Bottomless Coin Sack

Revision as of 04:12, July 29, 2012 by Shoey (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)
File:Bottomless Coin Sack.PNG
The Bottomless Coin Sack.

The Bottomless Coin Sack is a magical item in Wario Land: Shake It! that holds infinite coins and whenever shaken will summon the coins out of the coin sack. This seems to be a very desirable treasure for pirates (or any other greedy person). The Bottomless Coin Sack resides in the Shake Dimension (a dimension within an ancient globe) and is basically the center of the Shake Dimension's life. The Bottomless Coin Sack is stolen by the pirate known as the Shake King. In the first cutscene, the Shake King presents this precious artifact, and the Bandineros (and a few Shortfuses) around him hop in happiness. The Shake King also said it is a legendary treasure. Captain Syrup, the female pirate, wants to possess this item for herself. However, she doesn't want to do any of the dirty work herself, so she "hires" Wario.
