Have a good time! FIRST HEADER!! W00T!!Hey MegaMario :D Yeah, I have GH3 (the Wii version). I'm on the Medium level right now. If you have it, I'll have to play you! :)
it's almost my b-day july 13th--Yoshi Speedstar 16:02, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Mega, can you re-unblock Michael and tell YS to stop sucking up to KB all the time? SJ derp :P hey. thanks for backing me up. But why does toadette want a troll unblocked so bad? He was oringanly going to be blocked forever. now i would unblock him but he spammed.--Yoshi Speedstar 17:55, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Oh, I see now. You go along with YS again. Now I will never be able to trust you, ever. Go unblock him and tell YS to destroy his shrine that he made for KB. SJ derp :P me and toadette are gonig to work something out at bowserpedia--Yoshi Speedstar 18:05, 6 July 2008 (EDT)
Stay friends. if this caos goes on i'll leave the wiki and not come back for a long time--Yoshi Speedstar 18:29, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Take back what i said. but stay friends please!--Yoshi Speedstar 18:32, 6 July 2008 (EDT) and Mega don't defriend me. i want to be friends with you and i don't want you to part ways with toadette just because of me listen. I'll stay at bowserpedia and i'll stop the caos and i'll try to earn my way back to 'crat. how does that sound?--Yoshi Speedstar 18:38, 6 July 2008 (EDT)
Story Time!!Sure. I'll listen if you tell me how you get the status bar at the top of the page. MC Hammer Bro. 20:41, 6 July 2008 (EDT) go to bowserpedia. theres a message there--Yoshi Speedstar 20:52, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Interesting.... oh yeah... what did I do wrong with the status bar? MC Hammer Bro. 21:02, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Wow I can't believe I missed that! Thanks again! MC Hammer Bro. 21:11, 6 July 2008 (EDT) yep.kool. So how is your sub page? m'kay. great detective work! haha. As you saw, I'll be in Georgia for a week.... MC Hammer Bro. 21:27, 6 July 2008 (EDT) were are outa the bowserpedia!!!--Yoshi Speedstar 21:29, 6 July 2008 (EDT) sounds that way.... MC Hammer Bro. 21:34, 6 July 2008 (EDT) if toadette created mario party wiki, she can help us with koopedia--Yoshi Speedstar 21:39, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Yeah. ooh guess what ! I have now made 292 (well 293 now) edits! 300 here I come!
all that work on bowserpedia for nothing steve is strong--Yoshi Speedstar 21:55, 6 July 2008 (EDT) got to go--Yoshi Speedstar 21:58, 6 July 2008 (EDT) tell toadette
well i'm doing good. toadette siad he can't make the koopedia wiki. anyway have you talked to KB recently. i havnt i need to go. sorry we only talked for a minute or two Thanks!!,yeah!, baby yoshi is cute!, well, I'm pretty fine!, and you?
I'm upset that he called me an "it", and on Bowserpedia he said I was a girl (which is a form of Sexual Harassment). SJ derp :P Oh,it is a chaos,..i'm sorry, I don't know, but you and Toadette, are my friends
Ys and I are cool now. SJ derp :P Don t worry, yeah, why?
Okay!, good nights!! see ya later!
I Have Become a LucarioI'm sensing people's auras here - such as Stooben's (see my message to him). He seems to be a bit different, don't you think? One thing I forgot to tell you: I got my monthly gaming magazine - and my name and comments got published twice in a major section! Woot! It was a Reader's Top 50 Games of all time section - My comments for Mario Kart DS and Yoshi's Island were printed - with my full name! Do you want me to read your aura?
... Yeah, I feel sorry for Stooben - despite not knowing what's happened in his life.
*cue mystical music and flashing lights* I'm doing the Merlon thing. You know that character, right? Oh... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.........
Gooba Nooba.... AHA!
Wait, that sounded a bit soppy, didn't it?
well, i'm ddoing fine. but since KB only gets on userpedia can you tell him that I'm sorry. and i went back to bowserpedia although i'm blocked. i figured out something, our IP addresses arnet blocked on userpedia or bowserpedia, so i talked to KT and KB on userpedia--Yoshi Speedstar 08:18, 8 July 2008 (EDT) i don't know why but right after we left bowserpedia i felt really bad. and now i'm sad we did that to KB. I hope he acceps the apolagie and goes back to bowserpedia. athough i don't think toadette will go back to bowserpedia
And another reason I don't like her is the fact that she thinks Birdo is the best character ever. I HATE Birdo. Birdo's an ugly, retarded, mutant pink thing with a huge hole for a mouth, perfect for me to shove something nasty into. And those freaky noises she makes - yuck. Honestly, Yoshi PWNs her. I'm glad Birdo's not in Brawl. Actually, if she was, I could smash her and take out my anger on her!
well once kt unblocks maybe he'll give us back our roll as sysop's Yoshi Speedstar 08:30, 8 July 2008 (EDT)
ya well, toedette just kinda can't kill us unless all three of us have brawl, dude i'm serius about going back to KB's wiki, and she can't stop me or you or KB or stooben or even birdoshi. I have an idea, KT knows me best as blue koop, so maybe i should go to the Bowerpedia as Blue Koop. Maybe i should get rid of Yoshi Speedsdtar alltogather. maybe is should come back here as Blue Koop.--Yoshi Speedstar 08:45, 8 July 2008 (EDT) |