Screenshot of the introductory cutscenes in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Me every day.

Just another average joe who's a lifelong fan of Nintendo's games and systems, especially when it comes to Mario. But then again, isn't that the case for everyone else on this site?



Every Mario-Related Game I've Ever Played:

These are sorted based on the year of each game's original release.

Game: Platform: Completion Progress: Other Thoughts: Own?
  Haven't beaten any of the games. I honestly find these games a tad overrated, but it was still cool to see where the series got its start. Kind of a missed opportunity to not rerelease the version with Super Mario World, huh? Yes
Nabbed 102 Power Stars, but haven't beaten the story yet. My first exposure to the original version of this game. Has some control and physics issues I really can't stand, and several of the late game courses are not very fun. Yes
Only played a few races and battles. Yeah, this one's aged pretty badly. Ugly graphics and barely any unlockables, but again, it's an important entry. No
Played several matches. Everything was already unlocked. Graphics aside, this one holds up surprisingly well. I may have even enjoyed it a little more than Melee. No
Played a ton of matches, and even tried out some of the mods. A lot of people think this one's the best, but I disagree. Any game that forces me to break the physics engine and only choose from 8 out of 26 characters in order to get the most out of it is a no-no for me. No
Nabbed 79 Shine Sprites, but haven't beaten the story. No interest in 100% completion. Easily the weakest 3D Mario, and a game I really wanted to love. It's an improvement over its predecessor in so many ways, but it's crippled by its restrictive structure. Not only is progression locked behind a specific 50 Shine Sprites (thus reducing replayability), but each level mandates that you play its missions in a set order, and there are some frustrating difficulty spikes among the mandatory missions. If only this game was structured more like 64, it would be more palatable, and it would make those Blue Coins much more valuable. Plus, a lot of the side-missions are a lot of fun, so it's a real shame that they're useless aside from bragging rights. Yes
Only played a few races and battles. Everything was already unlocked. Cool concept, but pretty overrated. Loose physics, repetitive music, and annoying voice clips, oh my! I also don't like how restrictive the game is, such as how it limits your vehicle choice based on the heavier character you chose, and turns what used to be universal items into character exclusives. Why can't the special items all be original? Plus, including two characters who can use them all makes for a very unbalanced game. All in all, not bad, but it really needs to be refined in a sequel. No
Got stuck on the final boss. Quite the adrenaline rush, with some really good graphics, but the repetitive bosses and lack of DKC lore is a little off-putting. Yes
Nabbed 147 Power Stars, but haven't beaten the story. Blows the original out of the water, with better controls and visuals, plus a slew of fun new content. The extra characters provide even more freedom when it comes to completing certain missions as well. Yes
Won all cups on 50cc and 100cc, but couldn't do it on 150cc because it was so difficult. A pretty middle-of-the-road Mario Kart game, albeit one with some cool tracks. Yes
Beat the story, but haven't gotten around to 100%ing it. Far too easy, even by NSMB standards, and the new power-ups were lame, situational, and far too rare. Multiplayer is pretty cool, though, and it's a shame it never came back. Yes
100% on Wii. Haven't touched it on Switch. A ton of fun, with an epic sense of scope, but it was ridiculously easy and had more filler than I would've liked. Plus, unlocking an even easier mode by 100%ing the game? Yeah, no thanks. Yes
Played a total of one game, and ended up winning it. Haven't touched this in forever, and I don't remember my thoughts at the time. No
Unlocked almost every character, all the tracks, and almost cleared the first set of Candy's Challenges. Haven't touched the game since my disc broke, but I remember enjoying myself. The controls are over-hated, the item system and mode selection are interesting, and the game introduced a lot of cool Kremling designs that I'd love to see in another mainline DK game. Formerly
Beat the story, unlocked all but one recipe, and cleared all the treasure maps. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind seeing Mario do another action RPG. Just so long as the story's as engaging as this one. Yes
100% Still the best in the series, with some cool items and a high learning curve. Also, shoutout to this game for being the last Mario Kart where it was actually challenging to unlock stuff. Yes
Beat the story, and some of the bonus levels. Great visuals and sound, with a ton of fun bosses, but the game is overall pretty short, and unless you're going for completion, you won't find much in the way of a challenge. Yes
Unlocked every character and stage, and beat Subspace, but I don't care to do much outside of that. Was my favorite Smash game until Smash 4 came out. Still surprisingly fun to come back to, despite its aged visuals and tripping. Yes
Just that one Star Coin in 9-7 is between me and 100% completion. Haven't touched the game since my disc broke, but it left me with a lot of fun memories. Was also the first Mario game I completed without consulting a guide, since I wasn't allowed on the internet at the time. Formerly
Beat the festival mode. I'll always credit this game for being my first ever introduction to Sonic. Even ignoring that, it's more fun than you might think. Yes
Nabbed ~100 Power Stars Fixes pretty much every problem I had with the first game. The downplayed story was a bit of a disappointment, though. Yes
Beat the story mode. Just a fun set of challenging and addictive puzzles. What more could you want? Yes
Beat the story, and nabbed all the KONG Letters and Puzzle Pieces. Maybe I'll attempt Mirror Mode later on... I never played the original trilogy, but I'm sure fans of those games were excited when this came out. I myself had loads of fun with this game, but I feel its challenge can get a little too cruel at times. Yes
Beat the story mode in all five sports, and unlocked a couple of alternate costumes. Surprisingly good, considering Nintendo's recent track record with the sports installments. No
Played a few events. I hear this one's the best in the series, but I didn't play enough to judge for myself. No
100% I enjoy it less than I did as an adolescent, but overall the game still holds up. The Special Worlds are easily the best part, but even they start to overstay their welcome near the end. Yes
100% Pretty solid overall, but I'll never forgive it for scrapping single-player VS and butchering the Wii tracks. Yes
Played part of a game. Consensus says this one isn't good, but I didn't play enough to judge for myself. Remember when we used to have game demos at Target? No
100% Unnecessary, but still way more fun than it has any right to be. In fact, I'd say it's the best NSMB game, making the most of its limited scope and giving us some truly creative levels. The emphasis on coins also increased replayability, albeit via a psychological exploit. Yes
100% on both consoles Nice graphics and cool world map aside, this game was just okay, with way too many recycled level concepts. I did really like the final boss, however. As for NSLU, it's even better than the base game, with hard-to-master physics, much more creative level design, and a frenetic pace throughout. Yes
Did everything except the final boss. Is there even anything I could say that hasn't been said elsewhere online? Yes
Beat the story, and nabbed all Boos and Gems. Better than the first game. Yes, I said it. Yes
Beat the story campaign I never played PiT, but this one's easily my favorite in the series. Yes
Stuck on Champion's Road, but beat Bowser's Fury 100%. Easily one of the best mainline Mario games, and I would love to see another game in this style. Bowser's Fury is also a blast, and I wouldn't mind seeing another game built like that either. Yes
Unlocked every character and stage, and beat Classic and All-Star with every character. Doesn't look or play as nicely as the Wii U version, but I feel it has superior content, and what they managed to accomplish on such limiting hardware is very impressive. But with Ultimate out, this installment is pretty much obsolete aside from Smash Run. Yes
~180% on Wii U; 200% on Switch Blows its predecessor out of the water. Plus, it has my favorite OST in any video game. Yes
Beat the game without Flutter Wings and 100%d the first world, but didn't bother with the rest. Iffy graphics and nauseating soundtrack aside, this game is perfectly fine. Granted, I never played the original nor the DS sequel, so... Yes
Same as Smash 3DS Looks and plays better than the 3DS version, but aside from Classic Mode, Events, and Special Orders, its content is overall inferior. The Miiverse functionality was pretty cool, back when it was up and running. Yes
99% on Wii U; 100% on Switch Second favorite Mario Kart, with great tracks, music, and visuals, but unlocking everything was way too easy. Yes
100% Cool visuals, a banging soundtrack, and fun level design without the ball and chain that is Baby Mario? Yes, please! Yes
Unlocked everything. Fantastic for its time, but hard to come back to after playing the sequel. Yes
Got stuck on the final boss. Gameplay's as solid as ever, with some nifty quality-of-life upgrades, but boy was the story a huge missed opportunity. Yes
Got stuck at The Emerald Circus Way better than the internet says it is, with gorgeous visuals and sound, and a ton of great humor. However, there's a huge difficulty spike near the end of the game. Yes
100% Best in the series, and I'm dying for a sequel! Yes
Beat the DLC, but not the main story. Didn't bother with 100% completion. Came completely out of left field, but it was a pleasant surprise. It's like instead of trying to combine the two franchises, they instead went for something neither series has done before, resulting in the first and best tactical RPGs I've ever played. Yes
Beat the story campaign. My first introduction to the game, and it was a ton of fun. Always cool to see how a series began. Yes
Put it down around the halfway point. My first introduction to the game. I like the updated graphics and control options, but I really hate the structure, and the Boo side-quest is extremely annoying. Yes
100%d World of Light, unlocked every character and stage, and beat most of the Challenges. Easily my favorite in the series, with a ton of content and love packed into it. Combine this with portability, and you've got yourself a keeper! Yes
Stopped playing near the climax, but I intend to pick it back up soon. Again, my first introduction to the game. Didn't need to exist, but I bought this remake because I prefer the Dream Team art-style. Yes
Beat the game; tried to 100%, but got stuck on the hidden boss. Game's okay, but its level-flip mechanic was underutilized, and the soundtrack was a huge downgrade from the last game. Yes
Beat the story mode and unlocked every level-creation tool. What the first game should've been, but it still has some limitations that I find baffling. And don't even get me started on the multiplayer. Yes
Beat the game, and got all the Boos and Gems. Best in the trilogy, with a really amazing atmosphere and presentation. Could've done without the Polterkitty, though. Yes
Beat the story mode and went for some of the challenges. More fun than expected, but loses its luster after a while. I do like how the characters change their clothes more often, and I hope Nintendo keeps up with this trend, but I was disappointed in the lack of Miis this time around. They were a great source of longevity in the previous entries. Yes
Beat the story, 100%d every area, and nabbed some of the trophies. A really good middle-ground between the old and new styles, and it might have the best story in the series since the third game. Yes