra money, (player's name)!)"
  • After warping: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (Oof! That made my head spin...)"
  • After warping: "Yoshi!? Yooooshi! (Did you all just see that!? I warped!)"
  • After player warps: "Yoshi Yoshi... (Warping like that always gives me motion sickness, (player's name)…)"
  • After player warps: "Yoshi Yoshi! (You must have some serious magical powers, (player's name)!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Yoshi! Yo-Yo-Yoshiii! (Yippee! My shop prices are going up, up, up!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (My wallet was SO hungry. Thank you for feeding it!)"
  • After getting a good Venture Card: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Wow! My wallet's on fire!)"
  • After player gets a bad Venture Card: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Don't worry, (player's name)! You still have time to recover!)"
  • "Yoshi... Yoshi! (I didn't mean to make you all sad...but I sure am happy!)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Yoooshi! Yoshi! (I don't know if I can squeeze much more money out of my poor wallet!)"
  • After getting a bad Venture Card: "Yoshi... Yoshi! (Ugh... That wiped the smile off my face!)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Oooh! I meant to land on an all-you-can-eat shop!)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi... (Shopping here makes me want to cry...)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi. Yoshi... (This shop is dangerous. Very dangerous...)"
  • After landing on an expensive shop: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Ouch! I feel a pain in my wallet!)"
  • After buying someone out: "Yoshi Yoshi! (That's Yoshi's shop now!)"
  • After buying someone out: "Yoshi.. Yoshi! (Sorry about that.. But it's too dangerous to let you dominate this district!)"
  • After getting bought out: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (Ouch! I really treasured that shop, (player's name)…)"
  • After getting bought out: "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Ouch! How could you betray me like that (player's name)?)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (Some people complain about having to take a day off. Not me!)"
  • After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I'm closing up shop for the day. Please visit another time!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Those 40 winks did me a world of good!)"
  • After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (It's about time (player's name) got some rest and relaxation. He's/She's a hard worker!)"
  • To player while in first place: "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Do you want first place (player's name)? Well, come and get me!)"
  • After building a checkpoint: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (I just need to make a little bit of money at a time. No rush!)"
  • After building a circus tent: "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Step right up to Yoshi's circus! Who wants a peanut?)"
  • After building a home: "Yoshi Yoshi! (I can't wait to invite you all over to my new place for a party!)"
  • After building an estate agency: "Yoshi Yoshi! (I won't stop until I own all the shops!)"
  • After player builds a circus tent: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (There aren't enough circuses in the world. Yay for (player's name)!)"
  • After player builds a balloonport: "Yoshi Yoshi? (Think I can take a spin in your new hot-air balloon, (player's name)?)"
  • After player builds a tax office: "Yoshi Yoshi? (Could I please be exempt from paying taxes, (player's name)?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Lucky (player's name)! My shop is closed today!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi? (Are you trying to put a frown on my face, (player's name)?)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (Don't expect me to earn you any money, (player's name)!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (That was a nice nap and all, but I think I missed out on a big sale!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi… (I'm in too good a mood to do any REAL work...)"
  • After landing on his home: "Yoshi! Yoshiiiiii! (Hurry up, everyone! Party at Yoshi's place!)"
  • After player lands on their home: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Oh no! I forgot to bring housewarming cookies for (player's name)!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo! Yoshi! Yoshi! (Ouch! I'm in a tight spot! This is no good!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yoshi! (There's nothing in my wallet but lint!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoshi! Yoshi... (I'm too famished to think straight! No wonder I'm losing...)"
  • Once Player is near bankrupt: "Yoshi! Yoshiiiii! (Don't go bankrupt, (player's name)! I want to keep playing with you!)
  • To player: "Yoshi Yoshi? (Did you just feed your shop a Super Mushroom, (player's name)?"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (Whew! I'm glad your shop is reasonably priced, (player's name)…)"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Hey, (player's name)! Isn't this the most fun game ever?)"
  • To player: "Yoshi Yoshi… (I really thought you were going to win this time, (player's name)…)"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yo-Yo-Yoshi! (Chin up, (player's name)! I'm rooting for you!)"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Nice job on that promotion, (player's name)! Here, have some cookies to celebrate!)"
    • Mario's response: "Why no cookies for Mario? Can't I have just one?"
  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi Yoshi! (What an amazing promotion (player's name)! I'm jealous!)"
    • Luigi's response: "Congratulations, (player's name). But Yoshi and I are still going to give you a run for your money!"
  • After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Yoshi Yoshi! Yoshiiii! (Hey, it's (player's name)! Yoshiiii!)"
  • After player reaches net worth needed to win: "Yoshi? Yoshi! (Headed for the bank, (player's name)? I wish I could give you a ride!)"
  • After reaching net worth needed to win: "Yoshi! Yoshi Yoshi! (All I have to do now is scamper on over to the bank! Yay for Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (It's not over until it's over! I can still win this!)"
  • After player approaches victory: "Yoshi? Yoshiii! (Headed for the finish line, (player's name)? The game's not over yet!)"
  • Approaches victory: "Yoshi. Yoshi! (All I have to do is make it to the finish line. Then it'll be all cookies and smiles!)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (Unhappy day! My wallet is completely empty...)"
  • Going bankrupt: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (I'm done for! No more Fortune Street for Yoshi…)"