Chili Pepper Kingdom

Revision as of 18:14, September 25, 2010 by Fawfulfury65 (talk | contribs) (→‎Level Layout: I'm done writing but there may be some minor grammar errors right now...)

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed by November 21, 2010.

Template:DKJB Kingdom The Chili Pepper Kingdom is the fifteenth kingdom in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and the third kingdom linked to the B Barrel. The kingdom is located on clouds and in a cave full of lava. The Chili Pepper Kingdom can be accessed by completing all the kingdoms linked to the J Barrel, defeating the Cactus King, and collecting thirty-four or more Crests. Donkey Kong travels through this kingdom to fight Double Tusk, the ruler of the kingdom. As in the kingdoms before, the ape eats a giant fruit at the end of every level, particularly a chili pepper.


Cloudy Heights

Cloudy Heights is the first area of the Chili Pepper Kingdom. This level takes place on clouds surrounded by beanstalks. Donkey Kong must use his vine swinging abilities to traverse the level, as it is filled with many vines, along with many strange plants. Helper Monkeys and dragons are located around the level, transporting Donkey Kong through different areas. Unlike most levels, two types of Jungle Buddies appear here: Flurl the Squirrel and Helibirds. Enemies in Cloudy Heights range to small insects that swarm around Donkey Kong, to Tusk-like cannons that shoot cannonballs at the ape. If Donkey Kong eats the giant chili pepper at the end of the level, he is taken to the next level, Magma Coliseum.

Level Layout

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

A the start of this level, Donkey Kong grabs onto a long vine and slides down it. Another vines is located just after this one, but a small, round platform surrounded by sphere-shaped enemies is between them. This is followed by a third vine, which is separated by the second vine due to more sphere-shaped enemies. The final vine lead to a flat section of land with a Helper Monkey looming above it. Small, yellow fairies are above the helper, and they form a set of walls when hit by a sound wave for the ape to climb. Some vine ropes are farther above, and more small fairies are located just after a set of three bananas, which are placed next to the second vine. The fairies form a round trampoline when hit by a sound wave. More fairies are above here that form trampolines, and the bouncy platforms can shoot the ape upwards to a large group of Helper Monkeys. Helper Monkeys are scattered all around this area, and they can throw the Kong to each other, allowing him to grab more Banana Bunches.

A section of land is near these Helper Monkeys, and on it is a small, purple butterfly. When this is hit by a sound wave, it turns into a long line of Blooms, which spread over a few platforms to the left. Flowers are hidden beneath these platform, and they can push the ape upwards to a Bubble Shrub. This rare and unusual plant has the ability to encase the ape in a bubble, which can slowly float him upwards through a small, curvy passage. At the top of this passage is a dragon head, which is able to suck the ape up and transport him to a new area. Here, there is a long Banande Lion, which can fling to ape upwards to a rope formed by Helper Monkeys. The monkeys can swing him to a Banana Bunch, and then onto another long Banande Lion. This plants sends the ape to another rope of helpers who swing the ape towards two Banana Bunches and onto a bouncy rope. Two small platforms hold this rope in place, and another two platforms hold a second rope in place just above it. A third rope is also supported by two small platforms, and some Helper Monkeys wait on the side of the three ropes.

The third monkey is able to throw the ape to a wall, which he can climb to reach a higher area. Below this wall are four bananas and another bouncy rope, which is held up by a single, small platform and a giant landmass. In the next area, one can find a plant similar in appearance to a Bubble Shrub. However, this plant is able to blast the Kong upwards to another plant on a nearby ledge. This second plant is able to send him to a strange, blue substance. Several Tusk cannons shoot cannonballs around this area, and, in the blue substance, a few groups of bananas can be found together in the formation of a circle. A dragon heads waits above the blue liquid, and it has the ability to send the ape to a new area. Here, a Helibird waits in its nest on the edge of a cliff. A few small platforms are around here, being surrounded by more small, sphere-shaped creatures.

The Helibird can fly the ape to a large section of land near these foes, which has another Helibird sitting on it. Blooms form around the platform if the ape uses his Sound Wave Attack here, and they create a path leading downwards through a small passage. Clouds are located under this passage, however, a thunder storm appears to be in them. A third Helibird is above this cloud, and another passage cutting through a large landmass is near here. A dragon head is at the end of the narrow pathway, which can send the ape to a wide, open area. Flurl the Squirrel sleeps in its nest here, and when awoken, helps the ape float downwards towards the clouds. On the way down, there are some sphere-shaped foes and a few wind currents, which are created by some small, pink flowers. Insects also attack the ape on his descent, and a giant chili pepper grows on a branch located just above a tall platform. A Helper Monkey waiting is a bush at the opposite end of the area, and it can throw the ape to this pepper. Once Donkey Kong bites into the chili pepper, the level ends.

Magma Coliseum

Magma Coliseum is the second area of the Chili Pepper Kingdom. This level takes place in a subterranean cavern filled with lava. As its name suggest, the stage is filled with lava and fiery bubbles. Many pillars of lava shoot towards the ape in Magma Coliseum, and the stage features some unstable platforms floating atop the lava. Hogs are the prominent enemies in the level, but some more powerful enemies appear here as well, and they are one of the stage's main obstacles. These enemies include a large, chicken-like foe, two hog enemies, who throw coconuts at the ape from their trees, and a large, ghost-like monster that emerges from the lava. If the ape bites into the chili pepper at the end of the level, he heads to the battle against Double Tusk.

Level Layout
