Birdoshi's Way-Back Machine



Well, lemme tell you (but all you need to do is one simple thing), and that's to copy every comment on this page, and then delete every comment on this page, and then paste every comment from this page to this page, and then I'll handle the rest. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Your welcome! Now if you excuse me just for a moment, I'm gonna go archive another talkpage :). --Palkia47 20:49, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

I'll get to it in just a minute or so. I'm almost done archiving Fg's talk, so I'll get to you has soon as I'm done. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

There we go. Sorry for the delay, I had to do something quickly. If you look up at the top of this talk page, you can see the link of your archive! Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Your welcome; and thanks! I'm always willing to help any user in need of help :) Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Or Indiana Jones! Wait a minute...... uh... OR SPIDER-MAN! Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Shrek is awesome. Robin! --Palkia47 21:35, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Yeah, there's a Shrek 4 coming out, titled Shrek Goes Fourth, and then a fifth one is planned, also. --Palkia47 21:37, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Beast Boy! --Palkia47 21:39, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Shrek Four is coming out in 2010, while I think the fifth is 2015. Misty and Brock! --Palkia47 21:43, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Yoshi! --Palkia47 21:48, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Wario...kinda! --Palkia47 21:50, 26 July 2008 (EDT)

Not really. Ok. See ya later! Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png


sip, que te parece...? Me pusieron el puesto gracias a un usuario que queria que tomara su lugar. Por otra parte, has estado jugando mario kart wii? ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png Yo todavia no lo he jugado, aunque es una mala racha que quitaran el "snaking".

Ser un sysop es genial, pero obtienes el titulo al ganar la confianza de los otros usuarios y por contribuir muy bien en el wiki. Puedes acceder a otras paginas que otros usuarios no pueden (como la pagina checkuser -para sospechar vandalos- o entrar a paginas que estan bajo proteccion). Aunque la mejor parte es que puedes eliminar paginas o imagenes, y bloquear a los vandalos que buscan problemas en el wiki ;] Gracias! ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png Si suena divertido, especialmente con la conexion wifi. por que no tengo un Wii!? D:


Nice to meet you.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yeah and I like the show, never read a manga of it, but i read manga pic of Azumanga Daioh.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

My favorite Characters are everyone in Azumanga Daioh exept Kimura(the guy who likes high school girls).  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yep, well What I like about Chiyo-Chan is that she is mega cute. <3  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Super Smash Bros Brawl. :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yeah, I let my brother play to get all the charaters. I play for Wi-fi  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Zelda and Peach, Mario, in the Brawl.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

I'm sorry to hear.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG ._.

I am so sorry to hear because my Wi-fi is kinda fast.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG ._.,

your welcome.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Okay.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG Jigglypuff's Final smash glitch.

I'm good. Hows you? And um... bai!  Palkia47   

Okay. :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yep. See ya! --Palkia47 21:43, 27 July 2008 (EDT)

Muchas gracias, Birdoshi! =D linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif

Hi Birdoshi I hope we can be friends Joseph363


Hello Birdoshi! How are you?F g 

Baby Birdo

I would like to say that your Baby Birdo is very impressive I couldnt do it Joseph363 06:13, 2 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm fine Too.F g 

I'm Fine Thanks For Asking Joseph363 04:56, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm good and happy! :) I was able to get one of the rarest songs in Brawl, the Sonic Heroes Theme! The song is my favorite in the game, passing my second favorite, Dream Chaser. Hows you? --Palkia47 06:41, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm very fine, thank you! How have you been? linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif


I'm good, how about you?  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

no, but i think i heared of it in wikipedia.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Cool Opening and ending, I guess I'll start wacthing it, By the way, Did you read Super Azumanga RPG.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

I'm a little down because people say what they think about Super Azumanga RPG, maybe because They didn't read it yet, At least you read it, What do think about it? I just want to know.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPGOh by the way when I watch School rumble, I laughed my head off XD

Thanks! I'm Glad to hear. :)  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yeah, WAY funny.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPGXD

I don't know so I'll check.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Found it! It's December 21  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yeah. ^____^  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

So, whats your wiki birthday.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Ok, I try to remeber it.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Sorry, but I don't have the mario kart wii yet.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG._.

Yeah, my dad doesn't think that he has enough money. ^__^;  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Okay. :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Okay, see you tomorrow.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Oh! Okay. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

WIki Birthday

My wiki birthday is on dec.6 I think...F g 


I wasn't expecting a message from you!

So, I guess I can forgive you for what disputes we had in the past. You told me to forget about that stuff - that's easy for me, since I possibly have...AMNESIA! I forget heaps of stuff.

Oh, and what did you mean where you mentioned that you "don't like the problems" ? That line confused me.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk Do you mean you have 0 friends and 0 enemies? That's what it looked like in one line of your message th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Ah, what kind of problems would that be? linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif

Well, I don't really have amnesia, but I'm quite forgetful with important things, but I always remember random facts about games.

Your English is (really) good! You don't have to be so modest - you've obviously done a lot of learning of the language.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk Wait - what's my name again? th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png


Bueno, no precisamente, hasta ahora solo sé que los usuarios pueden seleccionar alguna cosa relacionada con el universo-mario como unas votaciones o algo así, escogiendo como tus favoritos... Por supuesto que puedes participar. Simplemente pones tu firma (signature) en una de las listas que aparecen en allí. ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png Actualmente las votaciones de los temas favoritos de mario terminaron, y ahora comienzan los torneos en Mario Kart Wii y Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Que te diviertas! :)

Wow, that's a lot of pets! You must really like pets! All I have are two fish who I think will die pretty soon since they're so old (almost two years old).  Paper Jorge (Talk·Contribs)

Hey sis!, help me with my sig *-- Piranha panic

Oh no, it's okay. They havent died yet...  Paper Jorge (Talk·Contribs)

You Play Pokemon?

I either forgot that (AMNESIA!) or didn't read your page enough to find out - but since you mentioned Slowpoke, a Pokemon well-known for using Amnseia - I guess you do play it.

BTW, I've got Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin, Manaphy and every other legendary in the history of Pokemon! Do you have the first 3? If you don't, I could tell you how.

Thanks for the compliment about my signature GIF. I made it in a few seconds; I'm thinking of ideas for a cool new GIF to make, anything Mario-related.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk I award you 10 Awesome Points th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Something I forgot: (see, I do have amnesia!)

Responding to your question about my User name Dom.

Well, my actual name is.... man, I hate it - Dominic. How bad is that name? I'd rather have a common name like Steve or Bob or something. On the day I first joined this Wiki (18th of February this year), I didn't think I would become a regular User, and I thought I would just edit a few things for one day. So, I didn't really care what name I used, and I picked my commonly used nickname, which I sort of like.

If I had thought of what name I'd like to have more carefully, I might have called myself:

  • The Darkenesse
  • Hyper Dimentio
  • Radioactive Wombat
  • Shadow Dragon
  • Crystal Rayquaza

...or something.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk Your brother needs help because he is a "noob" :P th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Hi! Long time, no talk. What's up? SJ derp :P

I'm fine, but I didn't really get to go on any vacations. =( SJ derp :P


hi its me Yoshi_4.gif Yoshi64 Please Watch my You Tube Channel [1] Yoshi_4.gif long time no see, i was just wonderin how u've been u should try that cool site called userpedia [[2]] and its like a fake mario wiki with pretty much the same users on it if ur not on it join now! even if u r already on it go to the Pancreations page! (its a club i made a long time ago .

Hello. How are you? SJ derp :P

I'm fine. :D SJ derp :P
Sometime, maybe. It may be a while, though. SJ derp :P
Not right now, maybe in a week or 2. SJ derp :P


Sorry, but no, I have Mario Strikers Charged, Because I think I not good at soccer in video games. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

I'm so sorry to hear everyone not having Wi-fi right now ._.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

You the theme song Super Smash bros. Brawl, I like it. It's cool :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yeah, and It could be background music for an anime show.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

That's okay By the way speacking of anime have you seen lucky☆star.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Actually, I found Lucky☆Star on Youtube.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yep. :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

um... sorry i didn't get the question. ^__^  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Sorry, but I'm not to that. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

That okay, My typing is sometimes bad.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

By the way, Do you make fan-fictions.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Oh! Sorry to confuse you. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

A fiction that are made by a fan somethings he or she likes..  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Somthing like that. ^__^  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

They're cool!  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Yuor welcome.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

I don't Know. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Okay.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Okay! :)  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

see ya!  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

You'd PWN me Anyway...

I'd love to play you in MK Wii, but you see - I don't have Wi-Fi! In fact, I don't even have a broadband internet connection - I have to put up with very slow page-loading speeds.

You would probably beat me at the game anyway, since I haven't played it for ages, and I'm not that good at racing games compared to other genres like RPGs.

Oh, and you do karate? I (used to) do ninjitsu - the art of Ninja fighting! Ninjas are awesome. The instructor got badly injured so the lessons stopped...forever.

I like fighting - even though I'd probably get smashed by anyone the same size as me.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk I'm safe from you beating me at MK Wii! th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

Hello from M. C.!

Just snagged the time to respond to your message on my talk page; great to meet ya too. So, what's happenin'? Oh, and let me guess - your lead gal is Birdo? :P --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Enthusiast! 12:05, 14 August 2008 (EDT)

Check my user page, and look at "Supporting the Mario Series' Gals Full Force!". That should answer your question. ;) --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! 20:08, 15 August 2008 (EDT) User Page | Talk Page

That's right -- actually, Peach and Daisy are "lead gals" in my opinion, and Rosalina's closing in on being lead gal material. Oh, and are you also keeping tabs on the gal participants for Mario Super Sluggers? --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! 20:18, 15 August 2008 (EDT) User Page | Talk Page


Hello to you too. I think I've seen you around some here. Thanks for the compliment. =) Phoenix Rider 17:15, 14 August 2008 (EDT)

Hiya! --Palkia47 21:50, 14 August 2008 (EDT)


Nice Name.:) F g 

That's my initials ;) F g 

Thank you!

Thank you for remembering about my Wiki Birthday! It's nice to have a friend like you who remembers...I actually didn't remember until I saw your message a couple days later! I missed my Wiki Birthday! :( Well thank you anyway! Gracias!  Paper Jorge (Talk·Contribs)


I don't hate them. What made you write that? 30.pngR.O.B. 128 

I was just angry because R.O.B. did not appear, that's all. You shouldn't steal conversation; I was talking to Rosalina. >:( 30.pngR.O.B. 128 

I'm Very Angry

You stole my conversation AGAIN!!!! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT!!!???!!!???!!!??? 30.pngR.O.B. 128 

Ohohoho, if you continue to insult me, I will end up getting banned. You must be a good person, no? --R.O.B 128 22:10, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

Thank you for understanding. I was about to get myself banned by badly insulting you. In other (nicer) words, you should not make fun of me in any way, or we will be on the wrong page.

R.O.B., out!

--R.O.B 128 22:35, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

Look, I don't wanna be your enemy and you definately don't wanna be mine. What happened to us saying hi to each other? Let us stop this senseless argument and continue as friends on Mario Wiki before things get out of hand.

Think about it,

--R.O.B 128 22:53, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm very sorry

I am so sorry that I flamed at you. It will NOT happen again I ensure you that. Can we still be friends?

--R.O.B 128 01:06, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Hello. I found this. I thought you might like it. --R.O.B 128 19:41, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

<youtube width="300" height="250">IieI-nVZo6E</youtube>

You are very welcome. --R.O.B 128 03:50, 28 August 2008 (EDT)


Hey, Birdoshi. Sorry we haven't talked in a while. Things have been hectic. How are you? Your English is much better. — Stooben Rooben 03:54, 16 August 2008 (EDT)


I'm Rosalina. Nice to meet you too Birdoshi!!! You also have a nice userpage, your Baby Birdo is very cute.  Rosalina  

I have Mario Kart Wii.  Rosalina  
I would like to play, but I’m changing of house. My Wii was already boxed. Sorry :(  Rosalina  

My wikibirthday is April 29. I have few months on the wiki.  Rosalina  

Thanks, I tried my best on my userpage.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Cool, thanks for the userbox. :D  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG


What do you need help with? The picture? Is it not showing up or not uploading? Phoenix Rider

Ah, I see the problem. You were missing an underscore. The file name is Image:NBAstreetV3_peach.jpg, not Image:NBAstreetV3peach.jpg.

Here is your userbox. =] Phoenix Rider




Mmhmm, anytime. Phoenix Rider

I actually don't have MKWii. Sorry.Phoenix Rider

I'm fine, just returning from haituses.... Yep, a virus; which is gone. So, hows you? --Palkia47 08:04, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm good. Yep; I watched ze Olympics. --Palkia47 20:43, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

Srsly. Btw, in MKWii, what character(s) do you usually play as?--Palkia47 20:49, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

I play as King Boo (always), Bowser (sometimes), and Dry Bones (sometimes). I can't since I dun have Wi-Fi. Sorry. What's your favorite bike/kart? --Palkia47 21:01, 18 August 2008 (EDT)

Zelda = Good, Zero Suit Samus = Better

Sorry for the lateness of this reply.

"I gained 5 big boys , of the school!" - Do you mean you used karate on them? That sentence confused me - it could also mean you got 5 boyfriends or something! :O.

And about Princess Zelda, were you asking if I like her? Well, if so, here's my answer:

She is pretty good-looking for a game character, in fact, she reminds me a lot of a certain girl at my school. However, she is easily beaten by Zero Suit Samus, who is probably the hottest character since... anyone. Probably because I prefer blondes. I wish she was real.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk Ninjas are cooler than karate-people though! th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png


Please don't tell me that you're retiring, are you? :( F g 

Does this mean you're leaving? ;_;  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

You can't leave; I mean you are from the few people that talked to me. I consider you a friend. Don't leave!!  Rosalina  

She most likely means she's spending her final weeks of Summer Vacation here. Is that right, Birdoshi? SJ derp :P

Please know that if you retire, many people will miss you. ;_; I hope you enjoy your life outside of the wiki. — Stooben Rooben 20:25, 19 August 2008 (EDT)

Aww; please don't retire! You're a friend to me (or "us" *glares upwards*), but, if its true, then may you have a great life ahead of you. :)  Palkia47   

Birdoshi Finale

Hey - rejection isn't funny, that's evil! You have no idea how badly I got rejected recently.

Oh crap - I'm scared now! You PWNed 5 boys! Beware of Birdoshi :O.

What - you think I'm a perv if I like Zero Suit Samus? That's extremely harsh. You wouldn't know how we guys feel. Wait - she has a girlfriend!!?? Don't you mean boyfriend? Is she a lesbian...?!

And for now, farewell to you, as you stated you will be leaving. I don't know why - but whatever you do...


th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk And that is all. th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png


Who is the user that caused you alot of problems?  Gissy Super Azumanga RPGsorry if that question bothers you.

Well, R.O.B. was blocked for a week for being mean to you. If he is still mean to you after his block is over, just tell a Sysop. They can help you out. :) SJ derp :P


Hola Birdoshi, se me olvidó decirte que el usuario ROB128 ha sido bloqueado por un buen rato, asi que no volverá más a insultarte e inculparte falsamente... A propósito, ¿por que te vas del wiki? te has hecho muchos amigos aquí... -- ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png 23:39, 20 August 2008 (EDT)

Birdoshi, are you really going to retire? I don't want you to go! :( SJ derp :P

Thanks for the friend comment. You're a good friend, too. The wiki is really fun when you're around. And don't worry about ROB, as I said before, sysops like Coincollector will help you out. :) You should tell Rosalina, Gissy, and the others that wanted you to stay. They'll be really happy. :D SJ derp :P
You're welcome. You really should tell Rosalina that you're staying. I'm sure she'll be very happy. SJ derp :P

YAY! Thanks for not leaving; your welcome; and: thanks! You are too! --Palkia47 08:52, 21 August 2008 (EDT)


That's good By the Way Do you have The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (anime)?  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

It's good to know you are not leaving :)  Rosalina  

I'm fine. How about you? SJ derp :P

Maybe. I'm not making any promises though... SJ derp :P

No, sorry. ^__^:  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG Although the theme song kind of remind me one character song.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

There is this one in Lucky☆Star character don't know how to spell her name so i'll go to my user page in Userpedia to find her name.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

Well I don't have the userbox that says "This user is good friends with Gissy" yet but I'll try to make on.  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG

You Get 10 More Awesome Points!

I like your replies! So, you're still here for a while? OK, just let everyone know when you're just about to we know.

You know - I was going to ask out a girl I really like today - but then I thought of what you said and decided not to. I won't be back at school for almost 8 weeks! (holiday in England)

Hey, thanks for the advice! Being friendly...hmm, I might struggle with that. I like being evil. Well, with girls I don't act evil. Being mature - oh boy, that's not easy! Yeah, some of the things I've done at school would give me a bad reputation as not very mature, but when I'm being serious, I am. About the Pokemon games - that confused me; if a girl observed me, would they think it's amusing in a not-good way, or "cute" as in childish? That confused me. And none of the girls know what games I play anyway.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk I wish I could watch YouTube videos - I can't without broadband :( th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png

LOL! I'm good, just about to start some editing. You? --Palkia47 07:21, 22 August 2008 (EDT)

Konnichi wa. I'm fine. You? SJ derp :P

Jan isn't bad, she's just jealous. SJ derp :P
Never heard of that Anime. :O SJ derp :P
Cute. =3 SJ derp :P
Yes. SJ derp :P
Cute. :3 SJ derp :P
That's good to know! --Palkia47 16:55, 22 August 2008 (EDT)


Mario Super Sluggers comes out tomorrow YAY! :D F g 

Hmm, that definitely needs some work. Give me a little bit of time to work on it. — Stooben Rooben 18:20, 24 August 2008 (EDT)

No, I don't. :( I still don't have a lot of the karts, I still need Baby Daisy, Baby Luigi, Toadette, Bowser Jr., Funky Kong, and Dry Bowser for the characters; and I haven't gotten Mirror Mode. Lol, thanks; I can see how its creepy *insert dark evil laughing shifty simile DUN DUN DUN music now* --Palkia47 08:21, 25 August 2008 (EDT)

Nice Pics

Hi. You did really good with your Baby Birdo pictures. I think the kart in one picture is a redesigned version of the Cheep-Charger, because of the wings.

Sorry, that last comment was by me, YourBuddyBill. I can't figure out signatures yet...


Babybirdosimple2.jpg DixieDKRDS.png

Hey :O!

What's up? --Palkia47 17:27, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm fine. Ooh, what kind of image? --Palkia47 17:37, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Cool; and that just resparked my memory; that I'm gonna add images to my welcome! Palkia47 17:46, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Hmm... I can see if I can fix that if you want. --Palkia47 17:52, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

I'll see to it. I'll see if I can fix it. --Palkia47 17:59, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Alright, just a little question: When you had created your welcome, did you change anything (other than color, sig, and images) in the welcome? --Palkia47 18:04, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Yep, but answer my above question, please. --Palkia47 18:09, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Alright then, that's all I needed to know. Lemme see what can be done. --Palkia47 18:14, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Yep! It may involve you editin' some in your welcome. --Palkia47 18:21, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Alright, the first thing that is needed is to remove every... thing that starts with <table, and it continues with a code. Remove all but the one on the top of the page. This is needed, and then I'll see what the other thing is that's the messing the welcome up. --Palkia47 18:30, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Hello? Please do what's seen above this comment. --Palkia47 18:41, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Its fine. Crap, that wasn't what I was talking about. The main problem of the beginning of a quote block is the code. Lemme revert it, and when done so; please, only remove the code, not the words. The codes start with "<table", so only remove those. Under any circumstances, do not, I repeat, do not get rid of the code at the top of the page. --Palkia47 18:58, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm sorry, but I can't do it. Your best chance is to ask a Sysop or wait for Stooben to do it. I'm really sorry. Palkia47 19:07, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Hi! Hi!

Hi Birdoshi. SJ derp :P

I'm fine, thanks. :) Have you ever heard of the anime Kodomo no Jikan? SJ derp :P
It's ok. The opening theme is awesome,and the anime actually has a really good storyline. The problem is that it is banned in every country in the world except for Japan. This is because it has a lot of inappropriate scenes. SJ derp :P
Here. :) SJ derp :P
that's the opening for the new season. ;) SJ derp :P
Cool. Are you happy Birdo is in Captain Rainbow? SJ derp :P

Hi Birdoshi!! The video was very funny.  Rosalina  

Yep; thanks; and no prob. --Palkia47 19:14, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

No, not yet. SJ derp :P

Its fine. See ya! --Palkia47 19:31, 27 August 2008 (EDT)

Thanks. :D See you later. SJ derp :P

I'm fine. How about you?  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG^__^

Not much but guess what, I created a userbox that say "This user good friend with Gissy" It's right on my user page. ^__^  Gissy Super Azumanga RPG