I think Dark Bones may actually be a good guy sense he says he doen't want Mario to disturb her sleep. If he was on her side he would let him so she would rise again.-Pal101

Or maybe he works with Grodus and tried to stall Mario. Great Gonzo

Or maybe he didn't want Mario to screw up the revival process by waking the Shadow Queen prematurely, thus leaving her less powerful. -- Son of Suns

He's bad; he fights Mario. If he was good, he'd transport Mario out. 3dhammer.gif 3D, OK? 3dhammer.gif


Shouldn't be of some note that Kolorados dads skeleton looks like a dark bones User:Pal101

They don't really look that similar. -- Sir Grodus

Looks more like the skeleton of a.... Koopa.
- Yoshi Mastar