Winter Windster

Revision as of 00:40, January 30, 2007 by Son of Suns (talk | contribs)
A close-up of the freaky creature's face

Winter Windster is the mini-boss of Shivering Mountains and was fought by Wario in the game Wario World. The Winter Windster's arena is a large irregularly-shaped block of ice with four magma pools. The arena is surrounded by lethal spikes.

This very strange creature has a variety of attacks, the first being the cold blast, which freezes Wario, leaving him vulnerable. In his second attack, Winter Windster ducks into one of the lava craters in the arena and sends out pulsing waves of energy. There are also energy missiles (the purple ones home in, the blue ones don't) and finally, his Evil Eye. If Wario looks into the Winter Windster's eyes when they're glowing, the Winter Windster will phase out into bursts of wind which fill Wario up, making him float over the spikes outside the arena. Quickly shake the Control Stick to regain control. Wario must turn his back to the Winter Windster to avoid the attack entirely.

Fortunately, all attacks except the energy missiles and the Evil Eye leave him vulnerable. Once he attacks you and flies in, quickly punch him, swing him around, and toss him. Also, another way of stunning him is to pick up one of his boulders he throws, toss it into the crater he is hovering over, and a spray of magma will shoot up, dazing him. Slam him, pick him up, and execute a Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding or Power Throw. Five powerful moves defeat the Winter Windster and access to Beanstalk Way is granted.

Winter Windster is the first mini-boss in Thrillsville, succeeded by Spideraticus.
