Luigi in the Nursery

The Nursery is the last room visited in Area One in Luigi's Mansion. It is where the boss of Area One, Chauncey, is sleeping.

In order to wake him up Luigi had to vacuum his rocking horse and then throw a ball at him. Chauncey became angry and shrunk the plumber down and placed him in his crib, where Luigi fought and captured the ghost baby. Luigi had completed Area One and received a special pink heart-shaped Key to Area Two.

Despite the fact that Chauncey has the appearance of a baby boy, the Nursery is almost entirely pink with heart-shaped decor. There is Chauncey's crib, which looks rather normal, on the west side. Working east through the room, there is a rocking horse, a picture of Chauncey inside a heart-shaped frame, a heart-shaped table with two heart-shaped chairs, and a heart-shaped dresser which always contains a 50-HP restoring heart for Luigi.

Ghosts in The Nursery

  • Chauncey (100 HP) (Area 1 Boss)

Ghosts in The Nursery during the blackout
