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This is a list of quotes from the game Paper Mario: Sticker Star, listed by character, in alphabetical order.
Bowser Jr.
- "Hey, you're Mario! Talk about weird. What are you doing here?"
- "Sniff snoof snifffffffffffffff... Hold up. That smell. THAT GLORIOUS STINK! Have you got a rare sticker?"
- "News flash: all rare stickers are MINE. Fork it over!"
- "Well! Guess I'll just have to take that rare sticker by overpowering you, thank you very much."
- "Hey, y'know, you're not too shabby... Luckily, at times like this, I just use the power my pop gave me to...RECOVERRR!"
- "What?! C'mon, seriously? That sticker is overpowered! You cheat!"
- "OK, look, I've had it! If that's the way it's gonna be, I've got one last trick to show you, bub!"
- "I'm not finished yet!"
- "You'll never climb up there to get it. Enjoy your sad little day of crying!"
- "Bye, cheater!"
- "Hey, long time, no see, Mario! Aren't you looking chipper!"
- "Sniff sniff snoooooooffffff... Mmm... And you've got an even rarer sticker than last time, don't ya?"
- "Yeah, well, that is REALLY ANNOYING! Give it, give it, GIVE IT NOW!"
- "Dang! You're nothing but a big bully! I'm telling my dad on you!"
- "And my dad is SOOOO shiny right now! He's way, way stronger than the both of you combined!"
- "Better be ready to cry a lot!"
- "Mario! So you actually made it here!"
- "Y'know, Dad was pretty angry when I told him how you beat be up for no good reason! He was spitting mad!"
- "So now I don't care about any dumb stickers! I just care about vengeance! And I won't go easy on you this time. You want this comet piece? Come on!"
- "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"
- "You made a huge hole in the ship! Dad's gonna get all mad again!"
- "I'm gonna pummel you and make my daddy proud!"
- "No way am I losing this time!"
- "How do you like THIS?!"
- "Ha! Check it! A defense shield!"
- "Go ahead, attack all you want!"
- "Oh nooooo, the babies ran away!"
- "Looks like there's no need for Dad to come out. I AM NOW THE FINAL BOSS!"
- "Hey, you're back! Are you sure you don't wanna run away again?"
- "DAAAAAANG! NOOOOO! WHYYYYY? This can't be happening!"
- "Could this mean..."
Boomerang Bro
- "Boomerang! Bros.!"
- "Aw, two-for-one special on aisle three!"
- "Boomerang Bros. are outta their trees!"
- "Who cares if you swear a pair's unfair?"
- "We go together like pencils and pap-err!"
- "We'll always be the Boomerang Bros.!"
- "Even when we're stomped by Ma-ri-o!"
- "Heart of a woman, heart of a man..."
- "Both can know of love's grace..."
- "Just try not to get egg on your face."
Enigmansion forebear
- "Mm-yes, welcome to White Valley Lift. You desire a lift?"
- "Lift for two, straightaway!"
- "Safety check... CHECK!"
- "Lift off!"
- "Mm-yes, welcome."
- "Ah, what a pleasant surprise this is! You are the ones who took the lift the other day, are you not?"
- "So nice of you to brave the snows to come to such a faraway place. Please, make yourselves at home."
- "Yoo-hoo!"
- "It's been a long time we've had visitors to this house. It pleases me greatly, I must admit."
Enigmansion steward
- "Ah, greetings, Master Mario... How very impressive that you were able to brave the cold all the way here. I am the steward of this estate."
- "As I'm sure you must be exhausted by the long journey, nothing would please me more than to invite you in to enjoy the comforts of the mansion."
- "Sadly, I must admit that such niceties are impossible at this time."
- "Someone has committed a terrible act. A book was opened--a terrible book with terrifying things sealed within."
- "Many terrifying things escaped."
- "These things..."
- "They are so terrifying that I can't even bear to speak their terrible names."
- "Suffice to say, it was too terrifying to be in such close proximity to those terrors, so I fled the mansion and set up residence in my current spot of shame."
- "If you doubt this terrifying tale, I ask that you look upon THIS!"
- "Master Mario... What you now hold is the very Book of Sealing I speak of... The one that once was the prison of those terrifying things."
- "It heartens me to see that book in the capable hands of a gallant figure such as yourself!"
- "If you can once again seal all the terrifying things within that book and return it to the basement..."
- "Then, and only then, I can resume my duties inside and pamper you with the royal treatment you deserve."
- "Master Mario, please allow me to treat you to the finest hospitality known to Toadkind! Seal up all those terrors!"
- "Ah, Master Mario. I suddenly feel chills up and down my spine. That can't be normal... What could be the cause?"
- "Even when I warm myself up by the bonfire, the chills won't go away. I daresay I may be catching a cold."
- "Ah, Master Mario, chills are positively racing up and down my back. How can you deny a Toad in my condition of a fire?!"
- "Ah, Master Mario. Those chills that had set up residence along my spine have disappeared like they never existed."
- "I daresay I'm over that cold."
- "Master Mario! You did it, didn't you!"
- "The inside of the mansion is no longer terrifying whatsoever!"
- "That book is sealed up, and all is back to normal! Thank you ever so!"
- "And now, as promised, allow me to show you the very finest in hospitality! Please, let's adjourn to the room to the left of the lobby."
- "Ah, welcome."
- "What do you think? A grand tune, no? Makes a fellow feel right at home."
- "Ah, yes... That picture."
- "That was painted by the mansion's previous proprietor... In other words, the steward who came before me."
- "I inherited the charge of the mansion when he passed away."
- "If it interests you, I am happy to make you a gift of that painting. After all, I am the steward now, and can dispense the estate as I see fit."
- "Please, do not hesitate to take it. Such is our legendary hospitality!"
- "Ah, to be quite honest, I feel much better without that painting."
- "I'd like to put up a picture of something that makes it more MY mansion... Perhaps even a picture of me."
- "Master Mario, please! No need to stand. Do have a seat in that chair over there."
- "What do you think of our magnificent living room? Makes you feel rather instantly at home, does it not?"
- "It pleases me to no end to be able to provide the hospitality that befits this glorious place."
- "And finally, I look like a proper steward again. Perhaps it's time I advertised for a manservant of my own. Oh ho ho."
- "Mm-yes, welcome."
- "I'm also happy to make Master Mario feel at home."
- "Heh... Where ya headed, Mario? Why don'tcha play with us for a while?"
- "So you think we're flimsy, huh? And you're going to "shred" us, huh? Well, we'll just see about that!"
- "Heh heh! Yeah, we aren't the same old Goombas you're used to stomping, pal!"
- "Bowser's got our backs!"
- "He shredded us! We really ARE flimsy!"
- "Hold up."
- "Heh heh heh heh. Niiiiiice. Looks like he hasn't noticed us."
- "Well, well, WELL! You again! You're looking thin and flimsy as a piece of tissue paper!"
- "Get him while he's off guard!"
- "Last time we weren't prepared, and you beat us like flat, little piñatas."
- "But this time won't be so easy! Taste our paper power, punk!"
- "No matter how many times you want to play, it's always the same. Taste our paper power!"
- "He's back, for real! We really are flimsy, little, flat piñatas!"
- "C'mon, buddy, whazzat you was just holdin'? Show it to us, huh?"
- "Yeah, your act is gettin' old fast. Break out the goods. Now."
- "Heads up--it's Mario!"
- "What're you lookin' at? We was just playin', nice and friendly-like."
- "What, you got a playdate with this twerp or somethin'? In that case..."
- "For 20 coins, we'll give 'im up. Whatcha gonna do?"
- "You wanna save this little guy? Tell me you didn't just say that."
- "Fair warning, bud. We're, like, a full ply tougher than the average Goomba. Still wanna fight us?"
- "You got some guts! Pretty stupid guts, but hey. Time to put your boots where your mouth is!"
- "Ah, so THAT'S what it feels like to get thoroughly stomped. We give up!"
- "Hold your horses!"
- "You! You think Goombas are just cheap little single-ply secondary characters?"
- "Think again! We're going on a Goomba joyride, and we're gonna roll over you like a little red speed bump!"
- "OK, OK, you beat us! No more joyrides. We'll be safe drivers from here on out."
- "Hey, that's Mario! What's HE doing in the boss's fortress?"
- "That just can't be a good sign. I bet he's after that special thing we're keeping for King Bowser!"
- "C'mon, you slugabeds! No time for sleep! Wake up!"
- "Ready...aim..."
- "FIRE!"
- "Nah, my, uh, fellow shine-rooster or whatever you just said... I think I'd like to go back to being a normal dude, if it's all the same to you."
- "Yeah, me too... The power of that sticker changes a Goomba, y'know? It changes your body and your MIND. I didn't sign up for that!"
Gooper Blooper
Host Snifit
- "So VERY sorry to keep you waiting! We've got a great show for you folks. That's right! It's time to play..."
- "SNIFIT OR..."
- "Yes, we're back this week with another exiting episode of Snifit or Whiffit! I'm your host, Snifit."
- "For the next 30 minutes, our star guest will come face-to-face with three positively riveting challenges!"
- "And today's guest is the best of the best, yes, the man we all detest... Mario!"
- "That's right, and if our guest is Snifit enough to vanquish all three games, he'll receive this fabulous prize!"
- "Uh...a piece of Wiggler?!"
- "Well, without further ado... Challenge! Are you ready, both physically and mentally, to Snifit or Whiffit?"
- "Now, once the games begin, we can't guarantee that you' Are you suuuuuure you're up to the challenge?"
- "Now, that's what I call a right answer! All righty, let's get things started... Here's the first game!"
- "Here comes the first question. Mario, I want you to answer by hitting either the ✔ or ✘ block."
- "Of course, our hilarious poison gas will start filling the room, so answer fast! One whiff of that stuff and your HP will drop like nobody's business!"
- "OK then! Let's Snifit!"
- "Only a guy who's been tormenting Bowser over so many years could keep so cool in a room full of poison! Lesser men would've whiffed it!"
- "Anyway, the first stage is CLEARED! Let's move on to the next!"
- "That's right, ladies and goodbuddies, it's time for the second challenge!"
- "OK, here's the deal! Our unpaid Snifit interns will poke their heads out of the holes in the ground, right?"
- "Just bonk them with your hammer with before they scurry back underground to the underwhelming intern lounge! All you need to do is bonk 20 of 'em."
- "It should go without saying that this challenge will ALSO be done in a room full of very whiffable poison gas. So let's Snifit!"
- "Not bad at all. But would we expect anything less from the guardian of the Mushroom Kingdom, folks? No way! The guy is pretty slick with a hammer."
- "Stage two is CLEAR! Congrats! Now let's head for the final staaaage!"
- "And now, folks, we come to the final stage of Snifit or Whiffit!"
- "And the challenge is..."
- "OK then, inside one of these blocks is the correct answer."
- "The rest are all WRONG."
- "First, the blocks will be shuffled."
- "Once they're shuffled, the excitement sets in as you choose a block."
- "If you hit the correct three times, you're in the clear!"
- "If you hit the wrong block, a very exiting Snifit battle awaits!"
- "Got it? Great! We'll start when everyone says those magic words..."
- "Go ahead! Hit the block of your choice!"
- "That's the block you're choosing? OK...then let's open it!"
- "But of course, sniffing out the right block at that speed was easy."
- "Two more correct blocks and you're clear. Now on with the challenges!"
- "Well done, really, just fabulous. But your winning streak is about to end. Here's where you'll whiff it for sure."
- "Because we're adding another block! Now, you know the deal... If you hit the correct block one more time, you're in the clear."
- "You've cleared the whole game! Are you sure you aren't part Snifit?"
- "Mario, as much as it pains me, I have to give you the proverbial Snifit high five. Congratulations!"
- "As promised, your prize. It's allllll yours!"
- "Sadly, folks, this week's episode of Snifit or Whiffit has come to an end."
- "On behalf of me, your humble host Snifit, and our guest, Mario, we hope you've enjoyed our time together."
- "I hope to see you all soon for another exciting episode of..."
- "Listen, Mario, can we talk Snifit to Snifit for a second? I gotta tell you, you did a great job out there."
- "I mean, it looked like those were barely even challenges for you, am I right?"
- "That's because you're special. And we've prepped a special stage just for special guys like you."
- "If you clear this special stage, you'll receive a special prize. And when I say "special prize," I mean "awesome thing.""
- "Are you Snifit enough to face the challenge of the special stage?"
- "Just like last time, our lawyers advise me that I technically can't guarantee you'll live. You OK with that?"
- "That, good buddy, is the right answer. Let's get to the special staaaage!"
- "Welcome to the special stage! I just KNEW good old Mario would be up to the challenge."
- "Not to scare you, but this time around, the game is gonna destroy you..."
- "And here's our game!"
- "OK, I'm gonna get the quiz started, Mario, you know the deal. Answer by hitting the ✔ or ✘ block, but..."
- "Here, as they say, is the TWIST! You can't hit the ✔ or ✘ block until you bonk five unpaid Snifit interns!"
- "You'll have to be quick if you hope to hit enough Snifits AND answer three questions correctly, but that's the only way you'll clear the game."
- "Oh, and don't worry, because of course we'll pipe in your favorite flavor of poison gas to keep you on your toes."
- "So let's start the special stage, huh? Can I get a..."
- "Folks, the special stage is cleared! Wonderful! Fabulous! Dare I say, Snifit! CONGRATULATIONS!"
- "Looks like I underestimated you. You must be at least part Snifit... Anyway, that's all our challenges for today, folks."
- "Ladies and goodbuddies, give Mario a warm round of applause!"
- "The studio was on fire tonight, folks! Thanks so much for being here tonight."
- "I've been your host, Snifit. Until next time!"
- "Of course, of course. Your prize! Here it is."
- "Hmmm... Where'd you go, little Toadie?"
- "You little scamp... Hiding something good in your pocket even when I ask ever so politely to have a look at it. Very suspicious, indeed."
- "I imagine it's something quite rare... and something to do with stickers. I'm afraid I will be obliged to relieve you of it and report you to King Bowser!"
- "Oh my, and who could this be? If it isn't little Mario!"
- "Keh heh heh... That little incident at the Sticker Fest has gotten you on the move, has it? How lovely for us all."
- "You know, when I think "little Mario," I think "Bowser's perpetual enemy." Which makes you MY enemy."
- "Yes... Well, this will seem rather rude since we've only just met, but..."
- "Let's get you out of the way quickly, shall we? Prepare for ruin!"
- "Hmmm... You're as good as they say. I can't believe I lost to you."
- "It really makes a fellow feel nasty, and when I feel nasty, I feel like DOING something nasty, like..."
- "THIS!"
- "Ka ha ha! You didn't want to collect this comet piece, did you?"
- "Oh my, how utterly rude of me. Please, by all means! Catch!"
- "Oopsie, did it just fly off somewhere? Oh dear."
- "But I told you to catch it, didn't I? And you failed. Ka ha ha ha ha ha!"
- "Oh well. Best of luck!"
- "Goodness me, Mario! You made it all the way up to the tip of this toungue! You impress me. You really do!"
- "Good heavens. "No-good scheme"? That sounds so tawdry."
- "Besides, from where I'm standing, toots, you two are the villains. After all, you're plaguing me at every turn."
- "Anyway... Kersti, was it?"
- "You're delightfully shiny, my dear... Might I presume that you're from the Sticker Star?"
- "Keh heh heh... Yes, of course you are. How interesting."
- "But interesting as you may be, I'd very much appreciate it if you and your tragically fragile friend made like ticker tape and scattered in the wind."
- "Oh, mercy, this IS an exceptional place to do battle, isn't it? I'd say that calls for a little added spice, wouldn't you?"
- "Keh heh heh... Ooh, just look at your powerful arsenal of stickers... I'm ever so scared."
- "Who could stand in the face of such a mighty array of casual footwear? I daresay I might even lose this time. Ka ha ha!"
- "Kuh huh huh... Ah, the great Mario... Fighting bravely to the end, unbowed by my mighty magic... So brave! So very impressive!"
- "Of course, it's not really just you, is it? No, I know full well that your little friend Kersti is providing you with all sorts of sticker power."
- "Keh heh heh... It seems that things have suddenly gotten interesting. I do look forward to our next contest. Until we meet again!"
- "Ahhhh, I've been looking high and low for you, my naughty little caterpillar."
- "Yes, I very much wanted to meet you! In fact, I came all the way out to your house expressly to see you, but sadly, you weren't at home."
- "No, instead, it seems you've been at the forest entrance planning some sort of mischief with Mario and his friend."
- "Keh heh heh... Oh, please. Simply by being here, you're causing me all sorts of problems."
- "And so I'm going to show you just a little bit of magic. Very fun magic... Kah hah hah!"
- "KYAAAAAA hah hah haaaaaaaaa! Oh, you all look like you're having such FUN now that you're free! Ah, children. So spunky. So mischievous."
- "OK, kiddos, go play whatever you want outside! You know, tag or hide-and-seek or kick-the-Goomba or something."
- "Ah. That's better, isn't it?"
- "You know, I envy you, getting to play your whole life away."
- "In any case, I'm off. Toodles."
- "Mmmm... Well done."
- "Finding all those naughty little Boos... You're as diligent as always, Mario."
- "Keh heh heh... Ah, Ms. Kersti... Just as sharp as ever."
- "Indeed, I heard there was an old book about stickers somewhere in this mansion, so I searched high and low."
- "In time, I found this delightful tome and cracked it open, and low and behold! All of those Boos came flying out."
- "Then you two showed up and embarked on your nice game of hide-and-seek... I simply had to stay and watch."
- "I must admit, it was truly wonderful watching you two desperately search all over the place. Kah ha ha!"
- "Keh keh keh... Why thank you, my dear. What a lovely compliment."
- "Even so, a book with a hundred Boos sealed within must hold some extreme power, wouldn't you think?"
- "And since you two went through all that trouble to complete such an important piece of literature..."
- "Let's turn things up another notch, shall we?"
- "Keh heh heh... I'm sure you'll have a lovely time laying with that massive Boo thing, won't you? Yes..."
- "Well then, I must be going."
- "Well, well, well. Very impressive. You two somehow managed to make it all the way here. Eventually."
- "You're quite right about that, my dear. Now that you've come all this way, neither of us can back down. No..."
- "The time for boasting is long past. Let's just fight it out until one of us falls. What do you say?"
- "Yes? Then let's go!"
- "Ah, I almost forgot... Before we get started with the fighting, let me do one little thing..."
- "What?! You're just a sad little sticker from a dim little Sticker Star... You're useless without your stickers!"
- "I'll tell you what, toots... Why don't you just flap there in the breeze while you watch me trounce Mario, hmmm?"
- "It's all clear to me now. It's no accident hat you've had such success gathering the Royal Stickers all this time."
- "I'm Magikoopa enough to admit it... You two are quite strong! At least, strong enough to defeat me."
- "But the last sticker King Bowser holds is infinitely stronger than the others. No power in the world can stand up to such dazzling shine power!"
- "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah..."
- "Just thinking about how King Bowser will turn you to confetti is delectable..."
- "So delectable that I do not fear my time of vanishing! KA HA HA HA!"
- "wake up..."
- "Wake up..."
- "Oh, come onnnnn..."
- "WAKE UP!"
- "Hey, you...come over here a minute."
- "Wow, you came right over here, huh? Good instincts. I like it."
- "In case it's not obvious, I'm stuck here and can't move. Hurry up and peel me off this thing!"
- "Just get close to me and hold down . You can handle that, right?"
- "Now PEEL!"
- "Phew... That was unpleasant."
- "Hey, wait a minute. You..."
- "You! YOU'RE the one who touched the comet! What is WRONG with you?!"
- "It's a saying from the beginning of time: "Never, EVER touch the Sticker Comet!" You must have heard it a million times!"
- "You don't think a comet packed full of people's wishes might be the teensiest bit dangerous?"
- "Noooooo... You, in your infinite wisdom, had to lay your grubby little hands on it, and KERBLAMMO!"
- "Total chaos! And do you even realize what blew off to who knows where in the blast? The Royal Stickers! Yeah. THOSE ROYAL STICKERS."
- "This is all your fault, pal! You're taking full responsibility for all of this!"
- "Huh?"
- "Someone named Bowser touched the Sticker Comet...and you're Mario?"
- "Pinning the blame on someone else? Talk about cowardly! Talk about completely unpaper-like!"
- "A lady is in serious trouble here! Ask yourself: what would the famous Mario do at a time like this, hmmm?"
- "Huh? Really? You'll really help? Thanks!"
- "In that case, I'll introduce myself."
- "I'm Kersti!"
- "I came from the faraway Sticker Star to grant everyone's wishes at the Sticker Fest."
- "It's not me who grants them, mind you. No, the stickers who wield the mystical superpowers to grant those wishes are known as the Royal Stickers."
- "Now they're scattered all over... As there caretaker, it's my duty to find all of them...or else I can't return to the Sticker Star!"
- "So yeah... That's why you have to help me find the Royal Stickers!"
- "It looks like they fell outside of town, so first we need to find out how to get out of here!"
- "Hey, so obviously you can jump, but now you can also use that awesome thing. Life is good, huh?"
- "Break stuff, knock some stuff down... Just whack whatever you want!"
- "Huh? Hey, that's a sticker, isn't it?! Lucky you, picking up something that great."
- "Well, you can't jam something as important as a sticker in your pocket, so let me give you an album to keep that in."
- "Not bad, huh? Any sticker you find, you just pop it in the album."
- "Trust me, you're going to need as many of those as you can find later on, so take good care of them!"
- "Look--a road! NOW we can start making some progress. Hurry up, and let's find the way out of town."
- "Hmm. So this is the town proper... Quieter than I thought it would be. Well, whatever... Where's that exit?"
- "We did it! Now we can take that exit to get outside of town."
- "Finally, we can set out to find the Royal Stickers! FINALLY!"
- "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to mention... If you ever want to talk to me, just press ."
- "If you get stuck, or lost, or maybe just lonely, I might be able to give you a little advice."
- "Excuse me! What are you thinking, you flimsy, little ingrates? You are IN THE WAY."
- "But that's fine, because it'll give us a chance to use some sticker power and turn you into paper scraps. Prepare to be shredded!"
- "OK, they're all yours, Mario. I'm far too delicate a lady for brouhaha. Protecting me is your duty!"
- "Huh? Well, this is unexpected... They looked like the usual stompable minions, but..."
- "I'm sensing...sticker power!"
- "Well, we've got sticker power too! Mario, pull out your stickers!"
- "That's all you've got? Mmmmm... Nope, might not be enough. Here. As a special favor, have some of mine."
- "OK, first, look over here!"
- "Choose the sticker you want to use, and stick it right here!"
- "On the bottom screen, touch the sticker you want to use, or just use to line up the cursor and confirm with ."
- "Now...let the sticker battle BEGIN!"
- "Phew... There was definitely something off about those Goombas. I'm sure their behavior has something to do with the Royal Stickers getting scattered."
- "With sketchy Goombas all over, it might be a good idea to prepare for the worst by buying stickers from the town's sticker shop."
- "But that's your call. Now, let's go find the Royal Stickers!"
- "Well, he seemed completely frazzled. I wonder what got him so worked up?"
- "Hmm? Well now, what's this? Looks like an incredibly rare sticker."
- "I know everything there is to know about stickers, but this is the first time I've ever seen one of this variety."
- "Poor sticker... Left here all on its own. We'd better pick it up. It's the right thing to do!"
- "Who in the world was that? He had some issues."
- "Still, to be able to wield that kind of power... Wow."
- "In any case, we've got problems. Until we deal with that bridge, we're not going anywhere."
- "Let's figure something out!"
- "OK then, let's get this bridge back to the way it was."
- "From here on out, I'll lend you my power whenever you need it, OK? Are you ready?"
- "OK. Let's do this! Time too..."
- "How's that? Mind blown? Yeah. Time's stopped, and the world's become as flat as a piece of paper. That's what I call "paperization"!"
- "Grab that bridge scrap you just picked up from the bottom screen."
- "Yeah, that's it. Now stick that scrap where the bridge was."
- "Line up that scrap's shadow with where you want to stick it using ... Then stick away with ."
- "Give it a stick!"
- "That's it! Nice!"
- "Now, for the finishing touch, smooth out the scrap all the way to the edges using ."
- "You did it!"
- "Not bad at all. You've got potential. You may be true paper after all."
- "And now you'll be able to paperize with at any time!"
- "Stick scraps back on where they've been torn out, stick stickers in suspicious places... With paperization, you can do all kinds of things."
- " for paperization! Don't forget!"
- "Huh? What's that?"
- "I have to tell you, I'm not familiar with that...thing. It's so rare to see something that's not flat!"
- "We'd better play it safe and keep this thing as a souvenir, at the very least. I can cram it in the album."
- "Hey! Look over there!"
- "That's a piece of the Sticker Comet that I rode in on! Remember, the one that got broken up?"
- "Since they're all from the Sticker Star, the Sticker Comet and Royal Stickers are naturally drawn to each other by their homeland's power."
- "So if we gather the comet pieces, they should naturally lead us to the Royal Stickers."
- "And what's more, if we defeat lots of enemies in battle, we can get tons of coins! Nothing wrong with that!"
- "So let's get those comet pieces and use them to lead the way to all the Royal Stickers!"
- "Huh, another one of those things I'm not familiar with..."
- "This one looks really rare too. Well, let's take it."
- "Well now, that was quite an entrance. These guys may be small-time toughs, but five of them in a gang is trouble."
- "But wait--what am I thinking?"
- "I just remembered something, Mario. Wouldn't you be able to mop up these guys a lot faster if you could use more than one sticker at a time?"
- "Right, right! You think so too, huh? Well, I've got good news!"
- "And here it is!"
- "Ta-dah! The Battle Spinner!"
- "Just stop these spinning wheels with and try to match pictures."
- "The number of pictures you match determines how many stickers you can use at once!"
- "Hey, you matched two! Now you can use two stickers at once!"
- "Still, it could've been better... If you'd matched three, you could have used THREE stickers..."
- "All right, fine! Just this once, you get a little special treatment!"
- "Look! Now you can use three stickers at once!"
- "What's more, when you match three pictures, something good happens!"
- "For example, this time you matched three coins, so you got a coin bonus!"
- "Pretty great, huh? Next time, try to match it up by yourself!"
- "Uh, I'm getting some déjà vu here... Didn't something like this JUST happen?"'
- "Oh! Wow! That's an album page! It must have fallen from somewhere."
- "You know what that'll do for you? It'll let you carry even more stickers. Lucky you!"
- "What was THAT?! A precious comet piece getting tossed around like a toy?"
- "UGH! That's snide, little, broom-riding, thick-ugly-glasses-wearing hipster! Who does he think he is, anyway?"
- "Still, he knew how to paperize... We'd better be careful."
- "Well, this is just a setback. We still have to find that comet piece. Let's go!"
- "Huh? Weird... Never seen a paperization zone like this for sticking stickers..."
- "I guess it could be meant for a rare sticker type I'm not familiar with."
- "Pretty grandiose fortress for a bunch of little minions... Overcompensate much?"
- "Hm... I can feel a Royal Sticker's power coming from that fortress."
- "Bowser sure went crazy under the influence of that Royal Sticker... Maybe this place went crazy too."
- "We'd better be careful, Mario."
- "Mario, look! The sticker on his head!"
- "That's a Royal Sticker!"
- "Hey! You crazy, babbling loon! Give me back that sticker!"
- "Hey, you managed to win the day, but you sure used a lot of stickers. Don't you think maybe there was a more effective sticker you might have used instead?"
- "Well, anyway, you won, right? So this time everything's peachy. Still, try a little harder next time!"
- "The Royal Sticker... Since it was stuck on that Goomba, he got its power..."
- "But the question is, did it get stuck there on accident, or did someone put it there on purpose?"
- "Well, anyway... As I think you just saw, Royal Stickers harbor untold power!"
- "If another one of them sticks to some other enemy, he'll go all sparkle crazy too. It'll be a glittastrophe!"
- "Oh, sorry... I just got a little sparkle crazy myself there, didn't I?"
- "Well, let's put this Royal Sticker back on the album."
- "I'd say what's on the tip of MY tongue, but I'm too much of a lady!"
- "Just keep your fake compliments to yourself, you villain! You're here for some no-good scheme, admit it!"
- "That guy! UGH! "Hey, look at me. I ride a broomstick, and I was into stickers before it was cool." Pshhhhhhhh. He doesn't know about sticker power."
- "AND he's a sore loser."
- "This is a total maze. Make sure you remember which way we came, OK?"
- "Oh my WOW! Can you believe such an incredible tower stood here?!"
- "Something that big getting ripped out... Without a doubt, someone's using the superpower of a Royal Sticker."
- "So, Mario, are you ready? There's sure to be a secret within this tower..."
- "Huh? Hey! Isn't that a Royal Sticker?!"
- "Wow. You, uh... You sure used a lot of stickers again, huh? Not trying to nag, but think hard about the stickers you're using in different situations to be more effective!"
- "Yeah, you won, and the ends justify the means to an extent, but next time it might be better if you plan wisely!"
- "A Royal Sticker can turn even a Pokey into something monstrous like THAT?! What amazing power, huh?"
- "Wow. We'd better grab that Royal Sticker right now!"
- "Huh? Are you Wiggler? Why aren't you sleeping in your house like a normal... giant thing?"
- "Wait, everything's covered in poison?! That sounds like the work of Bowser! Quick, we have to do something!"
- "If Bowser's flunkies are traipsing around here, then a Royal Sticker is sure to be n this forest too."
- "Well, Wiggler supposedly knows this forest pretty well, so I'll bet we can some good information from him."
- "MA-MA-MA-MARIO! Did you see that? Wiggler just disappeared!"
- "Huh. You don't seem too fazed..."
- "I guess maybe he wasn't having that much fun and decided to run back to his house. Yeah, that makes sense."
- "Well, I'm not sure where Wiggler lives, but I'm sure it's in this forest somewhere..."
- "Let's keep going!"
- "What in the world?! Wiggler! Yikes..."
- "You've definitely, um...lost some weights, haven't you?"
- "There, there, little Wiggler. Calm down."
- "Listen, Mario."
- "That Kamek's a pretty wily guy, right? I doubt he'd do something so cruel without an ulterior motive."
- "Well, one way or another, this poor kid really needs to get his feet back. Let's go find those segments!"
- "Wow, just like a kid, huh? So resilient and carefree! OK, we're off!"
- "Hey! The Wiggler segment ran away!"
- "Ugh! Well, this is pretty annoying. We'd better go catch it."
- "Hey... What's up, little Wiggler part? We've come to pick you up."
- "You...really don't seem to be listening, do you? You're just doing your thing. Well, if you won't listen to reason, you'll get what's coming to you!"
- "Hey..."
- "C'mon, little guy! Knock it off!"
- "Phew... I'm glad that's over with. C'mon little guy. Back to your house."
- "Mario, THAT'S where the poison is coming from!"
- "If we don't find a way out to that island and stop that stuff from flowing, the woods will never go back to normal."
- "Oh no! Is the little guy OK down there?"
- "I have HAD it! Why does stuff like this always happen to me?!"
- "Hey! Are you going to keep me waiting here forever?"
- "You listen to me! When Mario shows up, AND HE WILL, he's going to tear all of you guys to pieces!"
- "Mario, you're really taking your time! Where ARE you? What are you doing? Damsel in distress over here!"
- "Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?! Don't you think you've kept me waiting a little too long? You didn't go home, did you? Was it something I said?"
- "What am I going to do? Losing the Royal Stickers is all my fault."
- "Aaaaaaaaah... I can't go back to the Sticker Star like this. Ooooooooh... Why me? Why this? Why now?"
- "Aaaah... Awwww... I want to cry... Wait, I am crying... Stupid crying... Sniffle..."
- "........."
- "AAAAAH! Mario!"
- "In case you never knew noticed, I don't have arms or legs. So DO SOMETHING."
- "While you were off gallivanting about, I got kidnapped by those creeps and hung up like a painting. Not fun at all!"
- "Not only that, but that sticky web was chafing me like you would not believe! Leaving me hanging there was completely and utterly unacceptable!"
- "...Phew..."
- "Well, despite all that, I'm grateful you saved me."
- "Eventually..."
- "Anyway, thanks."
- "Hey, wait! You lost you hammer?! We'd better hurry up and find it!"
- "OK, let's go!"
- "You still have energy for shenanigans? You're too old for shenanigans. And shenanigans earn spankings!"
- "But I have no idea what I would spank on you."
- "Seriously? It's playing in HERE?! This place looks like one death trap after another!"
- "Whoa, it's pretty dark in here, huh? There must be a light somewhere."
- "Mario... This is a little crazy. What are you going to do?"
- "Hey! What about our prize?"
- "What... What's that thing for?"
- "Hey! You're all part of the same body! Why is it that you never, ever learn?"
- "Mario, take that naughty segment out in a single shot!"
- "Hey! Stop bullying that little guy! You should be ashamed!"
- "Mario! Maybe you ought to slip these guys 50 coins so they go away!"
- "That's our Mario! Get 'em!"
- "Easy there, little guy! Don't you realize you're covered in poison? Don't you want to get cleaned up before you go picking any more fights?"
- "Look, I know getting split up by Kamek's magic is no kind of fun. Which makes sense, because Kamek is no kind of fun."
- "But you taking advantage of all this madness to go wilding with Bloopers is just wrong! You're better than that!"
- "Anyway, this whole situation is nuts. So let's get this over with!"
- "What's wrong, little guy?"
- "Listen kiddo... When I look at that poison island, I just get MAD."
- "But it's a useless kind of mad. There's no way to get over there to check it out. We can't swim in a poisoned sea."
- "Ugh! It ran off again!"
- "What's wrong, little guy? Calm down."
- "Did you here that, little guy? He's not taking the ship out."
- "I understand you want to do something about the poison, but we'll have to give up the idea of going by ship."
- "All that fleeing, hiding, struggling... I can't say that was especially fun, but thank goodness they're all safe."
- "But seriously now, won't you catch a cold or something if you stay like that? What do you think about maybe changing back into your old self?"
- "Hmmmm... Kamek's magic must be pretty strong."
- "Well, let's give it a try."
- "OK, Mario, here we go!"
- "Alley-OOP!"
- "I have to be honest... This'll be the first time I've tried using paperization on something that's alive."
- "But he's made of the same papery stuff as the rest of the world, right? Yeah, it should work fine. The rest is up to you, Mario."
- "We'll do this the same way as normal paperization. Now let's stick Wiggler's segments back together for him!"
- "The last piece!"
- "Wait a minute!"
- "Kamek must have known Wiggler could walk over poison..."
- "I bet he used his magic to break Wiggler up so he couldn't get to that island!"
- "That is just DIRTY! I don't get mad to easily, but that Kamek really STINKS!"
- "Wow, he can really fire himself up!"
- "Well, let's go to Whitecap Beach too. We'll finally see where that poison is coming from!"
- "I like your enthusiasm, but let's not be to hasty, Wiggler..."
- "Mario, there could be anything waiting for us on that island... We'd better make sure we're prepared."
- "With Kamek involved, you can pretty much count on the fact that something bad is out there."
- "Hee hee hee... Wiggler, you've learned a lot, haven't you?"
- "It sounds like this whole ordeal made you grow up just a little."
- "That's right! That's why we have to stop that poison as quickly as possible and return the forest to normal."
- "Ah, I can finally see the island."
- "Mario, let's go. Let's find the source of that icky, overflowing poison!"
- "And thanks to you carrying us to that island, Wiggler, we managed to get back a very important sticker."
- "So thank YOU, Wiggler! Now that the leaves are clean, you should eat as much as you want!"
- "Right! Eat a lot, and you'll grow big!"
- "Turned out great, didn't it, Mario?"
- "Um... OK... So let me get this straight. You want us to go inside this mansion of terror and seal up all the terrifying things inside this book?
- "Huh. It seems strange that such an important seal could break so easily. Maybe it's the fault of a Royal Sticker?"
- "Well, maybe so and maybe not, but either way, stamping out terror inside a haunted mansion sounds like it could be kind of fun! I mean, right?"
- "C'mon, Mario, let's go inside and take a look around."
- "Of course, if you're TOO terrified, you don't have to. Hee hee hee!"
- "Hey, were those the "terrifying things" just now? They looked more "fun" than "terrifying" to me, but whatever."
- "One thing's for sure: they can hide like nobody's business! Maybe they're just shy or something."
- "One way or another, we've got to find them all and seal them up!"
- "Phew. Looks like it's finally all over."
- "Hey, Kamek said he came here looking for a book about stickers, right?"
- "You have to wonder if maybe he read something in there that could cause us trouble..."
- "Nah... No way. He just opened that Book of Sealing by mistake and basically nothing came of it, so..."
- "Yeah, so that's that. All sewn up. And that Toad is waiting, so let's go to the room to the left of the lobby."
- "Wow, amazing! So this is what the inside of a volcano is like."
- "I guess I shouldn't be surprised... but it's really hot! Looking for a Royal Sticker in here is not going to be easy."
- "Huh?"
- "We've really met our match this time! But no way am I getting eaten again!"
- "HEY! YOU! Yeah, I'm talking to you! How dare you try to eat a lady?!
- "Mario, teach it a lesson! Hit the Battle Spinner and crank it up, full throttle!"
- "Hmph. Stickers are NOT food."
- "Time to grab that Royal Sticker!"
- "Wiggler, about those "old times"... You know that was just a little while ago, right?"
- "Ah, there you are, you little brat! We won't go easy on you either. Come take your medicine!"
- "We're here! There's nowhere left to run, so get ready for a spanking!"
- "Hmph. A little brat to the bitter end."
- "Hey, that's Princess Peach!"
- "Isn't she the apple of your eye? Quick, let's save her while Bowser's not around!"
- "At long last... Bowser!"
- "Wait a minute... You're all sparkly! You're sparkling from the Royal Sticker!"
- "We're not a-afraid of you!"
- "We fought our way all the way here to peel that Royal Sticker right off your nasty forehead!"
- "So..."
- "No! The Royal Sticker fell with Bowser!"
- "Thanks for sticking me up, Mario."
- "I'm giving you all my shine. You have to win!"
- "Looking back, I realise I kind of forced you to come on this adventure with me. I'm sorry..."
- "We've been through a lot, but... it was fun. And now..."
- "Goodbye!"
- "Please tell me you aren't trying to touch the Sticker Comet again!"
- "You know what I think? I think you're a troublemaker! And your troublemaking made trouble for everyone!"
- "Hmm... Being brought back to life by Mario's wish was definitely nice, but..."
- "If it's like this every year at the Sticker Fest, I may have to seriously reconsider my career path."
Koopa Paratroopa
- "...Target acquired..."
- "Repeat, target acquired. Shell Shock One has visual. Over."
- "Shell Shock Two standing by. Target appears well fortified. Over."
- "Shell Shock Three, weapons free. Let's light him up. Over."
- "Engage target at will. Over."
- "Right behind you. Over."
- "Koopa down! Over."
Megasparkle Goomba
- "Shee shee shee... Nee nee nee... Shinysheenyshoony..."
- "Shee hee hee! Well met, Mario."
- "But here's where I turn you into confetti and scatter you to the winds! Take this! Shine-diddly-doo!" (American English)
- "But here's where I use my origami skills to fold you into a delicate little butterfly...and then CRUSH YOU! Shine-diddly-DOO!" (British English)
- "You noisy, unsparkly, unshiny girl!" (American English)
- "Wow, this sparkly little lady has quite the mouth on her!" (British English)
- "Bowser entrusted this amazing sticker to US! Not you!" (American English)
- "Bowser entrusted this amazing sticker to us - not you!" (British English)
- "And with the power of this oh-so-shiny sticker, we get PUMPED!" (American English)
- "And with the power of this oh-so-shiny sticker, we get PUMPED UP!" (British English)
- "Sheeny shiny dazzly doooo... This many stickers too much for you?"
- "The shininess! Such power it gives! Such glittery-glottery glory!"
- "All right, boys! Time for the real deal!" (American English)
- "All right, lads! Time to show them what's what!" (British English)
- "Oopsie for yoopsie! When we're all sparkled up in a wall, that stuff doesn't even faze us!"
- "Oh, sparkles! Guys, get it together!"
- "Shee hee hooof... That stunk! C'mon, boys, get your shine back on!" (American English)
- "Shee hee hooof... What was that?! Come on, lads! Get back to shining!" (British English)
- "Come, my sparkling shine-o-rooskies, and unite once more into a gigantic sticker of glitterosity!" (American English)
- "Come, my sparkly shine-a-roombies, and unite once more into a gigantic sticker of glitterosity!" (British English)
- "UNshiny, UNdazzlish, UNCOOL! You whiny little spit wads!" (American English)
- "What?! Cowards! That is NOT shiny! I can't believe you're folding!" (British English)
- "................................."
- "If that's the way it is, then FINE! I'll outshine you myself!"
- "Shuuuh... Uuuuugh..."
- "All that wonderful, glittery power was like a dazzling dream..."
- "Now it's gone... Now I no longer... shi... ne.."
Mizzter Blizzard
- "Shhhh..."
- "UGGGH! I'm SOOOO sorry."
- "I just made a wish on this shiny sticker, and then all this madness happened..."
- "I was disappearing... From ice to fog... Returning to the sky... I just wanted a body that wouldn't melt..."
- "When the cold snows fall next year, you'll make me again, won't you?"
- "Then we can meet once more!"
- "Huh? Hey, check it out--It's Mario!"
- "You say you want to help this Toad? That's so NICE of you. You're just nice. Must be why you're so popular."
- "But, tell me, Mr. Nice 'n' Popular... Can you take on all five of us? No... Why fight an impossible fight?"
- "Instead, how about this: for 25 coins we'll look the other way. Sound good?"
- "And THAT'S why your so popular!"
- "We pulled it off, guys! Five coins each! Let's go grab something cold to drink!"
- "Nice, popular...and gutsy!"
- "GET HIM!"
- "Aw, did you think we were just some regular old Paragoombas? How cute."
- "All right, boys! Form up!"
- "How do you think of us now, nice guy? I figure we're about five times as popular as you right now!"
- "Arrrrgh! No wonder we're unpopular!"
Petey Piranha
Princess Peach
- "Mario!"
- "Thank you, Mario. I knew I could count on you, as always."
- "Now that the Royal Sticker's been pulled off, Bowser should come to his senses... eventually."
- "He's been beaten flat, but that's nothing new, so I don't think we need to worry about him. He'll be OK."
- "So this all came about because of the six Royal Stickers that road in on the comet the night of Sticker Fest..."
- "The power to grant wishes can bring disaster if used without wisdom, huh?"
- "Ah, so those are the Royal Stickers..."
- "I bet it was hard gathering all six."
- "But thanks to your hard work, my wish for peace in the kingdom..."
- "No wait! It was the wish of everyone throughout the land. And it came true."
- "Now please, use the power of those Royal Stickers to grant your own wish."
- "Mario, what is your wish?"
- "Citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
- "Tonight, at long last, that symbol of peace, the Sticker Fest, has finally been revived."
- "But this glad day did not come to pass through the power of the Sticker Comet."
- "No, it was brought with the bravery of Mario, who returned the Royal Stickers to us..."
- "And it was paid for with the power of all of you, who wished so fervently for Sticker Fest to return."
Royal Stickers
- a sticker fluttered down from the sky
excited Goombas cheered on from high
sixteen sheets became one bad guy
in the end they split and went bye-bye - a lonely stadium atop a desert tower
a Royal Sticker gave a Pokey power
Kamek wielded magic dark and dour
the tower folded like a withering flower - a big Blooper loved to boogie and bop
Small Bloopers loved to fight and flop
a Royal Sticker popped evil's top
poison gushed out and would not stop - spring came and snow started to melt
my body got uncomfortably svelte
I lamented the frail bod I was dealt
a sticker knew my wish was heartfelt - Rumble Volcano had grown irate
the Spear Guys threw a fest to placate
a sparkling sticker being arrived late
and this glutton, it ate, ate, and ate
(British version)
- A sticker came fluttering down from the sky.
Excited Goombas cheered from on high.
Sixteen sheets became one bad guy.
In the end, they split up and said "bye-bye." - In a lonely stadium atop a desert tower,
a Royal Sticker gave a Pokey a power.
Kamek wielded magic most dark and dour.
The tower folded like a withering flower. - A big Blooper loved to boogie and bop.
The small Bloopers, they loved to fight and flop.
A Royal Sticker popped evil's top.
Poison gushed out and would not stop. - Spring came along, making slush of the snow.
My body, too, melted in the sun's glow.
Of a body that wouldn't melt, I hoped one day to know.
So I wished for the Royal Sticker to make it so. - Rumble Volcano was most enraged and fuming.
The Spear Guys threw a fest to prevent it from booming.
A sparkling sticker descended, gliding and zooming.
It seemed nothing could stop this glutton's consuming.
Sling-a-Thing Toad
- "Well, hi there!"
- "Sure, the Sticker Fest was a total disaster, but you can't stay blue about it forever, right?"
- "No, sir, you've gotta stay perky! And I got the perkiest idea EVER just a bit ago!"
- "Here's the deal, Mario. If you find any interesting...let's call them "things"... out in the world, bring 'em to me."
- "Do that, and I think I can cook up a little miracle for you!"
- "Ah, look! You have a wonderful thing! My perk sensor can just tell."
- "Go ahead and stand on that little platform over there, please."
- "Now you just take that special thing, face the board in front of you, and sling it as hard as you can!"
- "So?! Pretty darn miraculous, huh?"
- "You come over here, you fling a thing, and HEY PRESTO! It becomes a sticker. I call it a "thing sticker" because I'm a bit of a marketing genius."
- "Mario, I've got to tell you... You're so lucky to experience this firsthand!"
- "How about that! Pretty perky, no? From now on, stickers don't have to be something you find... They can be something you make too!"
- "Whenever you find a special thing, you can turn it into a sticker here."
- "...Hey, even if you don't have any things on you, swing by and we'll talk about it..."
- "Anyway, can't wait to see you again! Stay perky!"
- "Welcome! Go ahead and sling a thing."
- "Stay perky."
- "Huh? Is that a customer? Really? YAAAY! It really IS a customer!"
- "This is the cape-side branch of the thing-slinging stall."
- "Hm. I bet I don't have to explain anything to you... I can just tell."
- "Yeah!"
- "Yay!"
Tower Power Pokey
- "SHEENY SHOOBY SHINY SHLOO..." (American English)
- "EENY SHEENY SHINY SHOO..." (British English)
- "SHINE-A-ROONEY!" (American English)
- "SHINE-A-POKEY!" (British English)
- "SHUH... SHI... NY... OW?"
Wiggler / Flutter
- "Yeeeeaaaaaawn! Good morning! Yes, what a good morning it is!"
- "Wiggler got a really great night's sleep, so Wiggler is feeling super good. Something great is going to happen today. Wiggler can just tell."
- "Hey, you're right. Why was Wiggler sleeping in a place like this?"
- "Oh yes, it was because Wiggler filled up on leaves and got super sleepy. Wiggler hasn't eaten that much in a long time."
- "Lately this forest has been covered in icky, goopy poison..."
- "Wiggler's favorite leaves also got covered in icky, goopy poison, and so Wiggler couldn't eat them anymore..."
- "So Wiggler came all the way to the forest's entrance looking for clean leaves leaves to nibble."
- "Huh? You mean you'll help out? Wiggler has the appetite of a growing Wiggler, so if you get rid of that poison, Wiggler will be so happy!"
- "Wiggler will take you to Wiggler's house. We can talk about this there."
- "Wiggler GO!"
- "Here Wiggler is!"
- "Wiggler is always alone, so Wiggler is happy to have friends come for a visit!"
- "Oh, but from here onward it is always dark... Yes, even during the daytime! This is because of all the poison, so Wiggler says watch your step."
- "Mario... Over here..."
- "Yeah... At the forest entrance... Wiggler was grabbed by these long, slimy tentacle..."
- "Stop it! Let Wiggler go!"
- "Not so rough! You'll rip Wiggler!"
- "Who? What? Why?"
- "Wiggler only wanted to eat delicious leaves, not make any mischief."
- "Huh? Fun? YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Hurry, hurry!"
- "Wiggler's lost his..."
- "His body."
- "YAAAY! You'll really find Wiggler's body for Wiggler?!"
- "Wiggler has four segments in all... They're probably running around, playing games, and having fun all over the place."
- "Wiggler thinks catching them all will be hard, but you can do it!"
- "Oh, and please don't hurt them."
- "So nice to reunite with part of Wiggler's body! Welcome back, Wiggler segment!"
- "You found all of Wiggler's segments!"
- "OOOF! Settle down, segments!"
- "On behalf of Wiggler's segments, allow Wiggler to say thank you. Thank you!"
- "OOOOOOOO-KAAAAAAAAAAY! Here goes. Wiggler is reassembling."
- "Nnnnn... Hnnnnnggggh..."
- "No good. Wiggler's segments won't stick back together."
- "Yaaaay! Wiggler is back to normal!"
- "All thanks to Mario and Kersti. Thank you!"
- "But...even though Wiggler is back to normal, the woods are still covered in poison ickiness."
- "Walking over poison is no problem, but Wiggler can't eat poison leaves! That would taste awfully terrible! Wiggler might never eat again..."
- "Yes, Wiggler agrees. Kamek does stink. And Wiggler tries to stay cool most the time, but..."
- "Wiggler is going to that island and cleaning up that poison!"
- "Mario! Kersti! Wiggler will be waiting at Whitecap Beach!"
- "Come on! Wiggler has been waiting! Quickly, let's get to that island!"
- "Soon that poison will be gone and Wiggler will eat delicious leaves again! Wiggler can almost taste them!"
- "Wiggler is very ready! Can we head for the island now?"
- "Yay! OK! Then get on Wiggler."
- "OK! Let's go!"
- "When Wiggler was first split into segments, Wiggler was sad, but..."
- "Thanks to you, Wiggler's segments saw many things in many places."
- "Still, seeing you two have to gather Wiggler's segments as they ran here and there like maniacs..."
- "It made Wiggler think that maybe Wiggler needs to be a little bit more responsible."
- "YAAAAAY! Wiggler is a grown-up! Wiggler's going to eat beautiful leaves by the tin and grow up even more!"
- "Wiggler will wait here. Mario, Kersti... Please take care of the poison!"
- "Come back to Wiggler safe and sound!"
- "Mario! Kersti! The poison's disappeared! The forest is clean!"
- "All thanks to you two. Thank you!"
- "YAYYYYY! Since Wiggler's tummy's been so empty all this time, Wiggler can eat nonstop!"
- "Now Wiggler will grow fast!"
- "Mario! Kersti! Flutter thanks you for all you have done!"
- "Well, what do you think? Take a look! Wiggler ate till Wiggler's tummy was full, and now Wiggler grew up into Flutter!"
- "Yup, they're just what you think. Flutter's surprised too!"
- "Flutter never thought Flutter would be able to fly in the sky. Life is funny!"
- "Of course! No problem. Thanks to you, Wiggler could grow into Flutter."
- "Flutter's one wish is to return that favor, so please let Flutter escort you where you need to go!"
- "All aboard for the skies above Gate Cliff. Are you ready?"
- "Yay! Then let's go! Please watch your step when boarding."
- "Yay, just like old times! Like the time when Wiggler took you two on his back to that poison island! Remember?"
- "Oh, is that so? Flutter's childhood memories feel like so long ago."
- "OK, then! Let's go!"
- "We're at the very top of the clouds."
- "We should see Bowser's castle soon."
- "Whoa, that thing just buzzed us! Watch out! Hang on tight!"