Super Mario-kun Volume 1

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Super Mario-kun Volume 1 is the first volume that opens the Super Mario World story arc, while the last chapter revolves around a supposed "Mario 5". It features Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi as the main characters. In this part, Mario and his friends pass through Yoshi's Island and the Donut Plains, defeating Iggy and Morton.



Stage One

ピーチ姫を救え!! 新冒険開始!! (ニューアドベンチャースタート) (Save Princess Peach!! The Start of a New Adventure!! (New Adventure Start))

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach are enjoying themselves a vacation on Yoshi's Island. On the beach, Mario pulls a prank on Luigi by pretending to drown. Luigi runs to the rescue, only to realize that Mario is wearing a Frog Suit. Mario awaits joyfully for the arrival of Peach in a bikini, but a Goomba with Peach's wig arrives instead. The Goomba places a small Bowser toy from which Bowser himself explains to Mario and Luigi that he kidnapped Peach (again) and now has a scary legion by his side. Mario, enraged, tries to destroy the toy speaker, but Bowser informs that by doing so, the speaker will explode. Mario then sends his punch into Luigi's face, but the toy explodes anyway, having served its purpose.

After recovering from the explosion, the Mario Bros. begin their journey to Bowser's Castle to save Peach. On their way, the two find an injured dinosaur. Mario, wearing his doctor clothing, treats the dinosaur with a giant Megavitamin, which he hardly manages to swallow. Cured, the dinosaur presents himself as Yoshi and explains that Bowser conquered the Dinosaur Land with the help of his minions and kids, then stole his eggs to use them as hostages. The Mario Bros. promise to save the eggs in their journey as well and continue on their way.

The brothers are attacked by two Super Koopas. Mario tries to use his fire power but, due to not having used it for a long time, he cannot shoot a fireball. Luigi then plugs a gas tank into his bottom, charging him and helping him burn the first Super Koopa, which disappears and leaves behind a Cape Feather. Mario grabs it and becomes Cape Mario but has no idea how to use his new cape. Mario wraps his cape on the second Super Koopa to make a teru teru bōzu. Furious, the Super Koopa charges at Mario, but with a jump, he avoids the attack and learns that the cape can help him fly. Meanwhile, the Super Koopa, missing Mario, crashes on the rock behind Mario. Mario continues his travel by flying, followed by Luigi, angry that he does not have a cape to fly as well.

The two meets another dinosaur, a Dino Torch, and mistake it for a friend of Yoshi. Mario is burnt and his cape no longer works, but Luigi tapes the Dino Torch's mouth while avoiding the flames, but not the hot smoke that comes from behind it. Running away, the brothers face a Chargin' Chuck armed with a giant football. Mario tires to catch the ball, but it is too big for him and he gets squashed by it. Luigi grabs Mario, turns him into a ball, and launches him at the Chargin' Chuck, but with a shoulder tackle, he shoves Mario, who falls down a cliff.

Immediately after, Yoshi dives in to save Mario. Yoshi grabs Mario, but then realizes that he had not come up with a plan to survive the fall. Yoshi then spots a blue-shelled Koopa Troopa on a ledge and eats him while Mario watches him in horror, not knowing why Yoshi is having his last meal. Meanwhile, Luigi is looking down the cliff while the Chargin' Chuck is preparing to toss him down as well. Right at that moment, Mario, riding Winged Yoshi, emerges from the abyss. The Chargin' Chuck prepares an attack to send all of them down, but Mario and Yoshi, with a combined fire attack, fry the Chargin' Chuck (and Luigi), defeating him. Mario welcomes Yoshi into the party and continue their journey together to save Dinosaur Land and Peach. Meanwhile, Bowser is spying on them and wishes Mario good luck for the obstacles they will have to face.

Stage Two

ドカンと一発!! 合体技炸裂!! (One-Shot Bang!! Skill-Combining Explosion!!)

Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi are traversing the Yoshi Island when they finally see in the distance Iggy's Castle. Above the castle, a sign is written in doodles. Yoshi reveals that it is their language that the humans can read by covering the middle part of the doodle to reveal two lines of dialogue ("It's not a language, it's a kid puzzle!"): the sign reads "Help me", meaning that an egg is being held captive. However, before the trio can take another step, multiple pipes fall from the sky and fall around the heroes. From one of the pipes, a hologram of Bowser explains that this is his new trap. Mario laughs and tries to jump over the pipes, but a Jumping Piranha Plant blocks him and bites him back into the pipe circle, while many other Jumping Piranhas pop out from the rest of the pipes.

Led by an apparently normal Piranha Plant, the Jumping Piranhas are instructed to not let Mario get past them and the hologram shuts off. Mario sends Yoshi to eat the Piranha Plant, but it is too voracious for him. Mario then tries with the fireballs, but the Jumping Piranhas wet them with watering cans. The Piranha Plant orders its minions to surround the heroes from above, biting them every once in a while. While thinking of a solution, Mario pulls out his SNES Nunchaku (a nunchaku with SNES controllers as the sticks) and uses it to reflect the seed the Piranha Plants spit at them. After getting the hand of it, Mario finally manages to defeat all of the Piranha Plants with his weapon, but the Piranha Plant rises up and reveals itself to be an invincible Big Piranha Plant.

This time, Mario's nunchaku skills can do nothing, and he even tries to immobilize the Piranha Plant with   and pausing the story, but this also immobilizes the protagonists. Without the nunchaku, Mario tries to bribe the Piranha Plant, who is disgusted by the fact that the hero has resorted to bribing (but does accept the money, however). After another lethal move, the Piranha Plant prepares the finishing blow and laughs, revealing a sticker in his throat reading: "weak point". After Mario and Yoshi perform a big jump, they begin to rotate and dive head-first into the Piranha Plant's mouth, drilling its head and finally kill it. Luigi celebrates and cheers for Mario and Yoshi, who are now tangled to each other and very dizzy, promising themselves to never do that attack again.

Stage Three

コクッパ・イギー!! カレイなる頭脳戦!? (Koopaling Iggy!! The Magnificent Mental Fight!?)

The Trio has reached the castle, and Yoshi decides to stay outside to cheer their victory. Mario is angered, but Luigi reminds him that "this is what he does in the game". As Luigi enters, a Pillar falls from the ceiling, but luckily he manages to avoid the crashing death. However, Mario notices some bones under the pillar: whose are those, then? The bones shake and recompose themselves into many Dry Bones, then the Dry Bones fuse together into a giant octopus. After shooting some bones, the Dry Bones roll towards Mario, who cowers on the ground, making the skeletons trip and break down.

By running and fighting, the Mario Bros have reached Iggy's floating arena on the lava, where the Koopaling and the egg await. Luigi kicks Mario on the platform. Iggy retracts his head and spits fireballs at Mario, while his fireballs can't hurt his shell. Iggy put his head out and laughs, but Mario pulls out his "ultrasonic weapon": a glass to scratch, making a horrible and chilling sound. Iggy retracts his head again, and Mario pulls out a big tube of glue and covers the shell's head hole, preventing Iggy from popping his head out. Luigi comes to the platform to help Mario retrieving the egg, but the blind Iggy trips and falls on top of the glue tube, making it squirts everywhere and freezing everything and everyone in that position. Mario and Luigi calls out for Yoshi, who is still waiting outside, asking himself why are his friends taking so long.

Stage Four

最強の魔法使い (マジシャン)!? カメックあらわる!! (The Strongest Magician!? Kamek Appears!!)

Stage Five

寒~い水中面!! マリオはお熱いのがお好き!? (Cold Underwater Stage!! Does Mario Like Warmer Places!?)

Stage Six

マリオ対ジュゲム!! 史上最大の雪合戦!? (Mario vs. Lakitu!! The Biggest Snowball Fight Ever!?)

Stage Seven

ようこそ地底へ!! モグラたたきのあまいわな!? (Welcome Underground!! Are You Good At Whack-A-Mole?)

Stage Eight

カメック再登場!! 究極の大魔法合戦!? (Kamek Returns!! Ultimate Battle of Magic!?)

Stage Nine

弱虫インディ!! 炎の池で最後の挑戦!? (Scaredy-Cat Mega Mole!! Final Challenge in the Flame Pool!?)

Stage Ten

強敵アッパレ!! ハンマーなんてこわくない!? (Formidable Enemy Amazing Flying Hammer Bro!? Hammers Aren't Scary!?)

Stage Eleven

純情ロマンス!?クッパくんのある愛の詩!! (Naive Romance!? Koopa-kun's Love Song!!)

Stage Twelve

でぶマリオ!? パワーバルーンでモートンをたおせ!! (Chubby Mario!? Defeat Morton With the Power Balloon!!)

Stage Thirteen

またまたカメック!! 遊園地は地獄だ!? (Kamek !! The Amusement Park is Hell!?)

Stage Fourteen

炎のつっぱり!? どすこいK、K、すもう勝負!! (Attack of the Flames!? Sumo Wrestling Contest With Sumo Bro!!)

Stage Fifteen

どうなる!? マリオ5おどろき大予想!! (What Will Happen!? Surprising Great Expectations for Mario 5!!)


スーパーマリオくん スペシャル4コマ劇場 (Super Mario-kun Special 4-Koma Theater)

  • キラー (Bullet Bill):
  • ブイブイ (Reznors):
  • アトミックテレサ (Big Boo):
  • マントガメ (Super Koopa):
  • K.K.のカミナリ攻撃 (Sumo Bro's lightning attack):
  • ジュゲム (Lakitu):
  • フィッシングジュゲム (Fishin' Lakitu):