Talk to Lord Baby Luigi Here

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Animated Baby Luigi from Mario Kart Wii
Baby Luigi has been promoted to best character ever for sheer unfathomable amounts of awesomeness.
Is there a log for promotions?

School Schedule: These are the times I am unavailable for. I have EDT times since it's still Daylight Savings Time at the moment. If you're not EDT (chances are you aren't) use my UTC times as a point of reference. If you're expecting an immediate reply, do not message me. DON'T take this as a discouragement to chat with me, though, but do understand that I may not reply right away.
I also participate in after school clubs now on Tuesday and Friday (ask if you want to know) so I have different times for them. I also take Accelerated Algebra and Accelerated Earth Science so homework may take time.

Monday/Thursday 7:35 am - 2:20 pm EDT/11:35 - 18:20 UTC
Tuesday: 7:35 am - 3:15 pm EDT/11:35 - 19:15 UTC
Wednesday: 7:35 am - 1:10 pm EDT/11:35 - 17:10 UTC
Friday: 7:35 am - 4:00 pm EDT/11:35 - 20:00 UTC
Saturday/Sunday: No school, but I may still be busy. Ever heard of homework!?
On Friday October 25th, I have a field trip that goes from 5:45 AM-8/9:00 PM EDT. (9:45-24/0:00 UTC)(Yeah, very short.)

Next Days Off: Tuesday 11/11 for Veterans Day, 11/27-28 for Thanksgiving. Time Switch to EST: Sunday 11/2.

Archive 一: Baby Luigi's Promotion
Archive 二:I Rename Myself

Rules! Because rules are fun! (...FINE. To some people, not everyone...)
If you don't like rules, too bad, because remember what rules exist for: to keep things in order and not make a mess of them.

1. I prefer no swearing, but I don't complain.
2. Do not strike at me for no reason with angry comments, or at least give a GOOD reason.
3. Do not make fun of me for my likes and dislikes.
4. Common rule everywhere: do not do what you would not want done to yourself.
5. I will not take random friend requests. I need to get to know you first. Which means chat a little bit before you ask. Also, I do not want to see "plz" on my talk page again.

Anything not adhering to the rules will be reverted, because yes I can do that.

One thing that caught my attention is this: Please do not add an unsigned template if you see an unsigned comment. Also do not fix a grammar mistake minutes after you post something. That's because whenever someone other than me edits my talk page it says that I have a new message. I do not want to see that only to find out that someone added an unsigned template or fixed a grammar mistake. That's basically a false alarm. But you only can if you are editing it for an unrelated reason. (like for example, a friend request)

It's a mii, Billy-Luigi

Yaay it’s almost my birthday. The stupid thing is that I don’t know anything that I would like to have :/. I could just ask for money but that is lame. There are no major upcoming games till 9 November tho (9 November is ma birthday). Oh, I could ask for a new SD card for on my 3DS XL. Because I have no gigabites left. I even had to delete some games in order to put Smash Bros 3DS on it. Don’t worry I made a back-up of those games. But do you have to repay for them? I don’t know :/. It is Mario Party Island Tour and Super Mario Bros. 3. Luigi in Mario Kart 8Billy-Luigi Time!Baby Luigi in Mario Kart 8 11:21, 20 October 2014 (EDT)

I will be looking for a SD transporter or whatever it is called. Because now suddenly I want to play Island Tour XDLuigi in Mario Kart 8Billy-Luigi Time!Baby Luigi in Mario Kart 8 12:29, 22 October 2014 (EDT)