Would this guy be all the enemies in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials? They're all just shadow-versions of the enemies. And he is able to turn into anything he sees. Maybe he just copied every enemy in the game and you fight him all throughout the Pit. Just a theory.


Probably, but not proven. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

Do you think he has something to do with the Pixl Queen? He seems to share a lot of similarities with her, such as his creation by the Ancients and his transforming ability. He even mentions that he wants revenge against both the Ancients AND the Pixls! Is it possible that the Pixl Queen survived and turned into Shadoo so he/she/it could plot against them in secret?--Twigz 07:52, 3 May 2007 (EDT)

I doubt it. You could just as easily say that he is Mimi's father, or that he is a Duplighost. --Edrobot 11:37, 5 May 2007 (EDT)

He's also really similar to Anuboo, though that's probably unintentional. CrossEyed7 07:53, 4 October 2007 (EDT)

Wow, good point. I don't own Super Paper Mario, neither have I played it, but these Images say it all! He/She does resemble the Anuboo a bit, and has similar powers. My Bloody Valentine Worthy of Trivia, IMO.

Catch Cards

Why does one of the catch cards seems to be separate from the others? Mr. Guy the Guy RAWRE

Shadoo's form

I recently played this game and went through the whole flopside pit, and it is heavily implied that the thing you fight is not directly Shadoo. Let me explain (I put them is separate paragraphs to spread them out a bit):

Firstly, completing the pit the first time puts you in a conversation with this Shadoo, and some point during the speech, a wierd blink happens accompanied by the sound of a camera shutter, or a mechanical eye in some sci fi films, which isn't really taken note of at all, and when I saw this I thought that maybe Shadoo is a type of computer that copies creature data and attempts to copy and possibly even attempt to replace those creatures, this could explain why the pit is filled with just dark forms of many enemies , in the same way there were dark forms of the four heroes. The part about possibly replacing them is suggested when Shadoo mentions its plan (to basically replace the heroes) and that it could additionally have the plan to replace everything.

Secondly, after completing the pit a second time, it announces that 'your clones are ready' (or complete) suggesting not only that the dark forms of these would be around at the same time (notice the s in clones) and that the clones were simply created by this thing but also that the procedure must have taken some time for it to mention that they are 'complete'. The term clones also makes sense, because for Shadoo’s plan to work, it would help if he had a clone for each hero to exist at the same time, otherwise it would seem weird that only one hero makes an appearance at a time. Another thing about this is that because Shadoo requested you to do the Pit a second time, it could be Shadoo knew that they were the heroes, but wished them to do the pit again so it could copy your move set, through observation of your efforts in the pit, which might also show why it said your clones are ready the second time as opposed to simply attacking you the first time. I thought that after the battle how much Shadoo reminds me of malfunctioning computers, that go against its original programming, and that I thought that it could have been a referenc e to HAL 9000 (from 2001: a space odyssey).

Thirdly, the creature evidently talks in a computerised voice judging by the speech bubble and indeed the speech it gives itself, which only mechanical things can (such as Tiptron, Fracktail and Wracktail). Pixls, in the way this thing is implied to be the old Pixl queen, do not have the same speech bubbles.

Finally, none of the cards of dark creatures say that the Dark characters (especially the heroes), are Shadoo, in fact the only reference to Shadoo being anything is when the thing introduces itself, also of note is that when the clone of Mr L appears, notice that the bubble disappears and is replaced by the one that the clone is talking with, suggesting it moved its voice into the clone (although that could also have happened for the simple reason that something was happening and that commentary would be completely unnecessary) BUT it also seemed unusual for the Mr L clone to speak in such an odd way, which was different to how Shadoo spoke before the clone appeared, which might support the clone and Shadoo as two separate entities. The part about Luigi speaking might actually simply be a reference to how Luigi Speaks a lot in the Paper Mario series as opposed to Mario, the silent protagonist, by having his clone speak.

Right I think I just about covered everything I thought up. DarkNintendo 23:34, 8 November 2008 (EST)