Caleb Arisas' page

Artwork of Dry Bones with his kart from Mario Kart Wii
My favorite character, Dry Bones.
Artwork of a red block from Super Mario 64
One of my favorite flying items, after the Red Star, the Wing Cap.

My first Mario game was Super Mario Galaxy. It looked cool, I had the money, so why not? It switched from a interest to a passion very quickly and now here I am, a giant Mario fan. I have mainly the new games but recently I got Super Mario 64 for the Wii. Later I became very interested in the classics. SMB3 was a fun game. However, if your were nearby while I was at World 8, you would be able to hear my screams and moans as I died, emptied my inventory, and accidentally used a Warp Whistle as I approached Bowser's Castle (true story). I also became of die-hard fan of Earthbound.