Chili Pepper Kingdom

Revision as of 02:02, February 23, 2010 by Marioguy1 (talk | contribs)
File:Cloudy Heights.PNG
The first level, Cloudy Heights.

The Chili Pepper Kingdom is the fifteenth kingdom linked to the B Barrel which appears in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. The kingdom is located on clouds and a cave full of lava. The Chili Pepper Kingdom can be accessed by completing all the kingdoms linked to the J Barrel, defeating the Cactus King and collecting 34 or more Crests. The Chili Pepper Kingdom is the dominion of Double Tusk. Donkey Kong traveled through this kingdom and at the end of every level he ate a giant Chili Pepper.


Cloudy Heights

Cloudy Heights is the first area of the Chili Pepper Kingdom. The level takes place on clouds surrounded by beanstalks. Donkey Kong used his vine swinging abilities to traverse the level. Helper Monkeys and dragons transported Donkey Kong through parts of the level. Donkey Kong ascended higher up the level with a Helibird. A group of mosquitoes impeded Donkey Kong's progress. Donkey Kong defeated the mosquitoes by clapping. Donkey Kong encountered the Animal Buddy Flurl the Squirrel. Flurl carried Donkey Kong to the end of the level. Donkey Kong ate the giant Chili Pepper and cleared the level.

Magma Coliseum

Magma Coliseum is the second area of the Chili Pepper Kingdom. The level takes place in a subterranean cavern filled with lava. If Donkey Kong came into contact with lava or fiery bubbles, he would lose beats or take damage. Hogs were the prominent enemies in the level. A large chicken-plant hybrid impeded Donkey Kong's progress. Donkey Kong defeated by beating its head. Two hogs in a tree blocked Donkey Kong from accessing the next area. Donkey Kong reflected the coconuts back the hogs and defeated them. A new enemy appeared near the end of the level. A large monster emerged from the lava and shot out a purple substance. Donkey Kong defeated it by reflecting the purple substance back at it. At the end of the level, Donkey Kong jumped across platforms guarded by pillars of lava. Donkey Kong ate the giant Chili Pepper and continued on to his battle with Double Tusk.