Slime Climb (Donkey Kong Country 2)

Revision as of 17:44, October 8, 2010 by Fawfulfury65 (talk | contribs) (fixed up a lot of stuff)

Template:LevelboxDKL2 Slime Climb is the fifteenth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2. It is also the fifth area of Krem Quay in Diddy's Kong Quest, as well as the tenth level of Krem Cauldron in Donkey Kong Land 2.

This is a unique rigging level, as the water continuously rises throughout it. The heroes cannot dawdle, as a Snapjaw lurks in the water, and must be avoided at all costs. If they happen to fall into the water, the enemy quickly dashes up to them, and attack a Kong. In Donkey Kong Land 2, Snapjaws do not appear, however, the water can automatically hurt Diddy or Dixie if they touch it. Klomps, Klingers, Krunchas, Klobbers, Neeks, Click-Clacks, Flitters, Zingers, and a single Kannon, all are obstacles in the Kongs' path to the top of the ship masts.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

At the start of the level, the heroes can travel east and jump across the ship's many masts. There are a few Click-Clacks on the way to faze them. Soon, they meet a dead end, where there are some ropes hanging above. The ropes lead into a safe, higher area, where the water ceases to rise. More mast platforms are farther ahead, along with some more Click-Clacks and a powerful Kruncha. Additional ropes are at the end of the masts, and the water rises again as the apes climb. The Kongs must race up the ropes to a few platforms. At some point, the group gets to a platform with a Klomp on it, and the water stops moving up. Ropes are placed after the last platform. There are some Klingers sliding down these ropes, as well as a Zinger in Diddy and Dixie's path. The water also continues to rise here. The heroes continue up several more sets of ropes until they reach some mast platforms. A Star Barrel if to the east of here.

Now halfway through the level, the Kongs avoid the Kannon in their way and climb up more ropes. As usual, the water continues to rise here. Masts are located after the ropes to help the primates progress, and another set of ropes is even farther ahead. A Flitter is needed to reach a set of ropes later on in the stage, and this set of ropes have Klingers crawling on then. The water stops rising at this point. A Flitter can assist the Kongs in reaching some masts shortly after this happens, but the rises not long after the apes begin to climb the next group of ropes. These ropes are covered by Zingers, along with some Flitters, who can help them cross a large gap between two sets of ropes. A group of masts are father ahead, and they lead to some more ropes. Once the heroes get up these ropes, they can reach the mast above them, and then travel west across several platforms. Klomps occupy each of these platforms, leading to another mast and a group of ropes. The water ceases to rise again here, and two Flitters nearby fly over a small gap. The Flitters can be bounced on to reach barrel, which can then blast the Kongs to the End of Level Target.

Donkey Kong Land 2

Starting from the beginning, the monkeys need to race east across the platforms and climb up the rope. The water is rising quickly, so there is no time to rest. Once at the next mast, they must dash west, avoiding a few Click-Clacks and a Kruncha. Then, they should move along another rope and hop off to the next rope nearby, where they need to climb up. Now at a higher part of the level, Diddy and Dixie must continue to run through, as the water is still rising at it's fast pace. They'll need to climb across more ropes as they travel upwards. There are several Zingers in their path on the way, and the foes can easily finish the Kongs. When the heroes get off the ropes, they must move across the mast and onto the next rope. As they move about on the ropes, they will have to pass many Zingers, a Klinger, and a Flitter, until they jump down back to a mast, where they need to continue west. Soon, they will have to get on some hooks and travel east to yet another rope. There, the group must climb across it and cling onto more hooks to get to the above platforms, where they will then go west again. Eventually, they will bounce off of a Flitter and reach the Star Barrel.

From here, the heroes must cling onto more ropes, As they climb across and jump rope-to-rope, there will be Klingers sliding by, who can knock a Kong into the dangerous water. Once the group manages to make it to the next mast, they should travel east and bounce off more Flitters to even more ropes. At this part of the level, they need to act very fast, because at this point, the water can be too far below. There are more Klingers on the way, and the monkeys need to maneuver around them. Soon, they will get back on a mast, and have to go west, defeating a few enemies, such as Click-Clacks. After that, they must get onto some hooks and hop to the next mast. Here, they will need to move west and cling on more hooks to, yet again, get to a higher mast, where they'll have to travel east. There are a few more enemies on the way, including two Krunchas, and a Kaboing. When the heroes reach the dead-end, they should jump up to the platform to the left, and move along. They will soon have to bounce off of a few more Flitters, and then cling onto another rope. Here, they need to go right and watch out for Zingers. Finally, the monkeys will get onto the next mast. There is a spring here, and it leads out of the level.


Donkey Kong Country 2

Bonus Level(s)

  • Near the Star Barrel, the heroes should see a Kannon standing on a mast. Next to him, is a ! Barrel. They need to defeat the foe, and break the barrel. It will grant them temporary invisibility. Therefore, they may go through the water without being attacked by the nasty Snapjaw. The Kongs must jump through the small gap nearby and swim through the water, following the path of bananas. Eventually, they should meet up with the Bonus Barrel, and be taken to it's Bonus Level. Here, the monkeys will collect stars by hopping off of some ropes floating in the air. When all the objects are collected, the Kremkoin will appear.
  • Near the end of the level, the heroes should see a kannonball sitting along a mast. They must pick it up and hop across the nearby platforms. There are Klomps on these platforms to attack the monkeys, so they need to carefully maneuver around them, without dropping the ball. Soon, they will come up to a cannon, in which they must place the ball in. After this, they should walk into the cannon, and be lead to the Bonus Level. Here, the group needs to throw kannonballs at Flitters and Zingers, as they make their way up the stage. When the baddies are defeated, the Kremkoin will appear a the top of the Bonus Level.

DK Coin

File:Snapjaw attack 65.png
The group near the DK Coin.

When the Kong reach the highest mast at the end of the level, they should find a ! Barrel hidden in the corner of the screen. Using the Team Up move, they need to toss a monkey in the air and break the barrel, giving them temporary invisibility. After this, they must jump into the gap below the two Flitters and swim east, where they should be able to get the DK Coin.

Golden Feather (GBA Only)

Before the end of the level, the heroes must look to the left, where they should see a ! Barrel. With the Team Up move, they can reach it and become invincible for a short amount of time. Then, they must jump through the gap to the right and swim slightly west. They should find the Golden Feather right next to them.

Donkey Kong Land 2

Bonus Level(s)

  • A while after the Star Barrel, the heroes will grab a ! Barrel and bounce off of a Flitter. Instead of landing on the mast, they should drop down under it and fall along a short path of bananas. Soon, they will land in the Bonus Barrel, leading to the Bonus Level. Here, the monkeys need to jump up several platforms, and then climb across a long rope. Then, they must drop down through the air and go across another rope. Eventually, they will reach the Kremkoin.

DK Coin

After that Star Barrel, the monkeys must climb along many ropes nearby. Before the next DK Barrel is passed, they should see a Flitter flying to the left of a rope. The group needs to bounce off this enemy, who is followed by another Flitter to bounce off of. Then, they will drop down onto a hidden mast, where the DK Coin is.

Names in Other Languages

