Super Mario Piranha Plant Escape!

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Super Mario Piranha Plant Escape! Box
The game's packaging

Super Mario Piranha Plant Escape! is a board game published by Epoch Games in 2020.[1] It features die-rolling gameplay similar to that of the Mario Party series. It is one of many games by Epoch based on the Super Mario franchise, including Super Mario Fire Mario Stadium, Super Mario Blow Up Shaky Tower, and Super Mario Adventure Game DX. It is a simplified version of the Japanese game Super Mario: Pakkun Flower Game, drawing inspiration from its Piranha Plant challenge mechanic; it is also directly inspired by the board game Don't Wake Daddy, with the center of the board featuring an electronic Piranha Plant that randomly attacks players when they pass onto certain spaces. It features two figures of Mario and Luigi and flat "character plates" of Yoshi and Toad, the four of whom represent the player characters.


The first time a player plays the board game, they should stick the stickers onto the character plates and die. Next, they should attach the Piranha Plant's head to its stem, insert the stem into the pipe, and slide the leaves into the stem's grooves.

To begin playing, the player should first pull the Piranha Plant's stem backwards until it locks into place. Each player then selects a character piece and places it on their respective starting space, which is marked with an illustration of their character.


Players take turns rolling the die and advancing their character token clockwise the number of spaces shown on the die. If a player passes over an occupied space, they should not count it and then continue to cound space. If they land on an occupied space, they should move their character forward to the next unoccupied space.

They then press the red button the number of times shown on the space their character lands on. If the player lands on the Bowser space, indicated by a Bowser's emblem, all players must press the button, starting with the player who landed on the Bowser space. The player loses if the Piranha Plant attacks their character when they press the button.

Game contentsEdit

The board game comes with the following contents:

  • 1 Mario figure
  • 1 Luigi figure
  • 2 character plates
  • 1 die1
  • 1 sticker sheet
  • 1 Piranha Plant head
  • 1 pair of Piranha Plant leaves
  • Game board
  • 1 Piranha Plant stem

1 - The official webpage for the game uses the plural "dice", despite only 1 die being present in the game, likely due nouns in Japanese not inflecting for number. This mistake is not present in most foreign versions of the page except for the Greek version.

Japanese versionEdit

The board for Super Mario: Pakkun Flower Game

This game is a simplified version of a Japanese game named Super Mario: Pakkun Flower Game. The game also features a Piranha Plant in the center of the game board that attacks, but the overall gameplay bears little resemblance to the international version. In this game, the object is to gather coins as the player moves their character around the game board. When all the coins at the center of the board run out, the player with the most coins wins the game.

The original version of the game is the Coin Collection Game. Two alternate versions of the game can also be played, known as the Everyone's Heart is Pounding! Game and the One's Heart is Pounding! Game.


The player needs to unfold the game board and place the Piranha Plant in the center, standing up it up and closing its mouth. They then need to place character tokens and die near the board and give each character one coin, placing the remaining coins near the Piranha Plant's pipe. Players then play rock-paper-scissors to decide who begins play, with the winner going first and placing their character on the Start space.


The player rolls the die and moves their character token counterclockwise the number of spaces shown on the die, carrying out the action of the space they land on. If they roll a Piranha Plant symbol, they do a "Piranha Plant Challenge", which is detailed below. Play then passes to the player on their left, and players continue taking turns rolling the die, moving their character token, and carrying out the action of the space they land on, until the coins in the center run out.

When the coins in the center run out, the game immediately ends. Players count up the coins they gathered, and the player with the most coins wins the game.

Game contentsEdit

The game includes the same contents as the international version, with the addition of the following:

The game also does not include the character plates of Yoshi and Toad, unlike the international version.


In the game, there are several types of spaces on the board:

  • START space: After going around the board at least once, when the player lands on this space, they take a coin from the center of the board. They do not take a coin if they only pass this space. This space is marked by the word "START" in front of images of Mario and Luigi.
  • Coin space: The player takes the number of coins shown on the space they landed on from the center of the board. If the player lands on a black-colored space, they instead take the number of coins shown on the space from their hand and place the coins in the center. This space is marked by an image of a coin.
  • Piranha Plant space: The player carries out a Piranha Plant Challenge, which is detailed below. This space is marked by an image of a Piranha Plant.
  • Enemy space: The player rolls the die and compares the number shown on the die to that of the space they landed on, the latter being known as the enemy's strength number. If the player's roll is higher than the enemy's strength number, they take that number of coins from the center of the board. If the player's roll is less than or equal to the enemy's strength number, they take that many coins from their hand and place the coins in the center of the board. This space is marked by a Bowser emblem.
  • Warp Pipe space: The player moves their character to the opposite pipe of the same color. If there are any coins that are on or outside the game board, they may collect them, but if the player forgets to collect them before play passes to the next player, they stay for the next player. This space is marked by an image of a Warp Pipe.

Piranha Plant challengeEdit

If the player rolls a Piranha Plant symbol on the die or lands on a Piranha Plant space, they do a Piranha Plant challenge. The player then press the challenge button, which is located in the center the board. If the Piranha Plant does not attack after pressing the button, they win the challenge and take a coin from the center of the board. Play then passes to the next player. If the Piranha Plant attacks after pressing the button, they lose the challenge and must take one coin from their hand and place in the center of the board. They then stand the Piranha Plant back up and close its mouth, and play then passes to the next player.

If the player landed on a Piranha Plant space, there may be special rules that need to be followed depending on the type of space they landed on:

  • X2 and X3 spaces: The player presses the challenge button the number of times shown on the space.
  • ALL space: Each player does a Piranha Plant challenge; players that win take a coin from the center of the board.
  • FREE! space: The player declares the number of times they want to press the challenge button, before pressing the button. If the Piranha Plant does not attack while they press the button, they take the number of coins from the center based how many times they pressed the button. If the Piranha Plant attacks, they take that many coins from that hand and place the coins in the center of the board.

Any coins that land outside the board when the Piranha Plant attacks can be picked up by players, though coins that land on the board can only be picked up by the next player that uses a Warp Pipe.

Running out of coinsEdit

At any point in the game, if the player does not have enough coins to return to the center board, they return all the coins in their hand to the center of the board and place their character back on the START space. Afterwards, the player then takes a coin from the center.

Everyone's Heart is Pounding! GameEdit

In this game, the object is to lose coins through Piranha Plant challenges by declaring how many times one will press the challenge button, taking that many coins from their hand and placing them in the center of the board, and pressing the challenge button that number of times in the hopes that the Piranha Plant will not attack during one's turn. The first person to lose all their coins wins the game.


In this game, only the Piranha Plant and the coins are used in this game; the character figures, game board, and die are left unused.

Like in the original game, the player stands up the Piranha Plant and closes its mouth. When they distribute coins to each player, however, they give each player 8 coins instead of 1. If any coins remain, they place the remaining coins in the center. Players then play rock-paper-scissors to determine who starts play, with the winner starting the first Piranha Plant challenge.


The winner declares how many times they will press the challenge button, then takes that many coins from their hand and places the coins in the center. They then press the button that many times. If the Piranha Plant does not attack while they press the button, they win the Piranha Plant challenge, and play then passes to the next player. If the Piranha Plant attacks while they press the button, they lose the challenge, and must collect any coins that fell from the center. They then stand the Piranha Plant back up and close its mouth, and play then passes to the next player. Players continue doing Piranha Plant challenges until one player runs out of coins. At that point, the player who ran out of coins is declared the winner.

One's Heart is Pounding! GameEdit

In this game, the object is to place coins in the front of the Piranha Plant so that they do not fall out. The player wins once they put all their coins in the center.


Like in the original game, the player stands up the Piranha Plant and closes its mouth. They then take all 32 coins and put them in their hand.


The player rolls the die and takes that many coins from their hand as shown on the die (A Piranha Plant symbol is equal to 10 coins). They then place the coins in the center however they like. Once they place their coins in the center, they do a Piranha Plant challenge and press the challenge button once. If the Piranha Plant does not attack, the player wins and does not need to do anything. If the Piranha Plant attacks, the player loses and must collect any fallen coins. They then stand the Piranha Plant back up and close its mouth. The player continues rolling the die, placing coins, and doing Piranha Plant challenges until they run out of coins, at which point the game ends and the player wins.

Game descriptionsEdit

  • Website description:
    • English:
      The thrilling tabletop action game featuring the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
      Who's out of luck? Your friends? Your family? Or is it you? Don't let the Piranha Plant bite you! This product comes with collectible Mario and Luigi figures, compatible with other Epoch Games Super Mario™ toys and family board games!
    • Other languages:
      • Danish:
        Det spændende partyactionspil med piranha-planten fra Super Mario™-spillene.
        Pas på, piranha-planten er sulten! Hvem snupper hun, dine venner, din familie eller dig? Lad hende ikke fange dig! Spil. Saml. Kombiner. Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! spillet indeholder samlerfigurer, der kan kombineres med alle andre spil, der er markeret med link-systemet.

        (Translation: The exciting party action game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out, the Piranha Plant is hungry! Who will it catch, your friends, your family or you? Don't it catch you! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! game contains collectible characters that can be combined with all other Link-System marked games.
      • Dutch:
        Het spannende actiespel op tafel met de Piranha-plant uit de Super Mario™-spellen.
        Wie heeft er pech? Je vrienden? Jouw familie? Of ben jij het? Laat je niet bijten door de Piranha Plant! Dit product wordt geleverd met verzamelbare Mario- en Luigi-figuren, compatibel met ander Epoch Games Super Mario™-speelgoed en familiebordspellen!

        (Translation: The exciting table action game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™-spellen.
        Who's unlucky? Your friends? Your family? Or is it you? Don't let the Piranha Plant bite you! This product comes with collectible Mario and Luigi figures, compatible with other Epoch Games Super Mario™ toys and family board games!
      • Finnish:
        Jännittävä seuratoimintapeli, jossa on Super Mario™ -peleistä tuttu piraija-kasvi.
        Varo, piraijakasvi on nälkäinen! Keneen se tarttuu, ystäviisi, perheeseesi vai sinuun? Älä anna sen napata sinua! Pelaa. Kerää. Yhdistele. Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! -peli sisältää keräilyhahmoja, joita voi yhdistää kaikkiin muihin linkkijärjestelmällä merkittyihin peleihin.

        (Translation: An exciting party action game featuring the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out, the Piranha Plant is hungry! Who does it catch, your friends, your family or you? Don't let it catch you! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! game contains collectible characters that can be combined with all other Link-System marked games.
      • French:
        Un jeu excitant avec les plantes Pirhana du jeu Super Mario™.
        Qui se fera avoir ? Tes amis ? Ta famille ? Ou toi ? Ne laisse pas la Plante Pirhana te mordre ! Vous y trouverez deux figurines collectionnables Mario et Luigi ! Elles sont compatibles avec les autres jeux Super Mario™ et jeux de société Epoch.

        (Translation: A thrilling game with Piranha Plants from the Super Mario™ game.
        Who will it catch? Your friends? Your family? Or you? Don't let the Piranha Plant bite you! You'll find two collectible Mario and Luigi figures! They are compatible with other Super Mario™ games and Epoch board games.
      • German:
        Das aufregende Gesellschafts-Actionspiel mit der Piranha-Pflanze aus den Super Mario™ Spielen.
        Achtung, die Piranha Pflanze hat Hunger! Wen schnappt sie sich, deine Freunde, deine Familie oder dich? Lass dich nicht von ihr erwischen! Spielen. Sammeln. Kombinieren. Das Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! Spiel enthält Sammelfiguren, die mit allen anderen Spielen, die mit dem Link-System gekennzeichnet sind, kombinierbar sind.

        (Translation: The thrilling party action game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out, the Piranha Plant is hungry! Who does it catch, your friends, your family or you? Don't let it catch you! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! Game contains collectible figures that can be combined with all other Link-System marked games.
      • Greek:
        Το συναρπαστικό επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδι δράσης με το Piranha Plant από τα παιχνίδια Super Mario™.
        Ποιος δεν είναι τυχερός; Οι φίλοι σας? Η οικογένεια σας; Ή μήπως εσείς οι ίδιοι; Μην αφήσετε το Piranha Plant να σας δαγκώσει! Αυτό το προϊόν συνοδεύεται από συλλεκτικές φιγούρες Mario και Luigi, που είναι συμβατές με άλλα παιχνίδια Epoch Games Super Mario™ και οικογενειακά επιτραπέζια παιχνίδια!

        (Romanization: To senarpastiko epitrapezio paichnithi thrases me to Piranha Plant apo ta paichnithia Super Mario™.)
        (Translation: The thrilling action board game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Who isn't lucky? Your friends? Your family? Or maybe yourself? Don't let the Piranha Plant bite you! This product comes with collectible Mario and Luigi figures, which are compatible with other Epoch Games Super Mario™ games and family board games!
      • Italian:
        L'emozionante gioco d'azione da tavolo con la Pianta Piranha dei giochi di Super Mario™.
        Chi è sfortunato? I tuoi amici? La tua famiglia? O sei tu? Non farti mordere dalla Pianta Piranha! Questo prodotto viene fornito con i personaggi di Mario e Luigi collezionabili e compatibili con altri giochi Epoch di Super Mario™!

        (Translation: The thrilling action board game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Who's unlucky? Your friends? Your family? Or is it you? Don't get bitten by the Piranha Plant! This prouduct comes with collectible Mario and Luigi characters that are compatible with other Epoch Super Mario™ games!
      • Norwegian:
        Det spennende partyactionspillet med pirajaplanten fra Super Mario™-spillene.
        Se opp, pirajaplanten er sulten! Hvem tar hun tak i, vennene dine, familien din eller deg? Ikke la henne fange deg! Spille. Samle inn. Kombinere. Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! spillet inkluderer samlefigurer som kan kombineres med alle andre spill merket med lenkesystemet.

        (Translation: The thrilling party action game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out, the Piranha Plant is hungry! Who will it catch, your friends, your family or you? Don't let it catch you! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! game includes collectible figures that can be combined with any other Link-System marked game.
      • Polish:
        Ekscytująca gra zręcznościowa z kwiatem pirania z gier Super Mario™.
        Uwaga! Kwiat Pirania jest głodny! Kogo złapie? Twoich przyjaciół, rodzinę czy Ciebie? Nie daj się złapać! Graj. Zbieraj. Łącz. Gra Super Mario™ Ucieczka przed kwiatem Pirania zawiera figurki kolekcjonerskie, które można łączyć ze wszystkimi innymi grami oznaczonymi logo LINK SYSTEM.

        (Translation: The exciting skill game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out! The Piranha Plant is hungry! Who will it catch? Your friends, family or yourself? Don't get caught! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Flower Escape! game includes collectible figures that can be combined with all other games marked with the Link-System logo.
      • Portuguese (Brazil):
        O emocionante jogo de ação de mesa com a Piranha Plant dos jogos Super Mario™.
        Quem está sem sorte? Seus amigos? Sua família? Ou é você? Não deixe a Piranha Plant morder você! Este produto vem com bonecos colecionáveis de Mario e Luigi, compatíveis com outros brinquedos Epoch Games Super Mario™ e jogos de tabuleiro para a família!

        (Translation: The thrilling action board game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Who's out of luck? Your friends? Your family? Or is it you? Don't let the Piranha Plant bite you! This product comes with collectible Mario and Luigi figures, compatible with other Epoch Games Super Mario™ toys and family board games!
      • Spanish:
        ¿Estás preparado para superar el reto de Piranha Plant Escape? Este emocionante juego de mesa pondrá en tensión a todos los jugadores, ¡no dejes que te muerda!
        Este producto contiene las figuras coleccionables de Mario y Luigi, compatibles con otros juguetes y juegos de mesa Super Mario™ de Epoch Games.

        (Translation: Are you ready to overcome the Piranha Plant Escape challenge? This thrilling board game will put tension on all players, don't let yourself get bitten!
        This producto contains collectible Mario and Luigi, compatible with other Epoch Games Super Mario™ toys and board games.
      • Swedish:
        Det spännande partyactionspelet med piranhaväxten från Super Mario™-spelen.
        Se upp, piranhaplantan är hungrig! Vem tar hon, dina vänner, din familj eller dig? Låt henne inte fånga dig! Spela. Samla in. Kombinera. Spelet Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! innehåller samlarfigurer som kan kombineras med alla andra spel som är märkta med länksystemet.

        (Translation: The thrilling party action game with the Piranha Plant from the Super Mario™ games.
        Watch out, the Piranha Plant is hungry! Who will it catch, your friends, your family or you? Don't let it catch you! Play. Collect. Combine. The Super Mario™ Piranha Plant Escape! game includes collectible figures that can be combined with any other Link-System marked game.


Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese スーパーマリオ パックンフラワーゲーム[2]
Sūpā Mario: Pakkun Furawā Gēmu
Super Mario: Piranha Plant Game
Danish Piranha Plant Escape![3] -
Dutch Piranha Plant Escape![4] -
Finnish Piranha Plant Escape![5] -
French Piranha Plant Escape![6] -
German Piranha Plant Escape![7] -
Greek Piranha Plant Escape![8] -
Italian Piranha Plant Escape![9] -
Korean Super Mario: 뻐끔플라워게임[10]
Super Mario: Ppeokkeum Peullawo Geim
Super Mario: Piranha Plant Game
Norwegian Piranha Plant Escape![11] -
Polish Piranha Plant Escape![12] -
Portuguese Piranha Plant Escape![13] -
Spanish Piranha Plant Escape![14] -
Swedish Piranha Plant Escape![15] -


External linksEdit