The 'Shroom:Issue LXXXI/Thank You

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Thank You

by Super Mario Bros. (talk)

Hello everybody, SMB here again. This year is coming to a close, and we are heading into a new one very quickly! Looking back on the year, we have had a lot of good times with each other. We here at The 'Shroom have tried our very best to produce quality issues every month– we have had a good crew of staff members and an excellent regular writing staff, as well as those that volunteer to help us on special occasions like this month. And so it would be hard to continue on with everything without giving out some more-than-deserved "thank you"s.

The 'Shroom has become a very big production! To put things into perspective: the entire project started in 2006 with a humble three sections, and we are here today with a twenty-four section issue (and that is a conservative figure that counts the sub-teams as only one section each– the number is astronomically higher when you count every individual section that make up our sub-teams). Our writers do their absolute best when they write and submit their articles, and I am thankful for them all doing what they do so amazingly! We have a lot of talent here in our newsletter, and it is always exciting to see what we will be publishing every month and the enthusiasm behind it.

The 'Shroom's Core Staff is also a talented group of people who have been there when we have needed them the most. Henry Tucayo Clay (talk), Turboo (talk), Mario4Ever (talk), Superchao (talk), YoshiKong (talk), MrConcreteDonkey (talk), Smasher (talk), FunkyK38 (talk), Paper Yoshi (talk), and Palkia47 (talk) have been invaluable members who have taken the time to make sure that things get done, that sections get edited, that events get planned, and everything goes smoothly. Some of them have been in the Core Staff for several years, and some in the group are as new as just a couple of months, but I appreciate every one of them for being an amazing group of people and doing their best. The 'Shroom would not be where it is now without their participation and energy that they have devoted.

I would also like to thank Hitokage (talk), Twentytwofiftyseven (talk), Marshal Dan Troop (talk), and Crocodile Dippy (talk) (all of whom are former staff members) for their continued support and care for our newsletter. They have always shown a willingness to help out regardless of being in the staff or not, and have all been great influences on the paper and its goals. It is always a pleasure being able to collaborate with them on different projects and ideas. And I would like to thank RandomYoshi (talk), and while he is not around the Super Mario Wiki any more, he was still a great staff member and a good friend to us all.

And a special thanks goes to the Userpedia staff and Awards Committee as well! Those two staff groups have always been supportive of The 'Shroom and we have supported them in their endeavors. One thing that Userpedia, the Awards, and The 'Shroom have in common is that they are all creative outlets for our community, and so it is only natural that we would have collaborations and projects with each other. Hypnotoad (talk) and Master Crash (talk) are doing a good job with Userpedia, and Turboo and Superchao have done great things with the Awards. I sincerely hope that the strong relationship between these groups continues and that it helps to bring the Super Mario Wiki's dedicated member-base closer together.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody that reads our publications, contributes special pieces, votes in the Feedback Surveys and Section of the Month polls, and takes part in our activities. You all are amazing and we are here for your enjoyment and entertainment. Without you, the reader, this publication would not have any purpose. I hope that The 'Shroom will continue to have your support and I believe that the coming years for the paper will be fantastic. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all, thank you so much!

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