Hello. My name is Fly Guy 2. I am a user on Mariowiki. I'll add to this whenever I feel like it. I made these: File:Mimisprites.PNG
Pages I've made
Userbox Tower
UBX | This user hopes you read each and every one of his userboxes! or else... |
vg-4 | This user is an expert gamer. |
game dev |
This user is interested in video game development. |
prog-1 | This user is a n00b programmer. |
File:Wii small.jpg | This user prefers Nintendo's Wii over the other consoles. |
File:Gcn small.jpg | This user prefers the Nintendo GameCube over the Xbox and the Playstation 2. |
File:DS logo small.gif | This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the Playstation Portable. |
Ulti Fav |
This user believes that the Mario series is the best series ever. |
fan-3 | This user's favorite videogame character is all Shy Guys. |
Nin-3 | This user's favorite Nintendo character is Shy Guy. |
File:PeteyTime.gif | One of this user's favorite Nintendo characters is Petey Piranha! |
File:Mario Head Small.PNG | This user plays the Super Mario series. |
MK | This user plays the Mario Kart series. |
File:Box open.png | This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha! |
File:Check small.png | This user is probably online. |
File:Carrie.PNG | This user's favorite Pixl is Carrie. |
238.584px | This user believes that all userboxes should be the same size! |
File:Superappeal.gif | This user is a huge fan of the Paper Mario series. |
MK | This user's favorite Mario Kart track is Rainbow Road or Sky Garden. |
This user is a fan of the Nintendo character Wario! |
File:Kirby Emblem.gif | This user plays the Kirby Series. |
File:Nintendo Logo.jpg | This user supports Nintendo. |
File:Coin-mario-yoshi.gif | This user loves animated GIFs. |
This user has Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and named his Green Yoshi, Veggie. |
[cool pic] | This user's username is Fly Guy 2. |
ubx-c | This user thinks that userboxes have gotten out of control. |
File:Box open.png | This user still needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha! |
This user is cool (at least Purple Yoshi said so. |
File:Crystalentity.jpg | This user used Special:Random and got Crystal Creature and made a Userbox out of its picture. |
Colors | This user makes random colors with letters A-F and numbers for the userboxes |
Well, other stuff.
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<a href="http://www.armorgames.com/games/scribble.html"><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="0" /></a>
I know Adybotchev in RL.
Xzelion: What?
“I am a critic! See my Critic badge? (flashes a badge that reads “critic”)” —SpikeKnifeNeedleSword
“FOOLS!!! SWEET FREEDOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! I SHALL NOW CURSE YOU!!! AHAHAHAAA! *cough* Oh noes! I forgot which curse I would use on you! You got lucky this time! Until we meet again!” —Beanbean
I call it killing two Condors with one mushroom block. -Ghost Jam
PY, your a good lawyer! -Dry Bones