List of Mario Party 6 quotes

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This is a list of quotes from Mario Party 6. They are listed by character, alphabetically.


  • "Gwahaha! It's BOWSER TIME! I love bringing awfulness to the party! I think this time it'll be..."
  • "Oooh, aren't you lucky? You get to hand over whatever the wheel chooses! So...what'll be?!"
  • "What?! You don't have any coins? Gwahaha!"
  • "As your punishment, I'll give you 10 coins. Oooh, I can tell you're terrified!"
  • "Gwahaha! It's a Bob-omb! Will the question be too easy for you? Just to be nice, I'm going to make it even harder!"
  • "It's a Cursed Mushroom Panel! Should I feel bad for enjoying your bad luck? Nope...I'm BOWSER! Gwaha! Answer quickly or your bonus points will fall like a Metal Mario off an airship! Gwahaha!"
  • "Hrmm, it's a Pipe Panel!'s a very fearsome Pipe Panel! Gwarrrr! Answer this question right and you can pilfer points from your opponents!"
  • "GWAHAHA! It's the...Shadow Star Panel! All right, pay attention if you don't want to get stomped! I'm about to ask you a very special question!"
  • "Who's this pathetic weakling?"
  • "Watch carefully to see what happens."
  • "Which one of these things do I want to eat?"
  • "'re right. Better not get used to it!"


  • "I'm Brighton, the incandescent dude of the daytime!"
  • "I'm Brighton, the MC of this mode!"
  • "Welcome to Snowflake Lake! Snowflake Lake doesn't have a Star Space. Each player starts with 5 Stars, instead! You'll have to sick Chain-Chomps on your rivals to take their Stars! It'll cost you 20 coins to ride a Chain-Chomp however many spaces you get with a Dice Block. When you ride a Chain-Chomp, you'll steal a Star from any rival you pass! You gotta get out there and ride those vicious Chain-Chomps to victory!"
  • "Let's figure out the order everyone will play in. Hit those Dice Blocks!"
  • "The Star is over here! Get there fast to buy it for 20 coins!"
  • "Anyone up for ice skating for free coins? I thought so! I'll toss coins on the ice. You get to keep whatever you grab!"
  • "It's duel time!"
  • "How many coins do you wanna put at stake?"
  • "That's a lot up for grabs! I'll take a Star and 40 coins!"
  • "Well, that's it for the duel!"
  • "How lame! You don't have enough coins or Stars to duel!"
  • "Whoa there! Two players on the same team can't duel!"
  • "Let's kick things off by awarding the Mini-Game Star"
  • "Whoa! Both teams rolled the same number! Too bad! This means neither team wins the Star!"


  • "Haawooooooo!" (Hold on tight!)"
  • "Arf! Arrrf ARF arf! (I stole 1 Star for you!)"
  • "Arrrrrrrrrf. Grrrrr! (I couldn't steal any Stars for you! Sorry about that!)"


  • "Goomba here! Give the block a hit to see how many coins *insert character* will get!"
  • "Er...never mind. Nobody gets any coins after all. Sorry!"
  • "That's a wrap!"


  • "I've-a got it! The Stars will help us end their fight! We'll throw a Mario Party to fill the Star Bank!"

Mini-game Announcer

  • "Go!"
  • "Finish!"
  • "New Record!"
  • "Tie!"


  • "What's up? The name's Kamek, and I'm here to give all your Orbs placed on the board to *insert character*!"

Koopa Troopa

  • "Step into my Orb hut. If it's Orbs you're after, you've come to the right place!"
  • "Looks like you're strapped for cash, chum. Come again when you're not broke!"


  • "Ten-hut! Paratroopa here! I'll swap your place with *insert character* on the double!"
  • "Wait...that's a negative! You're already on the same space as *insert character*. Abort mission!"

Pink Boo

  • "Like, I totally love to steal stuff! Just give the word and I'll be on it like stomp on Goomba!"
  • "So, what can I know...steal for you? Heh!"
  • "Who's gonna be the unlucky target of my wicked deed?"
  • "Teehee... I'll be right back!"
  • "I stole some coins for you! I am, like, the best Boo ever! Gorgeous AND devious! Teehee!"
  • "You don't have enough coins to take! Teeheehee..."

Professor E. Gadd

  • "Hey youngster! How about a ride on my new teleportation unit?"
  • "Hang on to your coins by tapping A Button as fast as you can!"
  • "Woooo boy! That's a lot of suction! Come back anytime you want to suction more coins!"
  • "Behold the genius of my Shuffle-o-tron! Use it to shuffle your Orbs!"
  • "See this Orb Morpher? It can transform Orbs into coins!"
  • "*insert character name*, behold the fury of the glorious Calamity Launcher!"
  • "You want me to launch X Orbs? If you say so, youngin'!"
  • "Well that's that! Stop by anytime you want to set more!"


  • "I'm Twila, the dazzling dame of the night!"
  • "Greetings! My name is Twila, and I'll help you select your game preferences. Here you can adjust game settings and see the all-time records."
  • "I do believe it's high time for a snowball fight! Here are the rules: press A Button to throw snowballs at your foes to steal their coins!"
  • "Attention everyone! An evening duel is about to begin!"
  • "How many coins do you want to put at stake?"
  • "Impressive... In total, I'll take 1 Star and 40 coins."
  • "How very disappointing! You don't have enough coins or Stars to duel!"
  • "*insert character here* and *insert character here* are on the same team? I have to call this duel off!"
  • "There are only a few turns left. Let's see how everyone is faring..."
  • "Anything can happen in the last few turns. Keep giving it your all!"
  • "Poor *insert character name* is in last place! You can spin the bonus wheel!"
  • "What will the bonus be? Spin the wheel to find out!"


  • "Bwaha! Just for bothering me, I'm going to drop a nasty surprise on everyone!"
  • "That'll teach you not to bother me!"


  • "It'll cost ya 10 coins if yous wants to pass."


  • "Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I think I'll give everyone some coins!"
