User talk:Goomb-omb

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I'm going to be clearing out my talk on a regular basis, just to prevent the clutter I see on other users' talk pages. Please don't let it stop you from contacting me :)


only put your proposal in the list: your comments, arguments, reasons and put your signature. the other users will say their decitions. ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png Also you can see some existing proposals as examples if you want.


Hi, Goomb-omb! Would you like a sig? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Alright. That's the weird thing, as both of us will make it. Now, I have two questions for your sig: First question: Would you like two pictures in the sigs, and if so, what pics (or gifs)? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png
Alright! And the last question: Would you like two colors, and if so, what colors? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png