Ghostly Grove (Donkey Kong Country 2)

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Template:Level Ghostly Grove is the twenty-third level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2, a similar game for the Game Boy system. It is also the first area of Gloomy Gulch.

This level is set in an eerie forest, and marks the only appearance of the Ghost Ropes. The Kongs will need to time their jumps in order to utilize the Ghost Ropes to their advantage. But, they need to move fast on them, as the ropes might disappear before they get off, thus making them fall. Kabooms also make their debut in this level. Other enemies located in the grove include Klomps, Kloaks, Klampons, Klobbers, Krunchas, Zingers, Flitters and Spinies.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

From the start of the level, the Kongs must travel east across the mystical forest. They'll have to climb up a Ghost Rope to reach a high ledge, and then continue on, avoiding enemies. After beating a Klobber, they need to use another Ghost Rope to cross a large abyss. Then, they will defeat a few Klampons and soon cling onto more Ghost Ropes and cross an even bigger gap. When back on land, they must beat more enemies, including the mighty Krunchas, who can not be defeated with just a simple jump. Later, they will have to cross another abyss and reach a higher ledge with the aid of a Ghost Rope. From there, the monkeys must avoid a bunch of other enemies, including Spinies, Klobbers, and Krunchas. Eventually, they will spy the Star Barrel, which they must hit to mark the mid-way point.

Halfway through the level now, the heroes must dodge a Kloak and cross yet another abyss with the help of a single Ghost Rope. They get back on a large platform, where there is a Klobber, who is hiding in a dangerous TNT Barrel. Once the Kongs carefully pass him, they must cross a really big gap with the help of four Ghost Ropes. When they jump to each rope and land on the other side of the gap, they should avoid two Klobbers, one being in an explosive TNT Barrel. After that, the heroes need to jump over a small gap and continue through the forest. They will come up to another huge abyss, and several Ghost Ropes must be used to cross it. Quickly, before the ropes disappear, the monkeys must climb across and then dodge two Klobbers, who are both hiding in TNT Barrels. After they are spotted, the group needs to climb up a couple of Ghost Ropes and get up a higher ledge again. Here, they should watch out out for two Klampons and two Spinies. Soon, they must bounce to several Ghost Ropes and cross a very large abyss. Once they are at the last rope there, they need to avoid the one Zinger above them and get on land again. Not long after they get on, though, the heroes must cling onto some more Ghost Ropes to get over another big abyss. Luckily, however, the Ending Pad is at the other end of this abyss, so once they hop to each of the ropes and get back to land, they'll be able to end the level.

Donkey Kong Land 2


Donkey Kong Country

Bonus Level(s)

DK Coin

Golden Feather (GBA Only)

Donkey Kong Land

Bonus Level(s)

DK Coin
