Sphinx (character)

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Sphinx is a character in Wario: Master of Disguise. He is in the Smithsnorian Museum. When Wario met him, he said that because the museum was closed that day, he wouldn't ask Wario riddles. Wario told him that he was looking for a Wishstone. Sphinx knew what it was and told Wario that if he found his three items he had lost for centuries he would tell Wario and Goodstyle information.

Wario found the lost items by answering some riddles and returned them to Sphinx. Wario revealed he was a thief, so Sphinx didn't want to tell him information. But because Wario did help him, he would give Wario a chance. If Wario answered his three riddles right, Sphinx would tell him about the Wishstone. If Wario answered all wrong, Sphinx would shoot him and make him start for the last Save Point.

If Wario answered all right, Sphinx would be shocked to see Wario answer them all, and tell them to go to Sneezemore Cave. Wario will then leave the museum and go to the cave. In the museum, what Sphinx does is ask a riddle to guests visiting the museum, just for fun. Thought it is not confirmed if Sphinx also attacks the guests that answer questions wrong, it's most likely he doesn't treat them bad.

In-game Description

The Sphinx works at the museum, but spends all of his time goofing off and asking dumb riddles of everyone he sees. Pluse he never pulls OT.