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Template:Quote2 Bubblainians[citation needed] are snail creatures found in the region of Bubblaine within the Seaside Kingdom of Super Mario Odyssey. They wear red French-style berets, which, combined with their species, seems to be a reference to French dishes such as escargot which use snails as a main ingredient. This, combined with the name of the local boss, Brigadier Mollosque-Lanceur III, give Bubblaine a subtle French theme. The males have moustaches, brown shell necklaces, brown bodies, and white shells, and the females have eyelashes, pearl necklaces, pink bodies, and light tan shells. Bubblainians are skittish creatures, as when Mario approaches them after having captured an enemy, they will duck into their shells and yell for him to go away.[1] This may in turn be a reference to the "cowardly French" stereotype.