User:Green Star/sandbox

This is a list of quotes by Stuffwell in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

  • "Watch the leather, Professor! No need for the shoving!"
  • "Oh, you must be red."
  • "According to the professor, there should be a green here as well, but I don't..."
  • "Oh, my! Are you Luigi? I... Sorry about that."
  • "I am pleased to meet you. I am known as blue."
  • "Professor E. Gadd invented me. I am what is called a suitcase."
  • "The professor sent me back in time to be your assistant."
  • "Yes, "assistant" IS accurate... I'm more than just someplace to store your belongings."
  • "I have MANY complex sensors...and various memory apparati for data"
  • "Well, suffice to say, I am very technologic by contraption standards. I'll be a BIG help."
  • "Why don't we get started by having you go ahead and open me up?"
  • "Simply press blue."
  • "Yes, please note that I can be LOADED with all manner of doodads and widgets..."
  • "Suffice to say, I can certainly carry all of your items..."
  • "I am also designed to carry a veritable wealth of equipment."
  • "And to confirm that you're in tip-top shape, you can check your stats here, as well."
  • "If I could have your attention on the Top Screen..."
  • "This is how much time's passed since you started your adventure all full of danger and whatnot."
  • "This right here is the number of coins you're carrying."
  • "And finally, direct your gaze HERE to sneak a peek at your streamlined statistics."
  • "Well, that wraps up my self-introductional."
  • "I EAGERLY await our working together."
  • "Press   to initiate my closing minification cycle and store me."
  • "Mario!"
  • "If it's not inconvenient, I'd like to proceed with some basic instructionals."
  • "As you know, the primary action for mobile creatures is the jump, if you follow."
  • "If your timing is serviceable, the pair of you should be able to jump up these ledges."
  • "First, red jumps up with  ."
  • "Then green follows suit by pressing  . Rudimental!"