Talk:Metal Wario

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Merge to Metal Mario

Wario can become metal just like Mario, and they are in fact the only two playable characters with this ability. Though they both become metal in different ways, their abilities differ in no way upon transformation. In fact, there is no difference between the two forms other than the character. Because of this, it would make far more sense to merge this article with the Metal Mario article with an alternate name tag at the top. The same is done with Tanooki Mario, which covers Tanooki Luigi, Frog Mario, which covers other characters capable of wielding the frog suit, Fire Mario, which covers other characters capable of shooting fire with use of a Fire Flower, and many other examples. Consistency is a must.

Merge to Metal Mario

  1. Redstar (talk) - Per proposal.
  2. Stooben Rooben (talk) - Per proposal. They may have a few minor differences, but it's not really enough to keep the two articles separate.
  3. Edofenrir (talk) - Per Stooben Rooben and Walkazo below.
  4. Cmario17 (talk) - Per above comments. Why would the power-up used matter? Vanish Luigi is already merged with Vanish Mario, so if this article gets to stay, we should also have Luigi's article.

Leave un-merged

  1. Knife (talk) - A form unique to Wario in one game, unlike all the other metal forms. This form also has a unique way to access. Rather than using a Metal Block, this form needs a Power Flower.


While a fair bit of work went in to this article, it should be merged with Metal Mario, as Metal Wario has no unique traits of his own. -- Booster (talk)

Yes, I agree. — Stooben Rooben 19:07, 5 February 2009 (EST)
As do I. Fire Mario, Fire Luigi and Fire Wario all share one page, this should too. - Walkazo 19:16, 5 February 2009 (EST)
NO!!!! WE MUST MAKE METAL OLIMAR, FOX, AND FALCO 2!!! Just kidding. Go for the merge. BLOC PARTIER.
Wait. This merge doesn't make sense, as the term Metal Wario does not refer to all the characters Metal Mario refers to (i.e. they are not interchangeable, unlike say Tanooki Mario and Tanooki Luigi). -- Son of Suns (talk)
I agree with Son of Sons here, Metal Mario is really his own character as he has appeared in Mario Golf and other such games as an individual and is far different from Metal Wario who is simply a power-up.-User:Zedxclon
Metal Mario is his own unique character, like what Zedxclon and Son of Suns said.-Mr.C (talk)
While I agree that Metal Mario could be argued to be an independant character, the article also encompasses the "metal form" power-up available in Mario 64 which characters from the Smash Bros. Series can also assume. Because Metal Wario is just Wario using this same form within a remake of the original game it appeared in, I don't see why we can't just merge the articles for simplicity's sake. -Lurdiak (talk)

i totally agree it should be merged

it should be merged just like bomb mario and bomb wario is the same-t76ef

What about merging these too, and rename the page "Metal Form"?--User:Yoshieggs6

Although that idea sounds good, we would have to do the same for Fire Mario, Ice Mario, Rainbow Mario, Bee Mario, etc. We instead put the notice on the top that states the alternate names that can be used for the article (such as this one). · SMB (Talk) · 16:51, 19 July 2009 (EDT)

I disagree with this merge. Unlike Fire Luigi, Metal Wario is a form unique to him in SM64DS. Therefore, this form is more significant than Fire Luigi even though there are large similarities between this and Metal Mario. If it only appeared in MP7 and SSBB, then it could've be merged since all characters have access to their metal forms in those games. Knife (talk) 00:02, 4 September 2009 (EDT)

I disagree with this merge too because Metal Wario, besides having the same abilities as Metal Mario, is completely different. If the articles were to merge it would change the name and also if they were to merge it would basically be saying that anyone can turn into metal. And only Mario and Wario can. It's just not a good idea to merge the articles. Chamchir9482 (talk) 09:15, 19 October 2009 (EDT)

Article should be merged and Metal Mario itself split. Metal Wario is not a character, but a form. Dividing it makes little sense. Redstar 15:22, 2 December 2009 (EST)