Mario Party 2

Mario and his friends return in this sequel to Mario Party. Mario and the gang have to reunite the Star and defeat Bowser and his plot.

Objective and Rules

The objective is easy and similar to the previous Mario Party: obtain stars and defeat Bowser. This game introduces the first use of items in Mario Party's history. Each board has its own tricks and turns. The playable characters, as well as Bowser, wear different outfits based on the theme of the board.

Playable Characters and their colors

Item costs

  • Mushroom - 10 coins
  • Skeleton Key - 10 coins
  • Plunder Chest - 15 coins
  • Dueling Glove - 15 coins
  • Warp Block - 15 coins
  • Golden Mushroom - 20 coins
  • Magic Lamp - 30 coins
  • Boo Bell - Cannot be purchased
  • Bowser Suit - Cannot be purchased
  • Bowser Bomb - Can't be purchased
  • Hidden Blocks - Can't be purchased

New spaces!

  • Item - where you have a chance to get a certain item in a minigame instead of collecting coins
  • Battle - a 4 player minigame will arise in which it can be worth 10 - 50 coins per player! It's hosted by Bob-omb.
  • Koopa Bank - players who pass by the annoying Koopa bank are forced to give the Koopa 5 coins per passing.
The strategy guide to Mario Party 2 by Brady Games

List of boards

Board Difficulty
Pirate Land 1 out of 3
Western Land 1 out of 3
Mystery Land 2 out of 3
Space Land 2 out of 3
Horror Land 3 out of 3
Bowser Land 3 out of 3

Other Modes

Besides the main room, there are other rooms in this game:

Mini-game Mode

This place lets you play any mini-game you have collected on the Adventure mode.


This option lets you manage your data and see which character you've won most with, and listen to mini-game music.


  • Mario Party 2 is considered to be the best Mario Party game to many fans including most of the users here, at the MarioWiki!

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