This is the page about the polls you see up on the main page! Feel free to browse through the archived polls and all about our Poll Committee.
On Sunday, May 23, 2010, a proposal concerning several changes in our current main page was accepted by the community and passed. This proposal can be viewed here.
One point this proposal addressed was the creation of a Poll Committee, a selected group of users to create and select polls to feature on the main page. The members of this committee are meant to be selected by a person in charge of the committee, the Poll Committee Chairperson, who shall be elected by the community.
The polls are usually swapped every two weeks on Monday.
Thirteenth Poll Committee
- Fun With Despair (talk) — Chairperson
- Waluigi Time (talk)
- Turboo (talk)
- Vruet (talk)
- Raregold (talk)
- Cosmic Cowboy (talk)
- TPG (talk)
- Hooded Pitohui (talk)
Archived polls
Current committee
What is your favorite Keyblade featured in Mushroom Kingdom Hearts? (Roserade (talk), April 1st, 2024)
What is your favorite Keyblade featured in Mushroom Kingdom Hearts?
Polt-key-gust 3500 26.93% (213 votes) |
Kingdom Key 9.73% (77 votes) |
Ultima Weapon 9.23% (73 votes) |
Power of the Stars 8.09% (64 votes) |
Ultra Hammer 6.95% (55 votes) |
Beanpole 5.44% (43 votes) |
Barrel O' Fun 5.18% (41 votes) |
Pipedream 4.8% (38 votes) |
Star Child 4.42% (35 votes) |
Company Break 3.79% (30 votes) |
Castlewrecker 2.53% (20 votes) |
Storyteller 2.4% (19 votes) |
Fresco Splash 2.28% (18 votes) |
Sweet Parasol 2.15% (17 votes) |
Super Hammer 1.64% (13 votes) |
Desert Flower 1.64% (13 votes) |
Sparkling Gem 1.52% (12 votes) |
Charged Cloud 1.26% (10 votes) |
Total votes: 791 |
How often do you encounter direct advertisements (e.g., a TV commercial or promo e-mail) for the Mario franchise? (Hooded Pitohui (talk), March 11th, 2024)
How often do you encounter direct advertisements (e.g., a TV commercial or promo e-mail) for the Mario franchise?
Somewhat often, on average at least once every couple of weeks. 21.65% (531 votes) |
Almost never, a couple times a year less on average. 18.9% (516 votes) |
Often, on average at least once a week. 18.75% (512 votes) |
Somewhat rarely, on average once every month or two. 14.95% (408 votes) |
Very often, on average multiple times a week. 13.11% (358 votes) |
Rarely, on average less than once every couple months. 12.64% (345 votes) |
Total votes: 2,730 |
How would you feel about a sequel or spin-off to The Super Mario Bros. Movie? (Cosmic Cowboy (talk), February 11th, 2024)
How would you feel about a sequel or spin-off to The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
I would greatly enjoy either a sequel or spin-off. 58.35% (3494 votes) |
I would prefer a sequel. 24.7% (1479 votes) |
I have no opinion. 5.48% (328 votes) |
I would prefer a spin-off. 5.43% (325 votes) |
I do not want either a sequel or spin-off. 4.14% (248 votes) |
I would prefer a sequel in another medium, such as a game or comic book. 0.95% (57 votes) |
I would prefer a spin-off in another medium, such as a game or comic book. 0.95% (57 votes) |
Total votes: 5,988 |
Since Mario Kart Tour will no longer have new content added, no Mario mobile games are known to be in active development. How should Nintendo proceed? - (Waluigi Time (talk), December 18th, 2023)
Since Mario Kart Tour will no longer have new content added, no Mario mobile games are known to be in active development. How should Nintendo proceed?
I would like to see Nintendo create a new Super Mario game for mobile devices, as long as it doesn't have gacha mechanics. 35.75% (2256 votes) |
I would not like to see any more Super Mario games on mobile devices, and would prefer if Nintendo exclusively made games for their own consoles. 21.43% (1352 votes) |
I would like to see Nintendo create a new Super Mario game for mobile devices in any form it takes. 16.56% (1045 votes) |
I would not like to see any more Super Mario games on mobile devices, but I would like to see them available on other consoles or PCs. 12.16% (767 votes) |
I have no opinion. 9.76% (616 votes) |
I would like Nintendo to return to making more content for their existing Super Mario mobile games. 4.43% (274 votes) |
Total votes: 6,310 |
Super Mario Bros. Wonder features the debut of Kevin Afghani as the new voice of Mario and Luigi. What do you think of his performance? (Vruet (talk) and Waluigi Time (talk), November 24th, 2023)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder features the debut of Kevin Afghani as the new voice of Mario and Luigi. What do you think of his performance?
I enjoyed Afghani's performance and I think he did as good as Martinet. 43.29% (2514 votes) |
I enjoyed Afghani's performance, but I still think Martinet's work was better. 33.59% (1972 votes) |
I have not heard Afghani's performance, or have no opinion. 9.26% (538 votes) |
I greatly enjoyed Afghani's performance and prefer it over Martinet's. 5.82% (338 votes) |
I enjoyed Afghani's portrayal of Luigi, but not Mario. 2.50% (145 votes) |
I did not enjoy Afghani's performance because I would have preferred a more distinct performance from Martinet. 1.72% (100 votes) |
I did not enjoy Afghani's performance because I think someone else could have been a better successor for Martinet. 1.43% (83 votes) |
I enjoyed Afghani's portrayal of Mario, but not Luigi. 1.12% (65 votes) |
I did not enjoy Afghani's performance because I don't think he did a good job portraying the characters. 0.91% (53 votes) |
Total votes: 5,808 |
When a game is remade, how important is it to you that the game's text (e.g., character dialogue) is faithful to the original? - (Hooded Pitohui (talk), November 8th, 2023)
When a game is remade, how important is it to you that the game's text (e.g., character dialogue) is faithful to the original?
Somewhat important, but I don't mind some changes, such as more accurate translation in localized versions or fixing mistakes in the original. 58.75% (2351 votes) |
Very important, but I can accept additions so long as any text which existed in the original is unchanged. 16.62% (665 votes) |
Very important, and I would prefer no changes or additions be made whatsoever. 9.40% (376 votes) |
Not that important, and I don't mind them changing text at their discretion. 5.82% (233 votes) |
I don't have an opinion on this. 4.95% (198 votes) |
Not at all important, and I welcome changes to the text in a remake. 4.47% (179 votes) |
Total votes: 4,002 |
How do you feel about certain playable characters being relegated to "Easy Mode" (Funky Kong, Yoshi, Nabbit, Toadette, etc.)? - (Fun With Despair (talk), October 11th, 2023)
How do you feel about certain playable characters being relegated to "Easy Mode" (Funky Kong, Yoshi, Nabbit, Toadette, etc.)?
I do not like that some characters are easier than others, because I would like to play as the character I want without compromising the game's challenge. 28.01% (1814 votes) |
I am okay with some characters being easier than others, because it provides gameplay variety and/or allows everyone to play the game. 25.68% (1663 votes) |
I am glad that some characters are easier than others, as they allow me to just play the game without getting frustrated. 12.83% (831 votes) |
I think that different characters should have different mechanics, but that they should not be objectively easier than others by a significant degree. 11.56% (749 votes) |
I do not care if some characters are easier to play than others, as long as no one is forced to use them in multiplayer content (Nabbit, Toadette, etc.) 9.73% (630 votes) |
I am okay with some characters being easier than others, because I would rather just play as the main protagonist, with other characters playing differently. 5.23% (339 votes) |
I have no opinion. 4.96% (321 votes) |
I do not like that some characters are easier than others, because I do not believe that the game should have an easy mode in any form. 2.01% (130 votes) |
Total votes: 6,477 |
Nintendo has announced several Mario-related titles planned for release in 2023 and 2024. Which one are you most looking forward to?
Super Mario Bros. Wonder 52.51% (2308 votes) |
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) 21.8% (958 votes) |
Super Mario RPG (Nintendo Switch) 8.21% (361 votes) |
Princess Peach: Showtime! 6.58% (289 votes) |
I am not looking forward to any one game over another. 3.09% (136 votes) |
WarioWare: Move It! 2.62% (115 votes) |
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD 2.12% (79 votes) |
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Nintendo Switch) 1.8% (79 votes) |
I am not looking forward to any of these games. 1.27% (56 votes) |
Total votes: 4,395 |
The Super Mario Bros. Wonder Direct showcased many new power-ups & mechanics. Which feature are you most looking forward to from the game as a whole? - (Turboo (talk), September 14th, 2023)
The Super Mario Bros. Wonder Direct showcased many new power-ups & mechanics. Which feature are you most looking forward to from the game as a whole?
New ordinary power-ups (Elephant, Bubble, Drill) 32.56% (929 votes) |
Equippable Badges that meaningfully change the basic gameplay mechanics 19.52% (557 votes) |
Wonder Effect forms (Goomba Mario, Balloon Mario, etc.) 17.81% (508 votes) |
Other level-based Wonder Effects (moving pipes, perspective change, etc.) 16.86% (481 votes) |
I have no opinion. 4.49% (128 votes) |
Co-op mechanics (reviving, online Live Player Shadows, Standees) 3.51% (100 votes) |
Yoshi gameplay differences (not taking damage, eating enemies, Flutter Jump, usability as a mount) 3.01% (86 votes) |
I am not looking forward to any of the features in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. 2.24% (64 votes) |
Total votes: 2,853 |
With the release of Sparks of Hope's final DLC, how do you feel about the game and its post-launch content? - (Cosmic Cowboy (talk) and Fun With Despair (talk), August 31st, 2023)
With the release of Sparks of Hope's final DLC, how do you feel about the game and its post-launch content?
I did not play Sparks of Hope. 60.43% (1,443 votes) |
I enjoyed Sparks of Hope, and I thought the DLC was worthwhile content. 21.06% (503 votes) |
I enjoyed Sparks of Hope, but I did not buy any of the DLC content. 8.17% (195 votes) |
I did not enjoy Sparks of Hope's base game, and likewise did not enjoy the DLC. 3.89% (93 votes) |
I did not enjoy Sparks of Hope's base game, and I did not buy any of the DLC content. 2.81% (67 votes) |
I enjoyed Sparks of Hopes, but I didn't find the DLC to measure up to my expectations. 2.81% (67 votes) |
I did not enjoy Sparks of Hope's base game, but found the DLC to be much better. 0.84% (20 votes) |
Total votes: 2,388 |
Of the controllers bundled in with Nintendo's home consoles, which is your favorite? - (Hooded Pitohui (talk), August 9th, 2023)
Of the controllers bundled in with Nintendo's home consoles, which is your favorite?
GameCube controller 32.91% (1,320 votes) |
Wii Remote and Wii Nunchuk 16.18% (649 votes) |
Joy-Cons 15.01% (602 votes) |
Wii U Gamepad 10.35% (415 votes) |
I don't have any preference for one controller over another. 9.03% (362 votes) |
SNES controller 8.03% (322 votes) |
Nintendo 64 controller 4.61% (185 votes) |
NES controller 2.14% (86 votes) |
I do not like any of Nintendo's bundled controllers, and prefer alternatives. 1.75% (70 votes) |
Total votes: 4,011 |
Nintendo has announced an upcoming game featuring Princess Peach as the main protagonist. Would you like to see more games with main protagonists besides Mario? - (Hooded Pitohui (talk), July 18th, 2023)
Nintendo has announced an upcoming game featuring Princess Peach as the main protagonist. Would you like to see more games with main protagonists besides Mario?
Yes, I would like more games prominently featuring characters other than Mario as the main protagonist, regardless of who they are. 67.23% (2766 votes) |
Yes, but primarily by coming up with completely new titles which use characters without dedicated sub-series, such as Rosalina, Peach, and Bowser, as main protagonists. 13.2% (543 votes) |
Yes, but primarily through adding new titles to existing sub-series with other main protagonists such as Luigi, Donkey Kong, Wario and Yoshi. 11.81% (486 votes) |
I don't care what main protagonist a game has and am more concerned with other aspects of the game. 5.27% (217 votes) |
No, I think the amount of games with main protagonists other than Mario is fine. 1.29% (53 votes) |
I do not think any games in the Mario franchise should feature main protagonists other than Mario. 0.75% (31 votes) |
No, and I think less focus should be given to games with main protagonists other than Mario going forward. 0.44% (18 votes) |
Total votes: 4,114 |
Nintendo recently announced the next 2D platformer, Super Mario Bros. Wonder. What do you think about it so far? - (Waluigi Time (talk), July 4th, 2023)
Nintendo recently announced the next 2D platformer, Super Mario Bros. Wonder. What do you think about it so far?
It looks great and I'm very excited about it! 83.42% (3275 votes) |
It looks good, but I wish it was a bigger departure from the New Super Mario Bros. games. 7.79% (306 votes) |
It looks good, but I would have preferred another New Super Mario Bros. game. 3.03% (119 votes) |
I have no opinion. 2.75% (108 votes) |
I don't like it for other reasons. 1.43% (56 votes) |
I don't like it and would have preferred another New Super Mario Bros. game instead. 0.92% (36 votes) |
I don't like it, and I think there should have been a bigger departure from the New Super Mario Bros. games. 0.66% (26 votes) |
Total votes: 3,926 |
Should modern spinoff-exclusive characters (Waluigi, Daisy, Wario, etc.) have a presence in the mainline series? - (Fun With Despair (talk), June 20th, 2023)
Should modern spinoff-exclusive characters (Waluigi, Daisy, Wario, etc.) have a presence in the mainline series?
Yes, I like these characters and would enjoy playing as or seeing them in mainline Mario games. 88.98% (4047 votes) |
Yes, but I think they should be relegated to an NPC or background character role. 5.69% (259 votes) |
I have no opinion. 2.18% (99 votes) |
No, I like these characters but I don't think they belong in the Mario series outside of spinoffs. 1.47% (67 votes) |
Yes, but only as cameos. 0.68% (31 votes) |
No, I do not like these characters and I think they should stay out of the main series. 0.59% (27 votes) |
No, and I think they should be replaced in spinoffs with characters from the mainline series. 0.4% (18 votes) |
Total votes: 4,548 |
The LEGO Super Mario line has been running for 3 years. What is your opinion about it? - (Waluigi Time (talk), June 7th, 2023)
The LEGO Super Mario line has been running for 3 years. What is your opinion about it?
I enjoy the sets and would like to see them continue. 38.97% 726 votes) |
I have no opinion. 25.44% (474 votes) |
I enjoy the sets, but I think LEGO should shift direction towards more traditional sets now. 12.67% (236 votes) |
I enjoy the sets, but I prefer display pieces and think LEGO should focus more on them. 9.98% (186 votes) |
I do not enjoy the sets and think LEGO should shift direction towards more traditional sets. 6.01% (112 votes) |
I enjoy the sets, but I prefer interactive playsets and think LEGO should focus more on them. 4.19% (78 votes) |
I do not like the idea of LEGO producing Mario sets at all. 2.74% (51 votes) |
Total votes: 1,863 |
Besides sequels, every 3D Mario title has been a major gameplay departure from the last, introducing new mechanics. How do you feel about this approach? - (Vruet (talk), May 22nd, 2023)
Besides sequels, every 3D Mario title has been a major gameplay departure from the last, introducing new mechanics. How do you feel about this approach?
I prefer when new 3D Mario games have similar gameplay to previous entries, but with a different core mechanic (Cappy, FLUDD, etc.) 34.00% (785 votes) |
I prefer a mix of both; with new 3D Mario games releasing with new gameplay, but sequels still being made to fill the gap and provide a familiar experience. 32.96% (761 votes) |
I prefer when new 3D Mario games are completely different from the previous entry. 22.39% (517 votes) |
I have no opinion. 6.50% (150 votes) |
I'd prefer more direct sequels with no changes to core gameplay, just more content such as levels and powerups. 3.20% (74 votes) |
Regardless of changes from game to game, I do not enjoy 3D Mario at all. 0.95% (22 votes) |
Total votes: 2,309 |
What is your opinion on indie games that draw heavy inspiration from dormant Mario subseries gameplay (Wario Land/Pizza Tower, Paper Mario/Bug Fables, etc.)? - (Turboo (talk), May 8th, 2023)
What is your opinion on indie games that draw heavy inspiration from dormant Mario subseries gameplay (Wario Land/Pizza Tower, Paper Mario/Bug Fables, etc.)?
I greatly enjoy these games, and I would like to see more made to fill the void left by official games. 53.32% (1,317 votes) |
I enjoy these games, although I would prefer more official games with Mario characters. 20.97% (518 votes) |
I have not heard of these games/I have no opinion on these games. 18.42% (455 votes) |
I do not like these games in general. 3.28% (81 votes) |
I like the concept of taking heavy inspiration from Mario gameplay, but I do not like the games that have been released. 2.15% (53 votes) |
I do not like these games because of the original characters, but I would like them with Mario characters. 1.86% (46 votes) |
Total votes: 2,470 |
Some Mario games give Mario speech in text boxes, while other games portray him as a silent character. How do you feel about this? - (BBQ Turtle (talk) and Waluigi Time (talk), April 24th, 2023)
Some Mario games give Mario speech in text boxes, while other games portray him as a silent character. How do you feel about this?
I am alright with Mario's speech being portrayed inconsistently. 30.27% (953 votes) |
I would prefer for Mario to receive full voice acting instead. 20.39% (642 votes) |
I would prefer Mario only talk in gibberish. 14.93% (470 votes) |
I would prefer Mario to always have text box speech. 11.72% (369 votes) |
I have no opinion on this subject. 10.86% (342 votes) |
I would prefer Mario to remain silent, and have other characters talk for him. 8.67% (273 votes) |
I would prefer Mario to remain silent but not have other characters speak for him. 3.14% (99 votes) |
Total votes: 3,148 |
Now that it has been released, how do you feel about the Super Mario Bros. Movie? - (Fun With Despair (talk), April 10th, 2023)
Now that it has been released, how do you feel about the Super Mario Bros. Movie?
I greatly enjoyed the Super Mario Bros. Movie and thought it was a good portrayal of the world and characters. 56.04% (3,426 votes) |
I enjoyed the Super Mario Bros. Movie, but I had a few problems with the story, characters or another aspect of the film. 21.51% (1,315 votes) |
I have not seen the Super Mario Bros. Movie, but I think it looks good and I am excited to see it. 12.04% (736 votes) |
I thought the Super Mario Bros. Movie was decent, but nothing special. 4.12% (252 votes) |
I have not seen the Super Mario Bros. Movie, but I plan on seeing it despite having low expectations. 2.80% (171 votes) |
I have not seen the Super Mario Bros. Movie and I have no interest in seeing it. 2.65% (162 votes) |
I did not enjoy the Super Mario Bros. Movie, because I thought the story, characters, or another aspect of the film was poorly done. 0.85% (52 votes) |
Total votes: 6,114 |
What's your favorite thing about Super Mario? - The Poll Committee, April 1st, 2023)
What's your favorite thing about Super Mario?
On May 23, 1994, he died at his home in Decatur. 33.52% (351 votes) |
He still pumps iron at the gym at the grand old age of 94. 19.2% (201 votes) |
He is not on social media. 10.89% (114 votes) |
He has never been married. 8.5% (89 votes) |
He spends roughly 15 days per year on land. 6.97% (73 votes) |
He has no children. 5.64% (59 votes) |
He worked a tour with New Japan Pro-Wrestling. 5.64% (59votes) |
He owns a two-bedroom condominium in Miami. 4.01% (42 votes) |
He uses everything the gym supplies – any type of machinery, from spinning classes to lifting weights. 3.44% (36 votes) |
Cruising costs him between $60,000 and $70,000 every year. 2.2% (23 votes) |
Total votes: 1,047 |
Now that Super Nintendo World Universal has opened, what are your thoughts on the Nintendo theme park? - (Raregold (talk), March 28th, 2023)
Now that Super Nintendo World Universal has opened, what are your thoughts on the Nintendo theme park?
I cannot visit at this time, but I want to. 41.68% (1152 votes) |
I plan to visit eventually, and I am excited! 35.49% (981 votes) |
I have no opinion. 6.73% (186 votes) |
I visited and enjoyed my time at the park! 6.62% (183 votes) |
I am not interested in visiting any Nintendo attractions. 4.02% (111 votes) |
I plan to visit eventually, but I am skeptical. 2.97% (82 votes) |
I am not interested, and would rather visit other Nintendo attractions like Super Nintendo World Japan. 2.03% (56 votes) |
Total votes: 2,764 |
The Mario franchise has had live-action elements before (i.e. The 1993 film, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!). Would you like to see more live-action content? - (Cosmic Cowboy (talk), March 14th, 2023)
The Mario franchise has had live-action elements before (i.e. The 1993 film, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!). Would you like to see more live-action content?
I have no desire to see more live action content. 27.18% (585 votes) |
I enjoy live-action Mario content and would like to see more content of this nature. 18.49% (398 votes) |
I am fine with live-action content, though it feel as if it should not have priority among Mario content. 16.91% (364 votes) |
I feel as though that live-action content should be relegated to simple and minor forms, such as commercials or web original shorts. 14.45% (311 votes) |
I have no opinion. 8.97% (193 votes) |
Yes, though I would prefer using actors in costumes, in the same vein as Lou Albano or Bob Hoskins. 8.22% (177 votes) |
Yes, although I would like to see more content with mascot suits, similar to the ones used in advertisement and web original shorts. 5.76% (124 votes) |
Total votes: 2,152 |
On which of these Nintendo systems have you played Mario games? - (Hooded Pitohui (talk), February 28th, 2023)
On which of these Nintendo systems have you played Mario games?
Switch 13.8% (3221 votes) |
Wii 12.59% (2938 votes) |
Nintendo 3DS 11.13% (2597 votes) |
Nintendo DS 10.39% (2424 votes) |
Wii U 9.94% (2321 votes) |
Gamecube 7.69% (1795 votes) |
Nintendo 64 7.6% (1775 votes) |
Game Boy Advance 7.57% (1768 votes) |
SNES 7.05% (1645 votes) |
NES/Famicom 6.29% (1467 votes) |
Game Boy/Game Boy Color 5.96% (1390 votes) |
Total votes: 23,341 |
The Mario & Luigi series has been dormant since AlphaDream's bankruptcy in 2019. How would you like the series to continue? - (Waluigi Time (talk), February 14th, 2023)
The Mario & Luigi series has been dormant since AlphaDream's bankruptcy in 2019. How would you like the series to continue?
I would like Nintendo or another studio to develop a new Mario & Luigi game. 77.83% (2602 votes) |
I would like Nintendo to create a new RPG series to replace Mario & Luigi. 6.7% (224 votes) |
I have no opinion. 6.01% (189 votes) |
I would like to see remakes/remasters of the existing games, but I do not think Nintendo should make a new one. 5.23% (175 votes) |
I would like to see the original games re-released on other hardware, but I do not think Nintendo should remaster them or make a new one. 3.02% (101 votes) |
I do not like Mario & Luigi and don't want to see it continue in any form. 1.2% (40 votes) |
Total votes: 3,343 |
With Nintendo releasing the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pass Wave 3 recently, how pleased are you with the Booster Pass so far? (Cosmic Cowboy (talk), January 30th, 2023)
With Nintendo releasing the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pass Wave 3 recently, how pleased are you with the Booster Pass so far?
I am fine with it, although I wished the Booster Pass added different types of content, such as kart parts or characters. 47.16% (1,063 votes) |
I am perfectly happy with the Booster Pass. 32.39% (730 votes) |
I have no opinion. 8.34% (188 votes) |
I am not happy with the Booster Pass, and I wish that Nintendo focus on developing an entirely new Mario Kart game. 4.97% (112 votes) |
I am fine with it, although I wish the course selection for the waves was different. 4.48% (101 votes) |
I am not happy with the Booster Pass, and I wish that Nintendo had done DLC differently for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. 2.66% (60 votes) |
Total votes: 2,254 |
Now that we are over a year in, what is your opinion of the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack? - (Fun With Despair (talk), January 16th, 2023)
Now that we are over a year in, what is your opinion of the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack?
I pay for the Expansion Pack and enjoy its DLC benefits and retro games, but feel as though it needs more content in either category to justify the cost. 22.18% (389 votes) |
I do not pay for the Expansion Pack and do not plan on doing so, as I don't feel as though it provides enough retro games or DLC benefits to justify the cost, and in my opinion it likely never will. 22.12% (388 votes) |
I do not pay for the Expansion Pack, as I don't feel as though it provides enough retro games or DLC benefits to justify the cost, but would if it introduced content that I was interested in. 18.3% (321 votes) |
I pay for the Expansion Pack and enjoy it, as I feel like it provides enough retro games and DLC benefits to justify the cost. 12.37% (217 votes) |
I do not have a Nintendo Switch. 7.3% (128 votes) |
I do not pay for the Expansion Pack as I do not play my Nintendo Switch online or have any interest in online features or downloadable content. 6.78% (119 votes) |
I do not pay for the Expansion Pack as I do not support paid online features in any form. 6.39% (112 votes) |
I pay for the Expansion Pack because I already pay for Nintendo Switch Online and may as well pay extra for additional content. 4.56% (80 votes) |
Total votes: 1,754 |
Mario platformers typically feature power-ups that grant different abilities, often introducing new ones. How many new power-ups do you like to see in a game? - (Waluigi Time (talk) & Fun With Despair (talk), January 2nd, 2023)
Mario platformers typically feature power-ups that grant different abilities, often introducing new ones. How many new power-ups do you like to see in a game?
I prefer when a game has several new power-ups with some returning power-ups as well. 58.2% (1125 votes) |
I prefer when a game has one new power-up with a lot of development put into it, with the rest of the power-ups being returning. 18.37% (355 votes) |
I prefer when a game's power-ups are all or mostly brand new to the franchise. 9.78% (189 votes) |
I prefer when a game has new power-ups, but I am okay with returning power-ups provided they work differently from before or are introduced to a new format (i.e. 2D power-ups in 3D Mario). 7.14% (138 votes) |
I have no opinion. 4.5% (87 votes) |
I prefer to see only returning power-ups in games. 1.24% (24 votes) |
I don't like power-ups and would prefer to see a game that doesn't have them at all. 0.78% (15 votes) |
Total votes: 1,933 |
Mario Kart Tour has recently updated, removing the pipe "gacha" system and replacing it with a rotating shop. How do you feel about this change? - (Turboo (talk), December 19th, 2022)
Mario Kart Tour has recently updated, removing the pipe "gacha" system and replacing it with a rotating shop. How do you feel about this change?
I support the change wholeheartedly, as I can buy whatever item I want guaranteed. 38.32% (791 votes) |
I support the change, but think some aspects (pricing, selection, etc.) were handled poorly. 28.29% (584 votes) |
I have no opinion. 22.48% (464 votes) |
I dislike the change, due to the much higher item prices and lack of free currency. 5.91% (122 votes) |
I dislike the change, as I enjoyed the pipe system and seeing what I would get. 4.99% (103 votes) |
Total votes: 2,064 |
It has been over 20 years since the last cartoon show based on the Mario franchise. Would you like to see a new cartoon show? - (Cosmic Cowboy (talk), December 5th, 2022)
It has been over 20 years since the last cartoon show based on the Mario franchise. Would you like to see a new cartoon show?
Yes, I would like to see an entirely new Mario cartoon. 59.08% (1669 votes) |
Yes, but I would rather it be a continuation of the Super Mario Bros. movie. 10.16% (287 votes) |
Yes, but I would rather it be a reboot or continuation of one of the DiC cartoons. 8.04% (227 votes) |
I have no opinion. 6.8% (192 votes) |
No, I do not think Mario should have another cartoon. 5.95% (168 votes) |
Yes, but I would prefer it to be based on a spin-off (Donkey Kong, WarioWare, etc) 5.35% (151 votes) |
I would not mind a new cartoon, although I would prefer a different type of media. 4.64% (131 votes) |
Total votes: 2,825 |
What kinds of Mario merchandise have you owned? - (Vruet (talk), November 21st, 2022)
What kinds of Mario merchandise have you owned?
Amiibo 17.00% (1,524 votes) |
Plushies 16.86% (1,511 votes) |
Action Figures 12.17% (1,091 votes) |
Apparel 10.93% (980 votes) |
Board/Card Games 10.68% (957 votes) |
LEGO Super Mario 9.92% (889 votes) |
Mario Kart Hot Wheels 5.83% (523 votes) |
Other/Not Listed 5.28% (473 votes) |
Food 5.24% (470 votes) |
Mario Kart RC Cars 4.17% (374 votes) |
I have not owned any Mario merchandise 1.92% (172 votes) |
Total votes: 8,964 |
Mario games have had varying levels of amiibo functionality. Which method of implementing amiibo do you like the most? - (Waluigi Time (talk), November 7th, 2022)
Mario games have had varying levels of amiibo functionality. Which method of implementing amiibo do you like the most?
I prefer when amiibo are used to unlock exclusive items in the game (such as costumes) that can't be obtained otherwise, but aren't very important to gameplay. 34.28% (629 votes) |
I prefer when amiibo are used to unlock certain items early or make the game easier (such as getting a power-up) as long as they can also be obtained without amiibo. 26.27% (482 votes) |
I have no opinion. 9.81% (180 votes) |
I do not like amiibo being used in Mario games at all. 9.1% (167 votes) |
I prefer when amiibo are the core of a side mode (i.e. Mario Party 10's amiibo Party mode). 8.83% (162 votes) |
I prefer when certain features in the game are tied exclusively to amiibo (i.e. Super Mario Maker's Big Mushroom). 6.59% (121 votes) |
I prefer when the entire game is built around amiibo (i.e. Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge). 5.12% (94 votes) |
Total votes: 1,835 |
What was your reaction to The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) teaser trailer?
I was excited about the movie before the trailer and this movie increased my excitement. 35.49% (1154 votes) |
I was skeptical of the movie before the trailer, but I am now excited about it. 20.97% (682 votes) |
I am excited about the movie, but I have reservations about the voice acting and casting. 16.79% (546 votes) |
I am excited about the movie and the quality of the voice acting and casting surprised me. 11.32% (368 votes) |
The trailer has not changed my thoughts about the movie. 6.18% (201 votes) |
I was excited about the movie, but the voice acting and casting disappointed me. 4.18% (136 votes) |
I have not seen the trailer. 3.94% (128 votes) |
I was excited about the movie before the trailer, but now I am skeptical of it. 1.14% (37 votes) |
Total votes: 3,252 |
Do you enjoy when platformers such as Super Mario 3D World feature playable characters with unique abilities? - (Waluigi Time (talk), October 10th, 2022)
Do you enjoy when platformers such as Super Mario 3D World feature playable characters with unique abilities?
I enjoy it, but would prefer if there was more focus on characters having unique abilities and mechanics 32.11% (637 votes) |
I enjoy it, as long as there are no characters whose abilities are much better or much worse than the other characters. 19.35% (384 votes) |
I enjoy it, as long as any player can choose any character that they want, even in multiplayer. 14.57% (289 votes) |
I enjoy it, as long as all of the characters have a relatively similar playstyle otherwise. 13.56% (269 votes) |
I enjoy it, as long as players aren't forced to play as characters that make the game much easier (i.e. Nabbit in New Super Luigi U). 9.98% (198 votes) |
I have no opinion. 4.99% (99 votes) |
I care more about which characters are included than their abilities. 4.59% (91 votes) |
I do not like it and would prefer all playable characters to have the exact same abilities. 0.55% (11 votes) |
I do not like it and would prefer games to only have one playable character, with recolors of them for multiplayer modes. 0.30% (6 votes) |
Total votes: 1,984 |
With both Microsoft and Sony porting formerly console-exclusive titles to PC, how do you think Nintendo should handle other platforms going forward? - (Vruet (talk), September 26th, 2022)
With both Microsoft and Sony porting formerly console-exclusive titles to PC, how do you think Nintendo should handle other platforms going forward?
They should port their games on as many platforms as possible. 30.27% (753 votes) |
Nintendo games should remain exclusive to Nintendo platforms. 21.34% (531 votes) |
No ports, but creating games specific to other platforms (Super Mario Run, Mario Kart Tour, etc.) is fine. 14.59% (363 votes) |
I have no opinion on this matter. 13.83% (344 votes) |
No first-party ports, but I would be okay if third-party developed games (Mario + Rabbids, etc.) came to other platforms. 12.46% (310 votes) |
They should port their games to other platforms but with a period of timed exclusivity. 7.52% (187 votes) |
Total votes: 2,488 |
Mario Kart has 11 entries in the series. Which ones have you played? - (Ray Trace (talk), September 12th, 2022)
Mario Kart has 11 entries in the series. Which ones have you played?
Mario Kart 8/Deluxe 14.97% (3,189 votes) |
Mario Kart Wii 12.83%% (2,733 votes) |
Mario Kart DS 10.77% (2,295 votes) |
Mario Kart 7 10.47% (2,231 votes) |
Super Mario Kart 10.34% (2,202 votes) |
Mario Kart 64 9.52% (2,027 votes) |
Mario Kart Tour 8.75% (1,863 votes) |
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! 8.24% (1,756 votes) |
Mario Kart: Super Circuit 6.14% (1,308 votes) |
Mario Kart Arcade GP Series 5.58% (1,188 votes) |
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit 2.02% (430 votes) |
I have not played a Mario Kart title. 0.37% (78 votes) |
Total votes: 21,300 |
Out of the video games you've played recently, how many of them were Mario games? - (TPG (talk), August 29th, 2022)
Out of the video games you've played recently, how many of them were Mario games?
I play a good mix of Mario games and non-Mario games. 47.03% (1,158 votes) |
I usually play non-Mario games, but sometimes play Mario games. 18.36% (452 votes) |
I mostly play Mario games, but sometimes I try games from other series. 16.53% (407 votes) |
Almost every video game I play is a Mario game. 8.77% (216 votes) |
I only play Mario games. 4.91% (121 votes) |
I almost never play Mario games. 2.56% (63 votes) |
I don't play video games enough to know. 0.93% (23 votes) |
I never play Mario games. 0.89% (22 votes) |
Total votes: 2,462 |
Recent Mario sports games have been criticized for fast releases with small amounts of content coupled with promised free updates. How do you feel about this? - (Turboo (talk), August 14th, 2022)
Recent Mario sports games have been criticized for fast releases with small amounts of content coupled with promised free updates. How do you feel about this?
I don't like it, and I would prefer the games get delayed so that they launch with more content. 45.95% (913 votes) |
I don't like it, but I'm ultimately fine with it provided the updates add things I want. 18.62% (370 votes) |
I have no opinion. 13.84% (275 votes) |
I like it, since I enjoy being surprised by what each update adds. 10.57% (210 votes) |
I like it, because regular updates keep the game relevant and people play for longer. 7.95% (158 votes) |
I like it, as it allows for speedier releases that let me play the game sooner. 3.07% (61 votes) |
Total votes: 1,987 |
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