05/05/13: Pretty much retired from wiki activity. Been inactive for so long. Please now refrain from messaging my talkpage. - RUAI
This airship is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its exposed superstructure while it's being worked on. The Koopa Troop hopes to have it completed and fully operational soon.
I just go around the wiki fixing or adding information. Although, I do tend to dabble in various things on the Wiki. I'm very clever, hence why I like to use complicated words for effect, except I hardly use any. I have a sense of humour but it is normally non-existent. I have Asperger's Syndrome (above average IQ but poor social skills), Dyslexia (affects people differently, so ask me)and Dyspraxia (affects people differently). I may also have OCD and possible anger issues... I am most definitely male. I joined at 19:29 13 November 2007, did a few minor edits during the fortnight after, then forgot about my account completely until August 2009. Here is the result of my neglected character quiz:
IT WAS BOWSER!!! As you can tell from the picture/error message, whichever appears.
I seriously need help beating the Fawful Express! ...Wait, scratch that. "I HAVE VICTORY!" - Fawful quote!!
I'm kinda desperate to help, so I was thinking of creating and uploading images and making a table for all the Status Effects for Bowser & the Mario Bros in M&L:BiS.
Please let me know what you think under the important stuff on my talk page.
This user dressed up as Luigi for Sport Relief 2010. (This user is more than a tad obsessive.)
The unfortunate demise of Doomship 2
Hey,hey,hey! This is Doomship 2, blasting Bob-ombs at you! Or rather, I will be as soon as Ludwig and Iggy finish my construction (Lemmy is secretly helping. This is why I rhyme a lot, why I have 2 bouncy ball deflector cannons and tonnes of Rocket Engines on my stern/back). This wiki better look out, for Airships just got a whole new scale of evilness, just because of me. KRAHAHAHAHA!!!
DS2 is an SMB3-style airship, very long, tonnes of cannons(Bob-omb & normal) & Bill Blasters, a few Bob-ulk cannons, a small mast on the bow, behind his eyes & mouth(red+black), made of short Blasters that create a Bullet Bill crossfire, traps, spike pits, Giant Rocket Engine thrusters on the back, elite troops, Tank carriers, Scorchers (1-man craft with a rocket engine weapon) & Spiked Scorchers, a Treasure Ship covered in spikes & Bob-ombs, plus the Mega Spiked Scorcher operated by Lord Bowser if he is in command.
This is NOT part of the secret volcano hangar containing the Doomship 2:
1. The Phantom of the Opera is awesome. If it is in a theatre near you, watch it, otherwise you need a holiday to London. So sad at the end(*I'M NOT SPOILING IT*), one of the few things that actually has me close to tears.
2. I'm an Internet freak who just spends so much time looking at memes, DeviantArt, etc.
3. The BJOADN Article is the best article of the Wiki, isn't it? You WILL NOT disagree!!
4. Whoever I support in the World Cup goes out shortly afterwards. I only started exploiting this during the Germany-Argentina match. All I said was "COME ON ARGENTINA!!!", and they lost 4-0 to Germany. ^_^ Unfortunately it will no doubt backfire because of this exploitation.
5. I'm friends with the author Chris d'Lacey. Yes.
6. I don't have a weird fact because I have too many to choose from.
7. Any users out there with BBC1 TV channel will probably have been watching Matt Smith's first series as The Doctor. Therefore you will know that Episodes 8 & 9 featured some new Silurians. Think back to the teaser trailer shown in Dec 09/Jan 10.
A strange reptilian mask appears at the end. Did teh Intarwebz speculate about it? No. But I said (to a friend only) that Silurians would return. I was right.