Mr Bones Evil Talk Archive Castle

Hi and welcome to my talk page.I'll be happy if you leave a message!


Mr Bones' Evil Rules
  • No cussing, swearing, flamming, spamming...
  • Don't insult me or insult another user.
  • Sign all your comments.
  • Don't insult Mario characters(if you say Wario's fat, it is okay cause' it's true, but if you say he's stupid or insult him with swearing words, THAT IS NOT OKAY!.
  • Have fun!
  • No more than 6 comments in one section.
  • Don't remove other users or my comments.
  • Try to write correctly.


We sometimes do, but we also use other computers too. Like, right now, I'm supposed to be normally using my desktop, but I'm using my sister's laptop. I also sometimes work under her name, but that's only when she asks me to.

 Ray Trace(T|C)

It's okay, you didn't bother me or disrupt me. And WHOO-HOO! First headline!

 Ray Trace(T|C)



Wanna be my friend?--User:UltraMario3000

I don't know what's going on but hi. Mechayoshi (talk)

What statements? I don't have the game but this  

image makes it look like the planet isn't Earth.  Boo der dash  

Hmmm, seem again like one of those discontinuity things, but I'll add that quote to the Mona page so we can have a reference is that ok?   Boo der dash  

Well, I put it on Diamond Academy, but where can you see the quote is?   Boo der dash  

I put the quote in Diamond Academy. I GTG though, write whatever you want on my talk page but please don't expect me to give you a message in at least 2 hours. See you.   Boo der dash  


No, that doesn't count as sockpuppeting because she is you sister. Sockpuppeting is when one individual person creates more than one account. Fawfulfury65

Hello, fellow bretherin

I'm a Dry Bones, too. I still work for Dry Bowser. Why'd you quit? Anyway, want to be friends? The undead minions could use you again. Beecanoe (talk)

Awww, come ON! That means I technically am TWO ranks down. Dry Bowser seems pretty agitated you quit and is working for you. I can't quit, cause, he'll seek me out, rip me into a pile of bones and feed them to his Chain Chomp.

A good thing about being my friend? You get to be a part of User Kart! Check it out on my userpage.

Beecanoe (talk)

WA-CHA-CHA, WAH-RIO!!(xInfinity)

Every time Wario shows his face in Brawl, that happens. .\_/. Anyway, I saw Recent Changes. Does this mean all Touched! microgames have an image, or are there some left?   This Is War   10:23, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

That's an awesome comic so far! Once again, Lower-Case Y. That needs correcting. Oh, and when you do get to my sprites, I'm the Army Spiked Hammer Bro, not a Yoshi, and Doomship 2 is an airship.   This Is War   14:52, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

Hey, Doomship 2 just warped into the Userpedia World!!!! Basically, I need someone to help me get around UP & what I can do.   This Is War   12:25, 5 September 2010 (UTC)

RE:UP Comic

You get my permission.  rend (talk) (edits)


I thought today was Saturday:( Oops sorry.   Boo der dash  

Arrgh... You're probably gonna win. I get up late on weekends. But I have a chance! BLOF MUST BEAT YOU!   Boo der dash  

How do you guys know I won't get the DYK? I got time on by side! Muhahahaha!  GalladeBlades 

But I have math at my side! I can find a loophole in the time theory (of this wiki) and update it so that in whatever time you're in, its not saturday, but in the loopholed time it IS saturday! I probably can't stay up that late though unless I bribe my parents...   Boo der dash  

FUZZPIDES ON THIS TOO! NOW I HAVE 2 ADVERSARIES! NOOOOO! The winner definitly needs a prize. and it'll be me muahahahahaha   Boo der dash  

I'll see what time this wiki uses. I'll ask admins! Count Bonsula I need blood... 19:11, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

Can you guys really stay up this late? I sure can't... What are your ages? I know BLOF is 15 so she might have a crack at it, and shes on my side! You people are outnumbered! WHAHAHAHAHA"ChokegagwheezeURGH"   Boo der dash  

Lol, I didn't even realize it until it was 15 minutes past the time on this wiki. Then I was like OMG I forgot! And I quickly ran to it! I actually thought I would lose! I definitly should get a prize, how about... 5 billion dollars! No just kidding, I get a cookie. Mmm, thats tasty. Anyways, what were your facts going to be about? I'll let you do it next week, or if you forget, I'll do it for you.   Boo der dash  

Yeah..., I really don't have that much facts besides those three. What did you have?   Boo der dash  

Re: Reminder check please?

I personally see this as a bit harsh, too. Fuzzipede27 only changed the image sizes because he thought it would benefit the site, and while I personally see 300 pixels as a bit too much, he didn't do something terrible that would hurt the wiki. --Grandy02 19:27, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

From Yoshitron, PLEASE REPLY!

Yoshitron:Mr Bones,can my brother have an account on this?I wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask you.YoshiTron 22:25, 3 September 2010 (UTC)


Sure! I'm not Userpedia now and then, so what is the comic called? Thanks!  McQueenMario 


Kinggoomba:Thanks for letting me have an account!Kinggoomba 23:55, 3 September 2010 (UTC)


I personally see nothing wrong with them. However, maybe some other admin could disagree. Why is the title called "Demotion" anyway? oo -   Gabumon(talk) 15:35, 4 September 2010 (UTC)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Do you have this game?  GalladeBlades 

Well just latest night, i was playing is and found something really funny! at 12:00 in the clock town there is this guy who robes this old lady's bomb bag. Well if you shoot an arrow at him when he's running, he will...explode! I'm not making this up!  GalladeBlades 

Majora's incarnation sounds like a cat, "meow, meow , meeowwww" and it moonwalks! I have to go. Meet you here is about 15-20 minutes...Time freeze!  GalladeBlades 

Ok...untime freeze! So i'm getting a brand new computer! Talk later...again  GalladeBlades 

Re:Userpedia Comic

Sure fine.  L151 

make me a signutre of priness peach

You can include me too. - Walkazo 00:04, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

Hey buddy!

hey can you make user Abigaileidson a sig with peach and mario? colors red then blue then green. thanks! Hello! Ohsnap!  {talk}{edits}Finga Ninjaaa! oh and also user andre with bowser and mario? color green then blue!


Woah! I saw Boodedash's comment, wow, harsh.  GalacticPetey 

Booderdash is acting weird. First he gives me a reminder for sometime good, then removes it saying next time i'll get a warning. Second he called Nurse Toadstool hot...ugh... Third said thats very...something, you said watch your language.  GalladeBlades 

Hypocrite isn't really a bad word, nor is hypocritical, so there is nothing wrong with it. Fawfulfury65

How is hypocrite a bad word Mr bones and GalacticePetey? BLOF and LGM uses it all the time. @Fuzzipede And I called Nurse Toadstool hot as a joke. And for the first one you still got a reminder anyways from Knife.   Boo der dash  

Guys bones isn't even talking. So lets discuss this somewhere else. @Booderdash THAT was a differnt reminder! And why i said something is because i forgot wat it was.  GalladeBlades 

The only thing I know is that someone got a block for calling KS3 like that. I'll find that someone, even if I have to check the whole blocked users list. And when I do, he should be unblocked.--File:DBPM.pngMr bones! Bones Awaay!  23:48, 5 September 2010 (UTC)

N I think I remember him (not his name thogh), but he wasn't blocked for calling him that. He did many bad things previous to that and I think he called him worse things. Booderdash (talk)

Guys, no one was blocked for calling KS3 a hypocrite. Fawfulfury65

I'm pretty sure FF65, I believe you weren't even a patroller back then. However, if I find this user, he must be unblocked since you are all agreeing that hypocrite is a normal word to say. But now, I hope this discussion ends here. Count Bonsula I need blood... 09:01, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

Sorry if you didn't want anyone to post here (I didn't know where else this was being discussed), but I just wanted to tell you that the user that was blocked was TheUltimateKoopa, and he did many other bad things in the past, so calling another user a hypocrite was not the main reason he was blocked. Fawfulfury65

Don't worry. And I see, still, calling another user hypocrite is harsh and rude. Count Bonsula I need blood... 

prinsess peach

hay its me can you put prinss peach on my name thanks abigaileibson


How do you archive things(specifically in the talk page)?I wanted to because my talk page is getting particularly long...Thanks!YoshiTron  15:26, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

Ummm...sorry but,how do we GET to the archives?>DYoshiTron  15:41, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

not what i mean i ment to put a cortoon of prinss peach on eather side of my username thanks abigaileidson:)

hay um how do i write for the shroom weekly thanks abigaileidson<3


i dont know what you mean so explain it better thanks abigaileidson;)


Re: Happy Birthday

Thx! And your present is soooo nice! I'm going to poke it with a stic-OH MY GOD IT'S ALIVE!!! Marioguy1 (talk)


thanks bones!heart abigaileidson


help dont know what searies to read abigaileidson


So, where exactly do you live? Not town or house, but what state or country?  GalladeBlades 

Oh, OK. So back to majora's mask. Did you see the game over, where you don't stop the moon in three days? Oh, did you noticed my new sig?  GalladeBlades 

Resident Evil 4

The time which they are seen are extraneous information however. I mean seriously, in stuff like Dr. Mario, do we have to say EXACTLY what he does, what viruses he fight, how they are in test tubes, how they are on a table, how Dr. Mario can somehow see them when they're microscopic etc. All we REALLY need to know is that they're in the star shrine. Really, the rest doesn't even relate to it.   Boo der dash  

I didn't say anything about him fighting 0_0, I was saying how he somehow can see microspoc viruses without doing anything. Thats not mentioned in the article. Neither is there anything about a test tube. Its extra info. Like in Lakitu Travel all the things about Elder Shrooboid, battles and whatnot are extra. I did leave the right when they found the fifth cobalt star though.   Boo der dash  

Oh, but you said it was important, but its not in the article. Anyways, ok, I guess we got this sorted out. On an off-mario topic, have you ever played a rated M game? The reason why I'm not on so much right now is that I'm incredibly hooked to the resident evil series, and the house of the dead series... School helps destory my time too... and my family... I know I put weird summaries (^_^) its actually pretty fun!   Boo der dash  

Lol at the M thing. How old are you persay though? I'm 12, and I play M games. If you've played Luigi's Mansion, its actually not that different from it besides blood occasionally and swears.   Boo der dash  

You're 14. Thats certainly old enough to play these games. I mean, Fatal Frame is only rated T which of for 13 and up, which you qualify for and which I've been playing since I was 7, but its one of the scariest video games of all time. Its certianly scarier tan House of the Dead where the bad voice acting is laughable. But why do you hate swears? I mean they don't hurt anyone, and they can be funny at times. Also, blood. I guess its natural to be scared of that, but even BLOF admits its sometimes fun to choke, stab, or shoot someone to death in a video game >:). Also, what country to you live in? I heard you talking to Fuzzipede that you were in Africa but are you native there? Or just living there.  Boo der dash  

Wow, thats actually pretty sick! (you know a synonym for cool), so how are you so good at English? Do you use a translater or are you just naturally good at it by school and practice? Anyways, 14 isn't young for rated M. Despite that its for 17 and above, most average people have those at age 11. Which was me. Most of my classmates had it even 4 years before me! You might not like Resident Evil 5 though. It covers 2 american agents in a African place thats infested with mind controlled africans... But the gameplay is awesome! Almost better than Super Mario Galaxy 2! Almost better, not quite.   Boo der dash  

Oh, but thats just resident evil 5. My advice to you:Get resident evil 4 first. I mean seriously, I was a complete nintendo fan as I am right now, but then I ONLY tried to buy Nintendo games and I wouldn't buy anything else but Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid, and Kirby. However, my best friend was playing it alot, and I found it on sale at a gamestop which was th last one there. So I just said what harm can it do? And I bought it. But it was 10000% better than I EVER thought it would be! The gameplay was wonderful, the story amazing, the soundtrack was beautiful (which I thoght at the time only Nintendo soundtracks can be), but Resident Evil 4 was at first going to be a Nintendo Gamecube EXCLUSIVE at first, but was given to ps2, and even one for the wii! You should get the wii version though. It has the most unlockabls after you beat the game, and I like the aiming much better. You can still for some reason use the gamecube controller though. Anyways, thats resident evil 4..., I find it very similiar to Luigi's Mansion except longer, with guns, and a BIT more voilent. I say that because you "blood" that comes out are in small drips. And I actually think Boolussus is scarier than any of Resident Evil 4 creatures besides the Regenerators.

Do you think the Mario and LUigi series, the Paper mario series, or the SUper Mario RPG is better?   Boo der dash  

Friend request

Hi can I be your friend--KayKay  Chat to me!

Hey Bones

We should be friends!   Smasher  

Luma Wikiversary

Hey Mr. Bones! I just want to thank you for being one of my friends. Today, I’m celebrating the first anniversary of my joining the wiki. Here’s the wiki’s most celebratory image as a gift:


Thanks for all of your support!

  Bowser's luma  21:17, 30 September 2010 (UTC)

Late response? No problem, I'm not on here 24/7 anyway. Anyway, thanks so much! Bowser's luma AWAAAAAAY! hahahaha  Bowser's luma  18:59, 1 October 2010 (UTC)


Greetings, beautiful Count Bonsula!

This is Roserade, letting you know that your sections are due at the end of this week. Please PM me your completed section on the forums by the listed date.

Let me know if you'll be late!

For Fun Stuff,
Roserade (talk)

A New Name

I just had my username changed to Rise Up Above It. For the whole reason, take a look at Archive 4 of MarioWiki:Changing username. Still deciding whether to change my sig (no idea what would match my new name & look awesome).   This Is War   16:05, 8 October 2010 (UTC)

That's okay. I'm not too sure about changing my sig codings, and you can still call me Frosty or FFY if you like; I just decided to have a name change.   This Is War   08:29, 9 October 2010 (UTC)

Hey, I see that you got your username changed too! Well, I'll still call you Bonsey, if that's alright.   This Is War   17:25, 12 October 2010 (UTC)

New username??

Wait... new username? Nice! Hi there, Count Bonsula! :D   Mario JC

LOL, but your sig still says Mr bones... :P   Mario JC

The PR transmissions will resume

What do you think of my Halloween sig? (Bonus points for knowing the name of the song I referenced in the header)   This Is War   15:12, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Hey, you might want to update my friendbox. It now looks like this:




  This Is War   11:21, 28 October 2010 (UTC)


Hey you changed your username! Also i wanted to ask you a question. I wanted u to help me make a Templatefor Beta games but I dont know how to. Can u help me?  Master Koopakid 

Could you tell SpongeBat1 he has way too many personal images? He has some in his userboxes too. Mileycyrussoulja 12:28, 28 October 2010 (UTC)

— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bow wow12345 (talk).


cant you get me a sig and i also want my page purple last thing how do i get friends? abigaileidson

This will make you laugh. Or not.

Greetings, beautiful Count Bonsula!

This is Roserade, letting you know that your sections are due at the end of this week. Please PM me your completed section on the forums by the listed date.

Let me know if you'll be late!

For Fun Stuff,
Roserade (talk)

Userbox Update

Wanna be friends? Here's my userbox:




I also have your userbox:




Ultramariologan (talk)

A Dry bones! Oh no!

Please spare my life! I'll tell you where you can get all the blood you need! My name is Fawful117. My real name is Michael. Please don't hurt me! I'm innocent! Really! Are you a male or female? What's your name?