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This is a list of quotes from the game Fortune Street.

Note: The characters from the Mario and Dragon Quest series are separated through a division. Additionally, the quotes are separated and provided through each board that a character is in.

Mario series characters


Area Specific Quotes

  • "So this is where Yoshi comes from? What an adorable little island!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Oooooooh, this place looks spooky! I'm almost too scared to roll the dice!" (The Ghost Ship)

General Quotes

  • "Tee hee! I'm going to collect kisses from everyone at this checkpoint! Kisses and gold!"
  • "Tra-la-la! I'm in a fabulous mood today! C'mon, die - let's see if you're happy too!"
  • "Tee hee! It must be fate that I landed here! This district is going to be all mine one day!"
  • "Oh! My Birdo sense is tingling! Time to put that plan of mine into effect!"
  • "I'm going to put a little pink bow on this shop so everyone knows it belongs to me!"
  • "Come on, die, Mama needs a brand-new bow!"
  • "What a thrilling competition! Why, I feel as giddy as a schoolgirl!"
  • "Well, it's about time! Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?"
  • After using a cannon: "Oh dear! My head is spinning! How in the world did I end up here?"
  • "Grow big and strong, you beautiful little shop! My heart beats only for you!"
  • To herself: "Let's see...I'll do that, then this, and then... Oh Birdo, you're a genius! Tee hee!"
  • To Player: "Are you looking at my bow? Isn't it precious? Maybe I'll let you wear it later!"
  • To Player: "You're in first place and you STILL want more money? That's greedy, plain and simple!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "Bwah hah hah! Once I win, Princess Peach will be mine-castle and all!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Gah! Spooky ship! Is this where you've been hiding, you good-for-nothing Boo slackers!?" (Ghost Ship)
  • "Bwah hah hah! Lava everywhere! The only way this could get better is if someone fell in!" (Mount Magmageddon)

General Quotes

  • "Why aren't my minions here to back me up!? Guess I'm gonna have to win this one on my own!"
  • Princess Peach: "Who invited Bowser? He's only going to cause trouble!"
    • Bowser's response: "Bwah hah hah! Your wish is my command, Princess Peach! If it's trouble you want, it's trouble you got!"
  • "I'll...I'll stomp this dumb shop to bits! Take that! AND THAT!"
  • (If the Player you're playing as is a female) "Hmm... Who should I kidnap today? Should I nab (Player name)? Or maybe that gold standard, Princess Peach?"
    • Peach's response: "Oh, Bowser! Why are you always trying to ruin my fun?"
  • "Bow down before Bowser, King of the Koopas, and get out of my way!"
  • "Why don't you just give up now? None of you stands a chance against me!"

Bowser Jr.

Area Specific Quotes

  • "Big mistake, people! You shouldn't have brought me here - now I'm gonna crush you AND this stupid ship!" (Starship Mario)
  • "I'm gonna storm that island down there and make you all my Yoshi minions! Hear that, potential minions?" (Yoshi's island)

General Quotes

  • "First suit, check! Which, uh...means I still have a long way to go, huh?
  • "Two suits down, two to go! I'm gonna grab the other ones so fast you won't even see me!"
  • "Fair warning-don't get on my bad side, or I'll graffiti your shop big-time!"
  • "One of these days, ALL of the shops in this district will be under MY command!"
  • "Hee hee! I needed a good rest! Now I've got tons of energy to formulate my evil plans!"
  • "All right, die! Let's show 'em how we roll!"
  • "Hee hee! Go ahead, everyone! Shop till you drop, and I'll reap the benefits!"
  • "Dibs on any shops left! Don't any of you touch 'em. They're mine, all mine!"
  • Negotiation: "No way! Our shops exist on totally different levels - mine's profitable, and yours isn't! Tee hee!"
  • After warping: "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! Ahem. That didn't scare me at all."
  • To Player: "Quit your whining! From here on out, this shop is mine!"
  • "Tell ya what... If you spend gold at my shop, I'll make you my honorary minion!"

Diddy Kong

Area Specific Quotes

  • "Ook ookitty! Ook ook! (Anyone up for a kart race later? I know the perfect course!)" (Mario Circuit)

General Quotes

  • "Oookitty? Oookitty ook! (Why don't we trade shops? We'll both get something good out of it!)"
  • To Player: "Oookie! Ooook oookitty. Ook! (Ouch! This is quite a shop you've got here, (Player's name). It's really something!)"
  • To Player: "Oooki, Oookitty ooo! (I'll admit it, (Player's name)- I'm a little jealous. Lucky you!)"
  • To Player: "Oookitty ooo? Oookie! (Defending your shop, huh? That's pretty clever (Player's name))!"
  • To Player: "Ookie! Oook ookitty! (Thanks for the bonus, (Player's name)! It's all about teamwork!)"

Donkey Kong

Area Specific Quotes

  • ”Ook ook…Ook! (Throwing pitches, rolling dice…Either way, I’ve gotta flex my biceps!) (Mario Stadium)
  • ”Ooka? Ooka? Ook?” (Kart racing, huh? Wanna go for a spin? I’ll show you what a Kong can do!) (Mario Circuit)

General Quotes

  • ”Ooo! Ooooooooka. Ook ook! (Yeah! I got my first suit. Won’t be long before I snag the rest of ‘em!)”
  • ”Ook ook! (Time to bring home the bananas!)”


Area Specific Quotes

  • ”Eek! No one told me there would be gh-gh-ghosts here! I wish I'd brought my Poltergust 3000 with me.” (The Ghost Ship)
  • ”Hey! You know what would look good? A spaceship with MY face on it!” (Starship Mario)
  • "These ruins are right up my alley! I bet I'll reach the goal first!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)

General Quotes

  • ”It’s me, Luigi! Time to collect some more gold coins!”
  • ”There’s a shop out there with Luigi’s name on it! Maybe it’s time to force a buyout…”
  • ”Three more suits to go, huh? That should be a snap for someone like Luigi!”
  • ”Ahh! I like landing on the bank. They never charge me any money to stop here!”
  • ”Two more suits to go! I wonder if any of them are hidden in blocks. Boing, boing!”
  • ”Watch out! Green machine coming through!”
  • ”Gimme a good roll! I’ve got my fingers crossed and everything.”
  • ”Look at my new shop! Isn’t she a beaut?”
  • ”I only need one more suit… Why can’t I just jump straight there? It’s not cheating!”
  • ”This is the perfect time for Luigi’s trademark jump! I’ll just leap my way straight back to the bank!”
  • ”All the shops are gone? That was quick! Someone knows how to use their B-Dash!”
  • ”Ack! One shop left? All I did was take a minute to trim my sideburns… I need to stop doing that!”
  • ”Who bought up all the shops? Guess I was too busy grooming the ‘stache to pay attention to the game…”
  • After taking a day-off: ”I take a quick time-out to trim my mustache, and someone buys up almost all the shops! What gives?”
  • "Wah-hah-hah! Look how big my shop got! That's kinda surprising, even for me!"
  • After taking a day off: "Why did I have to go and take a day off? I'm a plumber! I'm on call 24 hours a day!"
  • After player approaches victory: "I have to find a way to stop (Player's name) from winning! Who'da thought he'd/she'd get this far?"
  • To Player: "Did Mario teach you to play this game, (Player's name)? 'Cause you've definitely got some sweet moves, just like him!"
  • "Ahhh! What a nice little vacation. I spent the whole time eating nutritious mushrooms and building up my strength!"
  • After purchasing a shop: "Yay for me, Luigi! I've got a new shop!"
  • After player builds a tax office: "Built yourself a tax office, (player's name)? That was a calculated move! Ha ha ha ha!"
  • Mario to Luigi: "Hey Luigi! Stick with me, Bro, and we'll win this one together!"
    • Luigi's response: "You got it, Mario! We'll show (Player's name) some real Mario Bros. teamwork!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • ”It’s a race to the finish line! Start your engines!” (Mario Circuit)
  • "Brr! This ship gives me the creeps! Best to win fast so I don't have to hang out here too long!" (The Ghost Ship)
  • "I wonder if there are coins in these ruins... I'm gonna grab as many as I can!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
  • "Uh-oh! Lava's never fun! It always brings back bad memories for me..." (Mount Magmageddon)

General Quotes

  • "Look out! Mario wants in on the action!"
  • To Yoshi: "I'll help you find your cookies, Yoshi - just give me a second to brush these cookie crumbs out of my mustache!"
  • "Hey, I'm a big superstar! I should be able to roll a pretty good number!"
  • ”Not to look a gift Yoshi in the mouth, but I was hoping for more coins…”
  • "Here we go! Let's see what happens next!"
  • "Hey, everybody! You've got an open invitation to stop by my shop anytime you want!"
  • "How's everyone doing? I'm feeling great! Let's roll!"
  • ”Come on now, little die! Give me a good roll!”
  • "Here we go! Just remember, little die: Mario's your best friend!"
  • "Rolling the die is just one of my many special talents!"
  • "Wahoo! One more suit, and it's 1-Up time! I mean, level-up time!"
  • After warping: "What a ride! That was almost as fast as traveling via pipe!"
  • After warping:"Hey, I think I just warped! That sure was a fast trip!"
  • "What a beautiful shop! Not too shabby for a plumber, huh?"
  • "All right, my turn!"
  • "Hey, that's pretty nice! I think I want to buy more shops around here!"
  • "Hey, I'm a big superstar! I should be able to roll a pretty good number!"
  • To Player: "It's me, Mario! Best of luck, (Player's name)!
  • "Wahoo! I'm all recharged and ready to roll! Someone give me the die!"
  • "Oh, no! I have to sell my shop. Good-bye, dear shop of mine!"
  • "Huh!? Where'd all my coins go? I guess I can't afford to buy you right now, little property...but I'll be back!
  • After building a tax office: "Watch out for the tax man, everyone!"
  • "I'd better see some fireworks when I level up! Woo-hoo!
  • "I gotta remember to buy some stock next time I get a chance!"
  • "Hey, this is a pretty nice place! It's good for me that you're not charging more to shop here!"
  • "Wahoo! Right on the dot! Now, that's what I call precision!"
  • To Luigi: "Hey Luigi! Stick with me, Bro, and we'll win this one together!"
    • Luigi's response: "You got it, Mario! We'll show (Player's name) some real Mario Bros. teamwork!"
  • (After landing on a Boon Square) "Hey there, lucky star! I heard you calling my name!"
  • To Player: "You're off to a great start, (Player's name)!"
  • "Okeydokey! One suit down, three more to go!"

Princess Daisy

Area Specific Quotes

  • "Hey, all you spooky ghosts out there! Don't you DARE try to scare me! Ya hear me?" (The Ghost Ship)
  • ”Wow! Check out Yoshi’s Island. I totally want to take one of those little guys home with me!” (Yoshi's Island)
  • "Hey-who wants to be on my pit crew? Tee hee! Just kidding!" (Mario Circuit)
  • "Oh my gosh! Look at all those cute little blobs! Can I take one home with me?" (Slimenia)

General Quotes

  • To Player: “So you’re the famous (Player’s name)! I’m Daisy, princess of Sarasaland. The pleasure is mine!”
  • "This shop is going to grow like a wildflower! I picked it, after all, so it's GOT to be good!"
  • "Fair warning, folks: try all you want, but I'm still gonna win. Princess Daisy always comes out on top!"
  • "Shop away, folks! The more money you spend, the more money I get! Everybody's a winner!"
  • "Time to put the finishing touches on my celebration, people. I'm about to get my promotion!"
  • "These suits are awfully cute. Maybe I'll sneak a few of 'em home with me! They'd look nice on my castle walls!"
  • "You may wonder why I want to win so badly. Well, it's 'cause I just HATE losing!"
  • "Winning feels SO awesome. From now on, I'm gonna win all the games I play!"
  • "Oh boy! It sure was a snap getting into first place. I bet winning this game is gonna be a piece of cake!"
  • "Banks rule! Where else can you safely store your money? I mean, other than an actual safe..."
  • "Make sure you all stop by my new shop and introduce yourselves! It's the polite thing to do!"
  • "Hold on tight to your socks, people, 'cause I'm about to knock 'em off!"
  • "Let's speed this game up! I'm seriously getting wrinkles waiting for you all to roll the die."
  • "I'm getting tired. Subjects of Sarasaland- bring me the rest of the suits!"
  • "I'm gonna throw this die as hard as I can! I bet I'll get a sweet number out of it! OOF!"
  • "I think something's wrong with this die. It feels heavier than usual!"
  • After investing: "Tee hee hee! I bet no one was expecting THAT!"
  • To Player: "Huh. That's certainly an... interesting move, (Player's name). Are you sure you know how to play this game?"
  • To Player: "That's not worth getting upset over, (Player's name). Just ask your daddy to front you some cash!"

Princess Peach

Area Specific Quotes

  • "Welcome to the grandest castle in the Mushroom Kingdom. There's no way I can lose here!" (Peach's Castle)
  • "This ship is simply littered with ghosts! Perhaps I can befriend them, the poor little things..." (Ghost Ship)
  • "It's absolutely sweltering in here! Won't someone please turn on the air conditioner?" (Mount Magmageddon)

General Quotes

  • To Bowser: "Who invited Bowser? He's only going to cause trouble!"
    • Bowser's response: "Bwah hah hah! Your wish is my command, Princess Peach! If it's trouble you want, it's trouble you got!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "Oh! I should have brought a thank-you gift for letting us play on Yoshi's Island! How rude of me!" (Yoshi's Island)
  • "B-baseball!? This game can get pretty rough. Maybe I'll just, uh, be an umpire..." (Mario Stadium)
  • "I've heard stories about the legendary Robbin' Hood... Does he still wander through these fantastic ruins?" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)

General Quotes

  • "All right, little die! We can do this! Roll me your very best number!"
  • "Shops are an important source of income. I think I'll buy this one!"
  • "Welcome to the district that will one day be dominated by ME!"
  • ”I’ve only got one suit so far, but I’m not in a rush. You’ve got to take time to smell the Fire Flowers!”
  • ”I solemnly swear to turn this into a wonderful shop that will be loved and respected by all!”
  • ”I’d like this to be a friendly, neighborhood-watch kind of district. So if you see any troublemakers, give me a call!”
  • ”I’ve got a good feeling about this game… It’s Toad’s time to shine!”
  • ”I need to power myself up with a promotion! That way, I’ll be able to better defend Princess Peach!”
  • ”I wonder which district has the most potential? Hmm…”
  • ”I’d be a fool to let this opportunity pass me by. I should invest in my shop while I can!”
  • "I shouldn't be shopping here. The person in first place doesn't need my money!"
  • ”Oh! Is it my turn already? Sorry, I was kind of busy twiddling my thumbs over here…”
  • "Oh no! No no NO! There are hardly any shops left!"
  • "I landed right on the bank! What are the odds?"
  • ”It’s Toad’s turn!”
  • "OH NO! OH NO! I've got to buy a shop, and QUICK!"
  • "For the glory of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Oh dear! I think I spent too much gold shopping here. Toadsworth will never let me live this down!"
  • "Slow and steady wins the race! That's the Toad motto!"
  • Taking a day off: ”Perhaps I’ll use my vacation time to do a little spring cleaning! Now where did I put that dustpan…”
  • After taking a day off: *”I wish you hadn’t stopped by my shop while it was closed! I don’t want to be known for poor customer service!”
  • To himself: "C'mon, die... Give me the number I want!"
  • To Player: No matter what happens, just remember: we're ALL winners!"
  • To Player: “There! I did it! Next time you land on my shop, (Player’s name), you’ll have to pay dearly!”
  • To Player: You mustn't blame yourself... It was my own fault for shopping here!"
  • "This is a nice shop and all, but might I make a suggestion? Add a mushroom-cap roof!"
  • "What is this strange feeling I'm feeling inside? Oh! I think it's... excitement!"
  • "After obtaining an upgrade card: "What are the chances I would pick such an amazing venture card? Fate is smiling down on me today!"
  • "I can't wait for my promotion! With power and money, I can protect Princess Peach almost as well as Mario does!"
  • "I'm so proud of my little shop. Look how much it's grown!"
  • "The shops are all sold out! What in the WORLD am I supposed to do now!?"
  • "All the shops are gone... That's so sad!"
  • To Player after they obtain a promotion: "Fair pay for a job well done, (Player's name). You deserve each and every one of those gold coins!!"
  • To Player after Moneymaking Venture: "I worked hard to earn that money, (Player's name), so don't squander it!"
  • "I hope no one minds if I go ahead and win this one. I've been working awfully hard towards victory!"
  • After buying another's shop: "I'm sorry, but I just had to have that shop! I'm sure you understand."
  • "Being in first is surprisingly difficult. I wish I could keep my calm, but I'm sweating Bullet Bills!"
  • "Being in first place makes me nervous. Someone is always trying to take me down!"
  • "What a relief! I'm glad I didn't have to turn away customers during my little rest..."
  • After landing on a Vacant Lot: "I don't care what Bowser says. The last thing my circus needs is a Koopa Clown Car!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "Argh! That stupid sun is blinding me! Think you can outshine the great Waluigi, do ya, sun?!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "Nice castle! I can't wait for the day when I take it over! Whee hee hee!" (Castle Trodian)
  • "This place is falling apart! Hey, you rotten ship! Don't even THINK about sinking while I'm on board!" (The Ghost Ship)

General Quotes

  • "Got some extra money? Just because you don't need anything doesn't mean you can't shop! Nyah hah!"
  • "This is the luckiest shop in the district 'cause its got ME for an owner! Nyah hah hah!"
  • To Wario: "Nyah hah hah! I'd give you a thrashing, (Player's name) but you're not worth the time! Isn't that right, Wario?
    • From Wario: "Huh? Who is this (Player's name) person? Never heard of anyone by that name."


Area Specific Quotes

  • "It's graffiti time, kids! I'll plaster my name all over this island!" (Delfino Plaza)
  • "This place is nothing but a measly pile of rocks! You want a castle, Peach? I'll build you a castle!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • “I’m gonna snatch up every last Yoshi on that island and sell 'em to a collector! I’ll be rich!” (Yoshi's Island)
  • "The big treasure in this place is a wand, huh? Guess a silly stick is better than a Black Jewel!" (Castle Trodian)
  • "If I turn that M upside down, this'll be all mine!" (Starship Mario)

General Quotes

  • "Make way for the great Wario, peons!"
  • "I'm in the lead! Any of you guys try to pass me, I'll tie your shoelaces together! Nyah hah hah!"
  • To Waluigi: "Huh? Who is this (Player's name) person? Never heard of anyone by that name."


Area Specific Quotes

  • "Yoshi? Yoshi? Yoshi... (Huh? How am I standing on top of Mario's head? This is just weird...) (Starship Mario)
  • ”Yoshi! Yoshi! (Peach’s Castle is almost as pretty as Peach herself!)” (Princess Peach's Castle)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Yoshi's Island is the best place in the world! All of my friends live here!)" (Yoshi's Island)

General Quotes

  • To Player: ’’Yoshi! Yoshiiiii! (It’s me, Yoshi! We’re going to have so much fun today!)”
  • "Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi! (This shop is pretty small now, but there's always room for improvement!)
  • To Player: "Yoshi! Yoshi, Yoshi? (My cookies are missing! Do you know where they went, (Player's name)?)
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I'm almost too hungry to roll! I need a cookie!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Just one more suit to go! I'll make fast work of this!)"
  • "Yoooshi Yoshi! (I sure am having fun playing today!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? (What a nice bank! Is this where they make all the gold?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I need to try harder! No rest for the Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I'm going to buy lots of snacks with my promotion money! And I'll even share!)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi? Yoshi? (This looks like a nice card. Is it yummy? Can I eat it?)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi! (Stay calm, everyone. I'm about to roll!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi. Yoshi... ? (Oh boy! Look at that expensive shop up ahead. Wonder if I can just eat it... ?)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! (No more shops? Poor Yoshi!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi? (Feast your eyes on that shop! Pretty tasty, huh?)"
  • "Yoshi. Yoshi? (This is a tasty little shop. Can I nibble on it awhile?)"
  • "Yoshi? Yoshi! Yoshi! (Does anyone have any cookies? I need cookies! Nom nom nom!)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Oooh! I meant to land on an all-you-can-eat shop!)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi... (Shopping here makes me want to cry...)"
  • After landing on an opponent's shop: "Yoshi. Yoshi... (This shop is dangerous. Very dangerous...)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yoshi! (There's nothing in my wallet but lint!)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoshi! Yoshi... (I'm too famished to think straight! No wonder I'm losing...)"
  • Near bankrupt: "Yoooshi! Yoshi! (I don't know if I can squeeze much more money out of my poor wallet!)"
  • To Player: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (The person in first place doesn't need my business, but I've got to do my shopping somewhere!)"
  • "Yoshi Yoshi! (This is the bestest game ever!)

Dragon Quest series characters


General Quotes

  • ”Suit number two at last! Let’s keep rollin’, fellas!”
  • ”Not long now till I get even stronger! I know, I know! If that’s even possible, right?”
  • ”Hey, come on, fellas! Leave a few shops for me, eh?”
  • ”Hey, give us a chance, guys! There aren’t any shops left at all now!”


General Quotes

  • "What, ain't there no refreshments around here? I need my spaghetti or things are gonna get ugly."
  • To Player: "Your salary!? You lucky schmoo! Come on, spill the beans, squoit! How much d'ya make?"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "This little island is just teeming with slimes! Trying to count them makes my poor eyes hurt." (Slimenia)

General Quotes

  • "I must continue to improve myself so that I can protect Moonbrooke!"
  • "An opportunity appears to have presented itself. I'll turn this shop into something a little more pricy."
  • To Player: "People make their own luck. It would appear you've already done so, (Player's name)."
  • To Player: "It's a pleasure doing business with you. May we both have great success with our acquisitions."
  • To Player buying her shop: "How dare you try to take over my territory, (Player's name)? Next time, I might just take a bite from you!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "Yay! Look at all my goosome buddies here! Hey, even the island's shaped like me!" (Slimenia)

General Quotes

  • "It seems like ploberty's the best way to get rich, so I'm going to buy!"
  • " Oh, I know! I'll slurp out where to goo AFTER I've rolled the die!"
  • ”Here goes! (Slurp)”
  • ”What? What is it!? …Oh! It’s my goo! Sorry!”
  • "I like squidging out under the sun, but I like playing more!"
  • "Yay! I made it! I'm at the bank! It feels so goo to plop down on it rather than boing over it!"
  • "Oh, there aren't a lot of shops left, are there? Boo goo!"
  • "Oh no! There are hardly any shops left! I need to shake a leg-or something-and get over to the ones that are still up for sale!"
  • "Hee hee hee! I'm gooing up to the next level soon!"
  • "OK, I'm gooing to boing up in the air, and whichever way I'm facing when I plop back down, that's the way I'll goo."
  • "I might be small, but I'm a goo-getter! I can play with the big blobs!"
  • To himself: "So you just roll the die and plop along the board? Alright, I can goo that!"
  • To Player: "Why are you squeezing more gold out of us, even though you're in the plop position? You're a bully!"
  • "Just one more suit to goo, then I'll have the whole gloop!"
  • To Player: "Wow! A promotion! ...Did you get a big fat juoozy salary!?
  • To Player: "Amazing! You plopped right on to the bank, (Player's name)!
  • To Player: "You don't need to worry, (Player's name). I'd never uslurp your power!"
  • "One...two... Yay! That's my second ploberty in this district!"


Area Specific Quotes

  • "What the flap's going on here, then? Am I the only one who's noticed this island's crawling with dragons!? ...Eh? Oh, we don't have to fight them? Thank flap for that!" (Yoshi's Island)

General Quotes

  • "Come and see the all new Stella Store! We're sure to be opening up a branch in your district soon!"
  • "So I need three more suits like this. Right! Change of plan, then! I'm putting all my eggs in the venture card casket! Even if it kills me!"
  • "Alright, let's get this crow on the toad! That's my shop, and none of you lot are getting your chubby little claws on it!"
  • "Oh, flap! The winner's the last person I want to be handing over gold to!"
  • "That's property number one. I'm gonna be all over this district like a cheap flute!"
  • After warping: "Don't worry, everyone. I'm over here!"
  • "Now where should I go next? Hm, I haven't been shopping for a while, I wouldn't mind hitting the stores!"
  • "You're all hot on my heels, aren't you? Well get off! These shoes cost a flapping fortune!"
  • Negotiation: "Sorry, not interested. It just doesn't sit right with me."
  • To Player: "Come on, die! ...No, not you! I mean, please die! ...No, I mean-Oh, flap! I'm not wishing you dead! Just give me a good number, please...die!"


General Quotes

  • Going Bankrupt: "No! This is the end. I can't bear it!"
  • Another bankrupt quote: "Forgive me Alistair. I tried to follow my heart, but it led me astray."


Area Specific Quotes

What a gorgeous island! I Wouldn't mind have a holiday here one day. (Delfino Plaza)

Character specific interactions


Opponents close to victory

  • To Mario: "Grr! There's no way I'm gonna let you beat me at THIS game, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "Urgh! Mario's bad enough, but don't tell me I'm gonna get beaten by Luigi now!"
  • To Peach: "Peach, don't you even think about it! Lord Bowser's gonna come out on top today!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi, you may be hungry for victory, but staring at your slobbering face is making me lose my appetite!"
  • To Toad: "Toad's about to win!? THAT guy!? But he's such a little wimp!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Wait a sec! There's no way someone as awesome as me can lose to a banana-crazed Kong like you!"
  • To Wario: "Think you're pretty special, huh, Wario? Well, I'm still the baddest guy on the block!"
  • To Waluigi: "Waluigi, you skinny twerp! I didn't think you had it in you!"
  • To Daisy: "You think you're gonna win, Daisy? I'd expect that kind of attitude from Princess Peach, but not from you!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, what's the big idea, Birdo! You're gettin' on my last nerve!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "No fair! The game wasn't supposed to end like this! Who let Diddy Kong get in the lead?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Way to show these folks who's boss, Son!"

Swapping shops

  • To Mario: "Hey, Mario! Let's forget about our little rivalry for a second and make this trade! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Luigi: "It's not brain surgery, Luigi! Just swap shops with me!"
  • To Peach: "Hey, Peach, I just want to trade shops! Why do you always assume I'm trying to kidnap you?"
  • To Yoshi: "Trade shops with me, or pay the price! What's it gonna be? Bwah hah!"
  • To Toad: "Hey, Toad! Trade shops with me! That's not a request, that's an order!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Wanna trade shops? I'll throw in a banana if you say yes! How 'bout it!?"
  • To Wario: "You should thank me, Wario! Who else would be willing to trade shops with someone like you?"
  • To Waluigi: "Hey, Waluigi! You wanna win big? Better trade shops with me, then!"
  • To Daisy: "C'mon, Princess Daisy! You know I'm not all that bad! I just wanna trade shops with you!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, Birdo! It's your lucky day!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Trading time, Diddy Kong! How 'bout I give you a couple of peanuts to sweeten the deal?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Trade shops with me, Son, and we'll take over the world!"

Landing on a low priced shop

  • To Mario: "Bwah hah hah! My rival Mario, trying to make money on such a cheap little shop!"
  • To Luigi: "Gwah hah hah! Luigi, this is the crummiest shop I've ever seen in my life! What a joke!!"
  • To Peach: "What an adorable shop! Maybe I'll kidnap the both of you, Peach! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To Yoshi: "Gwah hah hah! Mario's horsey owns a dinky little shop! What am I not surprised it's so cheap?"
  • To Toad: "Don't get all excited, Toad. It's not like you're gonna make a lot of money from this puny shop of yours!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "What's up with the bargain-basement bananas? Hey, Donkey Kong, are you even trying to win!?!"
  • To Wario: "I'm taking pity on your rinky-dink shop just by landing on here, Wario! No need to thank me!"
  • To Waluigi: "Building a cheap shop like this is no way to improve your reputation, buddy! You gotta have some class!!"
  • To Daisy: "Bwah hah hah! You don't know the first thing about makin' money, do you, Princess Daisy??"
  • To Birdo: "Wow, this shop is cheap even by your standards, Birdo!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Bwah hah hah! Your shop's as puny as you are, Diddy Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "C'mon, Son! You need to put a little TLC into this shop. It just makes a good business sense!"
  • To Player: "Gwah hah hah! This shop's pathetic (player's name)! You ever gonna raise the prices around here?"

Landing on an average shop

  • To Mario: "GRARRRRGH! This is this is the last place I want to be seen! Don't think I meant to stop here, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "GWAH! Luigi, you should advertise when you've got a shop this expensive! Gimme a little warning next time!"
  • To Peach: "I come to kidnap Princess Peach, and she's not even here! Definitely NOT worth the price!"
  • To Yoshi: "You've got nothing but junk in this shop, Yoshi! Why's it so expensive!?"
  • To Toad: "This is a pretty nice shop you built here, Toad. Too bad I'm gonna smash it someday!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Quit your chest-beating, Donkey Kong! I only came to this shop by mistake!"
  • To Wario: "Wipe that smug look off your face, Wario, or I'll wipe if off for you!"
  • To Waluigi: "ARGH! Waluigi! Your shop's as rotten as you are!"
  • To Daisy: "Princess Daisy! How can you pick my pockets like this!?"
  • To Birdo: "I bet you think this shop is as precious as that little bow on your head, Birdo. Well, you'd be wrong!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Knock off that hootin' and hollerin'! I'm never coming back to this shop again!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "You're doing pretty well for yourself! Like father, like son, huh?"

Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Mario: "Mario! I knew I had a good reason for hating your guts!"
  • To Luigi: "GRRR! Luigi! One of these days, I'm gonna pluck that 'stache right off your lip!"
  • To Peach: "Huh? Princess Peach was supposed to be here! This was just a big waste of money!"
  • To Yoshi: "Uwagh! What's up with this shop!? I'm gonna get you for this, Yoshi!"
  • To Toad: "You trying to make me lose face, Toad!? I'm gonna make you lose your face! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "NOOO! Donkey Kong, you big hair lunk! I hope you slip on your own banana peel!"
  • To Wario: "Wario! Get off my back, wouldja!? Take your money and leave me alone!"
  • To Waluigi: "Don't let it go to your head, Waluigi! I bet this shop of yours is gonna fall to pieces one day!"
  • To Daisy: "WHAT!? Where'd my money go!? You'd better explain yourself, Daisy!"
  • To Birdo: "What do you think you're doing, Birdo!? Who gave you the right to charge so much! GRR!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Diddy Kong! You little goofball! This place is a trap!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Urgh! I hate to give my money, Son, but it's worth the sacrifice to see you succeed!"
  • To Player: "HEY, are you trying to get on my bad side or something (player's name)?"

Princess Daisy

Opponents close to victory

  • To Mario: "Way to flex your muscles, Mario! And here I was thinking I'd finally beat you in a game!"
  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! You sure you don't want to let ME win? Hmph! After all we've been through together!"
  • To Peach: "I'm lovin' the girl power, Peach! Win this one for the ladies!"
  • To Yoshi: "How did Yoshi manage to beat me? This has gotta be some kind of fluke! I demand a recount!"
  • To Bowser: "Hmph! I refuse to congratulate Bowser, no matter how awesome he did playing this game."
  • To Toad: "Really nice, Toad. You're gonna leave me behind just so you can go off and win? Princess Peach wouldn't like that at all!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Drat! I didn't think you'd be any good at this sort of thing, Donkey Kong. I stand corrected!"
  • To Wario: "I totally would've won this game if I'd lowered myself to your level, Wario. Remember that!"
  • To Waluigi: "Whoa! If Waluigi wins, he's gonna be all sorts of famous. I can't compete with that!"
  • To Birdo: "I'd give you a blue ribbon for first place, Birdo, but somehow I think you'd prefer a pink ribbon! Hee hee!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!"

Swapping shops

  • To Mario: "I've got a brilliant idea, Mario. Let's swap shops and teach these guys a lesson on how to play the market!"
  • To Luigi: "You're the only one here I can truly trust, Luigi... Trade shops with me, won't you?"
  • To Peach: "Let's swap shops, Peach. You know as a symbol of friendship between the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland!"
  • To Yoshi: "I shall give you the honor of trading shops with me, Yoshi. You're welcome in advance!"
  • To Bowser: "Oh dear. The unthinkable has finally happened. I'm asking Bowser, of all people, to trade shops with me!"
  • To Toad: "Surely you wouldn't turn me down, would you, Toad?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "It's your lucky day, Donkey Kong. I decided to trade shops with you!"
  • To Wario: "Ew! I hate the idea of owning a shop that once belonged to you, Wario... but I have no choice. Let's trade!"
  • To Waluigi: "You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you, Waluigi? I bet you would! C'mon, let's trade shops!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, Birdo! After we swap shops, let's go get our nails done! Hee hee!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "C'mon, sweetie, let's make a deal and swap shops!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "C'mon, sweetie, let's make a deal and swap shops!"

Landing on a low priced shop

  • To Mario: "This shop is cheap not, but if I know Mario, he's gonna build it up real soon!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi, Luigi, Luigi... I'm disappointed! You could make this shop so much bigger!"
  • To Peach: "Oh, Peach! What a charming little store. Are all shops in the Mushroom Kingdom this...economical?"
  • To Yoshi: "I simply adore cheap shops like this one, Yoshi! The lower the prices, the more stuff I can buy!"
  • To Bowser: "How do you even get inside this shop, Bowser? It’s so teensy-tiny!"
  • To Toad: "This shop is just like you, Toad! Simple and modest. That’s a compliment, I promise!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Donkey Kong, this is a lovely shop and all, but…how come you don’t sell anything but bananas in here?"
  • To Wario: "I…I just saw…something black sk-skittering across the f-floor. This shop is filthy, Wario!"
  • To Waluigi: "What a disappointing little shop! But I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, it’s yours, Waluigi."
  • To Birdo: "Birdo, you did a fantastic job decorating this place! You made it look like a million bucks!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "What a precious little shop! I just want to take it home and cuddle it!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "What a precious little shop! I just want to take it home and cuddle it!"

Landing on an average shop

  • To Mario: "Mario! Can I get a princess discount or something? This shop of yours is considerably overpriced!
  • To Luigi: "Hmph! If you think these high prices are gonna impress me, you’ve got a lot to learn, Luigi!"
  • To Peach: "I should have expected something like this from you, Peach. You’re not afraid to fight dirty!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! I’m absolutely stunned. How did you get the gumption to build such an extravagant shop?"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! This is highway robbery, Bowser, and you know it!"
  • To Toad: "Isn’t this shop a little…swank for you, Toad? Remember your place!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Oh, for Pete’s sake! Why in the world is this banana-peel-strewn shop so terribly overpriced?"
  • To Wario: "Ugh! If you’re going to charge such high prices, Wario, you should clean up a little. This shop is filthy!"
  • To Waluigi: "Why did I have to stop here? Not only is it overpriced, it’s run by Waluigi! Icky icky ew!"
  • To Birdo: "Birdo! Are you charging me so much because you’re jealous of my good looks? I wouldn’t put it past you!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "What is the meaning of these unbelievable prices!? I’m not above throwing a tantrum, you know!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I think I’ve made some sort of mistake. There’s no reason a shop would be this expensive!"

Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Mario: "Whoa! What did I ever do to YOU, Mario!?"
  • To Luigi: "You owe me one, Luigi! Take good care of all my gold, ya big galoot!"
  • To Peach: "Such cruelty, Peach! This isn’t how royalty is supposed to treat each other!"
  • To Yoshi: "Hmph! I would’ve expected something like this from Wario, but not from you, Yoshi!"
  • To Bowser: "I know how this scenario goes… First you empty my pockets, and then you kidnap me! No way, Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "I hope this transgression of yours doesn’t break the truce between the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Not cool, Donkey Kong! Are you trying to bankrupt me or something?"
  • To Wario: "Eek! I’ll gladly pay the money if you’d just let me leave this pigsty of a shop!"
  • To Waluigi: "Ack! This shop is too flashy. Almost tacky, wouldn’t you say, Waluigi?"
  • To Birdo: "Eek! I though we were buddies, Birdo! Why would you wring me dry like this?"
  • To Diddy Kong: "So we’re playing rough now, huh? Fine! Prepare to face the wrath of Daisy!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Oooh! Just you wait… You’re gonna pay me back in spade!"

Going Bankrupt

  • To Player "Augh! We live in a world where bad things happen to awesome people!"


Opponents close to victory

  • To Luigi: "Great job, Bro! Ha ha! You’re my hero!"
  • To Peach: "Looks like I need to start picking some flowers for your victory bouquet, Princess Peach!"
  • To Yoshi: "Hey, Yoshi! You’re gonna share all that gold with me if you win, right? C’mon, I thought we were buddies!"
  • To Bowser: "Don’t think I’m going to let you win that easily, Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "My good friend! Where’s your sportstoadship? How can you make a break for the goal without even helping me?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "You sure know how to roll that die, Donkey Kong! Almost as well as you roll a barrel!"
  • To Wario: "Are those coins I hear ratting around in your pockets, Wario!? Looks like you might win this one!"
  • To Waluigi: "What!? Waluigi’s about to win!? I don’t think Luigi is going to be too happy about that…"
  • To Daisy: "This is gonna be a big win for you, Princess Daisy! You must be so proud!"
  • To Birdo: "We’re all proud of you, Birdo! Get a move on and collect your prize!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Mamma mia! You’ve got everything you need to win, Diddy Kong! Am I really going to lose?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Bowser Jr.! You’re just like your daddy. Always getting in my way!"

Swapping shops

  • To Luigi: "PSSST! Hey, Bro! You want to get ahead? I’ve got a plan! Let’s trade shops!"
  • To Peach: "Oh, Princess Peach! Trade shops with me, won’t you? It’s a good deal for both of us!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi, my friend! Trade shops with me, and we’ll both come out ahead!"
  • To Bowser: "I don’t want to do this…but I think we’re going to have to work together! Let’s swap shops , enemy of mine!"
  • To Toad: "Let’s make a deal, Toad. Swapping shops will give us both a leg up!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Heya! Want to trade shops, Donkey Kong? C’mon, don’t make me jump over barrels!!"
  • To Wario: "You’re a greedy one, Wario, but maybe that’ll come in handy today. Trade shops with me, and we’ll both be winners!!"
  • To Waluigi: "I hate to fraternize with my brother’s nemesis, but it looks like we’re going to have to work together! Let’s swap shops, Waluigi!"
  • To Daisy: "Yoo hoo, Princess Daisy! I’ve got a nice deal for you! Take a look!"
  • To Birdo: "Birdo, have I got a deal for you! We’ll both come out ahead if we swap shops!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Don’t believe everything Donkey Kong has told you about me, Diddy Kong. I’m a nice guy! I just want to trade shops!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I don’t want to do this…but I think we’re going to have to work together."

Landing on a low priced shop

  • To Luigi: "Hey, Bro! I’m glad to see your shop isn’t too expensive. Now I’m glad I dropped by!"
  • To Peach: "Thanks for not charging me too much for shopping here, Princess Peach! You’re one of the good ones!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! I’m glad I stopped by. Shopping here isn’t as expensive as I thought it was going to be!"
  • To Bowser: "Hey, Bowser! Maybe you’re not such a bad guy after all! Your shop is cheap, at least!"
  • To Toad: "Whew! I sure am lucky that your shop isn’t too pricey, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Hey, Donkey Kong! Would you mind if I paid you in bananas? Ha ha ha! Oh, I bet you get that joke all the time!"
  • To Wario: "I’m surprised your shop is so cheap, Wario! I guess I should be grateful you’re not being too greedy, huh?"
  • To Waluigi: "Oopsy-daisy! I wasn’t planning on stopping here. At least I’m not going to have to shell out too many gold coins!"
  • To Daisy: "Uh-oh! Come back, my beautiful gold coins! Ah well… I suppose it could be worse, right?"
  • To Birdo: "Shopping here is a bargain, Birdo!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Ah! This is reasonably priced shop! I’m surprised you’re not charging an arm and a banana, Diddy Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I’m grateful that you’re not charging too much, Bowser Jr., but I still don’t like giving you my hard-earned gold!"

Landing on an average shop

  • To Luigi: "Hey, Bro! I can’t believe you’re charging these kinda prices! They’re a bit high, don’t you think?"
  • To Peach: "Uh-oh! Peach, do you really expect me to pay that much just to shop here? I though we were friends!"
  • To Yoshi: "Oh boy, Yoshi! I hope you’re saving up all the money you make from this shop, ‘cause it sure is pricey!"
  • To Bowser: "Oh no! There go my gold coins! I worked hard for those Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "Whoa! What an expensive shop! That’s just about the last thing I need today!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Oh boy ! I was saving those coins to buy myself something special. Thanks a bunch of bananas, Donkey Kong!"
  • To Wario: "I sure hate to give you so many of my gold coins, Wario! You won’t be too happy until I’m completely bankrupt!"
  • To Waluigi: "Why, Waluigi, why!? You’ve got no good reason to charge so much just to shop here!"
  • To Daisy: "Oh, Princess Daisy! Why do you need to charge so much to shop here? I’m not sure it’s worth it!"
  • To Birdo: "Ouch! Birdo, you’re charging me an arm and a mustache! That’s precious gold I’m never going to see again!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Boo! That’s a bad Kong!! A very bad Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I’m surprised you’re charging folks so much to shop here, Bowser Jr. ! Just like your daddy, you are!"

Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! Can’t you give me a special discount or something? I thought we were the bestest of buddies!"
  • To Peach: "Not very nice, Princess Peach! Not very nice at all!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! After everything I’ve done for you!?"
  • To Bowser: "Mamma mia! This place is way too pricey for a simple plumber!"
  • To Toad: "You need to have a sale, Toad! Your prices are out of this world!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Do you really need to take my gold coins, Donkey Kong? Can’t I just write you an I.O.U.?"
  • To Wario: "Getting greedier by the minute, aren’t you, Wario?"
  • To Waluigi: "Go on, Waluigi! Take me money and run, you greedy man!"
  • To Daisy: "Why bother earning money if I’m just gonna end up throwing it away like this?"
  • To Birdo: "This is gonna smart, Birdo! Why do you need to charge so much just to shop here!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Ouch ouch ouch! Why don’t you just throw a barrel at me? That would hurt less than giving you so many of my gold coins!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Mamma mia! I don’t know if I can afford these prices!"

Princess Peach

Opponents close to victory

  • To Mario: "You wouldn’t leave me here all alone, would you, Mario? Let me catch up to you before you get to the bank!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi already has won? How embarrassing! I should have beaten him ages ago!"
  • To Bowser: "How could you go off and win this game without me, Bowser? And after all we’ve been through!"
  • To Toad: "Toad! I’m shocked that you would run off to win and leave your favorite princess behind. Shocked!"
  • To Daisy: "Daisy! I’m shocked that you would run off to win and leave behind your sister-in-arms. Shocked!"
  • To Birdo: "We’re all proud of you, Birdo! Get a move on and collect your prize!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Rushing off to win without a backward glance, Bowser Jr.? Didn’t your father teach you any manners?"

Swapping shops

  • To Mario: "Mario! Would you be so kind as to trade shops with me? I would be forever in your debt!"
  • To Bowser: "I shouldn’t be making deals with a baddie like you, Bowser, but I think a shop swap is in order!"
  • To Toad: "You’ll trade shops with me, won’t you, Toad? It’s in both of our interests!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I know you’re scheming to kidnap my shop, Bowser Jr.! Why don’t we make it a fair trade instead?"

Landing on a low priced shop

  • To Mario: "Mario, you should feed this shop more fruits and vegetables. It needs to grow up big and strong!"
  • To Luigi: "What a humble shop, Luigi. It suits you! Tee hee!"
  • To Yoshi: "Ha! This shop is so cheap it’s barely worth the effort to get out my coin purse."
  • To Bowser: "Why is your shop such a weakling, Bowser? I expected more from you!"
  • To Toad: "Whew! I sure am lucky that your shop isn’t too pricey, Toad!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "A junior-sized shop for a junior-sized Bowser. How adorable!"

Landing on an average shop

  • To Mario: "I can’t believe you’re actually going to charge me full price, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "I think your shop ate a Super Mushroom, Luigi. How else could it have gotten so big?"
  • To Yoshi: "This little shopping spree of mine has gotten out of control!"
  • To Bowser: "Oh, Bowser! Why must you always build a fortress everywhere you go?"
  • To Wario: "Oh my! Look at these prices! Remind me again why I decided to shop here?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Nice try, Bowser Jr.! But this pricey shop of yours won’t slow me down!"

Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Mario: "Why, Mario! Have I done something to make you angry?"
  • To Luigi: "I thought we were friends, Luigi. Don’t make me start clipping coupons!"
  • To Bowser: "I’ve never despised you more than I do right now, Bowser. Hmph!"
  • To Toad: "Goodness me! I’m suffering from a severe case of sticker shock!"
  • To Wario: "This shopping spree was definitely not in my budget!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Your father raised you to be too greedy, Bowser Jr.! Avarice is such an unattractive quality."


Opponents close to victory

  • To Mario: "Looks like you’re about to win, Mario. You’re the true hero of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • To Luigi: "Look at you go, Luigi! Make the Mushroom Kingdom proud!"
  • To Peach: "You shouldn’t be walking around alone with all of that money, Princess Peach. May I escort you to the goal?"
  • To Yoshi: "This game has been a real challenge, Yoshi, but you came out on top! Get yourself to the bank!"
  • To Bowser: "Bowser is going to win? Oh, the humanity!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Looks like your primal instincts paid off, Donkey Kong. I think you’re going to win this one!"
  • To Wario: "Is Wario really about to win? Or is he just pulling another one of his dirty tricks!?"
  • To Waluigi: "Waluigi! Please don’t win yet! I’m having too much fun to stop playing now."
  • To Daisy: "Princess Daisy is in an all-out dash to the finish line! Better not get in her way!"
  • To Birdo: "Don’t start celebrating, Birdo… You haven’t reached the finish line yet!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Looks like Donkey Kong got the brawn and Diddy Kong got the brains! Good for you, little guy!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "It would be a travesty if Bowser Jr. won this game. Somebody stop him! Don’t let him reach the bank!"

Swapping shops

  • To Mario: "I have an offer that may be worth your while…"
  • To Peach: "Pardon me, Your Highness… Would you do the honor of exchanging shops with me?"
  • To Yoshi: "I certainly like that shop of yours, Yoshi. Do you think we can work out a trade?"
  • To Bowser: "Urgh… I have no choice. Would you trade shops with me, pretty please?"

Landing on a low priced shop

  • To Mario: "What a delightful little shop you have here, Mario! Don’t ever raise the prices!"
  • To Luigi: "This is your shop, isn’t it, Luigi? The low prices are much appreciated, especially in this economy!"
  • To Peach: "Your shop is as merciful as you are, Princess Peach. Thank you for keeping the prices so low!"
  • To Yoshi: "You seem to take good care of your customers, Yoshi. I’ll definitely shop here again!"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Bowser’s store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "This is a nice shop an all, but might I make a suggestion? Add a mushroom cap-roof!"
  • To Wario: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Wario’s store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Waluigi: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Waluigi’s store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Daisy: "You seem to take good care of your customers. I’ll definitely shop here again!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: " Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Bowser Jr.’s store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"

Landing on an average shop

  • To Mario: "Oh dear! I think I spent too much gold shopping here. Toadsworth will never let me live this down!
  • To Peach: "Your shop is truly regal, Princess Peach! Well worth the price!"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! I feel like I’ve let the Mushroom Kingdom down by stopping at such an expensive shop."
  • To Donkey Kong: "Ouch! That’s going to leave a dent in my wallet."

Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Mario: "OH NO! OH NO! My money’s disappearing right before my eyes!"
  • To Peach: "Don’t I get a loyal-servant discount, Princess Peach?"
  • To Bowser: "I need someone to save me from this overpriced shop! Where’s Mario when you need him?"


Landing on an expensive shop

  • To Mario: "I’d rather melt my gold and throw it into a river than to give it to Mario…but I gotta do it!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi! Next time you charge me this much gold to shop here, I’ll pluck out your mustache one whisker at a time!"
  • To Peach: "You’re robbing me blind, Peach! How about I just give you a kiss and we’ll call it even?"
  • To Yoshi: "Blast it all! You won’t get away with this!"
  • To Bowser: "No one’s impressed with your overpriced shop, Bowser. Stop trying so hard!"
  • To Toad: "I’m gonna make mushroom stew out of you, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "That’s it, Donkey Kong! I’m selling you to the zoo!"
  • To Daisy: "There! Are you happy with yourself? You made Wario pay out the nose!"
