Mr Bones Evil Talk Archive Castle

Hi and welcome to my talk page.I'll be happy if you leave a message!Also, check out my MBES!


Mr bones' talk page rules


  • No cussing, swearing, flamming, spamming...
  • Don't insult me or insult another user.
  • Sign all your comments.
  • Don't insult Mario characters(if you say Wario's fat, it is okay cause' it's true, but if you say he's stupid or insult him with swearing words, THAT IS NOT OKAY!.
  • Have fun!
  • No more than 6 comments in one section.
  • Don't remove other users or my comments.
  • Try to write correctly.
  • Check out my MBES!(optional).



Welcome!again,to the Mr Bones Evil Showdown!Here you can vote for the meanest,most evil,greediest,fatest(not a word I know what you're thinking) and blablabla character!(signature allowed)


Check this out:



 Doomship 2  14:03, 13 May 2010 (EDT)

You like it? Its big 'cause of how many pics it contains.  Doomship 2  14:18, 13 May 2010 (EDT)

Good. You know, you are a member, aren't you?  Doomship 2  14:54, 13 May 2010 (EDT)

Of the Most Evil Alliance of Doom & Darkness.  Doomship 2  15:16, 13 May 2010 (EDT)


So you got ranked before me, huh? "Yeah, that's right. Laugh it up, fuzzball." - Han Solo to Chewbacca, The Empire Strikes Back

Running a dual account is tricky!   This Is War   15:49, 13 May 2010 (EDT)

I run 2 accounts, this one & DS2. DS2 should actually be my main account as that's my main username. O_O   This Is War   16:15, 13 May 2010 (EDT)

GRAAGHHH!! DS2 will no longer be on this wiki! I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids! But that's some good detective work there, I'll give you that.   This Is War   07:10, 15 May 2010 (EDT)

That seems like a pretty valid answer.   This Is War   11:42, 16 May 2010 (EDT)

Oh, DS2 is still in Nintendoland, he's just had to make a tactical withdrawal from the wiki. And I'm still split good/evil/rage, just like usual. Stop trying be Agent P. You're not. But, you know too much, so I'm afraid IT'S HAMMER TIME!!!!   This Is War   12:12, 17 May 2010 (EDT) PS. Glue, sorcery, whatever you use to keep your head to your body, Bonesy, is completely USELESS against hammers. Especially the Mega Hammers. You do not want to mess with those.

OK. Favourite P&F character? Me=DR. Doofenschmirtz + Major Monogram

My name is Doom and you'll do what I say. Gwah hah

My name is Doom and you'll do what I say. Gwah hah

My name is Doom and you'll do what I say. Gwah hah

My name is Doom and you'll do what I say. Gwah hah

My name is Doom and you'll do what I say. Gwah hah (x infinite loop)

  This Is War   12:31, 17 May 2010 (EDT)

HaHa! That worked! Briefly. I agree, Doof is the best.   This Is War  

That's a tough one. The only one I can think of right now is Gitchee Gitchee Goo, or whatever it's called.   This Is War   14:05, 17 May 2010 (EDT)

Yes, I suppose, but its funny and so damn catchy! I am 15, and do not know what age group P+F is for. Most likely 12 yrs.   This Is War   15:25, 17 May 2010 (EDT)

Oops. Now I feel like a complete idiot. *facepalm*   This Is War   12:22, 18 May 2010 (EDT)


No nothing's wrong. I just keep forgetting o_0 Sometimes, two people will leave a comment around the same time, and when I check them, I'll miss one of the messages. Yeah but no worries there's nothing wrong! I HAVE CHORTLES!!! I think I have 12 more days of school left... I HAVE BOREDOM!! I can't survive through 12 more days!!! Oh yeah and I do write for the Shroom now! Don't forget to take my quiz in the Fun Stuff! Fawfulfury65

I will never archive my talk!!!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Not until it gets to 100 sections... Fawfulfury65
I only gave him a reminder, but if he does it again he'll get a warning. Hopefully, he will stop after this... Fawfulfury65

Fake Music!

Ohai :D You just need to create a fake album or song, and describe it. Here is an example :) --  The 'Shroom 11:20, 16 May 2010 (EDT)

Fake Games

Hello. Thank you very much for the compliment. x3 -   Gabumon(talk) 15:45, 17 May 2010 (EDT)


Finally, but no, the comics aren't necessary. --FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!

Not really, they just let you waste some time for reading them for fun, but you may want to consult someone else for approval.--FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!


Sure! Here's my userbox. You got one? |-


File:Nsmb mariorun.gif

Of course!

BTW, Army Spiked Bro's eyes and boots are actually supposed to be dull red. Great name as well. To help you with DS2 sprites I would have an image on my page, but I haven't even started creating it. DS2 is an SMB3-style airship, very long, tonnes of cannons(Bob-omb & normal)&Bill Blasters, a few Bob-ulk cannons, a small mast on the bow, behind his eyes+mouth(red+black), made of short blasters that create a Bullet Bill crossfire, traps, spikepits, giant rocket engine thrusters on the back, elite troops, tank carriers, scorchers(1-man craft with a rocket engine weapon)&spiked scorchers, a treasure ship covered in spikes+bob-ombs, plus the Mega Spiked Scorcher operated by Lord Bowser if he is in command.   This Is War   13:30, 19 May 2010 (EDT)

Hah, okay! I'm really pysched! Oh, don't forget Iggy's shield generator, and Lemmy's deflector cannons, both located amidships. Species? Well ASHB is the leader of the Hammer Bro subspecies Spiked Hammer Bros. So, I'm one as I am the Army Spiked Hammer Bro. Yeah, I'm not a Yoshi. We duck if Mario jumps, throw hammers in arcs then dead straight. I'll be sure to check out the game once it's complete. Are me and DS2 playable, or some of the villains?   This Is War   15:27, 19 May 2010 (EDT)

Awww. I'll still have a look. How do I find it on Userpedia? And catchphrase for who - me, or ASHB, or DS2?   This Is War   12:03, 20 May 2010 (EDT)

Great story so far. Again: And catchphrase for who - me, or ASHB, or DS2? I'm not quite sure. FFY/ASHB attacks: Spike Hamer Throw, Spike Boomerang, Spike Shell, Elite Troop Rush & Mega Spiked Hammer. DS2 attacks: Doom Storm, Bullet Barrage, Bob-omb Barrage, Troop Deployment & Bowser Breaker.   This Is War   13:17, 20 May 2010 (EDT)

OK. Spiked Bros are an army division; the Army Bro is the tough leader(see Army Hammer Bro) I'll make some quotes later.   This Is War   14:01, 20 May 2010 (EDT)

I'm the Army Spiked Hammer Bro, yes. Catchphrase? Here goes: "Hammer spikes! I'm no Yoshi! Or Hammer Bro! Spike hammers!". I don't care if it's too long; it's close enough for me. >_<   This Is War   15:07, 20 May 2010 (EDT)

Again, great story so far. I need a bit more hammer rage, and you could have put in DS2's intro rhyme "Hey,hey,hey! This is Doomship 2, Blasting Bob-ombs at you!". Be aware that the second line changes to the situation but always rhymes. And what's with the pizza reference in DS2's quote #2? Otherwise, superb so far!   This Is War   10:27, 22 May 2010 (EDT)

WWDIY comics

In case of how comics (and music) are made, it should be detailed in the article, just like how the game creation is described. The pre-made comics by the Japanese artists should definitely be mentioned somewhere. I'd also be fine with a "List of comics in WarioWare: D.I.Y." for them with a short summary on each comic. --Grandy02 10:39, 20 May 2010 (EDT)


Nope I didn't use all of your power source! I like my new sig. I was getting sick of the old one. Fawfulfury65


Watch this video. It's 2 hours long, so just skip to the part with Bowser Jr's Fearsome Fleet, and the part where you fight him. When you reach the actual area where you battle him, Bowser Jr says something like "Let's see how you do with Megahammer", and also the name of the star is "Bowser Jr's Mighy Megahammer".--TheUltimateKoopa 10:42, 21 May 2010 (EDT)


Its the tiny stars below the letters in the logo --  The 'Shroom 11:31, 21 May 2010 (EDT)

Help is on the way!

Well, when I lost my password last year I just created a new account (I found Megamariofan65 to be a crappy username anyway). If she does create another account, I can just block your sister's first account (it doesn't really count as sockpuppeting if it was an accident). If she doesn't want that, I've heard that you can get an email that tells you your password in it. But, that won't work if the wiki doesn't have her email address in it. I'm not sure how to do that, though, so you might have to ask a sysop.

Also, I sent in my 'Shroom section the day before the issue was released, so that's probably why its not in the May one. You should find it next month though :D Fawfulfury65


Mr. bones, are you getting Super Mario Galaxy 2? --FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!

I'm sorry to hear that. You can still probably help out via the videos. The Wiis are pretty cheap nowadays, though. Only $200. --FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!

Your Riddle

I belive the thief is Toaadette. Painting arent very heavy, even if they are big.  ' BluePikminKong497


Hello. When you made this edit, you removed several named reference tags, without removing their dependent tags (see [1]). Please be certain not to do this again, as it causes display errors. Thank you. - 2257(Talk) 14:49, 23 May 2010 (EDT)

Fake TV

Sure! You can see it MarioWiki:The_'Shroom/XII/Fake_News here. --  The 'Shroom 13:12, 24 May 2010 (EDT)


Thanks; I really need some fire and dark fire gifs to play in the center. I'd know that laugh anywhere - the most recognisable one after Bowser's GWAHAHA and DS2's KRAHAHA. You didn't mention your 6-comment only box rule to me before. And take the MEAoD&D userbox. Besides, DS2 was defeated, but only here, and not permanently.  This Is War   14:12, 24 May 2010 (EDT)

The silver and orange userbox left by DS2.   This Is War   15:19, 24 May 2010 (EDT)

I think Giga Lakitu stole Junior's paintbrush as: A) He was the only one to accuse someone & B) HE's a new recruit, so his loyalty cannot be fully trusted yet.   This Is War   11:29, 25 May 2010 (EDT)

If Petey stole it, he has to have been there to see it, or he's trying to make a cover-up. But the first thing he says is "Miam...cake.". Get rid of m#1, and you get Iam=I am. Plus the cake refers to the hint: This one is a piece of the cake!. Wait, I've found an anagram: I am...camek. It might suggest it was Kamek, or that he is Kamek disguised!   This Is War   11:51, 25 May 2010 (EDT)

Okay. If Petey's telling the truth, Goomboss is lying and King Boo and Giga Lakitu are the thieves, but three are lying. If he's lying, Goomboss is truthful, Boo didn't do it but is a partial liar as it was Giga and Petey. I think then, that Giga stole it with help from Petey. Might end up being the other way round though.   This Is War   12:22, 25 May 2010 (EDT) PS. What happened to case #2?

Yay! On your page, in the same section, the case numbers go 1,3,5 so what happened to 2 and 4?   This Is War   12:54, 25 May 2010 (EDT)

You have Summer Vacation Already?

It's still May and you have summer vacation? I'd consider yourself lucky.

My school year doesn't end until June 18th. Lucky you.

Sorry for the late response (but it all really depends on the time you posted it). I haven't been active on the wiki for quite while because I'm drunk (Coca cola) and I have a brand new capture card that lets me record videos! I'm planning to edit more this week, don't worry!

 Ray Trace(T|C)

In my district, it doesn't matter what level of school you're in. Everyone is getting released in June 18th. Yeah, I can survive until June 18th, and that's only 4 Fridays away from now. Still, it's pretty stressful and I have finals on the last few days of school >_< I hate literally drains away time I spend on this wiki

 Ray Trace(T|C)


You think editing 4 pages with swearing and then posting something in the talk page with more swearing, and then completely replacing the entire Super Mario Galaxy 2 deserves a warning? You're far too soft! --TheUltimateKoopa 07:42, 25 May 2010 (EDT)

Well I hope you understand WHY I am extremely angry! If not, Talk:Super Mario Galaxy 2.--TheUltimateKoopa 07:51, 25 May 2010 (EDT)
It is when people delete it and make up an excuse that it's an exact copy of another template without actually LOOKING at it carefully, ESPECIALLY when it's been used by multiple people, and has been up for months. But not only that, the entire community of Mario Wiki are a bunch of hypocrites, simply because before the game was released, they DEMANDED that people cite sources for EVERYTHING, yet they failed to cite ANY reliable sources for Chargin' Chucks, as WELL as insisting that Comet Medals unlocked GALAXIES, without ANYTHING even MENTIONING the words "Comet Medals unlock Galaxies".--TheUltimateKoopa 07:51, 25 May 2010 (EDT)

No problem

Boooones away... Just bored...   Mario JC

This is my 5050th edit...

No reason why I just said that, but I think its cool the way the number is: 50-50 or fifty fifty. Don't ask, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE UP A RANDOM CONVERSATION!! I do have fury playing SMG2! I was looking for some stupid star in the Honkeybloom Galaxy and while I was exploring I flew right into a black hole!!! Those evil, swirly thingys... Fawfulfury65


Sure! I can sign you up --  The 'Shroom 17:27, 26 May 2010 (EDT)

Super Mario Galaxy 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! Super Mario Galaxy 2 just arrived at my house!!!! I pre- ordered it and its finally HERE!!! I've gotten all the way to world 2. Its probably the easiest game Nintendo has ever made. Yoshi is AWESOME!!!! Now I can make some MAJOR changes to the Super Mario Galaxy 2 article!!   Ludwig von Luigi  

Re: Help

Hi. You can use this website for that particular purpose. Just select an image from your pc, upload it, copy the link the site creates, and paste it into a PM at the forums. -   Gabumon(talk) 10:32, 27 May 2010 (EDT)

You didn't bother me. Feel free to ask questions at your leisure. -   Gabumon(talk) 10:45, 27 May 2010 (EDT)
^Hi Edo! The format to put the images is [img]URL[/img] :) --  The 'Shroom 12:33, 27 May 2010 (EDT)
Sure! --  The 'Shroom 13:08, 27 May 2010 (EDT)

Remember me???

Hey, Mr. Bones (sorry if I got the wrong name). It's me, Dcampbell2 (Dawson). Now a bunch of people know about my Dawson & Cliff's Universe book. Once again, thanks for straighting me out. From now on I'll only make constructive changes to this website. This is my favorite website on the internet and I would never mess it up. I guess I wasn't thinking straight or something. Anyways, if you ever want to see my home page or talk to me click on one of the following linksUser:Dcampbell2 User Talk:Dcampbell2 By the ways, do you want us to be freinds? If you say yes than I'm gonna need your help to figure out how to do that.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Feel free to tell me any ideas you have for galaxies. I'm using every single one that people post. Just tell me the idea in my talk page and I'll put it on my home page.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

You need to tell me stuff like the theme and boss and all of that. Here's an example

Tree Bark Galaxy: A galaxy with a planet that has a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE tree. to beat the galaxy, get to the top of the tree and fight Rabird (it's name is a pun on rabid). Enemies here include Tick Chicks (wind-up baby chickens), and wood chippers (saw-like creatures).  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Not you

I know the guy did that, I always look in the history to see any bad edits (I never thought you did that). I mean, come on, YOU don't edit THAT bad.   Mario JC

Sorry if it took me a long time to respond back. I was fighting Fire Gobblegut on SMG2. Thanks for the tip.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Hey! I'm gonna send my book to a publisher today so if you want to get my the book's credits you better start cracking with galaxy ideas. Just read the example I made for you. It's three messages up. Good luck! Opps! I almost forgot my sig.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Well, here is three of them, i don't know if you'll accept them but...

I have to admit the first one is kind of wierd but who am I to judge I have wierd ones too (but that's only 1 or 2 out of 61). I'll put them on my homepage anyways. Just remember that in my book I can't use Mario stuff cause' I don't have copyrights. That doesn't mean I can't use the second galaxy though. I'll just replace the launch stars with warps and doors. By the ways, I have a lot of galaxies, huh?  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Which one is you favorite?  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Hey, this guy is supposed to start a new section, not leave it in mine! Oh, well...   Mario JC

Galaxy 2 talk

I'm on the final galaxy on world 5. I have either 54 or 55 stars... The Chompworks Galaxy is pretty tough, especially when you have to jump over these Chomps with Spring Mario. I just can't get the hang of it! Fawfulfury65

I was actually able to finish the galaxy, but I died a few times. Squizzard (I think that's his name) is an annoying boss... Fawfulfury65
I don't think they're the same people because they made an account in different months, and because Cliff hasn't even made an edit. How can you tell they are the same without checking their edits? And if they do have the same IPs, they might just know each other. Fawfulfury65
Yeah, but that doesn't mean they are the same people. Also, "Cliff" is a name, so that user probably just named their account after their first name. Fawfulfury65


If anyone knows some tricks on how to get infinite star bits on Super Mario Galaxy 2 (NOT THE FIRST ONE) please click on the link at the end of this message and type down the star bit trick there. Even if YOU don't know any tricks, please tell one of your freinds on this website. I am extremely dessprate. Here's the link: User Talk:Dcampbell2  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  


I'm not mad, and, looking that he already has a sig and a userpage, I didn't know he's new.   Mario JC


I'm so sorry, I thought that it was written by some newbie user (as I saw many typos on it). Usually I don't like to see typos on the articles as I'm improving my English every time I visit here. ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png

Of course I have a lot of typoes in it. I was typing extremely fast because I wanted someone to awnser it. By the ways, I am new but I learn fast so...

Mario jc: 0

Coin collector: 1

 Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

Green Stars

Yeah, that's how most the missions are. You can select one Green Star, but get a different one if it is in the same mission, like how the Mario Squared Galaxy or Yoshi Star Galaxy's Green Stars are in the same misison. However, for ones like Sky Station galaxy, where this are two Green Stars in one mission and one in another, you will need to make two trips. It sounds really confusing to be honest, but it makes it a whole lot easier for the player. --FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!

Some are easy, but some make you want to throw your Wii out the window because they are so stupidly placed or hard to get, like Green Star 3 in Tall Trunk and Flipsville. You'll see what I mean when you watch the videos of it.--FREAK ~Game   Freak~ OUT!

Now for Unfair Quiz of Doom

Here's some answer's for you: 1. Mario. He ate them as food, then Lord Bowser resurrected them.

2. May 23rd 2010

3. 3 games, over 4 years= 12 years old

My quiz now: 1. Who would win- Chuck Norris, Darkness or General Grievous?

2. How demented am I?

3. Do you know what "Potato Jerky" is?

4. Do you watch abridged YGO & DBZ?

5. What am I- Yoshi, Spiked Hammer Bro, or Airship?

That's it for now! Tune in next time for the answers, folks!   This Is War   04:46, 29 May 2010 (EDT)

Character I hate most= ...has to be the babies. So annoying!   This Is War   04:58, 29 May 2010 (EDT)

Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! I hated that game! Such pointlessly hard levels! Plus the 4 babies in Mario Kart Wii are freakin' CPU spammers!   This Is War   06:13, 29 May 2010 (EDT)


Sorry. I can be very impatant. By the ways, I was talking about SMG2 NOT the first one. I will not except anything from the first one.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

I wasn't really talking to just you. I was talking tobasicly every single one of your freinds. I just hope that's not taking advantage of you.  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!  

your user page

It says walcome not welcome.  Larryman

Your welcome!  Larryman

my revenge is complete

I just made a new page for those mini-Whomps in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Here's the link. Whimp  Dcampbell2 | Go Mario!