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Not to be confused with Sneeker.


A Sneaker spooking Luigi

Sneakers are pink ghosts that only appear in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. They usually appear in a group of three or with two or three Greenies at most times. They have 25 HP. There is also a stronger variety which was made by the crystals in the Secret Mine, but its first appearance in the game is in the fifth mission of the previous mansion, the Old Clockworks; it also marks the first appearance of crystal-enhanced ghosts in the game.

Sneakers sneak behind Luigi and scare him, disrupting him while he is sucking ghosts with the Poltergust 5000. They can attack by shoving Luigi, causing him to lose HP. Although a Sneaker is normally invisible until it goes behind Luigi, the player can use the Dark-Light Device to find it while it is sneaking, or they can see the dust it kicks up in sand and snow. If Luigi is in front of a mirror or on ice, he can easily see the ghosts without the need of the Dark-Light Device. Their actions seem to resemble those of certain Gold Ghosts from early development of the previous game.

Ghost Container description

"These ghosts are swift and cunning. They love to turn invisible and sneak up behind the targets of their pranks, so use the Dark-Light Device to catch them in the act!"


Three Sneakers ganging up on Luigi.

Dark Moon Quest


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ルスニク
From「ルノーマ」(Runōma, Greenie) and "sneak"

Dutch Stiekemerd
German Schleicher
Italian Ninjasma
From "ninja" and fantasma (ghost)
Korean 기스비
From "기습" (giseup), meaning "surprise attack".

Portuguese Camuflado
Russian Пугач

From "пугать" (pugat), meaning "to scare"

Spanish Sigilente
From sigiloso (sneaky) and ente (entity)