Nintendo style seal of the SMWiki user TurqapGaloomba Hiy'all!
Welcome to my shy paGUY (oh yes, those puns).
Probably, now I’m annoying ya, so you can calmly leave this stupid page. That’s all!
Me, TurqapGaloompa? I’m curious, a bit sneaky, but very happy (that is not verbal portrait of ‘awful).
Here I’ll make my stats, page rules, and some more in-the-resting.

Facts and opinions

  • I’m-a both Russian and can speak English without any kheeking or rroaking (accent).
  • I do not like sushi, except "Philadelphia" rolls.
  • SaLmOn, SaLmOn, MoRe SaLmOn. Yes, I like red fish.
  • French cheese is disgusting. Please stop call it the best!
  • British English is the best, ‘cause I don't like American pwonownthithathiown. No offence to the yankees!
  • I’m Turqap ‘cause I wear a turquoise cap. Simple!
  • My (not so) powerful weapon is the Ё-hammer. No, the Ё is Russian, not French. It... fixes the ё/е problem in translations (yes, Nintendo are translating games very inaccurate).
  • Donkey Kong is a piece of shhhhh.... shhhhh, here must be silence.... shhhhh...
  • (There are so many brackets, yes.)


TS: call me Turqie please
— Big cold greetings from Siberia,