Template:Species infobox

Revision as of 09:46, December 3, 2009 by Redstar (talk | contribs)
Species infobox

  • bg – Main background (white default).
  • border – border bg color
  • image – an image. Must use {{!}} for a | break symbol in image syntax.
  • titlebg – bgcolor of where it says character-infobox, the pagename.
  • title – default pagename, just in case can be changed
  • secbg – the alternating bg color in the rows, next to the white
  • sub_species – i.e Goomba's sub species is Gloombas
  • related – Similar species, such as Boomerang Bros. to Hammer Bros.
  • notable – Notable members like how Magikoopas would have Kamek.
  • species_origin – Species where Sub-species comes from (if it is a sub-species), so Spear Guy's Species Origin is Shy Guy
  • affiliation – i.e., Koopa Troop, X-Naut
  • latest_appearance
  • expand – Collapsing the "sub_species" and "notable" list when it is long. Activate this by writing "expandable". "noexpandable" by default.