
Hello, regarding your recent edits, we usually use fully spelt out numbers instead of the numbers themselves, such as three instead of 3. There is instances where the number themselves can be used such as if it is a large number such as 1564374921 or if there is a large batch of numbers next to each other, however in your edit the numbers where relatively small. Also, instead of making a large amount of consecutive edits to the same page in a short timespan, you can use the preview button to seek out things that could be fixed before making an edit. Thanks! Doomhiker (talk)  16:29, 28 January 2019 (EST)

You can also use the edit button to edit the entire article at once, not just in sections. Also, please remember the above in the future. Doomhiker (talk)  16:53, 28 January 2019 (EST)