Go Jets!
S Jets, Jets, Jets!
Rocket88 (a.k.a. Brendan) is a big Mario fan (and Jets fan), owns many of the games, of which he will list his favorites below.
1) Super Mario Galaxy-What a great game(which I personally feel is superior to '64), the element of gravity made a big leap in gameplay.
2) Super Mario 64-The original 3D platformer, gotta love it.
3) Super Mario World-By far the best 2D Mario game, so many secrets and ingenious level creation.
4) New Super Mario Bros. Wii-Although new, this is a close second to Super Mario World for best 2D game.
5) Super Mario Bros. 3-Best on the NES, first to feature real 'secrets' and such clever power-ups.
6) Super Mario Bros.-Couldn't leave out the one that started all the hype, what a classic.