comic signup

1. Me (crystalking)

2. Superyoshi10

3. Alphaclaw11

4. Moogle

5. Superchao (sprites)

6. Luigidude

7. Glowsquid

8. DB

9. Maledict

10. Black Ninja koopa (sprites)

11. 3Djong

12. Pokemon_DP

13. Master Crash

14. King Mario

15. Smiddle

16. Fly_guy

17. Dodoman

18. Minimariolover10

19. Purple Yoshi

20. Lil' Boo (sprites)

21. ChaosNinji

22. King Boo

23. Princess Alyson Koopastoo

Evnet 51 secret | V

secret to beat event 51

use jiglypuff or kirby bring all 3 enemies to the side of the stage and fly off fly back so that you grab onto the stage and if giga bowser is on the very edge, ganondorf will punch him off then once bowser is dead (and mewtow and ganon probably lost a few lives too) you kill them, then you beat event 51