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This is a list of quotes said by the Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. The quotes are listed by level.

Pipe-Rock Plateau

Welcome to the Flower Kingdom!

  • "Onward and upward!"
  • "What a beautiful day." (after the first flower coin)
    • "Love a good breeze."
  • "That Goomba looks so serene." (next to a Goomba after the first Elephant Fruit)
    • "Well then." (if the player wakes up or defeats the Goomba)
  • "Mmm, refreshing!" (dipped in a pool of water)
  • "Ahaha!" (flying in the air next to a hidden block with a flower propeller)
    • "Oh!" (after the hidden block is hit)
    • "Would ya look at that!"
    • "Coiiiiins!" (when the cloud blocks from an above platform turn into coins)
  • "Heyyyy!" (after the Checkpoint Flag to the left of a sideways pipe)
  • "Hiiii!" (on the other side of the sideways pipe)
  • "I want some water too!" (Underground)
    • "Thank you! That trunk sure is useful, huh?" (when the player gives the flower water)
  • "Waterrrr!" (five flowers by the exit of the underground subarea)
  • "Whoa..."(when the Wonder Flower appears)
    • "Whoa!" (after the Wonder Flower is collected)
    • "Whoa-whoa!" (said in a panicked tone after Mario grabs the Wonder Flower)
  • "What's that?" (right before the Wonder Seed)
    • "Hey, you! What WAS that?" (after grabbing the Wonder Seed)
      • "Didn't you see something back there?"
      • "Are you just gonna leave?" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
  • "Bye-bye!" (on the pipes leading to the Goal Pole)
    • "So long!" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)

Piranha Plants on Parade

  • "Wonder if you can get over there..." (near the red pipe that warps to the background, before entering said pipe)
    • "So you CAN get over there!" (after entering the pipe)
  • "Walking plants, huh?" (before the Checkpoint Flag)
    • "Almost as weird as talking plants."
  • "Ooh, that's a pretty flower." (near the Wonder Flower)
    • "Ummmm..." (after the Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "Are they...singing?" (said in a confused tone)
    • "They're singing." (said in a more panicked tone)
  • "Ouch!" (beside a set of Long ? Blocks after the player bounces onto it)
    • "Hey!" (after hitting it a second time)
    • "Agh!" (after hitting it a third time)
    • "Stop!" (after hitting it a fourth time)
    • "I said stop!" (after hitting it a fifth time onwards)
      • "Wait a sec!" (after taking the Hidden goal route)
      • "How'd you get over there?"
  • "You should come back sometime." (near the long row of Marimba Blocks leading to the Flag Pole)
    • "You don't see that every day." (after the Wonder Effect segment)
      • "Heeeey!" (after taking the Hidden goal route)
      • "What are you doing?" (said in a curious tone after taking the Hidden goal route)

Scram, Skedaddlers!

  • "Love that sound!" (floating above the first Marimba Block bridge)
  • "Ya found me!" (inside a yellow block, inmediately after being freed)
    • "Did I surprise you?"

Bulrush Coming Through!

  • "That was stressful!" (near the Bulrush)
  • "Bored, bored, bored." (on top of the second Ground Poundable tree)
    • "Wow!" (after rising to the secret area)
  • "Something" (near the location of the Wonder Flower)
    • "OooOOaaaAAH!" (when the Wonder Effect is activated)
  • "AaaaAAaaAAAH!" (when passing the first Goal Pole during the Wonder Effect)
  • "That was wild." (near the level's secret exit)
  • "Hey, someone to talk to!" (underneath the level's secret exit)
    • "Farewell, lonely days!"
    • "Ahaha!"

Here Come the Hoppos

  • "Heya!" (near the first semisolid platform)
    • "Boiiing!" (when a Hoppo is blocking the pit)
  • "Hi! (in the above-the-clouds subarea)
  • "How'd you get up here?!" (on top of the hard blocks)
  • "Ah, what a peaceful day." (on top of the semisolid platform near the Wonder Flower)
    • "AaaAAah!" (once the Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "Wh-what's happening?!"
    • "Waaaah!"
    • "There's so many of them!"
    • "Do something!"
    • "There! Over there!" (Referring to the Wonder Seed)
    • "It's right there!"
    • "You can do it!"
      • "Phew!" (once the Wonder Effect has ended)

Rolla Koopa Derby

  • "Zzz..." (on a large platform)
    • "Zzz--HUH?!" (when the player goes near)
    • "What is it?"
    • "Can't a guy get some shut-eye around here?"
  • "This is wonderful!" (during the Wonder Effect, lower right)
    • "So shiny!"
    • "Look at you--walkin' on air!"
    • "You should keep going!"
  • "Wheeeee!" (during the Wonder Effect, upper right)
    • "Clinky, clinky!"
    • "So many of them!"
    • "Make sure you don't miss any!"
  • "Ohhhh!" (during the Wonder Effect, top)
    • "What's this?"
    • "Never seen anything like it..."
    • "*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*"
    • "Ah..."
    • "Now, that's a good smell."

Swamp Pipe Crawl

  • "So many creepy-crawlies..."
  • "Where do you think they come from?" (after the Swirlypods are defeated)
  • "They just keep coming!" (in the sub-area with the second 10-flower coin)
    • "Will it ever end?"
  • "I love this place." (in the area containing the Wonder Flower)
    • "Nothin' to do but relax."
    • "EyaaaAAaah!" (after the Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "How is this happening?!" (before it gets dunked into poison)
    • "Phew! I'm fine. Everything's fine." (after the Talking Flower flies out of poison)
  • "Feel like you're missing something?" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
    • "What ARE they?" (During the Wonder Effect)
  • "Keep going!"
  • "So long!" (near the end of the level, if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
    • "What IS all this?!" (Near the Wonder Seed)
    • "Was it all a dream?" (after the Wonder Effect ends)

Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes

  • "Score!" (if a Spike Ball hits the level's only glowing spot)
    • "That worked out."
  • "Love that sound!"
  • "Hey!" (after standing on the sinking pipe said Talking Flower is standing on)
    • "This pipe—it can't hold us!" (after the sinking pipe sinks further)
    • "I warned youuu!" (after falling into the secret area)
    • "Huh?" (after Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "What's this?"
    • "Oooh!"
    • "It's kinda catchy!"
    • "You ready?"
    • "Here we go!"
    • "OoooOOh!"
    • "Yeah!"
    • "Ohhhh..."
    • "my!"
    • "Aaaaall..."
    • "right!"
    • "Hehe. That was fun." (after the player obtains the Wonder Seed)

Bulrush Express

  • Huh? (close to the normal goal)
    • Why'd you come this way?
  • Nice job! (close to the secret exit)
    • You came the cool way!

Sproings in the Twilight Forest

  • "Here I am!" (hidden at the start of the level)
    • "I'm impressed you found me."
  • "What a pretty sunset..."
  • "So, did you have a good day?"
  • "Wonder if I'll be tall someday too..." (near the Sproing guarding the Wonder Flower)
    • "What happened to you?!" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "*yawn*" (in a narrow passage)
    • "I might call it a day soon."
    • "You're all small again!" (after collecting the Wonder Flower and crouching)
  • "Quiet days can be nice too." (near the end of the level)
    • "Well, that's new!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Life's full of surprises." (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
    • "Like, uh, tallification?" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)

Cosmic Hoppos

  • "Heya!"
  • "Yeehaw!"
  • "Ha-HA!"
  • "The party's just gettin' started!" (found near the Goal Pole, before collecting the Wonder Seed)
    • "Hi, again!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
  • "Wheeeeeee."
  • "Getting kinda dizzyyy..."
  • "Byyye." (near the Wonder Seed)
    • "I'm falliiiing!" (after the Wonder Seed is collected)
    • "Phew!" (after landing on the ground)

Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace

  • "Ew..." (at the start of the level)
    • "What am I looking at?"
  • "See ya later!" (in the cutscene after obtaining the Royal Seed)

Fluff-Puff Peaks

Outmaway Valley

  • "What's with all the ice blocks?" (near the sliding ice blocks from the generator)
    • "They're kind of annoying."
    • "They're definitely getting in your way."
    • "They just keep coming..."
    • "What's a flower to do?"
    • "Peace at last." (after the Outmaway is defeated from the generator)
  • "It's safe here!" (at the edge of terrain where more ice blocks slide)
    • "I...didn't mean you should hang out." (if idle)
  • "Again! Again!" (Found in a secret area where the second 10-flower coin is located after riding the ice blocks kicked by three Outmaways)
  • "You can do it!" (near the ice block generator that helps the player get past a section)
    • "You're no fun..." (if the Outmaway is defeated)
  • "Way to go!" (after riding the ice block and getting the 10-flower coin)
  • "Aaaaah!" (Found on the giant snowball during the Wonder Effect before getting crushed offscreen)

Pokipede Pass

  • "It's snowing!" (near the start of the course)
  • "Brrr! Chilly out today." (at the base of a climbing area)
    • "Oh no no no…" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "*GASP*" (after being freed from a snow block)
    • "So cold..."
  • "I never get bored watching this." (right next to the first red Pokipede)
    • "Aww..." (after the Pokipede is defeated)
  • "Ever wonder where snow comes from?" (close to the Wonder Flower)
    • "Oh this isn't good!" (After the Wonder Flower is obtained)
    • "This snow-"
    • "It's burying meeeee!"
  • "Ahh!" (after being freed from a snow block during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Eek!" (If freed without the Wonder Effect)
  • "We're saved!" (right next to the previous flower)
    • "You found us!" (If freed without the Wonder Effect)
  • "Oh!"(in a secret area)
    • "I don't get many visitors!"

Condarts Away!

  • "Are they after me?" (found below the row of Brick Blocks)
    • "Nah, it's gotta be you!"
    • "Rough place, huh?" (when the Condart is defeated)
  • "Help yourself." (found in a secret area on top of the second ? Block)
    • "Don't spend it all in one place!" (second time onwards)
  • "Quick or careful? What will it be?" (found on a semisolid platform near the Checkpoint Flag)
  • "Nice!" (found on the top left area near the Checkpoint Flag)
  • "Hi!" (found at the start of the sub-area contain the second 10-flower coin)
  • "That looked terrifying!" (found after the drop)
    • "You must be sweatin'."
  • "Notice anything...unusual?" (found to the left of the course's Wonder Flower)
    • "Anything...nearby?"
    • "Huuuh?!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Ahaha!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
  • "So long!" (found near the goal pole)
    • "Later!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)

Pole Block Passage

  • "Quite the climb, huh?" (near the yellow pipe to the Checkpoint Flag)
  • "Way to climb!" (near the second 10-flower coin)
  • "This block looks...different." (near the Pole Block containing the Wonder Flower)
    • "Wow!" (when the Wonder Effect starts)
    • "Hi, again!" (after the Wonder Effect ends)
  • "Don't worry about me!" (found during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Keep climbing!"

Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts

  • "Well, hi there!"
    • "Going up or going down?"
  • "Ahaha!"
  • "You're in great shape!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "(whispers) I think you're forgetting something." (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
  • "You fit right in around here." (after luring a spike ball to destroy the brick blocks it was in)
  • "Nice job!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed while on top of a yellow puffy lift)
    • "You did great back there."
    • "This is kinda fun."
    • "Aaaaah!" (falling with the player after the puffy lift disappears)
    • "Well, that was something." (after landing on the ground)

Jump! Jump! Jump!

  • "Yay!" (said by five flowers right before the Goal Pole staircase)
  • "What?!" (in the area below the stage)
    • "Where'd you come from?!"

Countdown to Drop Down

  • "Whoa-careful!" (found to the right of the first Countdown Lift)
    • "Watch your steps!" (second time onwards)
  • "What'll it be?" (found next to the first Roulette Block)
    • "Ahaha!" (after hitting the block)
  • "Be careful!" (found above the Wonder Flower)
    • "And don't fall!"
    • "Not that I mind the company..."
    • "but shouldn't you be going?"
    • "Hi, again!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
    • "So, you survived."
  • "Ta-daaaa!" (found in the secret room)
    • "Until next time!" (second time onwards)
  • "Bye-bye!" (found near the Goal Pole)
    • "So long!" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)

Cruising with Linking Lifts

  • "Ready... Aim..." (on top of an Arrow Block in the first Linking Lift section)
  • "Heya!" (landing on to the linking lift, during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Lot goin' on, huh?"
    • "I believe in you!" (moments before it falls into a bottomless pit)

Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship

  • "Unh... Where— Guess I'm on an airship. That's weird." (after being freed from a crate)

Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace

  • "This place is intense..."
  • "Yodelayheehooooo!" (in the cutscene after obtaining the Royal Seed)

Shining Falls

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay

  • "Ha! They're copying you."
  • "Boing! Boing!"
  • "Timing is key..."
  • "Feel like you're missing something?"
    • "Aaaaah!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Phew!" (after the Wonder Effect)
  • "I love watching waterfalls..."
    • "Leave me to my waterfalls..."
    • "What's going ooon?" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Whooooa!"

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly!

  • "Heya!" (on top of blocks in a passage below a Big Swirlypod)
    • "What...what just happened?" (after the blocks have been destroyed)
  • "Bet that water's tasty..." (close to a pipe with water gushing out)
    • "Mmm! Fishy!" (when sprayed with water)
  • "Nice job!" (on top of clouds after the Wonder Effect ends)

The Midway Trial: Hop to It

  • "What was THAT!?"
  • "I just saw the weirdest thing."
  • "It just keeps jumping!" (if the Wonder Effect is avoided)
  • "Oooh!" (During the Wonder Effect)
    • "The fireworks were so good!" (after the Wonder Effect)
    • "I loved the fireworks!"
  • "Ahhh!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "I hope they happen again!" (after the Wonder Effect)

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory

  • "Doing great!" (said by five flowers underneath the checkpoint flag after the first Hoppycat Lift ride)
  • "Wow!" (On top of some golden blocks in the shape of a flower near the Wonder Seed, during the Wonder Effect)
  • "AaaaAAaaAAAH!" (falling after the Wonder Seed is collected and before it falls into a bottomless pit)
    • "I'm falliiiing!"
    • "Aaaaah!"

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky

  • "I WONDER what there is to do."
    • "So many shooting stars!" (During and after the Wonder Effect)
  • "Yes, I too WONDER that."
    • "They bring good luck!" (During and after the Wonder Effect)

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash

  • "Off you go!"
  • "Woooooo!"
  • "Zooooom!"
  • "Awesome!"
  • "See ya later!"
  • "GO!" (repeatedly 5 times)
  • "Excellent!"
  • "Ooh, you almost had it!" (If the player miss the long jump)
  • "What?!"
  • "Where'd you come from?!" (if the player reaches the main Goal Pole without obtaining the Wonder Flower)

Sunbaked Desert

Armads on the Roll

  • "All this sand..." (on a ramp looking into the background)
    • "Why here? Why me?"
  • "*hoarse* So...thirsty." (close to a dried up Wow Bud past the checkpoint)
    • "*sigh* My roots are happy!" (after being refreshed with water)
  • "It's hot out here!" (After breaking a cactus it was in)
    • "It was so cool in there…"
  • "Feel that breeze. Still hot though."
    • "*sped up* Is it just me, or do I sound weird?" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Come back soon..." (near the area with the Goal Pole)
    • "*sped up* Fix me!" (During the Wonder Effect)
    • "Whew! Back to normal!" (after the Wonder Seed is collected)
    • "I like life on the slow side."

The Desert Mystery

  • "Heave Ho!" (Said repeatedly in the first secret room where the first 10-flower coin is located while pulling on the pull cord)
    • "Way to pull!" (after the player releases and obtains the 10-flower coin)
    • "If you mess with things like that…"
    • "you never know WHAT will happen."
  • "Zzz…" (asleep on top of a sunken ruin that holds a Wonder Flower once connected)
    • "Gaaah!" (Once the Wonder Effect starts)
    • "What's going on?!"
      • "Hi again!" (After collecting the Wonder Seed)
  • "Intruder!" (Said by the first and second red flowers repeatedly upon entering the ancient ruin)
  • "Who goes there?!" (The red flower when the player(s) fall through a trapdoor to a room where the spiky wall closes in)
  • "Think you're gonna make it?" (The red flower after the player uses a pull cord to escape the closing spiky wall)

Rolling-Ball Hall

  • "Huh?!" (when sequence breaking)
  • "How'd you even get in here?" (when sequence breaking)
  • "Ugh, that ruins everything!" (when sequence breaking)
  • "You have to do things in a certain order!" (when sequence breaking)
    • "Go on! Take it!" (when near the Wonder Seed)
    • "Bye-bye!" (after the Wonder Effect)
      • "You don't have them all." (if the player has four or less Wonder Tokens)

Ninji Jump Party

  • "One... two... three... jump!" (said by four flowers sequentially to the rhythm)
  • "Yeah!" (near the Wonder Seed to the rhythm)
    • "Hah!"
    • "Go!"
    • "Woooo!"
    • "That's that..." (after the Wonder Seed is collected)

Bloomps of the Desert Skies

  • "Flyyyy!"
  • "Just hangin' out. No reason."
    • "Augh!" (if the player hits a nearby hidden character block containing a 1-Up Mushroom)
    • "My mushroom!"
  • "A full moon..."
    • "Could be quite a night!"
  • "Ta-daaa!"
    • "Hello there!" (second time onwards)
    • "Ta-daaaa! The sequel!" (after being pushed off by a Bloomp)
  • "Homestrech!"

Valley Fulla Snootles

  • "Heya!" (at the start)
  • "Good spot for a rest!" (past the first checkpoint flag)
    • "So, just between us…" (if idle)
    • "…you'll get a 1-Up if you beat a bunch of enemies in a row…"
    • "Uh, what IS a 1-Up anyway?"
  • "Yeehaw!" (floating, past the second checkpoint flag)
  • "Ha HA!"
  • "*Slowed down* Aaaaah!" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Just a bit more!" (near the Wonder Seed, slowed down during the Wonder Effect)

Color-Switch Dungeon

  • "Welcome!" (red flower)
  • "Will you figure it all out?" (blue flower)
  • "Good luck with this part." (blue flower)
  • "You're doing great!" (red flower)
  • "Huh?" (if the Wonder Flower was avoided)
    • "I think you forgot something!"
  • "Which way you gonna go?" (red flower)
  • "Makes you really think, huh?" (blue flower)
  • "Huh. Nice work." (blue flower)
  • "Well done!" (red flower)

Secrets of Shova Mansion

  • "Puuuush!" (found near the first pushable block)
  • "I've been summoned!" (after pushing all the blocks to the bottom after the checkpoint)
    • "See ya later!" (second time onwards)
    • "Hi, again!" (after the Wonder Effect ended)
    • "Bet you worked up a sweat."
  • "That wall just...moved!" (found after the first pushable wall during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Heeeey!" (if the player waits before they move the first pushable wall)
    • "Is someone there?"
    • "I know you're there!"
    • "This way!"
    • "Come this way!"
  • "What muscles!" (found after the third pushable wall during the Wonder Effect)
  • "You got this!" (found near the blocks with the three Shovas during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Ya found me!" (found near the third 10-flower coin)
  • "Heeeey!" (found after the main Goal Pole as the player is in the foreground)
    • "Where are you going?!"

Flight of the Bloomps

  • "Nice!" (on top of a platform)
    • "Haha! That was fun." (floating after getting pushed off the ledge by a Bloomp)
  • "Hey!" (Crouching near the flower on the gold pipes where the second 10–flower coin is located)
    • "I'm here!"
  • "You went through a lot to get here!" (if the Wonder Flower was avoided)
    • "Feel like you're missing something?"
  • "That couldn't have been real…" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
    • "Oh no no no…" (near the Wonder Seed if not collected)
    • "Agh! Hublubba! ...Hubba...hublba!"
  • "It's a long way down…" (near the edge of a platform where Bloomps fly downwards)
    • "You really gonna try it?"

Sunbaked Desert Palace

  • "You're not going in there, are you?" (at the start of the level)
  • "Good luck!" (in the cutscene after obtaining the Royal Seed)

Fungi Mines

Upshroom Downshroom

  • "I wanna be tall like the mushrooms..."
  • "Ta-daaa!"
    • "Sooo, watcha been eating lately?"
    • "Make sure you're getting your veggies!"
  • "Whoa!"
    • "Wasn't expecting company!"
  • "Ha, that was cool."
  • "Feel like you're missing something?"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Ooh!"
  • "All right!"
  • "Time! To! Dance!"
  • "See..."
  • "You..."
  • "Later!"
  • "So long!"
  • "Phew!" (after the Wonder Effect)

Taily's Toxic Pond

  • "Hello!" (on a ceiling near the beginning of the level)
  • "Hi!" (in the area where the second 10-flower coin is)
    • "I'm all alone now..." (after the Tailies have been defeated)
  • "Whoa!" (on a ceiling after the checkpoint, when a player drills into the ceiling)
    • "Why?!" (if the player drills again)
  • "Careful with this part..." (before the section with a bridge made entirely of Rotating Blocks)
  • "Nice!" (in the area where the third 10-flower coin is, after the Taily has been defeated)

Light-Switch Mansion

  • "Wheeeee! Hahahaha! I love this ride!" (said by a flower riding on the first row of spiraling invisible blocks)
  • "Well? Were you scared?" (said by a flower at the end of the Wonder Flower area, after the Wonder Effect ends)

Beware of the Rifts

  • "Awww..." (heard from above)
    • "I'm scared..." (heard from above)
    • "I hate this..." (heard from above)
    • "Where did you come from?!" (after finding a vine that leads up to the lonely talking flower)
    • "I'm so happy you're here."
    • "It's scary being alone..."
    • "Stay with me."
    • "Don't leave meeee!" (as the player exits the hidden area)
  • "Did you hear someone just now?"
    • "Musta been my imagination."

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins

  • "Hello!" (Upon entering the area after going through the slime)
    • "How...uh... How's the goo taste?"
  • "Can't get enough of that green stuff."
  • "So jiggly!" (Reacting to the player’s Wubba Form during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Ooh! You look tasty!"
    • "You're covered in goo…" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
  • "What flavor are you?" (underneath a platform near a yellow Konk)
  • "My neighbors are SO loud." (near the third 10-flower coin where two cyan Konks slam underneath)
  • "*slurp*" (nearby a sideways flower where the Wonder Seed and the exit pipe is located)
    • "Mmm, delicious!"
    • "Thanks for the appetizer!" (Wall jumping to the flower after the Wonder Seed is collected)
  • "The rain finally let up out here!" (near the goal pole)
    • "There's no end to this rain…" (if the Wonder Flower/Seed was avoided)

Another Uncharted Area: Swaying Ruins

  • "Ugh…" (on top of some swaying blocks)
    • "I feel sick…"
  • "Wheeeee!" (on top of some Shoomps when sliding back and forth)
    • "HahahahaHA!"

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins

  • "Only the chosen one can calm the blazing light!" (found in a secret area before the first checkpoint)
    • "Are you the chosen one? We shall see."
  • "What lies beyond?!" (found near the fake Goal Pole during the Wonder Effect)
    • "I must know!"
    • "Leaving so soon?" (if the Wonder Flower is missed)

Operation Poplin Rescue

  • "*gasp*" (at the start near the Wonder Flower)
    • "Everyone!"
    • "Someone's here to save you!"
  • "The adventure continues!"
  • "I'm so sorry this happened... again." (if the player revisits)

Deep Magma Bog

Where the Rrrumbas Rule

  • "Hi!"
  • "This thing looks unstable..."
    • "You gonna push it?"
    • "NaaaAAaaghhhh!" (if the player pushes the Topple Rock next to it)
  • "Ooh, you're clever!" (near the pipe leading to the secret exit)
  • "Roll! Roll! Rolllll!" (said by the first and third group of three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Go! Go! Goooo!" (said by the second and fourth group of three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Woooooo!" (said by five flowers near the Wonder Seed)

Raarghs in the Ruins

  • "Dead end here." (near the Goal Pole which is blocked by hidden blocks)
    • "Huh?!" (after using the pipe to the exit)
    • "How did you…?"
  • "Be careful." (At the Checkpoint flag where the second 10-flower coin is located)
    • "Hi again!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Good luck!" (near the third 10-flower coin)

Pull, Turn, Burn

  • "Hey…"
    • "Whatcha doing in a place like this?"
    • "Wow!" (after the 10-flower coin is collected)
  • "Phew!"
    • "Careful you don’t burn out."
  • "OK."
    • "Just keep a cool head!"
  • "Heeeey!"
    • "Heeeeeeeeeey!"
    • "This way!"
    • "Way to go!"

Hot-Hot Hot!

  • "This place might be the end for me..."
    • "My poor withered roots..."
    • "You'd share your water with me?!" (if sprayed with water)
  • "Of all the places to sprout..."
    • "I had to grow here?"
    • "More water, moooore..." (if sprayed with water)
    • "Only rain can quench this thirst..."
    • "I LIIIIIIIIVE!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "I think I'm gonna make it!" (after the Wonder Effect)
  • "Hot..."
    • "Too hot..."
    • "This feels AMAZING!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "That was so, so good!" (after the Wonder Effect)

Wavy Ride through the Magma Tube

  • "All aboooard!" (at the start)
  • "Look at me! I'm the Wonder Flower!" (if freed from a roulette block)
    • "Eep, hot!" (after touching lava)
  • "AaaaAAaaAAAH!" (when the Wonder Flower is obtained)
    • "Look out!"
    • "Infernooo! Hot! Hot!"
    • "Aaaaah!"
    • "Phew!" (after the Wonder Seed is obtained)
  • "You made it! Good for you!" (at the end of the long cave)

Dragon Boneyard

  • "Yikes!" (at the start of the level)
    • "Watch your step..."
  • "Here! Take this coin!" (on the dragon fossil where the second 10-flower coin is)
    • "I'm rooting for you!"
    • "Good luck!"
  • "Aaaaah!" (when the dragon fossil rolls down the lava slope)
  • "Such an intriguing fossil..." (close to the fossil where the Wonder Flower is)
    • "Wait-" (after the Wonder Flower is collected)
    • "Hang on."
    • "What?"
    • "No waaaay!"
    • "Hi, again!" (when the player returns after the Wonder Effect ends)
  • "That. Is. AWESOME!" (floating during the Wonder Effect)

Deep Magma Bog Palace

  • "You got this!" (at the start of the course)
  • "This place is intense..." (in the cutscene after obtaining the Royal Seed)

Petal Isles

Leaping Smackerel

  • "Hi!"
    • "How ya doing?"
  • "Ahhh, smell that salt air!"
    • "Ugh, and the fish..."
  • "We just..."
  • "...float here..."
  • "...forever."
  • "Oh hey, it's you.
    • "Wuh-waaaaaaaaaah!" (after the Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "I'm alive?! I'm alive!"
    • "That thing was HUGE!" (after the Wonder Effect)
    • "Like...did you SEE it?!"
  • "Oh no no no..."
    • "Agh! Hublubba! Hubba... hublba!"
    • "Well, that was something." (after the Wonder Effect)

Robbird Cove

  • "Whoa!"
    • "Ya found me!"
    • "You're quite the swimmer!"
  • "Aaaaah!"
    • "Phew!" (if the Robbirds are defeated)
  • "I wonder what seawater tastes like..."
    • "That hit the spot!" (if sprayed with water)
  • "Going with the flow?"
    • "That's just not my style."
    • "Dan-ger-ous..."
    • "Eek!" (when forced into the current)
    • "Careful out there..."
  • "You're all soggy!"

Blewbird Roost

  • "This place is dangerous. I'll just wait here."
    • "Not like I've get much choice…"
  • "Whoa!" (after climbing up a vine from a hidden block to a pipe towards the second 10-flower coin)
    • "Well, that was something."
  • "Hi!" (at the checkpoint flag)
    • "Oh!" (after the Blewbird bouncing on a mushroom platform shoots its beak at it)
    • "Please stop…"
    • "Phew!" (after the Blewbird is defeated)
  • "Those flowers smelled nice." (after the bubbles from Bubble Mario hit the Wow Buds)
  • "Everything feels so clean now." (at the red pipe when the Wonder Effect ends)

Downpour Uproar

  • "Hi!" (found on top of the second palm tree)
  • "They say the ocean tastes like tears..." (found on top of the second set of Downpour Clouds)
  • "I love the beach so much." (found to the left of the pit with the green Koopa Paratroopas)
  • "Having fun?" (found to the right of the second 10-flower coin)
  • "Heya!" (found on top of the first Downpour Cloud after the pit)
  • "Wanna swim with me?" (found below the last Downpour Cloud before the first checkpoint)
    • "Splish-splash!"
    • "Love this swimming hole!"
    • "But it's kinda crowded lately..."
  • "I'm impressed!" (found near the pipe that leads to the first checkpoint)
    • "Go, go, go!" (second time onwards)
  • "I heart coins." (found in the sub-area)
    • "How about you?"
  • "Storm's a brewin'..." (found near the Wonder Flower)
    • "Hi, again!" (after collecting the Wonder Seed)
  • "Shocking!" (found during the Wonder Effect)
  • "My petals..." (found during the Wonder Effect)
    • "They're standing on end."
  • "What a rush... I LIKE it." (found during the Wonder Effect)

Jewel-Block Cave

  • "*exhale*" (said by the first flower trapped in a Jewel-Block, immediately after being freed)
    • "I can finally talk again! Not that I have anything to say." (said by the same flower)
  • "*gasp*" (said by the second flower trapped in a Jewel-Block, immediately after being freed)
    • "I'm freeeeeeee!" (said by the same flower)
  • "*exhale*" (said by the third flower trapped in a Jewel-Block in the first secret room, immediately after being freed)
    • "*pant*" (said by the same flower)
  • "Way to go!" (said by a flower right after the Wonder Seed)

Gnawsher Lair

  • "Yikes, be careful!" (before the climbable vines)
    • "I bet you'd be considered a delicacy..."
  • "Feel like you're missing something?" (past the Wonder Flower if it has not been collected or if a Gnawsher ate the ? Block it is in)
    • "Wonder if they ate it..."
  • "You know..." (before the Goal Pole)
    • "I wouldn't hang out here, if I were you."
    • "I warned ya." (After the Gnawshers eat all the blocks of the staircase)
    • "AaaaAAaaAAAH!" (if the Wonder Seed was not collected)

Maw-Maw Mouthful

  • "Gah..." (after a Maw-Maw eats a Goomba)
  • "Keep going!"
  • "Well, hi there!"
    • "Watcha doing over here?"
    • "Wow!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Don't let 'em see you!"
  • "Feel like you're missing something?" (if the Wonder Effect is avoided)
    • "You're a brave one." (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Such a courageous Goomba..." (after the Wonder Effect)
    • "So fearless. So bold."
  • "I wonder what Goombas taste like..."
    • "Mmmyum."
    • "I've discovered a new species!" (during the Wonder Effect)
    • "Wonder what you taste like..."
    • "Hope that Goomba made it..." (after the Wonder Effect)

Muncher Fields

  • "Hey, there's someone back there." (The first flower watching the player in the background)
    • "Yeehaw!" (When the player is invincible to the Munchers)
  • "Look at 'em go." (The second flower replying to the first one)
    • "Go, go, go!" (When the player is invincible to the Munchers)
  • "HrnghhhHHH!" (The glowing flower where the Wonder Flower is located when ground pounding)
    • "I can FEEL the powerrrr!"
    • "Take me with youuuu!" (After getting left behind by a walking platform after the Wonder Effect starts)
  • "Have a nice ride!" (When the player stands on an alive platform transporting them to the background)
    • "Rain feels nice." (If the Wonder Flower is avoided)
    • "Gets right down to the roots."

The Final Battle! Bowser's Rage Stage

  • "Oh hey! It's you."
  • "Hanging in there?"
  • "You've really come along way."
  • "Chaaaaarge!"
  • "One! Two! Three! Jump!" (said by four flowers sequentially to the rhythm)
  • "You're gonna be amazing."

Special World

Pipe-Rock Plateau Special Bounce, Bounce, Bounce

  • "See ya later!
    • "''Woo-hoo!" (during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Way to go!"

Fluff-Puff Peaks Special Climb to the Beat

  • "Amazing!" (said by five flowers near the goal pole staircase)

Shining Falls Special Triple Threat Deluge

  • "Hi!" (at the start)
  • "Way to go!" (at the end when the Wonder Seed is collected)

Sunbaked Desert Special Pole Block Allure

  • "Heya!"
  • "Hurry!"
  • "Way to go!"

Fungi Mines Special Dangerous Donut Ride

  • "Hi!"
  • "Aaaaah!" (falling, during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Phew!" (on top of a red pipe, once the Wonder Seed is collected)

Deep Magma Bog Special Solar Roller

  • "Good luck!" (start of course)
  • "Roll! Roll! Rolllll!" (said by three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Go! Go! Goooo!" (said by three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Roll! Roll! Rolllll!" (said by another three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Go! Go! Goooo!" (said by another three flowers during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Way to go!" (after obtaining the Wonder Seed)

Petal Isles Special Way of the Goomba

  • "See ya later!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "I believe in you!"
  • "Way to go!"

The Semifinal Test Piranha Plant Reprise

  • "Nice job!" (after activating a Wow Bud near the Goal Pole)

The Final Test Wonder Gauntlet

  • "Hi!"
  • "Congratulations!" (said by five flowers near the Goal Pole)

The Final-Final Test Badge Marathon

  • "Go for it!"
  • "Ready to ride?"
  • "Thank you for riding with us"
  • "Show me what you can do!"
  • "Focus... Take a breath."
    • "Wait! We're underwater! Just focus."
  • "Crouch, then jump!"
  • "Woah. Great!"
  • "Jump against the wall, then jump again!"
  • "You've got it!"
  • "Practice makes better."
  • "If all else fails, you just gotta..."
    • "Jump! Jump! Jump!"
  • "I always believed in you!"
  • "Keep going..."
  • "Yeahhhh!"
  • "Mid! Air! Spin!"
  • "Focus... Take a breath."
  • "Impressive!"
  • "Jump, then unleash the vine!"
  • "Deep breaths..."
  • "Don't give up!"
  • "See ya!"

KO Arenas

  • Whatcha gonna go with? (at the starting area, Pipe-Rock Rumble)
  • Whatcha gonna pick? (at the starting area, Fluff-Puff Kerfuff and so on)
    • Tough choice... (if the player waits)
    • Why not take both? (Pipe-Rock Rumble)
    • Why not pick your favorite? (Fluff-Puff Kerfuff and so on)
  • Congratulations! (said by five flowers at once at the finish)

Break Time!

  • "Love that sound!" (during music levels)

Break Time! Hurry, Hurry

  • "Go, go, go!" (at the start of the level)

Break Time! Pop Up, Hoppo!

  • "Way to go!" (once the player gets to the top area)

Break Time! Cloud Cover

  • "Heya!" (said by the only flower in the course)

Break Time! Zip-Go-Round

  • "Ha-HA!" (after spawning from the ? Switch)
    • "Woo!"
    • "Way to go!"

Break Time! Unreachable Treasure?

  • "Way to go!"
    • "Ding, ding, ding!"
    • "Come and get it!"

Break Time! Watery Wonder Tokens

  • "You've got this!" (if the player reaches the bottom with less than three Wonder Tokens)
    • "Awwww..." (if the player comes back to the bottom with less than three Wonder Tokens)
    • "You've almost got it." (if the player has collected four Wonder Tokens)
    • "Way to go!" (if the player has collected all five Wonder Tokens)

Break Time! Timer-Switch Climb

  • "Just a bit more!" (close to the Wonder Seed)
    • "Hurry!"

Break Time! Timer-Switch Dash

  • "Go, go, go!" (start of course)
  • "Hurry!" (near the third Timer-Switch)
  • "You've got this!" (near the fifth Timer-Switch)
  • "Just a bit more!" (near the Wonder Seed)
    • "Hurry!"

Break Time! Treasure Vault

  • "Whoa!" (in an area between the passages when a player jumps up)
    • "Well, that was something."

Break Time! Revver Run

  • "Yeehaw!" (when the Revver's leash is pulled)

Break Time! Lights Out

  • "Hello!"
    • "Oh no no no..." (after the area darkens)
  • "Zzz…" (found at the top with a flower coin)
    • "*gasp* Whoa!" (if approached once)
    • "Was I sleeping with my eyes open again?"
    • "I'm wide awake now!" (second time onwards)

Break Time! Tumble House

  • "Aaaaah!" (after the ? Switch is activated)

Break Time! Hot-Hot Rocks

  • "*pant* *pant*"
    • "This heat is ridiculous..."
    • "Yep, it is way too hot." (once sprayed with water)
    • "Hang on..." (once all the Hot-Hot Rocks are extinguished)
    • "Is it a tiny bit cooler?"

Badge Challenges

Badge Challenge Parachute Cap I

  • "Go for it!" (found before the first jump)
  • "Float while in midair!" (found after the first jump)
  • "Keep going..." (near the circling Lifts)
  • "All right! This way!" (floating on top of the horizontal-moving Lifts)
  • "Impressive!" (on top of a green semisolid platform)
  • "Last jump!" (near the goal pole)

Badge Challenge Wall-Climb Jump I

  • "Go for it!" (on top of the first barricade)
    • "You can do this!"
    • "Jump against the wall, then jump again!"
  • "Deep breaths..." (on the yellow rotating block)
  • "You've got it!" (on the four-color block bunch)
    • "Impressive!" (after collecting the third 10-flower coin)

Expert Badge Challenge Jet Run I

  • "Go for it!" (floating at the start of the course)
  • "Great!" (in the first row of sloped semisolid platforms)
  • "Yeahhhh!" (at the last sloped semisolid jump)

Badge Challenge Wall-Climb Jump II

  • "You can't resist the call of the wall..."
    • "No matter how high!"
  • "All right! This way!"
  • "Focus... Take a breath."
  • "I always believed in you!"

Badge Challenge Floating High Jump I

  • "Go for it!"
  • "That's a lot of Piranha Plants..."
  • "So big..."
  • "Almost there!"
    • "I mean... No pressure!"

Expert Badge Challenge Spring Feet I

  • "Go for it!"
  • "All right! This way!"
  • "Great!"

POOF! Badge Challenge Crouching High Jump I

  • "Go for it!" (at the starting area)
    • "Crouch, then jump!"
  • "Wait for it..." (near the second 10 flower-coin)
    • "Great!" (after collecting said 10 flower-coin)
  • "All right! This way!" (near the tallest Trompette)
  • "Last jump!" (near the Goal Pole)

Badge Challenge Parachute Cap II

  • "It's time to fly!" (start of course)
  • "All right! This Way!" (found on the solid moving platform after the Piranha Plant filled cave)
  • "Hang in there, OK?!" (before the second 10-flower coin)
  • "Think you can go the distance?" (after the second Checkpoint Flag)
  • "I bet you can make it." (before the Goal Pole)
    • "Just keep opening and closing your cap!"

Badge Challenge Crouching High Jump II

  • "Go for it!"
  • "Come with me!"
  • "Keep at it!"

Badge Challenge Grappling Vine I

  • "Go for it!" (at the starting area)
  • "That goo up there looks tasty." (in the area with the second 10-flower coin)
  • "Alright! This way!" (enclosed inside a moving platform)
  • "See ya!" (floating near the end of the course)

Badge Challenge Floating High Jump II

  • "Go for it!" (start of course)
  • "Ready to ride?" (after the second Checkpoint Flag, and before the moving platform section)
  • "Thank you for riding with us." (before the Goal Pole)

Badge Challenge Boosting Spin Jump II

  • "Go for it!"
  • "You can do this!"
  • "Alright! This way!"
  • "Impressive!"

Badge Challenge Grappling Vine II

  • "Go for it!"
  • "It's gonna be all right."
    • "You'll get it. Just keep trying."
  • "Great!" (twice)
  • "Yeahhhh!"

Expert Badge Challenge Jet Run II

  • "Go for it!" (start of course)
  • "Keep going..." (after the second Checkpoint Flag)
  • "Faster! Faster!" (in the area where lava rises up)

Expert Badge Challenge Spring Feet II

  • "Go for it!" (at the start)
    • "Jump Jump Jump!"
    • "The trick is where you jump from!"
  • "Onward!" (at the second Checkpoint Flag)

Badge Challenge Dolphin Kick I

  • "Go for it!" (found before the Brick Blocks)
  • "What?!" (after collecting the first 10-flower-coin near it)
  • "Hrnghaww!" (after collecting the second 10-flower-coin near it)
  • "Impossible!" (after collecting the third 10-flower-coin near it)
  • "*pant*" (as each one goes past the gate)
  • "Good form!" (found near the goal pole)

Badge Challenge Dolphin Kick II

  • "Go for it!"
  • "Show me what you can do!"
  • "Focus.. Take a breath."
    • "Wait! We're underwater! Just focus."
  • "Take a minute here if you want."
    • "…Has it been a minute yet?" (if idle)
  • "Good form!"
  • "Impressive!"

Badge Challenge Boosting Spin Jump I

  • "Go for it!"
    • "You can do this!"
  • "Mid! Air! Spin!"
  • "Alright! This way!"
  • "Last jump!"

Wiggler Races

The following cheers are not subtitled but can still be heard when passing the Talking Flowers.

  • "Hahaa! Heeeeeeeey!"
  • "Whooohooooooo!"
  • "Hohohoho, haha!"
  • "Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!"
  • "Hurraaaaaaaaah!"
  • "Whoohoo!"
  • "Zoom, zoom!"
  • "Oh, oh, ohhh!"
  • "Ma-ri-o!"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "Peeeeach!"
  • "Daisy!"
  • "Toooooad!"
  • "Toadette!"
  • "Yoshi!"
  • "Nabbit!"
  • "Wiggler!" (said by one of the flowers at the starting line)
  • "Use this!" (when tossing a Super Star to help catch up with the Racing Wiggler)
  • "Woo-hoo!" (next to the goal if the player wins any race)
    • "Ohhh! Give it another go, eh?" (if the player loses any race)

Wiggler Race Mountaineering!

  • "Wow, zippy!" (at the first Zip Track)
    • "You got this!"
  • "Go, go, go!" (at the first Marimba Block bridge)
    • "Dash, dash!"
  • "You got this!" (at the first Marimba Block bridge)
    • "Daaash!"
  • "Zooooom!" (at the second Marimba Block bridge)
    • "You can do it!"
  • "Look at you go!" (at the second Marimba Block bridge)
    • "Dash, dash!"
  • "Woooooo!" (at the last Zip Track section)
    • "Hurry! Hurry!"

Wiggler Race Swimming!

  • "You're doing great!" (first flower above the Marimba Blocks)
  • "Go, go, go!" (the second flower next to the first one)
  • "Look at you!" (on top of some palm trees)
  • "Keep going!" (the flower above another set of Marimba Blocks)
  • "Wow, zippy!" (the flower next to the previous one)
  • "Great swimming!" (found underwater)

Wiggler Race Spelunking!

  • "Wow, zippy!" (the first flower above the first Marimba Blocks)
  • "What a race!" (the second flower next to the first)
  • "Great stride!" (next to the red arrow sign)
  • "Woooooo!" (above the next Marimba Blocks)
  • "Go, go, go!" (the flower next to the previous one)
  • "You got this!" (on top of some slope blocks)

Search Party

  • "Oh!" (near the start, said in a surprised tone)
    • "Hi!" (said in a more welcoming tone)

Poplin Houses

Badge House in Pipe-Rock Plateau

  • "This way!" (inside the Poplin house)
    • "Wearable powers! Who'd've thought!" (when revisiting the level)
  • "Press   in midair!" (on the red Semisolid Platform)
    • "What is  , anyway?"
  • "See ya later!" (by the Arrow Sign next to the exit)

Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin

  • "Pretty please!"
    • "Yodelaheehoo!" (Revisit after Bowser Jr. is defeated)

Master Poplin's House

  • "I believe in you!"
    • "Nobody's home but me right now." (If revisited)

Royal Seed Mansion

  • "Bravo!"
    • "I believe in you!"
  • "And he's gone again." (As Master Poplin vanishes after collecting the Royal Seed upon revisit)
    • "Where could he be?"

Sunbaked Desert House

  • "It's sooo hot..." (said by a flower outside)
    • "Refreshing!" (if given it some water from a pot at the entrance of the house)

Loyal Poplin's House

  • "Got the place all to myself."
    • "It's kinda lonely..."
  • "I'll never be alone again!" (if revisited after the Royal Seed is collected)

Deep Magma Bog Observatory

Deep Magma Bog Observatory 1

  • "All guests are required to pull that handle." (potted flower outside)
  • "Help! Help!" (potted flower inside, upon entering for the first time)
    • "Thanks!" (after clearing the palace and talking to the Poplin)

Deep Magma Bog Observatory 2

  • "Scraggly..." (potted flower inside, before receiving the Wonder Seed/after Bowser Jr. was defeated)

Deep Magma Bog Observatory 3

  • "I believe in you!" (potted flower inside, before receiving the Wonder Seed)
    • "Ahaha!" (after clearing the palace and talking to the Poplin)

Deep Magma Bog Observatory 4

  • "We entrust it to you." (potted flower inside, before receiving the Wonder Seed)
    • "That was scary!" (after clearing the palace and talking to the Poplin)

Angler Poplin's House

  • "All for you!"
  • "So quiet lately…" (if revisited)
    • "Wish I could go fishing…"
    • "You're leaving, aren't you?" (As the player(s) leave)


  • "Wooooooooo!" (said by the flower upon first entry)
  • "Woo-hoo!" (said by the first flower upon revisit)
  • "You've had quite the journey!" (said by the second flower upon revisit)
  • "You're a wonder!" (said by the third flower upon revisit)
  • "Thank you for playing!" (said by the fourth flower upon revisit)

Bonus: Coins Galore!

All Talking Flowers chant the quotes in the rhythm of the music.

  • "Aw yeah!"
  • "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"
  • "Woo! Woo!"
    • "Yeah!"



  • "Hey there!"
  • "Where's the party?"
  • "Oooh! So exciting!"
  • "So many visitors today."
  • "Have a great time!"
  • "I believe in youuu!"

Credits sequence

  • "Well, hi there!"
    • "Ever wonder where snow comes from?"
  • "One! Two! Three! Jump! (said by four flowers sequentially to the rhythm)
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Ooh!"
  • "All right!"
  • "My petals..."
    • "They're standing on end..."
  • "Well done!" (if the player successfully touches all of the names)[1]

After-credits scene

  • "And we all lived happily ever after."
    • "Come back again sometime, yeah?"

Super Star

  • "Sparkly!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Go! Go!"
  • "Dazzling!"

Completing secrets

  • "Great!"
  • "Well done!"
  • "You did it!"
  • "Good job!"
  • "Great job!"
  • "Nice work!"
  • "Doing great!"
  • "Amazing!"

Losing a life

  • "Well then."
    • "Ughh!"
    • "You good?"
    • "Awww…"
    • "Uh oh."
    • "So long!"


  • "Maybe it's time for a break. I'm not one to rush."
  • "What's the matter? You tired or something?"
  • "*yawn* I'm tired... How 'bout you?"
  • "Sometimes it's nice to space out. I'm a big fan myself."
  • "ACHOO! Am I allergic!"


  • "Oh! Was it something I said?" (if the flowers' voice is disabled in the options menu)
  • "You seein' what I'm seein'?"
  • "I would really like to leave…"
