Greetings. The name's Walkazo, as you may have guessed from this article's title. I'm sharing this account with my little brother, but since its my name he's using, I'll be the foremost sibling when it comes to idle chit-chat (like all this fluff).

Firstly, about me, the older sister Walkazo... Well, I love Mario stuff, but I hate Mario himself. I dream of the day Nintendo creates a game in which Bowser is the titular character and finally gets his long-awaited victory over that accursed plumber. I also hope that some day the people at Nintendo will make sence of all the Marioverse/timeline issues they've cooked up over the years. Unfortunatley, neither is likely to happen anytime soon, so I compensate with writing Bowser-centric fanfiction and my own personal writeup of the Mario series (an ongoing project). I also hope to someday play all the Mario games in existance, even the bad ones like Mario is Missing, and that's about it for me in relation to Mario.

Now, about my little brother who's not actually Walkazo... Uh, he likes Bowser too, and is a big fan of anything to do with NC (Neglected Characters). They'll be more stuff about him here once I get around to telling him we've got an account, but for now I'm using the computer to write a particularly long fanfiction and am not in the mood for sharing. Hee hee.

Also, sorry for the shoddy workmanship concerning this article. I'm a newbie when it comes to html writing, and our computer's an ancient Macintosh so formatting's all the more difficult to master. My brother will make it cooler when he gets on, but for now, Later!

Walkazo's Userbox Tower
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The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!