User:Dry Bones 13

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The Final Battle

I've dedicated this story entirely to the Mario World. I hope you enjoy it:

Deep in his underground lair, Bowser and his son were thinking up another scheme to kidnap Princess Peach and destroy his nemesies, Mario. They decided that Mario would be at his weakest when on his own, so agreed to hunt down each one of his friends first. However, they could not do this on their own, so they decided to call in the elite...


Wario and Waluigi were hosting a wrestling tournament. Wario and a Koopa Troopa were currently squaring of in the ring. Waluigi was commentating in the top box.


The glass roof of the wrestling arena shattered, and down plummeted what appeared to be a giant shiny black ball, untill it turned around. A gold crown, a white bushy moustache. Big Bob-omb was back. This time to get his revenge on Wario, for knocking him of his central turf at the Bob-omb Battlefield(Super Mario 64 DS). An army of smaller Bob-omb's burst in after him, causing havoc in the stands, making the audience run like crazy out of there. Waluigi was hiding in the Top Box. A few minutes(and explosion's) later, only Wario and Waluigi were left.

"Now it's time for our rematch. There's no escape."

He looked around. The ropes of the wrestling ring that had been destroyed in the explosions had been replaced by a square of Bob-ombs.

"Let's begin!"

They began. It was obvious who had the advantage. Wario couldn't get a shot in edgeways. Just before The King delivered the final blow, Waluigi plucked up all his courage and jumped down into the ring. The partners in crime circled the Big Bob-omb, untill they had there chance. They both lunged for him, who ducked and moved out of their way. They hit each other in midair and fell to the floor, out cold.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha! Now to collect my trophy"

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong were out in the jungle gathering banana's, when Diddy heard a noise. It sounded like a thousand twig's snapping at once, as though some kind of giant was walking through the thick undergrowth of the jungle. It didn't take them long to find out. The tree's right in front of them fell to the ground. A large mechanical figure rose high above them. Fire-breathing, earth-shattering and bigger than ever before, Mecha Bowser had been rebuilt. It had been sent by Bowser to capture the simian duo, and nothing was going to stop it.

"Destroy! Destroy!"

It locked on to DK and his nephew with numerous Bullet Bills, which were so fast that even Diddy with his outstanding speed found them hard to dodge.


Diddy lost his balance and fell of the branch he was on, but seconds before he hit the ground, Donkey Kong caught him, but only just. Then they realized, the Bullet Bill's had stopped. They looked up. Mecha Bowser stretched out his arm and pointed his index finger at the Kongs. Before they had time to react, a giant net sprung out of it and pinned them both to the floor. The last thing they saw was his giant steel hand closing in on them...

Up-For-Everything Princesses Peach and Daisy were having a warm up match of tennis in the Peach Dome Stadium(Mario Power Tennis). Daisy was getting a lot better. She hit the ball so hard that it zoomed into into the empty stands and landed behind a row of chairs around half way up. They did rock, paper, scissors, which Peach lost, so she went to get the ball. But as she got to the point where the ball was, she heard a srange noise behind her and turned around. She could not believe what she saw. What appeared to be a purple alien in a spaceship soared down from the sky to Daisy. Peach hid behind a row of chair's so that the creature couldn't see her.

"No! Tatanga! No!" screamed Daisy.

"HaHaHaHaHa! There is no escape. This time you will be my wife, weather you like it or not!!!"

He fired a laser beam down on Daisy, who slowly floated up into the ship. He then floated up, turned around and blasted of into the distance.

"Oh my" said Peach. "I must tell Mario!"

"Strike 1!"

Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and a handful of Toads were playing baseball outside Peach's Castle. Toadsworth was on one of the many castle balcony's looking out over the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Aahh, good old Mushroom Hill. That brings back some memories." He muttered under his breath.

Mushroom Hill was a large hill just outside the castle grounds which was famous for being shaped like, well, a mushroom. It was a great tourist attraction, and an even better hideout for enemies. For just beyond what Toadsworth could see, behind the great landmark, were two of Bowser's most loyal servant's. They go by the names Petey Piranha and King Boo. They were planning an attack on the castle, King Boo with his small army of boo's, and Petey with his goop powers could summon smaller goopy Piranha Plants. They were both giving their troops there orders for the assault. No one knows exactly what they were saying, due to the language difference, but the Lakitu that was secretly filming them could just make out a few words:

Petey(simplified):"I cover castle in goop. You get toads inside. I'll get Luigi.

Boo(simplified:"Get toads outside. I'll get Yoshi. Leave Mario for the Boss."

All of a sudden, the two brutes raced out from behind the hill and smashed open the gates on the Piranha Pipes(Mario Kart: Double Dash!!). Petey jumped off and barfed a load of goop onto the castle, which a load of piranha plants emerged from, hoping to get all of the toads inside. King Boo began pursuit of Yoshi while his boo army chased and captured the other toads with net's. Petey turned to Luigi and sprayed goop over him so that he couldn't move. Mario tried to stop him but a piranha plant grabbed his leg and pulled him back. When he next looked, Petey Piranha was up in the air, with his brother in his mouth! Mario looked round looking for something that would help him save him, but all he saw was King Boo corner Yoshi and slowly close in on him. All hope may have been lost for Luigi, but he could still save Yoshi. He ran behind the overlarge ghost and did a spectacular jump over him, landing on Yoshi. But when he looked back he saw not one, but all the boo's had trapped. There was no escape.

"Stop right there!"

There was one toad that neither of them had got. He jumped from the balcony above and landed between them

"Toadsworth!" gasped Mario.

"Now your all going to see why the princess chose me as her number one bodyguard and not any of the other toads!"

Armed with his mushroom staff, he spun it around in his hand's. He smashed the boo closest to him over the head. It screamed, before dissapearing into thin air. But once he started, he couldn't stop. He was jumping, rolling smashing, wacking, throwing his staff as a boomerang and much more. Finally only their king was left. Toadsworth did a flip over his body and in mid-jump, landed on the fiend, took of his crown and gave him an earth-shattering slam over the head. King Boo was no more. He turned round and bowed to Mario and Yoshi.