Mini-Game Stadium

Revision as of 00:55, April 28, 2011 by Shoey (talk | contribs)
The Mini-Game Stadium interior.

The Mini-Game Stadium is a game mode in Mario Party 2 appearing as an unlockable in Mini-game Land. It is unlocked by buying at least 3 4-Player, 2-vs-2, and 1-vs-3 mini-games. There are three sub-modes in the Mini-Game Stadium. Each is unlocked one after the other. Mini-Game Battle is the default mode and is a battle of mini-games and the player who wins three, five, or seven mini-games is the winner. Then Mini-Game Trial or Mini-Game Duel can be unlocked. Mini-Game Duel is unlocked when all six Duel Mini-Games have been played. Mini-Game Trial is unlocked by playing a certain number of Mini-Game Battles. When all Mini-games possible have been played - including those in the Mini-Game Stadium, the Mini-Game Coaster is unlocked.