Hey Man

I got your message, check out my page and talk, or look around the place. Caff you later --Elite Yoshi 18:49, 30 Mar 2006 (EST)Elite Yoshi

Ok man. See you later. SaltyTalk! 18:54, 30 Mar 2006 (EST)
I already found out but thanks... Enga.JK. --Elite Yoshi
Remember, Salty, when making tiny edits to pages, check the box titled "minor" so we know it's not a serious edit (like correcting grammatical errors). Also, when doing stuff like that, simply put "fixed link" or "grammar" in the change box, or put nothing in it at all. No need to put incredibly specific information like "fixed uppercase 'S' in the third use of 'Yoshi's.' If we want to find out exactly what you changed, we can simply use the history tab and compare to the last edit(s). -DarkInsanity (talk)
Procrastintion is fun, well i've started on a few articles, go to mario + luigi star saga. (the bottom part)

--Elite Yoshi

hey Salty just wanted to tell you i did some work on the about wiki page, i just hope everyone likes it. I have also been working on N64 games lately, theres not that many that have been done so far thanks to Caffman. see ya! --Elite Yoshi-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 23:32, 31 Mar 2006 (EST)

Are you saying "caff" on purpose? Because I don't think anyone else knows about your caffeine obsession. SaltyTalk! 23:34, 31 Mar 2006 (EST)

Its only caffine man, i can stand without it for 1 day... 30 min... 10 secs tops. Now caff is my word, not like your word (you know), --Elite Yoshi-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 23:37, 31 Mar 2006 (EST)
Dang... man.. are you runnin' on over drive, You been makin' lots of articles lately. I've ran out of caffine so, i lost some energy, now i'm running on extra crapy energy. It is just healthy crap from eating healthy food. --Elite Yoshi -- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 20:39, 1 Apr 2006 (EST)
Dang man, was kidding around with that spam thing. But there is an increase in vandalism. See ya member of Mariowiki crew.

--Elite Yoshi--Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 17:43, 10 April 2006 (EDT)

You mispelled ask, you put ass! --Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 19:33, 12 April 2006 (EDT)

That happened twice.... like two weeks ago. SaltyTalk! 19:34, 12 April 2006 (EDT)

Oh, wait, just now, I misspelled as, yeah... heh SaltyTalk!
When are we going to get on Stick Arnea, Me, You, and Mr.Cheese.--Elite Yoshi

I Forgot

I almost forgot something man, I forgot about someting that was a about 14 years I mean days of forgetting. It may of been 14 years I mean days have past but I came to say Happy Birth Day! Happy14thBirthday!

From a random guy.
--Elite Yoshi


What is pointless man, has your word been killed yet, or is the articles killin' you.--Elite Yoshi-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 20:44, 1 Apr 2006 (EST)

Dang Dude

Man... everyone has been erasing stuff (not mine), there should be some rules or something. How much time do you get on the computer, it looks like an endless amount of changes has came from you..--Elite Yoshi-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 18:38, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Answer your answer

Stop correcting me... you'll get a surprise if you keep doing this man.-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 18:59, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)

What'cha gonna do, biotch? SaltyTalk! 19:00, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)
Stop fighting, fools. -- Ghost Jam 20:13, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)
None Of your caffinated problems. What I'm gonna do is suprise you 'cause i can foo'.-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 21:01, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)
Boy, don't make me pull out the ban-hammer! -- Ghost Jam 22:34, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)
We'll be good, Mr. Jam. SaltyTalk! 22:41, 3 Apr 2006 (EDT)


Thank you Salty for fixing up my Page on Flavio. You made a lot of changes. And I saw because I'm always looking at the edt history and checking to see what's different. Thank you!! --MarioGenis 01:21, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)

No need to thank me. It's what I do. SaltyTalk! 01:23, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)
I wrote a new article, on Merlon. It's not much, but can you check it out? There's no need to though. --MarioGenis 01:32, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)
Good jorb. I only needed to make one small change, and that was to include the "'s" in the link to Princess Peach. SaltyTalk! 01:57, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)
You should get an award or something man, you deseverd it. (hee... I misspelled). --Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 18:41, 12 April 2006 (EDT)

Something's Bad!

Me again. Sorry I keep bothering you. While looking around Super Mario Wiki, I found that the Help:Editing page had changed. Most of it is gone, and so I the Search box, and everything else around it. It's hard to explain. Maybe its just me, but something's up.

Never Mind about that. --MarioGenis 11:14, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)
  • Hey man, there has been an increase of vandalism and spam going on and stuff is geting deleted, something is going on here I'm going to find out by checking the pages more often, this may take a while, and i'm going to get lots of help to slove this... this crap. Look on my talk page to find out more on this.
-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 18:40, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)
Its me anus and its more of vandlizing than deleting, i put deleting because some stuff have been deleted from me. I forgot what was it but it was bad becase i had to redo it.
-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 18:48, 9 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Creating New Pages

Make sure, before creating a new page, to check to see if it is already made, but under a different name. For example, your New Super Mario Bros. page is a duplicate of the NEW Super Mario Bros. page that has been up for awhile now. Do a search for the page first. Your pages are usually better, Salty, but it'd be best to simply edit the pages than create entire new ones. So if you see me delete some pages, it may be because of that reason. -DarkInsanity (talk)

Well, I didn't create that page, I just added links and categories. Unless you can cite other unnecessary pages created by me, I'm clear of all charges. SaltyTalk! 18:01, 12 April 2006 (EDT)
Ah, okay. Well, since you seem to do a lot of maintinance around here, could you check to see if there are duplicate pages before editing? I'm sure we'd all appreciate that, though you don't have to. -DarkInsanity (talk)
I'm sorry... I forgot to check if a page was made and I made a duplicate. Can you delete the page sixth Crystal Star? Thanks.
PLUS, (and call me an idiot, but...) I made another Cheep-Cheep page. But you should probly delete the other one, Cheep Cheep, because 'Cheep Cheep' is spelled 'Cheep-Cheep' and my Cheep-Cheep page is almost the same but has an image on it. Not only that, but the NEW Super Mario Bros. Page has the link to mine, which is the Cheep-Cheep one. Those are my reasons why you should probably delete the one named Cheep Cheep. --MarioGenis 22:09, 16 April 2006 (EDT)


Jeeze, Salty! I had thought about adding the italics to the game titles on the Character page, but decided not to, as it'd take too long. You, my friend, are amazing. --DarkInsanity (talk)

Thanks, but I still have Games, Games by Date, Places, Items, and every other very long list. Oh well... SaltyTalk! 00:07, 23 April 2006 (EDT)


I just read your User page and you said that you own for your projects. Well, thats all lies, I own you in alot of stuff. If ownage was award, I'll have it. Owning (If thats a word) is my thing. See you at your next Halo match, and I'll make it fast for both you and Mr.cheese. --Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi 12:52, 3 July

2006 (EDT)

Favorite Game and character

What is your favorite Mario game and character? PeteyPiranhaLover 21:36, 25 July 2006 (EDT)