Spiny (Donkey Kong Country 2)

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For other uses, see Spiny (disambiguation)

Spinies are porcupine enemies found in Donkey Kong Country 2. They are invulnerable to rear attacks or a stomp becuase of their nasty quills, but a frontal attack will quickly dispose of them. Occasionally, they are seen with a Klampon in front, "bodyguarding" them, as Klampons are the exact opposite of Spiny (invulnerable to front attacks, but vulnerable top and rear).

Spinies also appear in Donkey Kong Land 2. There is no real difference between the Spinies of this game and the ones found in Donkey Kong Country 2.

Porcupine enemies similar to Spinies, called Bristles appear in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble and Donkey Kong Land 3. Categort: Lazy Landlubbers