Brandman1996's Userbox Tower
This user is a professional gamer.
This user listens to video game music.
game dev
This user is interested in video game development.
This user cannot program at all.
This user has Adobe Photoshop.
This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user feels that the SNES was not the last great console.
This user likes Mudkipz.
This user thinks Bowser should take over the Mushroom Kingdom.
This user is wondering how Luigi can live in the shadow of a man who's only half of his size.
This user has only played the Halo series once.
This user's favorite Mario Kart track is Rainbow Road.
This user is a (loyal) fan of Nintendo hardware and software.
This user likes to play the Spore.
This user is a Super Smash Brother!
This user plays the The Legend of Zelda series.
This user is addicted to the Internet.
This user hopes you read each and every one of {his/her) userboxes! or else...
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user thinks that userboxes have gotten out of control.
This user is a Super Mario Wiki contributor.
This user thinks Mario should NOT rap!
This user thinks Mario should ROCK ON!
This user thinks Mario should BOOGIE!
This user thinks Wario SUCKS.
This user thinks Yoshis PWN Goomba's! :D
This user thinks that PENGUINS RULE!!!!!
It's a plus
70 % of all people are not good at mathematics. If you are part of the other 40 %, place this on your user page.
This user loves Basketball.
This user like to spin in circles. Weeeeeeeee!
This user likes 8-bit games.
This user plays with Legos.
This user likes to ride bicycles.
This user loves ice cream.
This user is very nostalgic
This user is made of metal.
This user thanks Steve for creating the Super Mario Wiki!
This user is Chuck Norris approved.
This user thinks Daisy is crazy.
This user likes to spin in circles REALLY fast! Weeeeeeeee!!!
This user likes to surprise people.