Kong Family

Revision as of 00:16, June 1, 2012 by L151 (talk | contribs) (most of this part not true)
The playable members of the Kong Family in the game Donkey Kong 64.

The Kong Family is the name given to the Kong relatives and friends of Donkey Kong. The patriarch of the family is Cranky Kong, the original Donkey Kong. In the Donkey Kong series of video games, members of the Kong Family are either playable characters or supporting characters that aid the main heroes on their journey. They seem to be in constant conflict with the Kremling Krew, an organization bent on stealing the family's Banana Hoard and destroying Donkey Kong Island.

Members of the Kong Family

Cranky's family

  • Baby Kong — Donkey Kong's nephew.
  • Cranky Kong — Donkey Kong's grandfather, Wrinkly Kong's husband.
  • Cranky Kong's Great-Grandfather — Cranky Kong's Great-Grandfather who once owned an antique mirror
  • Diddy Kong — Donkey Kong's buddy and nephew[1], Dixie Kong's boyfriend.
  • Donkey Kong — Cranky and Wrinkly Kong's grandson, Diddy Kong's uncle, Candy Kong's boyfriend.
  • Donkey Kong Jr. — Cranky Kong's son, Donkey Kong's father.
  • Lanky Kong — Described by Cranky as "a twisted twig on a distant branch of the family tree".
  • Wrinkly Kong — Donkey Kong's grandmother, Cranky Kong's wife.

Dixie's family

  • Chunky Kong — Kiddy Kong's brother, Dixie and Tiny Kong's cousin.
  • Dixie Kong — Diddy Kong's girlfriend, Tiny Kong's sister, Kiddy and Chunky Kong's cousin.
  • Kiddy Kong — Chunky Kong's brother, Dixie and Tiny Kong's cousin.
  • Tiny Kong — Dixie Kong's sister, Kiddy and Chunky Kong's cousin.


Additionally, the villainous Manky Kongs were apparently members of the Kong Family but were kicked out for being too rowdy. They are also described as "Kong reject orangutans".
