Welcome to my blue!!


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[File:Shelltop.gif|thumb|My cousins and friends ]

Age ---
Species Shelltop/Toad
Gender Male
Joined ?/10/2014
Ranking User
Likes Mario series, Drawing, some other things
Dislikes annoying sounds
Allies Shelltop/Toad
Enemies Goombas (obviously)
Personal information Real Life Name: Sean
Gender Male
Favorite Game Super Mario 3D World'
Least Favorite Game Call of duty
Country Ireland

Hi I'm seandwalsh I love the Mario series in general but especially the RPGs Miiverse name: Sean.W. Don't know my 3ds friend code Minecraft username: seandwalsh Email: seandwalsh3@gmail.com Insagram: seandwalsh3 Snapchat: Seandwalsh3